Wakula County Genealogy Index

by David Roddenberry

Note: The key to the reference material codes can be found in the

Genealogies Surveyed

Sanborn, -
Avery (1865-1953)       Rvl-96-1, p240
Avery, Jr. (b.1915)     Rvl-96-1, p240
Christine (b.1925)      Sft-00-1, p16
Claude Syfrett (1892-   Rvl-96-1, p240
Clifford W., Jr.        Sft-00-1, p16
Clifford Waltsinham     Sft-00-1, p16
Keith, Sr.              Sft-00-1, p16
Lillian Crowson         Rvl-96-1, p240
Mack (b.1928)           Sft-00-1, p16
Nancy Louise (b.1923)   Sft-00-1, p16
Phyllis Laura (b.1928)  Sft-00-1, p16

Sanders, -
Doris Nichols           Rvl-96-1, p212    and
                        see Revell, Doris
                        Nichols Sanders
Fred McCoy (b.1930)     Sft-00-1, p27
Gladys Thelma Roberts   Rak-96-1, p53
Isabella (Bell;         Thd-81-1, p4    and
b.1849)                 see Green, Isabella
John Wooley             Rvl-96-1, p236
Juanita (b.1925)        Rby-79-1, p274; Sft-00-
                        1, p12; Rvl-96-1, p44
                        and see Roddenberry,
                        Juanita Sanders
Louise                  Kyl-97-1, p21    and
                        see Kyle, Louise
Marcia Inez (d.1991)    Spr-94-1, p56; Rak-96-
                        1, p53; Rvl-96-1,
                        p55,191    and check
                        Vause, Marcia
                        Sanders, and Raker, ~
Marjorie Clarice        Rvl-96-1, p100; Hsf-88-
(b.1923)                1, p67    and see
                        Gray, Marj. Clar.
Mary Jane Revell        Sft-00-1, p27
Maxine                  Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        see Harris, Maxine
Nathaniel W.            Rak-96-1, p53
Olivia (1900-1938)      Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Crum, Olivia
Ollie Ola (1903-1983)   Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Crum, Ollie Ola
Pauline Revel (1922-    Rvl-96-1, p236
Phoebe                  Mdl-61-1, p25    and
                        see McDaniel, Phoebe
Smitty                  Kyl-97-1, p21    and
                        see Kyle, Smitty
Viola (1899-1970)       Sft-00-1, p28; Rvl-96-
                        1, p222    and see
                        Revell, Viola Sanders

Sarvis, -
Elsie Daughtry          Rbt-99-1, p3
J.W.                    Rbt-99-1, p3
John                    Rvl-96-1, p54
Kendall                 Rvl-96-1, p54
Mary Raker (b.1910)     Rvl-96-1, p54

Scott, -                
Betty Jean (b.1931)     Sft-00-1, p32
Effie U. Morrison       Sft-00-1, p32
Emeral Connell (1903-   Sft-00-1, p32
Etta Jewel Council      Ccl-98-1, p147
James Madison (b.1937)  Sft-00-1, p32
Jeannette Woodring      Sft-00-1, p32
L.O.                    Ccl-98-1, p147
Letitia Ann (b.1934)    Sft-00-1, p32
Mary Frances (b.1944)   Sft-00-1, p32    and
                        check Barineau, Mary
                        F. Scott
Zelma Polly             Spr-94-1, p49, Rvl-96-
                        1, p189    and check
                        Vause, Zelma P. Scott

Sellers, - Sellars, -
Annie                   Rvl-96-1, p112    and
                        see Pigott, Annie
Dorothy (1892-1944)     Rvl-96-1, p126    and
                        see Whaley, Dorothy

