Robert A. Reiser
Associate Dean for Research
Distinguished Teaching Professor and
Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems
Consultant to Fu Jen Catholic University. Provided faculty a series of workshops and individual consultations on effective teaching techniques and how to write high-quality research papers. Taipei, Taiwan, May, 2012.
Consultant to Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, University. Provided faculty a series of workshops and individual consultations on effective teaching techniques and how to write high-quality research papers. Kaohsiung, Taiwan, December, 2008.
Consultant to HexaVarsity Corporate University. Provided consultation services to the director and associate directors of HexaVaristy, the corporate university for Hexaware Technologies, a major information technology company in India. Chennia and Mumbai, India, January, 2007.
External Reviewer of training group for the Division of Toxicology and Emergency Medicine National Center for Environmental Health and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Atlanta, Georgia, February, 2006.
Presented a full-day workshop on effective instructional planning practices. Morehouse College, Division of Science and Mathematics, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 2004.
Presented a half-day workshop on how faculty can go about improving their instructional practices. Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, June, 2004.
Presented a full-day workshop on effective instructional planning practices. PacifiCorp training group. Portland, Oregon, May, 2004.
Presented a full-day workshop on effective instructional planning practices. PacifiCorp training group. Salt Lake City, Utah, April, 2004.
Presented a half-day workshop on how faculty can go about improving their instructional practices. Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute, University of New Hampshire, June 2003.
Presented a half-day workshop on how faculty can go about improving their instructional practices. Faculty Instructional Technology Summer Institute, University of New Hampshire, June 2002.
Conducted a half-day Effective College Teaching workshop, at Barry University, February, 2001.
Presented a half-day seminar on media selection to Samsung professional staff attending a month-long workshop on ISD. The workshop was organized through the Learning Systems Institute, October, l994.
Presented a half-day seminar on media selection to Samsung professional staff attending a month-long workshop on ISD organized through the Learning Systems Institute, October, 1993.
Consultant to Evaluation Systems Design Inc. Evaluated and revised Parallel Alternative Strategies for Students textbooks the State of Florida prepared for high school students who are slow learners. Employer: Evaluation Systems Design, Inc. December, 1989 - July, 1991.
Consultant to EER Systems Corporation. Reviewed and evaluated a new media selection model developed for use by instructional designers working for the United States Army. September - October, 1989.
Consultant to the Sarasota County School System. Reviewed test items developed for a competency-based elementary and middle school science curriculum in Sarasota County. Employer: Sarasota County School Board. March, 1986.
Co-director for a two-day workshop on media selection and development for novice instructional designers. Employer: Resource Systems International, Nashville. January, 1986.
Guest Lecturer, 1983 Training Conference for IBM Technical Education staff members, held at Florida State University. Gave major presentation on media selection to approximately 150 IBM technical educators attending the conference. Employer: IBM Technical Education, Lexington, Kentucky. January, 1983.
Consultant on a project to design a self-instructional program on the systems approach to instructional design. Developed 10-15 test items to accompany each of seven modules in the program. Also developed a 36 item post-test covering the entire program. Employer: Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. June - July, 1982.
Co-director for a two-day workshop on instructional design. Participants were Texas Instruments training personnel. Employer: Texas Instruments, Dallas. September, 1981.
Consultant to University Consortium for Instructional Development and Technology. Conducted a workshop on media selection for faculty members from theColegio Universitario del Turabo, Puerto Rico. Employer: University Consortium for Instructional Development and Technology. June, 1980.
Consultant to the School Board of Sarasota County.Conducted a technical review of assessment items in basic skills areas. Employer: School Board of Sarasota County, Sarasota, Florida. November, 1979.
Consultant to Brevard County In-service Teaching Center. Conducted a workshop on the development of criterion-referenced tests. Employer: School Board of Brevard County, Titusville, Florida. September, 1979.
Consultant to Curriculum Development Project for HRS Administrative Support Staff Training Workshop. Assisted in the development of instructional materials that were designed for use in HRS training workshops. Employer: Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Tallahassee, Florida. June, 1979.
Consultant to CREATE Project. Developed audiotapes providing overview of programmed instruction, media selection, and instructional prescriptions. Employer: Control Data Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September, 1976.
Consultant to U.S. Army TEC Program. Evaluated instruction materials prepared for the U.S. Army. Employer: Robert K. Branson, Ph.D.,Tallahassee, Florida. August, 1976.
Consultant to Instructional Development and Evaluation Associates. Developed instructional materials on the metric system. Employer: Instructional Development and Evaluation Associates, Tempe, Arizona. March, 1975.
Consultant to the Career SkillsTraining Program. Assisted in the development of a competency-based vocational training program. Employer: Gila River Career Skills Center, Sacaton, Arizona. January - July, 1975.
Consultant to the Arizona State University Teacher Corps Workshops. Assisted in the development of a competency-based teacher education program. Employer: Department of Special Education, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. November - December, 1974.
Consultant to the Nursing Curriculum Development Workshop. Evaluated a competency-based nursing education program. Employer: Pima College, Tucson, Arizona. July, 1974.
Consultant to the Professional Development Workshop. Assisted in the development of
a competency-based vocational training program. Employer: Pima College, Tucson, Arizona. July, 1974.
Instructional Developer for the Mesa Public School K-12 Highway Safety Program. Assisted in the development of a pedestrian and vehicular safety program. Employer: Mesa Public Schools, Mesa, Arizona. November, 1973 - August, 1974.
Consultant to the Madison Elementary Schools Reading Assessment Program. Assisted in the development of an objectives-based reading evaluation system. Voluntary service activity, Phoenix, Arizona. February - May, 1973.