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Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals Hansford, Thomas G., and Brad T. Gomez. 2015. "Reevaluating the Sociotropic Economic Voting_Hypothesis." Electoral Studies 39 (September): 15-25. Gomez, Brad T., and Thomas G. Hansford. 2015. "Economic Retrospection and the Calculus of Voting." Political Behavior 37 (June): 309-329. Hansford, Thomas G., and Brad T. Gomez. 2010. "Estimating the Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout." American Political Science Review 104 (May): 268-288. Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2008. "Political Sophistication and Attributions of Blame in the Wake of Hurricane Katrina." Publius: The Journal of Federalism 38 (Fall): 633-650. Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2007. "Economic Voting and Political Sophistication: Defending Heterogeneous Attribution." Political Research Quarterly 60 (September): 555-558. Gomez, Brad T., Thomas G. Hansford and George A. Krause. 2007. "The Republicans Should Pray for Rain: Weather, Turnout, and Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections." Journal of Politics 69 (August): 649-663. (SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX) Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2006. "Rethinking Symbolic Racism: Evidence of Attribution Bias."Journal of Politics 68 (August): 611-625. Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2006. "Cognitive Heterogeneity and Economic Voting:   A Comparative Analysis of Four Democratic Electorates." American Journal of Political Science 50 (January): 127-145. Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2003. "Causal Attribution and Economic Voting in American Congressional Elections." Political Research Quarterly 56 (September): 271-282. Gomez, Brad T., and J. Matthew Wilson. 2001. "Political Sophistication and Economic Voting in the American Electorate: A Theory of Heterogeneous Attribution." American Journal of Political Science 45 (October): 899-914. (SEE ERRATUM MATERIAL BELOW) Goldfinger, Johnny L., and Brad T. Gomez. 1998. "Occupational Differences and the Division of Labor in Political Party Activities." Social Science Journal 35 (1): 119-132.
Manuscripts Under Review Conrad, Courtenay R., Sarah E. Croco, Brad T. Gomez, and Will H. Moore. "Minorities, Demand for Intelligence, and American Support for Torture." Flanders, William D., Megan C. Wiggins, and Brad T. Gomez. "Objectivity and Bias in Interviewer Assessments of Political Knowledge." Gomez, Brad T. "Revisiting the 'Puzzle of Participation': A Dynamic Model of Education and Turnout Growth."
Manuscripts in Progress Clifford, Scott, and Brad T. Gomez. "The Diffusion of Candidate Trait Attributions." Gomez, Brad T. "Uneven Hurdles: The Effect of Voter Identification Requirements on Voter Turnout and Republican Vote Share." Gomez, Brad T. "Knowledgeable Electorates." Gomez, Brad T., and Thomas G. Hansford. The Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout (Book Project) Data PROJECT: Estimating the Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout Data and README file This file includes the data and Stata code used in our American Political Science Review article, "Estimating the Electoral Effects of Voter Turnout." We greatly appreciate the interest in our work, and we are pleased to make this data available to you. Please cite our APSR article when using our data. Thanks! PROJECT: The Republicans Should Pray for Rain Data and README file We have received many requests for the data used in our Journal of Politics article, "The Republicans Should Pray for Rain: Weather, Turnout, and Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections." We greatly appreciate the interest in our data, and we are pleased to make this data available to you. Please cite our JOP article when using our data. Thanks! PROJECT: Rethinking Symbolic Racism Data and README file This file includes the necessary Stata code for replicating our Journal of Politics article, "Rethinking Symbolic Racism: Evidence of Attribution Bias." The file does not, however, include the data from American National Election Study, which can be obtained here. We greatly appreciate the interest in our code, and we are pleased to make it available to you. Please cite our JOP article when using our code. Thanks! PROJECT: Erratum to “Political Sophistication and Economic Voting in the American Electorate” (AJPS 2001) Data and README file In the course of replicating the analyses from our 2001 AJPS article (“Political Sophistication and Economic Voting in the American Electorate”) in response to a query by another scholar, we discovered a couple of coding errors (e.g., non-responses coded as zeroes rather than missing on some variables). Fixing these does not change the substantive implications of our analyses (in fact, it strengthens our core findings), but anyone seeking to replicate the analyses as currently described in the article will be unable to do so. We apologize to the readers of AJPS. Because our substantive findings do not change, the Editor of AJPS (at that time, Marianne Stewart) asked that we simply make our updated tables and replication materials available online to interested parties. We are happy to oblige her recommendation. Please report any errors in the data to Brad Gomez at bgomez@fsu.edu |
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