IORG is a python module for calculating the Organization Index (Tompkins and Semie, 2017) as used in RCEMIP (Wing et al., 2020).

This code, updated February 1, 2025, fixes an error in iorg where theoretical CDFs do not extend to x=1 if the largest NND is too small. This caused underestimation of Iorg in some of the most organized scenes. This code also better handles cases with only a single large organized cluster,returning Iorg=nan in such cases rather than Iorg=0. The ability to output the theoretical and observed nearest-neighbor distributions has also been added.


The main function, calc_iorg(w_f,geometry,threshold=0,tbeg=-999,tend=-999,includeCDF=False), takes two mandatory arguments and has four optional arguments.


import IORG

# calculate Iorg starting from hour 1800 and ending at hour 2000 for a CRM using OLR
iorg = IORG.calc_iorg(olr,'cartesian',threshold=0,tbeg=1800,tend=2000)
# calculate Iorg starting from hour 1800 for a GCM using vertical velocity
iorg = IORG.calc_iorg(omega,'spherical',threshold=1,tbeg=1800)


Code Authors: Catherine Stauffer, Graham O'Donnell

Contact: Allison Wing (