Google Scholar Profile; Researcher ID profile
~high-school students; *undergraduate students; #graduate students; $post-doctoral scholars
Book Chapters/Encyclopedia Articles:
Journal Articles:
69. Ashley, A. W#., Bajgain, S$., and Mookherjee, M., 2024, Mobility of magmas within the Earth: Insights from the elasticity and transport properties of hydrous albitic melts, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystem, 25, e2024GC011510, https://
68. Ashley, A. W#., Mookherjee, M., Xu, M., Yu, T., Manthilake, G., and Wang. Y., 2024, Viscosity measurements at High Pressures: A Critical Appraisal of Corrections to Stokes’ Law, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB028489,
67. Basu, A$., Mookherjee, M., Clapp, S*., Chariton, S., and Prakapenka, V. B., 2023, High-pressure Raman scattering and X-ray diffraction of kaolinite, Al2Si2O5(OH)4, Applied Clay Science, 245, 107144, doi: 10.1016/j.clay.2023.107144.
66. Basu, A$., Mookherjee, M., Bucag, C*., Tkachev, S., and Wunder, B., 2023, High-pressure behavior of 3.65 Å phase: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy, American Mineralogist, 108, 1547-1557, doi: 10.2138/am-2022-8515.
65. Bajgain, S$., Ashley, A. W#., Mookherjee, M., Ghosh, D. B., and Karki, B. B., 2022, Insights into magma ocean dynamics from the transport properties of basaltic melt, Nature Communications, 13, 7590,
64. Peng, Y#., Mookherjee, M., Hermann, A., Manthilake, G., and Mainprice, D., 2022, Anomalous elasticity of talc at high pressures: Implications for subduction systems, Geoscience Frontiers, 13, 101381,
63. Basu, A$., Mookherjee, M., McMahan, E*., Haberl, B., and Boehler, R., 2022, Behavior of Long-Chain Hydrocarbons at High Pressures and Temperatures, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126, 2350-2357,
62. Peng, Y#., Manthilake, G., and Mookherjee, M., 2022, Electrical conductivity of metasomatized lithology in subcontinental lithosphere, American Mineralogist,
61. Manthilake, G., Peng, Y#., Koga, K. T., and Mookherjee, M., 2021, Tracking slab surface temperatures with electrical conductivity of glaucophane, Scientific Reports,
60. Bajgain, S$., and Mookherjee, M., 2021, Carbon bearing aluminosilicate melt at high-pressure, Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 312, 106-123.
59. Bajgain, S$., Mookherjee, M., and Dasgupta, R., 2021, Earth's core could be the largest terrestrial carbon reservoir, Communications Earth and Environment,
58. Basu, A$., and Mookherjee, M., 2021, Intercalation of Water in Kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) at Subduction Zone Conditions: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry,
57. Lee, J., Mookherjee, M., Kim, T.M., Jung, H., and Klemd, R., 2021, Seismic anisotropy in subduction zones: evaluating role of chloritoid, Frontiers in Earth Sciences- Solid Earth Geophysics,
56. Manthilake, G., Koga, K. T., Peng, Y#., and Mookherjee, M., 2021, Halogen bearing amphiboles, aqueous fluids, and melts in subduction zones: Insights on halogen cycle from electrical conductivity, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth,
54. Manthilake, G., Mookherjee, M., and Miyajima, N., 2021, Insights on the deep carbon cycle from the electrical conductivity of carbon-bearing aqueous fluids, Scientific Reports, 11, 3745.
50. Bajgain, S$., Mookherjee, M., 2020. Structure and properties of albite melt at high pressures. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 4, 1-13.
49. Xu, M., Jing, Z., Bajgain, S$., Mookherjee, M., Van Orman, J., Yu, T., & Wang, Y., 2020, High-pressure elastic properties of dolomite melt supporting carbonate-induced melting in deep upper mantle, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS, 117, 18285-18291.
48. Manthilake, G., Schiavi, F., Zhao, C., Mookherjee, M., Bouhifd, M., & Jouffret, L., 2020, The electrical conductivity of libermannite: Implications for water transport into the Earth’s lower mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research Solid-Earth, 125, e2020JB020094.
47. Bajgain, S$., Peng, Y#., Mookherjee, M., Jing, Z., and Solomon, M~., 2019. Properties of hydrous aluminosilicate melt at high pressures. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 3, 390-402.
43. Peng, Y#., Mookherjee, M., Hermann, A., Bajgain, S. K.$., Liu, S*., and Wunder, B., 2017. Elasticity of phase-Pi (Al3Si2O7(OH)3)- A hydrous aluminosilicate phase. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 269, 91-97.
42. Tennakoon, S.,$., Gladden, J., Mookherjee, M., Besara, T., and Siegrist, T., 2017. Temperature-dependent elasticity of Pb[(Mg0.33b0.67)1-xTix]O3. Physical Review B, 96, 13418.
40. Hermann, A., and Mookherjee, M., 2016. High-pressure phase of brucite stable at Earth’s mantle transition zone and lower mantle conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS, 113, 13971- 13976, doi:10.1073/pnas.1611571113.
39. Mookherjee, M., Mainprice, D., Maheshwari, K., Heinonnen, O., Patel, D~., and Hariharan, A*., 2016.
Pressure induced elastic softening in framework aluminosilicate- albite (NaAlSi3O8). Scientific Reports, 6, 3481.
