SYP 5105-01
FALL 2017
Susan Carol Losh
Department of Educational Psychology
and Learning Systems
Florida State University
Dr. Susan Carol Losh
3204 Stone Building (EPLS Suite) 850-644-8778 850-644-4592 (EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY & LEARNING SYSTEMS) 850-644-8776 FAX |
Fall 2017
Office Hours In Stone: Thursdays 1:30-3:15 & by appointment PLUS email! ![]() |
Social Psychology studies social interaction, social processes, and the interplay among the person, culture and society in attitudes, beliefs and socialization. This course introduces you to the many perspectives social psychologists use in our work. Social Psychology is a separate discipline which allows us the flexibility to explore areas as diverse as pressures toward conformity, ethnic prejudice, or child and adult development. It can be applied to virtually any organization: schools; the family. the military; businesses; churches, synagogues or mosques; sports teams; and many others. The field's diversity of mid-range theories can create conceptual ambiguity, yet simultaneously Social Psychology offers us considerable insight into the individual and society, and into the human condition.
Please be patient as you encounter six
separate terms for the same concept such as social learning, or you puzzle
out "chicken and egg problems" in attitude and action.
Yes, of course I
wish the field would "get it together"--but, in fact, such conceptual sloppiness
is true of virtually every discipline (as I found out to my shock when
I minored in mathematical statistics late in graduate school.)
Social psychology provides the "conceptual glue" between organizations and individuals, the nuts and bolts to explain the reciprocity between social structure and the individual. More than anything else, social psychology addresses processes and sequencing: the routines of daily life such as conversations, forming impressions of people, collectivities or events, and creating and maintaining life in groups.
This semester, we'll examine basic theoretical perspectives in Social Psychology. Unfortunately we cannot swallow the entire discipline in one gulp. I will focus more on constructs such as "the self" or "self-efficacy" where research allows us to draw more consistent conclusions than on popular, yet conceptually murky, concepts such as "personality." I will also discuss basic methodological issues pertinent to Social Psychology, such as experimental demand and reactivity, format construction issues in questionnaires, or drawing causal inferences using more "qualitative" methods such as ethnographies.
My roles as Instructor are to facilitate and to coordinate the "big picture." For each major course section, I will discuss basic perspectives, postulated major processes, and particularly noteworthy empirical findings. I'll be calling on you, too, to discuss your experience, your readings and observations.
I recommend reading my online "lectures" or "course guides" at the beginning of each unit. I try to explicate some of the major themes that you will encounter in your readings, sometimes bring in some cutting edge materials (e.g., brain plasticity and social experience; dog jealousy!), some of the concepts I feel are less fruitful ("evolutionary psychology"), and some of the conflicts in the discipline.
In addition, we have a recorded introductory
video (about 1 hour, see the Canvas Syllabus folder) that gives you a tour
of our website and the course overall. There will also be short recorded
introductions for each of our eight major units.
To be able to describe major conceptual perspectives
in the discipline of Social Psychology, including:
ALL-ONLINE!![]() |
This semester, Theories of Social Psychology is totally online. Most materials are accessible through Canvas or on the myweb.fsu.edu server.
My integrative course guides are also
linked in on the Overview and Readings pages, below and also under COURSE
DOCUMENTS in Canvas.
This makes it easy and very quick to
navigate many of our Internet resources on the "myweb" server.
For example, if you accessed our Course Calendar and Syllabus through Canvas, you can instead access it HERE as well.
Through the links you can access the online
Guides and information about the Course Project and Presentation too.
If Canvas is running slowly, and when
we meet in virtual space, we can connect directly to much of the SYP 5105
course information that we need.
If you are new and DON'T have an FSU ID account, you need one immediately. Access the FSU Guide to Computing Resources website (address below). Follow the links to register online for your MyFSU account.
We will meet for about one hour about every other week in cyberspace. This time will be used for the Discussion Board, explanations, and short "in-class" assignments (see the Course Calendar in the Readings folder). We will determine this time during the first few weeks of the course.
You must use your FSU email to communicate in this course, whether with me or other students. (If you want to set up your FSU email to forward to a different server, that's OK with me as long as our communication is complete, but communication coming to me or to the university must come from your FSU email address.)
Generally I will respond to email from you within 24 hours.
