THE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF CATEGORICAL DATA YOUR COURSE PROJECT Susan Carol Losh Department of Educational Psychology and Learning Systems Florida State University ALL FINAL PAPERS DUE MAY 3 BY NOON |
project precis is due March 21. If necessary you can turn it in through
the Discussion Board.
The Discussion Board can
take pdfs and Word files (I have had mixed success with anything else.)
Dimensions for the project
are below.
3 will stay at March 28.
you do a rough draft for the project it is due by April 18th. You can rewrite
for a higher grade (the highest grade counts.)
final drafts are due Wednesday May 3 by NOON. This deadline is fixed.
Each student (or possibly student team) will do an analytic paper project on a topic of their choice.
Don't worry if you're not familiar with a lot of the technical terms right now, because that's what the course will continue to cover. The following is a rough calendar for you to use so that you can approximately plan your semester.
I like to work with a rewrite option. If you can get me a rough draft of your paper by April 18, I will return it to you as soon as possible so that you can take feedback into consideration and rewrite it for Wednesday May 3. (FIRM DEADLINE)
You may wish to work with other students on a team paper.
What I need for March 22:
A brief problem statement of what you are going to do (The Big 3: what's
your topic; why is that important; what, specifically will you do.)
planned data set
planned 3-6 variables
kind of analysis you would like to do (see below)
Length: I would like to suggest a paper length equivalent to AT
MOST 10 DOUBLE-SPACED PAGES (including diagrams and tables; 15 pages
for team papers). Parsimony counts.
will need to analyze between 3 and 6 variables (total) in your model.
Please do NOT use more than 6 variables in this beginning analysis.
You will need a "PROBLEM STATEMENT" at the beginning of your paper.
The problem statement ("The Big Three") must:
is your
planned general method of analysis?
you plan to pick a dependent variable?
you interested in testing a causal model (if so, what does it look like)?
you anticipate any interaction effects (which ones?)
you expect any pairwise correlations to be zero? Which ones and why?
AND if you will elect the rewrite option ALSO by April 18:
interpret your model succinctly IN WORDS. How were your variables related?
Imagine that you are presenting a conference paper to a NON TECHNICAL audience.
Explain the nature of the correlations or interaction effects to your audience.
I DO NOT grade on "how well your model works" but rather how well you work (construct and test) your model.
Yes, good spelling, writing and grammar are expected (it doesn't have to be "native English," so don't worry about that one.)
Use articles from some of your favorite journals as a model (although shorter, of course).
You have your choice of datasets, variables and models. For those needing data, I have several sets available including many surveys of Tallahassee between 1974 and 1997 (wow!), the entire General Social Survey (1972-2014), the NSF Surveys of Public Understanding of Science and Technology (1979-2006) AND MORE! MORE! All of these are in various SPSS formats (Just ask.) I encourage you to develop your thesis or dissertation interests if applicable.
If you are interested in any of my datasets, let me know by March 21.
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Susan Carol Losh
March 8 2017