38. Manthilake, G., Bolfan-Casanova, N., Novella, D., Mookherjee, M., and Andrault, D., 2016.
Dehydration of chlorite explains anomalously high electrical conductivity in the mantle
wedges. Science Advance, 2, e1501631.
36. Mookherjee, M., Tsuchiya, J., and Hariharan, A*., 2016. Elasticity of hydrous aluminosilicate mineral- topaz (Al2SiO4(OH)2) at high pressures. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 251, 24-35.
33. Mookherjee, M., Speziale, S., Marquardt, H., Jahn, S, Wunder, B., Koch-Müller, M Liermann, H.-P., (2015), Equation of state and elasticity of the 3.65 Å phase. American Mineralogist, 100, 2199-2208, doi:
32. Mookherjee, M., and Tsuchiya, J., 2015. Elasticity of superhydrous phase, B, Mg10Si3O14(OH)4. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 238, 42-50.
30. Mookherjee, M., 2014. High-pressure elasticity of sodium majorite garnet, Na2MgSi5O12. American Mineralogist, 99, 2416-2423.
28. Mookherjee, M., Keppler, H., and Manning, C., 2014. Aluminum speciation in aqueous fluids at deep crustal pressure and temperature. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, 133, 128-141, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2014.02.016.
27. Mookherjee, M., and Mainprice, D., 2014. Unusually large shear wave anisotropy for chlorite in subduction zone settings. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1506-1513, doi: 10.1002/2014GL059334.
26. Mookherjee, M., Karki, B. B., Stixrude, L., and Lithgow-Bertelloni, C., 2012. Energetics, equation of state, and elasticity of NAL phase: potential host for alkali and aluminum in the lower mantle. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L19306, doi:10.1029/2012GL053682.
24. Mookherjee, M., and Bezacier, L., 2012. The low velocity layer in subduction zone: structure and elasticity of glaucophane at high pressures. Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 208-209, 50-58.
22. Mookherjee, M., 2011. Elasticity and anisotropy of Fe3C: implications for the Earth's inner core. American Mineralogist, 96, 1530-1536.
21. Mookherjee, M., 2011. Mid-mantle anisotropy: Elasticity of aluminous phases in subducted MORB. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L14302.
20. Mookherjee, M., and Capitani, G. C., 2011. Trench parallel anisotropy and large delay times: Elasticity and anisotropy of antigorite at high pressure. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L09315.
19. Mookherjee, M., Nakajima, Y., Steinle-Neuman, G., Glazyrin, K., Wu, X., Dubrovinsky, L., McCammon, C., and Chumakov, A., 2011. High pressure behavior of iron carbide (Fe7C3) at inner core conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid-Earth, 116, B04201.
18. Mookherjee, M., and Karato, S., 2010. Solubility of water in pyrope-rich garnet at high pressure and temperature. Geophysical Research Letters, 37, L03310.
16. Mookherjee, M., and Steinle-Neumann, G., 2009. Detecting deeply subducted crust from elasticity of hollandite. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 288, 349-358.
14. Mookherjee, M., and Steinle-Neumann, G., 2009. Elasticity of phase-X at high pressure. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L08307, doi:10.1029/2009GL037782.
13. Mookherjee, M., and Stixrude, L., 2009. Structure and elasticity of serpentine at high-pressure. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 279, 11-19.
11. Mookherjee, M., Stixrude, L., and Karki, B., 2008. Hydrous silicate melts at high pressure. Nature, 452, 983-986.
9. Mookherjee, M.,and Stixrude, L., 2006. High-pressure proton disorder in brucite. American Mineralogist, 91, 127-134.
8. Mookherjee, M., Welch, M. D., Le Polle's, L., Redfern, S. A. T., and Harlov, D. E., 2005. Ammonium ion behavior in feldspar: variable-temperature infrared and 2H NMR studies of synthetic buddingtonite, N(D,H)4AlSi3O8. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 32,126-131.
7. Mookherjee, M., Redfern, S. A. T., Swainson, I., and Harlov, D. E., 2004. Low-temperature behavior of ammonium ion in buddingtonite [N(D,H)4AlSi3O8] from neutron powder diffraction. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31, 643-649.
6. Mookherjee, M., Redfern, S. A. T., and Zhang, M., 2004. Far-infrared spectra of ammonium layer and framework silicates. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie Monatshefte, Jg.2004, 1-9.
5. Mookherjee, M., Redfern, S. A. T., Zhang, M., and Harlov, D. E., 2002. Orientational order-disorder of ND4+/NH4+ in ND4 phlogopite: an in situ low-temperature FTIR study. European Journal of Mineralogy, 14, 1033-1039.
4. Mookherjee, M., Redfern, S. A. T., Zhang, M., and Harlov, D. E., 2002. Orientational order-disorder of N(D,H)4+ in tobelite, American Mineralogists, 87, 1868-1891.
2. Mookherjee, M., and Redfern, S. A. T., 2002. Interlayer region and Si-O stretching in phengite 2M1: an in situ high-temperature FTIR study. Clay Minerals, 37, 309-321.
1. Mookherjee, M., Redfern, S. A. T., and Zhang, M., 2001. Thermal response of structure and hydroxyl ion of phengite 2M1: an in situ neutron diffraction and FTIR study. European Journal of Mineralogy, 13, 545-555.