def ecdf(x_inputs): """ Calculates the empirical cumulative distribution function of x_inputs Arguments x_inputs: 1D array, that the ECDF is calculated from Returns y_values: 1D array, the ECDF x_values: 1D array, the values ECDF is evaluated at using x_inputs """ import numpy as np x_sorted = np.sort(x_inputs) x_values = np.linspace(start=min(x_sorted), stop=max(x_sorted), num=len(x_sorted)) y_values = np.zeros(np.shape(x_values)) for i in range(len(x_values)): temp = x_inputs[x_inputs <= x_values[i]] value = np.float64(len(temp))/np.float64(len(x_inputs)) y_values[i] = value return(x_values,y_values) def iorg_crm(w,wthreshold=0): """ Calculates the Organization Index for a cartesian domain Arguments w: 2-D array of demensions (y,x) of OLR or 500hPa vertical acceleration RCEMIP (Wing et al., 2018) uses OLR wthreshold: integer, 0 for w being an array of OLR, 1 for vertical acceleration Returns iorg: """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors from scipy.ndimage import measurements from scipy.ndimage import label import numpy as np # create a masked array of convective entities if wthreshold != 1: if wthreshold != 0: print('incorrect threshold flag, using default (OLR<173)') wmask = (w<173)*1 if wthreshold == 1: wmask = (w>0.5)*1 # duplicates domain in all directions to account for convection on borders wmaskbig = np.concatenate([wmask,wmask,wmask],axis=0) wmaskbig = np.concatenate([wmaskbig,wmaskbig,wmaskbig],axis=1) # four point convective connection sss = [[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]] # finds connected convective entities, the number of clusters, # and the centroid of each cluster Conn = label(wmaskbig,structure=sss)[0] nentities = label(wmaskbig)[1] centroids = measurements.center_of_mass(wmaskbig,Conn,range(1,nentities+1)) nnd,IDX,num = [],[],0 if nentities > 1: # finds the nearest neighbor of each convective cluster classifier = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) for i in range(0,nentities): if centroids[i][0] >= np.shape(w)[0] \ and centroids[i][0] <= (np.shape(w)[0]*2)-1 \ and centroids[i][1] >= np.shape(w)[1] \ and centroids[i][1] <= (np.shape(w)[1]*2)-1: num += 1[0:i]+centroids[i+1:])) m,n = classifier.kneighbors(np.reshape(centroids[i],(1,2))) IDX.append(n) nnd.append(m) if len(nnd) > 1: IDX = np.squeeze(np.array(IDX)) nnd = np.squeeze(np.array(nnd)) if len(nnd) <= 1: IDX = np.array(IDX) nnd = np.array(nnd) if len(nnd) > 0: # calculates ECDF of the nearest neighbors idstances x_values_ecdf,y_values_ecdf = ecdf(nnd) # calculates the poisson distribution of w lam = num/(np.shape(w)[0]*np.shape(w)[1]) dd = np.array(x_values_ecdf) poisson = 1-np.exp(-1*lam*np.pi*dd**2) cdf_theory = poisson # calculates the area under the plot of the poisson vs ECDF iorg = np.trapz(y_values_ecdf,poisson) else: cdf_nnd = 0 d = 0 cdf_theory = 0 iorg = 0 y_values_ecdf,x_values_ecdf,poisson,iorg = 0,0,0,0 else: cdf_nnd = 0 d = 0 cdf_theory = 0 iorg = 0 y_values_ecdf,x_values_ecdf,poisson,iorg = 0,0,0,0 return(iorg) def iorg_gcm(w,wthreshold=0): """ Calculates the Organization Index for a speherical domain Arguments w: 2-D array of demensions (y,x) of OLR or 500hPa vertical acceleration RCEMIP (Wing et al., 2018) uses OLR wthreshold: integer, 0 for w being an array of OLR, 1 for vertical acceleration Returns iorg: """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors from scipy.ndimage import measurements from scipy.ndimage import label import numpy as np # create a masked array of convective entities if wthreshold != 1: if wthreshold != 0: print('incorrect threshold flag, using default (OLR<173)') wmask = (w<173)*1 if wthreshold == 1: wmask = (w>0.5)*1 # duplicates domain in all directions to account for convection on borders wmaskbig = np.concatenate([wmask,wmask,wmask],axis=1) # four point convective connection sss = [[0,1,0], [1,1,1], [0,1,0]] # finds connected convective entities, the number of clusters, # and the centroid of each cluster Conn = label(wmaskbig,structure=sss)[0] nentities = label(wmaskbig)[1] centroids = measurements.center_of_mass(wmaskbig,Conn,range(1,nentities+1)) nnd,IDX,num = [],[],0 if nentities > 1: # finds the nearest neighbor of each convective cluster classifier = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1) for i in range(0,nentities): if centroids[i][1] >= np.shape(w)[1] \ and centroids[i][1] <= (np.shape(w)[1]*2)-1: num += 1[0:i]+centroids[i+1:])) m,n = classifier.kneighbors(np.reshape(centroids[i],(1,2))) IDX.append(n) nnd.append(m) if len(nnd) > 1: IDX = np.squeeze(np.array(IDX)) nnd = np.squeeze(np.array(nnd)) if len(nnd) <= 1: IDX = np.array(IDX) nnd = np.array(nnd) if len(nnd) > 0: # calculates ECDF of the nearest neighbors idstances x_values_ecdf,y_values_ecdf = ecdf(nnd) # calculates the poisson distribution of w lam = num/(np.shape(w)[0]*np.shape(w)[1]) dd = np.array(x_values_ecdf) poisson = 1-np.exp(-1*lam*np.pi*dd**2) cdf_theory = poisson # calculates the area under the plot of the poisson vs ECDF iorg = np.trapz(y_values_ecdf,poisson) else: cdf_nnd = 0 d = 0 cdf_theory = 0 iorg = 0 y_values_ecdf,x_values_ecdf,poisson,iorg = 0,0,0,0 else: cdf_nnd = 0 d = 0 cdf_theory = 0 iorg = 0 y_values_ecdf,x_values_ecdf,poisson,iorg = 0,0,0,0 return(iorg) def calc_iorg(w_f,geometry,threshold=0,tbeg=-999,tend=-999): """ Loops through a time range to calculate Iorg Arguments w_f: 3-D array (time, y, x) of the convection data geometry: string to determine which IORG calculation to use, acceptable input is 'cartesian' or 'spherical' threshold: optional integer (default=0) determining which type of convection data is being used, 0 for olr or 1 for vertical velocity tbeg: optional integer (default=-999) determining which time integer to start at, -999 uses 25 days from the end tend: optional integer (default=-999) determining which time integer to end at, -999 uses the end of the data Returns iorg_f: 1-D array of Iorg data from time index tbeg to tend """ import numpy as np if geometry != 'cartesian' and geometry != 'spherical': print('inapproriate geometry entry, choices are ``cartesian`` or ``spherical``') return(np.nan) else: if tend == -999: tend = np.shape(w_f)[0] if tbeg == -999: tbeg = 1800 # loop through time range cdf_nnd_f,d_f,cdf_theory_f,iorg_f = [],[],[],[] for v in range(tbeg,tend): if v%24 == 0: print(' processing day %d of %i\r'%(v/24,int(tend/24)), end='') # calculate Iorg if geometry == 'cartesian': result = iorg_crm(w_f[v,:,:],threshold) if geometry == 'spherical': result = iorg_gcm(w_f[v,:,:],threshold) iorg_f.append(result) iorg_f = np.array(iorg_f) return(iorg_f) ###