Bessie Langston         Cox-97-1, p45
Floyd                   Cox-97-1, p45

Shingles -
  principal works:
 SNG-89-1   Shingles-Neury-Gavin Reunion Program, 1989   J.J. Shingles, Sr.,
  1009 Wakulla Springs Road, Tallahassee, FL  32304   1989   type 3   15 pgs
  464 persons
Shingles, -
Addie                   SNG-89-1, p13
Alexander               SNG-89-1, p13
Charles                 SNG-89-1, p13
Dave                    SNG-89-1, p12
Doctor                  SNG-89-1, p12
Dorothy                 SNG-89-1, p6    and
                        see Scott, Dorothy
Dyle                    SNG-89-1, p11
Henry                   SNG-89-1, p12
Henry                   SNG-89-1, p6
Herman                  SNG-89-1, p6
Ida                     SNG-89-1, p12
Ida                     SNG-89-1, p6    and
                        check Monroe, Ida
James                   SNG-89-1, p13
Johnny                  SNG-89-1, p12
Josephus (b.1927)       SNG-89-1, p6
Julia                   SNG-89-1, p13
Lizzie                  SNG-89-1, p11
Lula                    SNG-89-1, p11
Mahonia                 SNG-89-1, p13
Mamie                   SNG-89-1, p6    and
                        check Butler, Mamie
Mattie                  SNG-89-1, p13
Mattie                  SNG-89-1, p6    and
                        check Williams,
                        Mattie Shingles
Papa                    SNG-89-1, p11
Randall                 SNG-89-1, p13
Robert                  SNG-89-1, p13
Roberta                 SNG-89-1, p11
Rosa Neury              SNG-89-1, p6,12
Sherman                 SNG-89-1, p12
Tap                     SNG-89-1, p11
Walter                  SNG-89-1, p13
Wiley                   SNG-89-1, p12
Willa                   SNG-89-1, p6    and
                        check Seabrooks,
                        Willa Shingles
William                 SNG-89-1, p13
William                 SNG-89-1, p11
Willie                  SNG-89-1, p12

Simmons, -
Coleman B.              Rak-96-1, p27
Elizabeth Matilda       Sft-00-1, p15
Frances Raker (Fannie)  Rak-96-1, p27
Geneva                  Sft-00-1, p17    and
                        see Syfrett, Geneva
Kathryn (b.1918)        Ccl-98-1, p149
Margaret Maggie (1903-  Rvl-96-1, p233    and
1967)                   see Revell, Maggie
Ruby Lee                Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and see
                        Chason, Ruby Lee

Simpson, -
Mark C (b.1919)         Rvl-96-1, p242
Muriel Strickland       Rvl-96-1, p242

Singletary, -
Susannah (b.1819)       Mdl-61-1, p1

Hattie                  Mdl-61-1, p21    and
                        see McDaniel, Hattie

Ada Eugenia (1891-      Rak-69-1, p5    and
1968)                   check Raker, Ada E.
Alma Maxine (b.1915)    Rbt-86-1    and see
                        Carter, Alma M. Smith
Alsey May, Sr.          Rvl-96-1, p168
Annie (1880-1975)       Rvl-96-1, p85
Carol Jane (b.1933)     Ccl-98-1, p148    and
                        see Raker, Carole
                        Jane Smith
Clarabell Winburn       Rvl-96-1, p38
Charlie (1868-1955)     Rvl-96-1, p42
Donovan                 Rvl-96-1, p149
Elizabeth Langston      Lgt-96-1, p44
Gene                    Rak-69-1
George Russell          Ccl-98-1, p153
Gladys Alfreda Turner   Rvl-96-1, p92
Harry                   Rak-69-1
Hiram                   Lgt-96-1,p 44
Ida Revell (1874-1933)  Rvl-96-1, p42
Inez                    Rvl-96-1, p122    and
                        see Durrance, Mary
                        Inez Smith
Ivery (1898-1978)       Rvl-96-1, p42
James W.                Rvl-96-1, p92
Jesse Thelma Vause      Rvl-96-1, p149
Joann                   Rak-69-1
Joseph Daniel (1880-    Rbt-86-1
Lilly (1876-1923)       Rvl-96-1, p179    and
                        see Harvey, Lilly
Louise                  Rvl-96-1, p99    and
                        see Gray, Louise
Lula Mae Porter         Rvl-96-1, p42
Margaret (Maggie)       Rvl-96-1, p212    and
                        check, Strickland,
                        Marg. (Maggie)Smith
Mary Mariah (1825-      Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
1881)                   1, p6
Nancy Missouri A.       Ccl-98-1, p153    and
(1868-1929)             see Council, Nancy
                        Missouri Smith
Nellie A. Morgan        Rbt-86-1
Pug                     Ccl-98-1, p152
Rebecca (Rie)           Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        check Anderson,
                        Rebecca Smith
Robert                  Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
                        1, p157
Ruby Nell Vause         Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
(b.1924)                1, p157
Sam                     Rak-69-1
Verley (1903-1950)      Rvl-96-1, p42    and
                        see Davis, Verley
Wesley                  Rak-69-1
William Coney (b.1939)  Rbt-99-1, p4
Zonie Ezella Tucker     

