I am an assistant professor of economics in the Barney Barnett
School of Business and Free Enterprise at Florida Southern College. I teach
microeconomics, behavioral economics, and the philosophy of business.
Along with Pamela Cooper, I am the co-creator of Oikonomia:
Economics for Life and Purpose course for the homeschool
I currently live in Lakeland, FL. My life as an economist is a
second career for me. Before economics and academia I was an electrical
engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I enjoy teaching at Florida Southern College. My current research interests are: 1) how economic and political
institutions impact the poor in the developing world and 2) the political
economy of rent seeking. Other areas of interest are public economics and
financial and monetary economics.
Barney Barnett School of Business and Free Enterprise, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33801