Robert A. Reiser
Associate Dean for Research
Distinguished Teaching Professor and
Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems
Grants & Contracts
Co-Principal Investigator on a contract to investigate the use of Tablet (laptop) PCs in Ocoee Middle School, a “model technology school” located in Orlando, Florida. Project sponsors: Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, and Holt Rinehart & Winston. November, 2003 – February, 2005.
Project Director on a project to design an evaluation model for web-based instruction. Contract with the Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center. Contract Number N00140-98-D-J061. April, 2001-November, 2002.
Principal Investigator, Evaluation of Project TEAMS, a three-year $150,000 grant from The Knight Foundation. March, 1996-January 1999.
Principal investigator, Project TEAMS at Fairview Middle School. $20,000 grant from Leon County School District, September, 1995.
Principal Investigator, Implementing Project TEAMS. $13,000 grant from the Florida Department of Education, 1995.
Principal Investigator, Project TEAMS at Fairview Middle School. $20,000 grant from Leon County School District, September, 1994.
Co-principal Investigator for Project TEAMS, a three-year $257,000 grant from the Knight Foundation. TEAMS (Technology Enhancing Achievement in Middle School) is an attempt to integrate technology, active learning and inter-disciplinary instruction into the middle school curriculum. Contract received January, 1993.
Co-Principal Investigator on a project designed to evaluate the Educable Mentally Handicapped program in the Lake County Public Schools. Employer: Lake County School Board. January, 1985-August, 1987.
Co-Director on a project funded by the FSU Council for Instruction. Developed an instructional unit on computer-assisted instruction, designed to be used with students enrolled in the undergraduate teacher education program at FSU. January - July, 1986.
Principal Investigator on a FSU College of Education Proposal for Action Grant. Examined how various adult-child interactions affected children's learning while they watched instructional television. October, 1984 - June, 1985.
Principal Investigator on a project designed to develop training materials for Florida County Health Unit personnel. Developed a slide-tape presentation and other instructional materials that are used on a state-wide basis. Employer: Florida Department of Health and Health and Rehabilitative Services. December, 1982 - September, 1983.
Co-Principal Investigator on contract project designed to identify the training needs of customer service representatives working for Storer Cable Communications. Storer Cable Communications, Miami, Florida. January - March, 1983.
Principal Investigator on a U.S. Army Scientific Services Program contract. Conducted a learning task analysis of five U.S. Army job tasks and evaluated the analyses done by two other contractors. Employer: Battelle Laboratories, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. December, 1981.
Principal Investigator for Research on Instructional Media Selection contract, a one-year project designed to examine and revise the media selectionprocedures used by instructional designers in the U.S. Army. Funding: U.S. Army Research Institute, Alexandria, Virginia. January, 1980 - January, 1981.