Solomon, -
Beulah                  Rbt-86-1    and check
                        Duggar, Beulah

Sparkman, -
Clara B. Raker          Rak-96-1, p56
Delous R.               Rak-96-1, p56

Spears - principal works:
 Spr-94-1   The Spears Family / 1804–1994   Rhonda Shannon Horn, 5121 Catoma
  St., Apt 174, Jacksonville, Fla.   1994   type 3   138 pg.   1,200 persons
  (est) Wakulla County Public Library (reserve)
Spears, -
Albert J (b.1909)       Spr-94-1, p29
Alsey M. (1910-1940)    Spr-94-1, p20; Rvl-96-
                        1, p92
Amanda M. (1870-1934)   Spr-94-1, p99
Amanda Mahalia          Spr-94-1, p9    and
(b.ca.1866)             check Carter, Amanda
Andrew B. (b.1916)      Spr-94-1, p30
Andrew Jackson (Jack;   
1878-1926)             Spr-94-1, p27
Annie Mae               Spr-94-1, p32    and
                        check Stephens, Annie
Annie Mae (1896-1962)   Spr-94-1, p73    and
                        check Lindsey, Annie
Aubrey Etheline         Spr-94-1, p98; Rvl-96-
(b.1913)                1, p33    and check
                        Grant, Aubrey Spears
Audie Jack (1913-1992)  Spr-94-1, p20; Rvl-96-
                        1, p172
Austin Ronnie           Spr-94-1, p19
Benjamin F. (Frank;     Spr-94-1, p96
Bertie Lee              Spr-94-1, p32    and
                        check Metcalf, Bertie
Betty                   Spr-94-1m p19
Betty Jean              Spr-94-1, p96
Betty Ruth              
Beverly                 Spr-94-1, p24    and
                        check Gunn, Beverly
Bill                    Wlc-00-1, p4
C. Louise Miller (1912- Spr-94-1, p18
Cain Jefferson (C.J.;   Spr-94-1, p18
Callie Louisa (1888-    Spr-94-1, p64; Rvl-96-
1952)                   1, p162    and check
                        Wilder, Callie Spears
Caroline Edwards        Spr-94-1, p99
Clifton                 Spr-94-1, p32
Clinton Clay (1915-     Spr-94-1, p91
Daisy D. (b.1906)       Spr-94-1, p97
Daniel Curtis (1890-    Spr-94-1, p94
Daniel Curtis, Jr.      Spr-94-1, p94
Daniel Lafayette (1852- Spr-94-1, p35
Daniel Lafitte (1829-   Spr-94-1, p34; Rvl-96-
1893)                   1, p189
Daniel Morgan (1862-    Spr-94-1, p63; Rvl-96-
1937)                   1, p162,217
Daniel Morgan, Jr.      Spr-94-1, p91
Delores Russ            Spr-94-1, p19
Dewey Edmond (b.1907)   Spr-94-1, p32
Donald                  Spr-94-1, p96
Donna                   Spr-94-1, p24    and
                        check Berry, Donna S.
Doris Leona (b.1927)    Spr-94-1, p95    and
                        check Allen, Doris
Doris R. Peavy (1924-   Spr-94-1, p23
Dorothy C. (Dossie;     Spr-94-1, p85    and
1910-1994)              check Alley, Dorothy
Dorothy Mae             Spr-94-1, p93
Edna (b.1917)           Spr-94-1, p21    and
                        check Wilson, Edna
Emily                   Spr-94-1, p27
Emma (b. 1907)          Spr-94-1, p96; Rvl-96-
                        1, p162
Ernest (b.1920)         Spr-94-1, p24; Rvl-96-
                        1, p34
Ernestine (Tina; 1941-  Spr-94-1, p24
Estelle (1906-1927)     Spr-94-1, p.84    and
                        check Lewis, Estelle
Ethel Jewell Spears     Spr-94-1, p95    and
(b.1925)                check Griner, Ethel
Evalena Strickland      Spr-94-1, p17
Evelyn R. Harris        
(Jackie;1921-1996)     Rvl-96-1, p34
F.T. (1913-1978)        Spr-94-1, p29
Fairby                  Spr-94-1, p32
Fanny (1905-1980)       Spr-94-1, p100    and
                        check Crawford, Fanny
Faye                    Spr-94-1, p96
Feriby [?Pharabee]      Rvl-96-1, p92    and
Estelle (b.1914)        see Pigott, Feriby E.
Frances                 Spr-94-1, p96
Frances Rebecca         Spr-94-1, p43    and
(Fannie; b.1856)        check Clemons, Fannie
George W. (b.1870)      Spr-94-1, p102
Grace Maxine (b.1913)   Spr-94-1, p94; Rvl-96-
                        1, p169    and check
                        Tucker, Grace Spears
Gwyndoline Herring      Spr-94-1, p91
Henry Clayton (1891-    Spr-94-1, p73
Henry Woodrow           Spr-94-1, p32
Henry Wright (b.1884)   Spr-94-1, p31; Rak-96-
                        1, p19
Howard Meginnis         Spr-94-1, p95
Inez                    Spr-94-1, p32; Rbt-99-
                        1, p4    and check
                        Metcalf, Inez S.
Ione (Onie; 1899-1985)  Spr-94-1, p76; Rvl-96-
                        1, p217    and check
                        Grimes, Ione Spears
Isabella A. (Belle;     Spr-94-1, p43; Rak-96-
1859-1937)              1, p45; Rvl-96-1,
