Obituary of Henry Hardy Crum
Wakulla County News, Friday November 3, 1950 Crawfordville, Florida Hardy H. Crum Dies In Accident Friday Afternoon Oct 28th Uncle Hardy Crum, 91 of Sopchoppy dies in the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital at 4:35, Friday afternoon after being struck by a fish truck, driven by Madison K. Goodman of Eastpoint, local commercial fisherman, one half mile east of Sopchoppy on US 319, at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Highway Patrolman, Jack Dorsey and chief deputy sheriff E. C. Ferrell Jr. immediately investigated the accident and later Judge A. L. Porter and Sheriff Ferrell investigated the accident and the scene and the relatives requested that no charges be preferred as it was absolutely unavoidable. The tragedy occurred when the aged Crum left his son's home, Rufus Crum, supposedly to go to Sopchoppy and he was struck when he walked too far out on the road. He was old and had poor eyesight. Mr. Crum was born in the state of Illinois and came to Wakulla county when he was six years of age and has been a resident of the county ever since. He was a retired commercial fisherman, highly respected and admired by his hundreds of friends. Funeral services were conducted for Mr. Crum Sunday afternoon at three o'clock in the Green Roberts Cemetery just over in Franklin County. Rev. Theo Thompson officiated at the graveside with Culley and Sons of Tallahassee in charge of the funeral arrangements. Crum is survived by seven sons, J. H., G. W., H. A., Lloyd, Andy, Rufus, and Leon all of Wakulla county; four daughters, Mrs. Carrie Crews of Sopchoppy, Mrs. Alma Metcalf of Panacea, Mrs. Annie Lee Brown of Chattahoochee. We all join in extending our deepest sympathies to the bereaved love ones.
Note: Henry Hardy Crum, my great uncle, was in the 1860 Wakulla County census shown as age 3 months. The earliest member of the family to show up in the census was James H. Crum in 1830. 15 Jun 1998, Ron Thompson