This course is designed to give insight into how social factors, like gender, race, and social class, shape the experience of aging
and create great diversity among elderly persons.
The course focuses on the study of the structure of death in societies. We also discuss the human response to death, dying, and bereavement in socio-cultural, interpersonal, and individual contexts.
This course introduces a broad class of models often referred to as generalized linear models (GLM). These models are an extension of introductory linear regression models applied to discrete outcomes.
Structural equation modeling is a widely used analytical tool in the behavioral sciences. This course introduces a framework for statistical analysis that includes several traditional multivariate procedures such as factor analysis and regression analysis. .
Pepper Institute for Aging and Public Policy
Florida State University
633 W. Call St
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2270
Phone: (850) 644-5418
Fax: (850) 644-6208