                        p189    and check
                        Vause, Isabella
Ivey Mae                Spr-94-1, p.84    and
                        check Hartsfield,
                        Ivey M. Spears
James Spears (1828-     Spr-94-1, p7
Jessie (1912-1912)      Spr-94-1, p20
Jewell Yawn (1910-      Spr-94-1, p.84
Jimmy                   Spr-94-1, p30
John (b.1892)           Spr-94-1, p25    [took
                        the surname Nazworth]
John Wm. (Billy; 1906-  Spr-94-1, p18
Joshua                  Spr-94-1, p96
Joshua (b.1804)         Spr-94-1, p5
                        (patriarch of the
Joshua Franklin (1862-  Spr-94-1, p9; Rvl-96-
1946)                   1, p33
Joshua Franklin (1866-  Spr-94-1, p93
Julia Ann (b.1870)      Spr-94-1, p16
Julia Ann Watson (1872- Spr-94-1, p63
Julie Ann Walker        Rvl-96-1, p217
Katie Jane              Spr-94-1, p30    and
                        check Miller, Katie
L. Permelia Strickland  
(1884-1965)            Spr-94-1, p27
Leaston L. (1922-1968)  Spr-94-1, p23
Leaston Leo (1894-      Spr-94-1, p96
Lela Aline (b.1892)     Spr-94-1, p96    and
                        check MacClellan,
                        Lela Spears
Lency Taylor            Spr-94-1, p30
Lila Mae (109-1930)     Spr-94-1, p98
Lilla E. Lynn (1893-    Spr-94-1, p94
Louis Charles (b.1932)  Rvl-96-1, p219
Louisa E. (b.ca.1876)   Spr-94-1, p26
Lula Strickland (1887-  Spr-94-1, p31
Mabel I. (1915-1990)    Spr-94-1, p21    and
                        check Croft, Mabel
Margaret C. (b. 1917)   Spr-94-1, p100    and
                        check Pelt, Margaret
Marjorie Taff           Wlc-00-1, p4
Martha                  Spr-94-1, p96
Martha Elizabeth (1854- Spr-94-1, p36    and
1916)                   check Reeves, Martha
Martha J. Green (1871-  Spr-94-1, p93; Rvl-96-
1954)                   1, p33
Mary (b.1919)           Spr-94-1, p32
Mary Ann Carter         Spr-94-1, p27
Mary E. Tucker          Spr-94-1, p63; Rvl-96-
(Lizzie; 1872-1936)     1, p162    and see
                        Roberts, M..E.
                        (Lizzie) Tucker
Mary Lenora (b.1873)    Spr-94-1, p102
Mattie E. (1891-1964)   Spr-94-1, p99
Maude Louisa (1898-     Spr-94-1, p76
Merle Hicks             Rvl-96-1, p219
Mildred Grimes          Spr-94-1, p29; Rvl-96-
(b.1908)                1, p219
Mildred Grimes          Spr-94-1, p29
Namon Laston (1932-     Spr-94-1, p23
Nellie                  Rvl-96-1, p182    and
                        see Nazworth, Nellie
Nellie M. (b.1925)      Spr-94-1, p23
Nellie Whaley (1909-    Spr-94-1, p28    and
1976)                   check Spears, Nellie
Nina Elizabeth (1904-   Spr-94-1, p78    and
1972)                   check Swearingen,Nina
                        Spears, and Hickey, ~
Ola (1896-1919)         Spr-94-1, p100    and
                        check Core, Ola
Oliver Dudley           Rak-96-1, p48
OmaLee Haddock          
Dykes(1905-1993)       Rvl-96-1, p94    and
                        see Dykes, Oma Lee
Pearl Dove (1880-1962)  Spr-94-1, p99
Pearl E. Rose           Spr-94-1, p20; Rvl-96-
                        1, p172
Perry Meginnis (1888-   Spr-94-1, p93
Rebecca (b.1909)        Spr-94-1, p101    and
                        check Gilles, Rebecca
Rebecca Barzillian      
Oaks (1836-1914)       Rvl-96-1, p189
Rebecka (b.1896)        Spr-94-1, p102
Revedee S. (1906-1962)  Spr-94-1, p29; Rvl-96-
                        1, p219
Richard (Ricky)         Spr-94-1, p19
Robert Louis (1920-     Spr-94-1, p95
Robert Marshall (Bob;   Rvl-96-1, p94
Rosa                    Spr-94-1, p30    and
                        check Mathers, Rosa
Sandra                  Spr-94-1, p24    and
                        check Davis Sandra
Sara Ann                
Sarah (b.ca.1818)       Spr-94-1, p5
Sidney Doyle (1928-     Spr-94-1, p23
Sidney Kenneth          Rvl-96-1, p92
Theodosia White         Spr-94-1, p7
Thirza Allen Raker      Rak-96-1, p48
Varol Beatrice (1911-   Spr-94-1, p94    and
1967)                   check Lines, Beatrice
Vonro                   Spr-94-1, p96
W.C. Eubanks (Cricket)  
Willard Lowell (1922-   Spr-94-1, p95
William                 Spr-94-1, p102
William (Billy)         Spr-94-1, p.84
William G.W. (Willie;   Spr-94-1, p.84
William Namon (1884-    Spr-94-1, p17
William Walcott (1867-  Spr-94-1, p99
Willie Lee (b.ca.1905)  Spr-94-1, p28
Winfred V. (b.1929)     Rvl-96-1, p219    and
                        check Waldrop,
                        Winfred V. Spears

