



EVR 4922: Capstone-Environmental Science Field Course (Spring every year)

This course is required for environmental science majors and provides a hands-on, real-world field experience integrated with technical writing of reports. This class provides a rigorous introduction to environmental science field work and the appropriate steps/processes to conduct reliable field work and includes a wide variety of measurement, calculations and synthesis of the scienctific results. Ideally this class is the application and final columination and synthesis of the last 4 years of environmental science classes.

Press realease from 2017 course: http://news.fsu.edu/news/2017/03/15/fsu-faculty-students-team-help-save-river/

ESC 3100: History of Earth System -- formerly Historical Geology (Fall every year)

This course is a required course for geology majors, suggested for enviornmental science majors and fullfils the science requirement for non-majors. In the course we will cover the interactions between the climate, chemical and biological evolution throughout Earths history. This provides a detailed account of how chemistry and biology are intimately linked with the impact of changing climates. The class will focus on the known biolgical record through the fossil record through the preservation in the roch archive.

GLY 5575: Advanced Topics in Surficial Processes (Intermittent)

This class is a graduate class on the general topic of suficial processes that effect marine geochemistry. The topics will be tailored toward the interst of the class but will include biogeochemical cycles throughout Earths history, paleocenography, weathering processes, sedimentary diagenesis. The class include a modeling component which will incluse using the program Stella to recreate a geochemical cycle and perturbing the system on a given time scale. Note: this course will count for Surface and Near-Surface Processes.

GLY 4905/5736: Marine Geology (Intermittent)

Marine geology is an upper division undergraduate class and graduate class that discusses all the processes that effect the geochemcial composition of the ocean. Importantly, this class discusses not only the top-down components but also a bottom-up component. Thus this class covers a wide breathe of information to better understand the factors that effect both paleoceography and modern oceanography.