FALL 2017: Here's
how I can be reached:
3204 Stone Building
850-644-8778 Voice mail available 850-644-4592 Educational Psychology & Learning Systems 850-644-8776 FAX EMAIL IS THE FASTEST WAY TO REACH ME! |
![]() Email Office Hours for input
are 24/7
You have two major and five smaller assignments:
COURSE PROJECT: see below and the ASSIGNMENTS folder in Blackboard. | MILESTONES:
1. Preliminary prospectus: September 25 2. Updated prospectus: October 23 3. First draft: November 21 4. Final draft: December 13 BY NOON Milestones cannot be skipped (please see below) |
PRESENTATION: see below and the ASSIGNMENTS folder in Blackboard | ONE completed during
the mid-November-December 8 period
(more definite and exact dates will be posted later this semester) |
SMALL IN-CLASS "DISCUSSION" assignments. See below for more introductory information.The first will be your introducing yourself on our Discussion Board the week of August 28. | Five small assignments
More detail will be posted to Blackboard one week before discussion. |
20 percent
Information in the Canvas
ASSIGNMENTS folder will be updated during the semester to provide more
detail and format specifications. Please complete readings according to
the timetable in this syllabus and be prepared with assignments by their
due date.
Attendance and “In-Class” Participation Since this is an online course that is both synchronous and asynchronous in nature, attendance expectations are a bit different from what you might experience in a face-to-face course: University-wide policy requires all students to attend the first class meeting of all classes for which they are registered. Students who do not attend the first class meeting of a course for which they are registered will be dropped from the course by the academic department that offers the course. To remain enrolled in this course you must complete the "First Day Attendance" assignment by 11:59pm (EST) as shown on the CanvasAssignments folder.
NO! NO! I DO NOT take attachments in my email. Most assignments will go through the Discussion Board or turnitin (check for specific directions.) Here are some alternatives if Canvas is down or you experience technical problems when assignments are due:
COURSE PROJECT (about 15 pages) |
Course Project (about 15 pages). Wide latitude exists for your project. You may review existing literature in an area of interest to you. You may use existing research to design a future study. Or, you can conduct a small original study or analyze data that were previously collected.* You will find many examples in Canvas in the Presentations and Papers Module folders.
*Although it is possible to conduct and write up a study in a fraction of the semester, it is unlikely. That's OK. Even reviewing the literature and possibly designing a study comprise a good beginning.
We operate in milestones:
1. Preliminary
prospectus: September 25
2. Updated prospectus:
October 23
3. First draft:
November 21 (allows for revisions if received by the due date)
4. Final draft:
December 13 BY NOON
Milestone cannot
be skipped (please see below)
The course project MUST relate to Social Psychology. I recognize that Social Psychology is a new discipline for many of you. One reason for the project "milestone" deadlines is to ensure that your topic remains "on track" for this course. (For Mental Health students, the APA is absolutely adament about this.) Proposed projects that do not clarify the relevance to course material and specify the nature of the course material you plan to draw upon (e.g., on Milestone 2) will be returned to you for revision. Students cannot “skip” milestones and simply submit a final project at any stage of this course. A student who does so is redirected to Milestone 1. If a final project omitting prior milestones is submitted at the end of the semester, the student will receive an incomplete and is redirected to milestone 1. |
EXAMPLES: The Course Project can take many forms. We enroll everyone from first year master’s students to advanced doctoral candidates. We have students from criminal justice, business, public administration, and communication as well as from the College of Education. Newer students often write library research papers with topics such as academic motivation, cartoon violence, emotional intelligence, coach-player interaction, bullying, and cross-cultural differences in social cognition. Others (sometimes—but far from always—more advanced graduate students) have conducted a short survey, small experiment or observational design. Examples here include observing parent-child interaction at supermarket checkouts or during games, observing conformity in the "upward gaze" experiment replication, nonverbal communication in counseling sessions and perceived counselor competence, seeing how social factors influence the return of a "lost wallet," conformity in aerobics classes, or how watching cartoons or children's comedies affects preschoolers. One counseling student's Social Psychology paper won a graduate student poster prize at the American Psychological Association meetings. Others have been developed into thesis or dissertation topics and/or professional presentations.
Our website “The Good Paper” in the ASSIGNMENTS folder (and HERE) in Canvas outlines some of the rubrics for an excellent paper. Because students do so many different projects on so many different social psychology topics, I can provide generics but relatively few specifics. However, I am available for discussion!
Please run your first draft (or your final draft if you don't do a first draft) through turnitin (available in Canvas) to submit your Project. I will need the entire turnitin receipt.
Don't be surprised if your first draft
is a bit rocky. It absolutely happens to everyone. And the rewrites
typically are spectacular!
The draft option (Milestone 3) allows
you to rewrite your paper for a higher grade. ONLY the higher grade
counts toward your final grade.
There is no grace period for the final assignment, Milestone 4. The university docks our department $10 per late grade per day so assignments must be turned in on the due date. Please proofread all materials and double check attachments to make sure that the final submission to Blackboard is the best representation of your work and the one you wish to be graded.