Spinx, - Spinks, -
Cornelia Vause (Neely;  
1868-1935)             Rvl-96-1, p149; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6

Stalnaker, -
A.Mill., Sr. (Gus;1869- Rvl-96-1, p43
A.Milledge, Jr. (1910-  Rvl-96-1, p43
C. Drucilla Revell      Rvl-96-1, p43
Emma Mae (1914-1999)    Rvl-96-1, p43    and
                        see Mathers, Emma
Lilla Mary (b.1919)     Rvl-96-1, p43
Lottie Idoma (b.1911)   Rby-79-1, p278; Rvl-96-
                        1, p43    and see
                        Roddenberry, Lottie
                        I. Stalnaker

Stanaland, -
Carrie C.               Spr-94-1, p25

Stephens, - [see also Stevens]
Annie Mae Spears        Spr-94-1, p32
Rosa Lee (1904-1968)    Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Crum, Rosa
Steve                   Spr-94-1, p32

Stevens, - [see also    
A. Peeler               Thd-81-1, p6
Bill                    Rvl-96-1, p101
C.H.                    Thd-81-1, p6
Eunice C. Vickers       Rvl-96-1, p224
Hannah (1909-1988)      Rvl-96-1, p98    and
                        see Gray, Hannah
Johnny                  Rvl-96-1, p224
Joyce                   Rvl-96-1, p92    and
                        see Linzy, Joyce
Jus H. (b.ca.1833)      Thd-81-1, p6
Louise Burns (b.1925)   Rvl-96-1, p101
Norman R. (b.1932)      Rvl-96-1, p224
Peeler (d. 1934)        Rvl-96-1, p224
Raymond K. (1930-1983)  Rvl-96-1, p224
Sarah Jane (1867-1922)  Thd-81-1, p6

