Robert A. Reiser
Associate Dean for Research
Distinguished Teaching Professor and
Robert M. Morgan Professor of Instructional Systems
Editorial Activities
Consulting editor, Educational Technology Research & Development, development section, 1989 - present.
Consulting editor, Educational Technology Research & Development, research section, 1989 - present.
Proposal Reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Research and Theory Division, 2001 - present.
Proposal Reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, 2000 - present.
Reviewer of papers submitted for the Young Researcher Award, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2002.
Judge, Finalists for AECT Young Researcher Award, 1998 - 2001.
Judge, Educational Technology Research and Development Award for Outstanding Research on Instructional Development, 1998 - 1999.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Division C, 1998 - 1999.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, 1998.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, 1997.
Judge, AECT Young Scholar Award competition. 1997.
Judge, Research Awards Competition, International Society for Performance Improvement, 1996.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, 1996.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Change Division, 1996.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Change Division, 1995.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, 1995.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Research and Theory Division, May, 1994.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development, May, 1994.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Change Division, May, 1994.
Manuscript reviewer, Educational Technology, research section, 1994.
Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 1994.
Reviewed a chapter on research in educational technology for the Handbook of Research in Educational Technology, 1994.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Research and Theory Division. Reviewed proposals to present papers at 1994 AECT Convention, May 1993.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Research and Theory Division. Reviewed proposals to present papers at 1993 AECT Convention, April 1992.
Editor, Special issue of development section of Educational Technology Research and Development: "Teaching pre-service teachers to use the systems approach." Fall, 1991.
Proposal reviewer, Association for Educational Communications and Technology. Reviewed proposals to present research papers at the 1991AECT conference. May, 1990.
Proposal reviewer, American Educational Research Association Instructional Technology SIG. Reviewed proposals to present papers at the 1991 AERA conference, September, 1990.
Consulting Editor, Journal of Instructional Development. 1980 - 1988.
Editorial Consultant, Educational Communication and Technology Journal. 1982 - 1988.
Editor, Special issue of Journal of Instructional Development: "Getting a job as an instructional designer and succeeding at it." Spring, 1987.
Manuscript Reviewer, Competition for outstanding scholarly manuscript describing classroom uses of instructional video, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Television, Bloomington , Indiana , August, 1987.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Division C. Reviewed proposals for 1987 convention presentations, August, 1986.
Proposal Reviewer. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development. Reviewed proposals for 1987 convention presentations, May, 1986.
Manuscript Reviewer, Review of Educational Research, February, 1985.
Proposal Reviewer. American Educational Research Association, Division J, Faculty and Instructional Development Section. Reviewed proposals for 1985 convention presentations, September, 1984.
Proposal Reviewer. Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Division for Instructional Development. Reviewed proposals for 1985 convention presentations, June, 1984.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Division C. Reviewed proposals for 1984 convention presentations. September, 1983.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Instructional Technology Special Interest Group. Reviewed proposals for 1984 convention presentations. September, 1983.
Manuscript Reviewer. Reviewed a prospectus and two chapters of a proposed book on microcomputers in education. Employer: Wadsworth Publishing, Belmont , California . June, 1983.
Manuscript Reviewer. Reviewed a prospectus of a proposed book on computer- assisted instruction. Employer: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. March, 1983.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Instructional Technology Special Interest Group. Reviewed proposals for presentations at the 1983 AERA Convention. October, 1982.
Proposal Reviewer, American Educational Research Association, Division C, Section 5 (Instructional Design and Instructional Technology). Reviewed proposals for presentations at the 1982 AERA convention. September, 1981.
Manuscript Reviewer, Educational Researcher. April - December, 1981.