Students often produce especially good
work when they work in teams. This is particularly true for the Course
Project . It is far easier for teams to plan and execute a small experiment,
survey, or observation in a semester's time than it is for an individual
to do so. Team presentations can also be more complex. You may choose to
work in teams for the Course Project, and we may coordinate teams on the
Presentations. I will need to know the names of all team members
on the Course Project by October 23 . All
team members must be students enrolled in this course for this semester,
Fall 2017. Using the project prospectus, I also will alert you to possible
teammates (but the choice is yours). Even if you decide to work on your
own, it is effective to share resources with those who have similar interests.
Discussion/presentation (about 20 minutes): You will lead class discussion on your project topic. We will have facilities for Power Point but you will also need to post a handout summary (some students print the Power Point slides). Examples from prior classes will be posted to our WEB site in Canvas(see the Presentations Modules folder). Discussion/presentations begin in mid-November (through the week ending December 8). Traditionally, we all enjoy this part of the semester because we learn a lot from each other.
Because all presentations go into Canvas,
if you want to use Prezi for your presentation, you'll need to either "share"
or make your presentation Public so a link in Canvas will pull it up, or
transfer each "bubble" to a pdf that we can upload to blackboard. To date
we've had trouble pulling up completed Prezi presentations on our course
I use plus and minus grading on project drafts and presentations, and for final grades.
Participation in class discussion and class attendance are a definite consideration, especially when a student is "between grades." Your participation counts 20% of your final grade.
Adherence to principles of essay organization, and the conventions of spelling and grammar is expected and understood. I freely admit to being adamant about good writing and we will spend time on it.
The course paper MUST relate to Social Psychology. It can neither be totally intrapersonal nor totally organizational. One reason for the project "milestone" deadlines is to ensure that your topic is "on track" for this course.
I adhere to the FSU Honor Code. Plagarism is STEALING someone else's work. If you harbor any doubts, several online sites check for plagarism. You can also check with me about quoting or citing someone else's research and/or writing. Plagarized assignments receive a score of 0.
More compete information, including readings and assignments,
can be found on the "READINGS" file in the Canvas Syllabus folder.
Weeks of August 28-
September 5 |
Introduction Methods |
WEB site navigation and
course outline
Describe the field of Social Psychology Describe some major theoretical orientations Distinguish among Methods
most commonly used in Social Psychology
September 4 ![]() |
Labor Day Holiday | University closed |
Weeks of September 5-22 | Social
(Includes Attitudes and Attitude Measurement) |
Define Social Perception
Contrast Self-Esteem versus Self-Efficacy Define "Attitude"
Weeks of September 25 - October 20 | The
Social Learning and Socialization |
Describe some conceptual
differences between "the self" and "personality"
Compare how Social Perception relates to Self-Presentation and Self-Concept Where would you place emotion in the development and expression of the self? Describe the basics of symbolic interactionism Contrast Issues in nature versus nurture Compare basic ideas of developmentalists versus reinforcement theorists Apply types of learning theories to roles and socialization |
Weeks of October 25-
November 21 |
Group Influences and Interaction Processes |
What is social facilitation?
What are cohorts and aggregates? How are these entities useful and how
do they differ from "groups"? Basic group definition and properties.
What are the effects of group size? What are major sources of group influence? What are "good" and "bad" effects of group cohesion? |
SUNDAY November 5 | (count me if you have trouble sleeping) |
Set your clocks
back one hour.
One more hour's sleep! |
November 22-26 | THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY | ![]() |
Weeks of November 27-December 8 | Applications of Social Psychology | Last week of our class |
Both texts have
been substantially revised from prior editions. Be sure to get the CURRENT
edition for each one.
Barnes and Noble
offers textbooks too, see: https://www.barnesandnoble.com B&N
run constant specials (one was 15% off, today's is 10% off.)
[1] DMC: John D. DeLamater, Daniel J. Myers & Jessica Collett (2015 or 2014--websites differ!) Social Psychology, EIGHTH EDITION. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. PAPER. ISBN = 978-0-81=334950-3.
This is a basic "encyclopedia approach"
text. The NEW print cost is $95.00, which is actually less than earlier
editions because it is paperback.
There is also an e-edition, which costs
about $60. The print edition should be at the FSU Bookstore and on Amazon.
Here is a link to the Westview site, which also lists several booksellers
as well as more information about the e-edition:
[2] CAHILL: Spencer E. Cahill, Kent Sandstrom & Carissa Froyum (editors) (2014). Inside Social Life, SEVENTH EDITION. Oxford University Press. PAPER. ISBN = 978-0-19-997811-3.
This edited collection presents classic "greats" (e.g., Cooley, Mead), more modern "greats" (e.g., Zerubavel), recent developments, and applied accounts of several course concepts. Many students really like this book and keep it long after our course is over.
Used copies should be available for
both texts.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | PLEASE GIVE THE JOURNAL TITLE AND BRIEFLY |
Social Psychology Quarterly | DESCRIBE THE JOURNAL. IF A WEB SITE IS |
Group Dynamics | ![]() |
![]() |
construction as the semester progresses.