Stewart, -
Eula Ruth               Rvl-96-1, p95

Stokely, - Stokley, -
Josephine               Rak-96-1, p56    and
                        check Raker,
                        Josephine Stokely
Lenora Jane             Rak-96-1, p57    and
                        see Raker, Lenora J.
Liza                    Rvl-96-1, p190    and
                        see Andrews, Liza

Stoutamire -
Addie Lou Brown         Brn-97-1, p19
George W.               Rak-96-1, p21
Glynn                   Brn-97-1, p19
Richard                 Brn-97-1, p19
Sarah B. Raker          Rak-96-1, p21

Stradley, -
J.C.                    Wlc-00-1, p4
Pauline Taff            Wlc-00-1, p4

Strickland, -
Aaron B.                Rak-96-1, p25
Abel (1849-1910)        Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p37,211
Addie Richards          Lgt-96-1, p14
Alma B. Green (1916-    Rvl-96-1, p108
Ann E. (b.1856)         Rvl-96-1, p217    and
                        see Revell, Ann E.
Beatrice Florence       Rvl-96-1, p212    and
(1884-1928)             check Stoutamire,
                        Beatr. Florence
Bobby Julian (b.1929)   Rvl-96-1, p110
Cecil James (1931-      Rvl-96-1, p143,243
Celia (1862-1886)       Rvl-96-1, p223    and
                        see Revell, Celia
Charles                 Lgt-96-1, p14
Clara Mae               Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Inman, Clara
Clarence Harley         Lgt-96-1, p14
Daniel Lynn             Lgt-96-1, p14
Doris Mae (1928-1988)   Rvl-96-1, p111
Dossie Estelle (1891-   Rak-96-1, p41    and
1924)                   check Raker, Dossie
Eleanor Linton (1918-   Rvl-96-1, p242
Elizabeth Lee           Lin-81-1, p45
Emily E. Raker (1853-   Rak-96-1, p19
Eppie Bell              Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Hartsfield,
                        Eppie B. Strickland
Ethel (1909-1974)       Rak-69-1; Rak-96-1,
                        p55    and see Raker,
                        Ethel Strickland
Ethel Chloteal          Rak-96-1, p25    and
                        see Eubanks, Ethel
Ethel Kirkland          Rvl-96-1, p211
Eugenia Revell (1850-   Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
1932)                   1, p211
Eula M. (b.1932)        Rvl-96-1, p110    and
                        see Green, Eula M.
Eunice Elizabeth        Rak-96-1, p55
Eunice Houston          Lgt-96-1, p14
Eva (b.1922)            Rvl-96-1, p242    and
                        check Turner, Eva
Evalee White (b.1896)   Rvl-96-1, p241
Evalina                 Spr-94-1, p24    and
                        check Spears, Evalina
Fannie (b.1901)         Mdl-61-1, p15    and
                        see Page, Fannie
Fanny C. Powell         Rak-96-1, p56
George Edwin            Lgt-96-1, p14
George Hyman            Lgt-96-1, p14
Gladys M. Vause         Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
(b.1928)                1, p157
Henry Crawford (1863-   Rvl-96-1, p240
Homer Clinton (1918-    Rvl-96-1, p242
Homer Clinton, Jr       Lin-81-1, p45
Homer Glover (1894-     Rvl-96-1, p241
Ida Pigott              Rak-96-1, p19; Rvl-96-
                        1, p82
Isom (1837-1874)        Rvl-96-1, p211
Jack                    Spr-94-1, p30
Jessie Lou              Rak-96-1, p51
John                    Spr-94-1, p27
John (1834-1922)        Rak-96-1, p19
John E. (b.1898)        
John Lee (1886-1906)    Rvl-96-1, p212
John William (b.1945)   Lin-81-1, p45
Johnny                  Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
                        1, p157
Josephine Allen         Rvl-96-1, p143,243
June                    Lgt-96-1, p14; Rby-79-
                        1, p268, Sft-00-1,
