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FSU Plankton Ecology and

Biogeochemistry Lab

The Littlest Appendicularian

The Littlest Appendicularian was the smallest animal in the sea, but he didn't let his small size stand in the way of helping others. This illustrated story highlights the magical world of microscopic marine organisms, while also introducing you to some of the organisms that we study in the California Current Ecosystem - and other marine ecosystems around the world.


The Littlest Appendicularian is available through Amazon in Paperback or Kindle Kids versions. You can also download a free pdf version by clicking on the picture below.

Free PDF version

This portion of our website is specifically designed as outreach to the general public.  If you are a scientist looking for details about our research, please click on the red 'For Scientists' link on the top right.


Contact: Mike Stukel (

Florida State University

Dept. of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science

Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies