Arran Cates Council Duggar Grimes Gwaltney Ivan Mackery Magnolia Lake Ellen Old Methodist Church, Curtis Mills New Light Oak Park Old Field Oliver - Warren Pearce Panacea Pelt Revell Revell (another survey of cemetery above) Sanborn / McKenzie Sanders, Curtis Mills San Marcos Simmons Sopchoppy Sutton Taylor & Hartsfield Vause Branch Whaley Whiddon Lake Zionhill CSA Vets, Cemeteries in Wakulla Co.,FL Some of this information provided by Betty Green and members of the
Wakulla County Historical Society,
P. O. Box 151
Crawfordville, FL 32326-0151
Franklin County, FL
Brown-Smith Cemetery Carabelle Cemetery Roberts / Crum Sumatra Thompson Magnolia Cemetery CSA Vets, Apalachicola Chestnut Street Cemetery CSA Vets, Apalachicola
Leon County, FL
Cemetaries located just over the Wakulla county border Rhodes Woodville
NOTES: The column of pairs of numbers indicate married couples
and is used as a means of keeping couples together during sorting.
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