                        p10    and see
                        Roddenberry, June
Katherine               Rvl-96-1, p93    and
                        see Barrow, Katherine
Katherine Eloise Kemp   Lgt-96-1, p14
Katherine N. Rose       Rvl-96-1, p173
Kenneth                 Rvl-96-1, p173
Kerry                   Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Langston, Kerry
Laura                   Spr-94-1, p30    and
                        check Spears, Laura
Laura Vadine (1872-     Rvl-96-1, p211    and
1951)                   check Stokes, Laura
                        V. Strickland
Lavonia Estelle (1888-  Rvl-96-1, p37,212
1982)                   and see Winburn,
                        Lavonia Estelle
Lilla Louginea          Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Wentworth,
                        Lilla Strickland
Lois                    Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Daughtry, Lois
Lola (1897-1980)        Rvl-96-1, p243   and
                        Strickl., and
                        Trombly, ~
Lola Beatrice           Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Fowler, Lola B.
Lona                    Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36    and see
                        Langston, Lona
Lucy Blanche            Rak-96-1, p25
Lula (1887-1966)        Spr-94-1, p31     and
                        check Spears, Lula
Lula Elles (b.1887)     Rak-96-1, p19    and
                        check Spears, Lula E.
M. Oliver (1875-1966)   Lgt-96-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p211
Margaret J. (Peggy;     Lin-81-1, p45    and
b.1941))                check Gray, Margaret
Margaret Smith          Rvl-96-1, p212
Marlin (1891-1975)      Rvl-96-1, p240    and
                        check Leslie, Marlin
Mary Ida                Lgt-96-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p211    and see
                        Langston, Mary Ida
Mary S. (1846-1920)     Rvl-96-1, p199
Meade Randolph (1879-   Rvl-96-1, p211
Mollie C. Raker         Rak-96-1, p55
Moses                   Rak-96-1, p55
Moses, Jr. (b.1926)     Rak-96-1-69-1; Rak-96-
                        1, p55
Muriel (b.1920)         Rvl-96-1, p242  and
                        check Norwood, Muriel
                        Strickl., and
                        Simpson, ~
Nannie E. (Betty)       Lin-81-1, p47
Linton (b.1920)
Nellie M. (b.1893)      Rak-96-1, p19    and
                        check Core, Nellie
Opal (b.1928)           Rvl-96-1, p242    and
                        check Clinkscales,
                        Opal Strickland
Ora (b.1916)            Rvl-96-1, p241    and
                        check Oaks, Ora
Ouita                   Lgt-96-1, p14
Pearl (b.1934)          Rvl-96-1, p243    and
                        check Gainous, Pearl
Permelia                Spr-94-1, p29    and
                        check Spears,
                        Permelia Strickland
Permelia Hall (1819-    Rvl-96-1, p211
Perry Edward (1889-     Rvl-96-1, p82;  Rak-96-
1911)                   1, p19 [as Terry
Phoebe Zella Dykes      Rvl-96-1, p212
Ralph (1910-1984)       Rvl-96-1, p108
Ruth (b.1924)           Rvl-96-1, p242    and
                        check Davidson, Ruth
Sarah Langston          
(Sallie; 1878-1957)    Lgt-96-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p211
Terry Edgar (1889-      Rak-96-1, p19;  Rvl-96-
1911)                   1, p82 [as Perry
Thomas B. (b.1884)      Rak-96-1, p19
Tillis Anton (d.1980)   Lin-81-1, p47
Virginia E. Revell      Rvl-96-1, p240
William Frank (d.       Rvl-96-1, p212
William Pearl           Rak-96-1, p56
Wilmer Abel             Lgt-96-1, p14

