Early Publications
12.'Influence of flowing gases on the amplitude of gas-microphone detected photoacoustic signals from porous and nonporous solids', P. Ganguly and T. Somasundaram, in " Photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena ", Eds. P. Hess and J. Pelzl, Springer Series in Optical Sciences, v. 58, pp. 333-334, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1988.
11. 'In situ photoacoustic spectroscopic studies of heterogeneous catalysts under conditions of gas flow', T. Somasundaram and P. Ganguly, Bull Mater Sci 9, 81-87 (1987).
10.'Experiments with flowing gases in an open photoacoustic cell', P. Ganguly and T. Somasundaram, Proc Indian Acad Sci (Chem Sci) 98, 305-309 (1987).
9.'Quantitative estimation of substances spotted on filter paper by photoacoustic spectroscopy', T. Somasundaram, S.S.R. Rao, and P. Ganguly, Proc Indian Acad Sci (Chem Sci) 98, 171-176 (1987).
8. 'Determination of acidities of zeolites by photoacoustic spectroscopy', T. Somasundaram, P. Ganguly, and C.N.R. Rao, Zeolites 7, 404-407 (1987).
7. 'Studies on the enhancement of photoacoustic signals from non-porous solids in presence of volatile liquids', P. Ganguly and T. Somasundaram, Appl Phys B43, 43-52 (1987).
6. 'Photoacoustic investigation of phase transition in solids', T. Somasundaram, P. Ganguly, and C.N. R. Rao, J Phys C: Solid State Phys 19, 2137-2151 (1986).
5. 'Investigation of solids and surfaces by photoacoustic spectroscopy', C.N.R. Rao, P. Ganguly, and T. Somasundaram, J Indian Chem Soc 63, 1-9 (1986).
4. 'Enhancement of photoacoustic signals from condensed materials in the presence of volatile liquids: Influence of optical absorption coefficient,particle size, length of gas phase, and chopping frequency', T. Somasundaram and P. Ganguly, J Appl Phys 57, 5043-5047 (1985).
3. 'Influence of adsorbed vapors on the photoacoustic spectra of liquids, T. Somasundaram and P. Ganguly, J Colloid Interface Sci 101, 579-582 (1984).
2. 'A novel technique for enhancing photoacoustic signals from solids', P. Ganguly and T. Somasundaram, Appl Phys Lett 43, 160-162 (1983).
1. 'Photoacoustic spectra of As2S3-As2Se3 glasses', T. Somasundaram, P. Ganguly, and K.J. Rao, Proc Indian Acad Sci (Chem Sci) 92, 65-71 (1983).