Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Geography, PhD, 2019
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, Geography, MS, 2015
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, Environment and Natural Resources, BS, 2013
Visting Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Texas A&M University, 2019–2020
Three Minute Thesis Finalist, Florida State University, 2017
University Research Assistant, Department of Geography, Florida State University, 2016 - 2017
University Teaching Assistant, Department of Geography, Florida State University, 2014 - present
University Mentor, Department of Geography, Florida State University, 2013–2014
Trustee Scholar, The Ohio State University, 2009–2013
Barnebey Family Scholar, The Ohio State University, 2011
Bert W. Martin Fund Scholar, The Ohio State University, 2010
Experiment Weather and Atmospheric Science Grant - $3,501
Fricker, T. (2019). “Tornado-level estimates of socioeconomic and demographic variables”. In: Natural Hazards Review, p. In review.
Fricker, T. and J. B. Elsner (2019). “Unusually devastating tornadoes in the United States: 1995-2016”. In: Annals of the American Association of Geographers, p. Accepted.
Fricker, T, J. B. Elsner and T. H. Jagger (2017). “Population and energy elasticity of tornado casualties”. In: Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1002/2017gl073093. URL: https://doi.org/10.1002%2F2017gl073093.
Fricker, T, J. B. Elsner, V. Mesev and T. H. Jagger (2017). “A dasymetric method to spatially apportion tornado casualty counts”. In: Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, p. 1–15. DOI: 10.1080/19475705.2017.1386724. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2017.1386724.
Fricker, T. and J. B. Elsner (2015). “Kinetic Energy of Tornadoes in the United States”. In: PLOS ONE 10.7, p. e0131090. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131090. URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0131090.
Fricker, T, J. B. Elsner, P. Camp and T. H. Jagger (2014). “Empirical estimates of kinetic energy from some recent U.S. tornadoes”. In: Geophysical Research Letters 41.12, pp. 4340-4346. DOI: 10.1002/2014gl060441. URL: https://doi.org/10.1002/2014gl060441.
Fricker, T. (2019). Unusually devastating tornadoes. Paper presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2018). Unusually devastating tornadoes. Paper presented at: SEDAAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2018). Social correlates of tornado casualties. Paper presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2017). Elasticity of tornado casualties. Paper presented at: Applied Geography Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. , J. B. Elsner, and T. H. Jagger (2017). Energy and population elasticity of tornado casualties. Paper presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. , and J. B. Elsner (2016). Energy and population elasticity of tornado casualties. Paper presented at: SEDAAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. , and J. B. Elsner (2016). Energy and population elasticity of tornado casualties. Poster presented at: 28th Conference on Severe Local Storms.
Fricker, T. , and J. B. Elsner (2016). Tornado casualty maps. Paper presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. , J. B. Elsner, H. Widen, T. Jagger, and V. Mesev (2016). Mapping tornado casualties and energy. Paper presented at: AMS Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. , J. B. Elsner, and T. Jagger (2015). Spatial climatology of tornado energy. Paper presented at: SEDAAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2015). Empirical Estimates of tornado kinetic energy from U.S. tornadoes (2007-2013). Paper presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2014). Empirical estimates of tornado kinetic energy using the Storm Prediction Center’s tornado database. Paper presented at: SEDAAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2014). Empirical estimates of kinetic energy from some recent tornadoes. Poster presented at: AAG Annual Conference.
Fricker, T. (2016). A Dasymetric Method to Estimate Tornado Casualties Spatially. Poster presented at: 2016 Severe Convection and Climate Workshop.
Fricker, T. (2018). The Vulnerable: How Race, Age and Poverty Relate to Tornado Casualties. National Tornado Summit.
Session Chair: Tornadoes, Climate, and Society. 2019 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
Session Chair: Tornadoes, Climate, and Society (I and II). 2018 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Session Chair: Tornadoes, Climate, and Society. 2017 American Association of Geographersl Meeting, Boston, MA.
Session Co-Chair: Tornadoes, Climate, and Societal Impacts. 2016 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
GEO 4251 Climate Change and Storms
GEO 3423 Sports Geography
GEO 2200C Physical Geography
GEO 1330 Environmental Science
Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program: John Thomas Allemeier and Amelia Baxter
President, Graduate Researchers of Geography, Florida State University
Refereed Journals: BMJ Open, Climate Dynamics, Injury, International Journal of Biometeorology, Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Journal of Climate, PLOS ONE, Professional Geographer, Weather, Climate, and Society
American Meteorological Society
American Association of Geographers
Southeastern Division of the American Association of Geographers