Juan Carlos Galeano


Juan Carlos Galeano writes with a light and playful touch about the natural beings who inhabit the rivers of his imagination and the supernatural beings who dwell in jungles of the world. The poems of Yakumama (and Other Mythical Beings) are entertaining and informative, revealing a poetic vision steeped in deep familiarity with the natural and cultural history of Amazonia. This is beautiful work.

—Scott Slovic, editor of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, and author of Going Away to Think

These delightful poems of Amazonia are metamorphoses from an Amazonian Ovid. As in Han Christian Andersen, the inanimate world is friskily animate. Everything is pre-logical, as in the imagination of children, until the wonderful strangeness of it all becomes familiar and we are spellbound.

—Guy Davenport

In Yakumama (and Other Mythical Beings), Juan Carlos Galeano crosses the worlds again, with startling and sometimes humorous travels within a living and true world. He knows the map between here and truly here. It's a map any reader will love to unfold and follow.

—Linda Hogan, author of the book Calling Myself Home

La poesía de Juan Carlos Galeano es su poesía, con lo cual quiero decir que no se parece a ninguna lírica escrita en nuestra lengua…. La manera como el poeta colombiano observa el orbe mítico del Amazonas y lo traduce a su melodioso sentido del lenguaje, es en verdad de un alto rango estético poco corriente.

—Juan Manuel Roca. Author of the book Cantar de lejanía, and recipient of the 2007 Casa de las Américas award for poetry.

Agradeço-le o envio do seu livro Amazònia, que li com muito interesse. Trata-se de um livro fascinante que nos introudoz no universo mágico da selva com suas árvores, pessoas, animais e lendas. Parece retomar o caminho aberto por Raul Bopp em seu Cobra Norato mas enriqueciendo-o e dando-lhe um toque pessoal…

—Ferreira Gullar

Grato pelo livro e por me fazer tomar conhecimiento de uma poesia original, (bastante pessoal), que retrata não só sua vida, sua infância, seus símbolos, mas todo um universo que também é meu e de qualquer latinoamericano. Você consegue uma coisa rara, difícil, que é transformar em pequenas fàbulas personagens e fatos de sua vida, fixando o que de poético, lírico, imponderàvel existe neles… posso dizer que sua dicção, seu verso se distingue dos demais...Meus parabens.

—Affonso Romano de Sant'Anna

Juan Carlos Galeano ha escrito un libro extraordinario con poemas extraordinarios. Su voz es completamente nueva, no oída antes, y cumple con la proeza de agregarle a la poesía de nuestro tiempo la inmensidad de un universo que faltaba.

—Raúl Zurita

No conozco a nadie que resuelva mejor ni con màs facilidad el dilema de capturar con las raídas redes de caza del castellano toda la exhuberancia del imaginario amazónico. La solución de Galeano es sencilla y deslumbrante: tomar de la forma màs literal posible todo lo que esas redes han podido retener como lo que han dejado escapar.

—Mario Montalbetti. Author of Lejos de mí decirles and co-founder of the journal Hueso Húmero

Historias del viento

Historias del viento. Ibague, Colombia: Caza del Libros, 2013.

A cosmology of the wind as a sentient being in dialogue and interaction with people and the Earth. The poems in this collection portray the wind’s journey through a variety of geographies and world historical and mythical narratives.

Amazonia: Bilingual Edition

Amazonia: Bilingual Edition. Iquitos, Peru: CETA, 2012.

A bilingual collección containing selections from Amazonia (2003), Sobre las cosas (2010) and Yakumama and Other Mythical Beings (2011).

Seres míticos del Amazonas

Seres míticos del Amazonas. Lima, Peru: Editorial Arsam, 2014.

Cover by Rember Yahuarcani López.

Interior artwork by Solmi Angarita.

Una canoa vuela por encima del puerto

Una canoa vuela por encima del puerto. Lima, Peru: Editorial Arsam, 2014.

Cover by Rember Yahuarcani López.

Interior artwork by Solmi Angarita.

Yakumama (And Other Mythical Beings)

Yakumama (And Other Mythical Beings). Iquitos, Peru: Tierra Nueva, 2014.

The poems presented in this small collection are a re-mythologization of supernatural animals, plants, and creatures of the Amazon basin.

Sobre las cosas

chapbook cover

Sobre las cosas. Guadalajara: Literalia Editores, 2010.

A small collection of prose poems about everyday objects mixing the common with the bizarre.


Amazonia. Bogotá: Casa de Poesía Silva, 2003.

This book is a poetic representation of the human condition through re-mythologization of various animals, plants, rivers and peoples of the Amazon region in the midst of current physical and cultural transformations taking place in the area.

Baraja Inicial

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Baraja Inicial. Bogotá: Ulrika Editores, 1986.

This book is a collection of short poems written in an imagistic style exploring solitude, urban and rural landscapes and the act of writing.

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