Stuber, -
Amanda Revell (b.1917)  Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p42
William Edward          Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
(b.1921)                1, p42

Sumner, -
Willie Esther (1895-    Lgt-96-1 , p44    and
1987)                   see Langston, Willie
                        Esther Sumner

Sunday, -
Julia Lewis (Mintie;    Rbt-99-1, p2
James A. (b.ca.1855)    Thp-67-1; Rbt-99-1, p2
Mary Roberts            Thp-67-1
Sarah Jane (1874-1972)  Thp-67-1    and see
                        Thompson, Sarah Jane

Surber, -
Audrey Marie Taff       Wlc-00-1, p4
Paul                    Wlc-00-1, p4

Sutton - principal works:
 Mor-86-1   Moore Moments   [author n.s.]   ?1986   type 3   34 pg      300
  persons (est)   Wakulla County Historical Society, P.O. Box 151,
  Crawfordville, FL  32327
Sutton, -
Anita Mirth (b.1923)    Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p277
Ausley Melvin (1913-    Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
1944)                   1, p276
Blanche Ruth            Mor-86-1, p24
Carolyn Luella(b.1921)  Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p277
Francis L. (b.1917)     Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p276
Frankie Lee(1891-1978)  Mor-86-1, p7,24; Rvl-
                        96-1, p83    and see
                        Moore, Frankie Lee
Gwendolyn               Mor-86-1, p24    and
                        check Rudd, Gwendolyn
Hobart Gene (b.1919)    Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p277
Ira Athens (1859-1931)  Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p276
Ira Rutledge            Mor-86-1, p24
Jason                   Mor-86-1, p2,24
Johnnie Ferrell         Mor-86-1, p26
Julia Eliz. Gregory     Mor-86-1, p24
Julie Marguerite (1923- Rvl-96-1, p84
Leila Hughes (1888-     Mor-86-1, p24
Lillian Scott           Mor-86-1, p10,24
                        and check Moody,
                        Lillian Scott Sutton
Mary Elizabeth (1915-   Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
1999)                   1, p276   and check
                        Core, M..Eliz. Sutton
Maude                   Mor-86-1, p24
Merida (1883-1903)      Mor-86-1, p24
Norma Ruth (b.1926)     Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
                        1, p277
Oleta                   Mor-86-1, p26    and
                        check Mulleryn, Oleta
Rossie Izola            Mor-86-1, p24
Susan Adeline Ferrell   
(1821-1910)            Mor-86-1, p2,24    and
                        see Moore, Susan A.

Swain, -
Lorene Harrell          Rvl-96-1, p123

Syfrett, Syfret - principal works:
 Sft-00-1   Descendants of Daniel Webster Syfrett   Jim A. Syfrett, 280 Zuehl
  Crossing, La Vernia, TX 78121-3908   Jan 2000   type 3   33 pgs   1,350
  persons   Wakulla County Historical Society, P.O. Box 151, Crawfordville, FL
Syfrett, - Syfret, -
Allie McKenzie (1881-   Sft-00-1, p16
Angeline (Annie)        Rbt-86-1    and check
                        Roberts, Annie
                        Syfrett, and Rudd, ~
Angeline (Annie; 1856-  Sft-00-1, p14    and
1904)                   see Roberts, Angeline
                        Syfrett, and Rudd, ~
Anna Jane Collins       Sft-00-1, p16
Bessie (1888-1985)      Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
                        1, p240    and see
                        Brooks, Bessie
Carrie Blanche(1890-    Sft-00-1, p30; Amr-97-
1979)                   1, p14
Carrie D. Ashmore       Sft-00-1, p30
Catherine (Kitty; 1843- Rby-79-1, p258    and
1882)                   see Roddenberry,
                        Catherine (Kitty)
Charles Glendee (1917-  Sft-00-1, p22
Claude (1892-1983)      Sft-00-1, p32; Rvl-96-
                        1, p240    and see
                        Sanborn, Claude
Daniel Webster          Sft-00-1, p1
(ca.1824-1890)          [patriarch of the
                        genealogy]; Rby-79-1,
Daniel Webster, Jr      Sft-00-1, p31; Amr-97-
(1892-1918)             1, p14
Daniel Wesley (1865-    Sft-00-1, p30; Amr-97-
1940)                   1, p14
David Nathenal (1880-   Sft-00-1, p17
Develard Nepolian       Sft-00-1, p22
Edith Mae (1902-1994)   Sft-00-1, p26; Rvl-96-
                        1, p213    and see
                        Revell, Edith Mae
Elendor E. Vickers      Sft-00-1, p17
Epsie Estelle (1887-    Sft-00-1, p22   and
1987)                   check Miller, Epsie
                        E. Syfrett, and
                        Wommack, ~
Florida Beatrice (1907- Sft-00-1, p21
Frank Clingo (b.1909)   Sft-00-1, p31; Amr-97-
                        1, p14
Geneva Simmons          Sft-00-1, p17
George Ulrick (1897-    Sft-00-1, p26
Hubert Lee (1902-1962)  Sft-00-1, p17
Inez Althea (1905-      Sft-00-1, p16    and
1994)                   check Sanborn, Inez
                        A. Syfrett
James A. (1858-1942)    Sft-00-1, p16
James Evan (1879-1950)  Sft-00-1, p16
Jim A., Jr. (b.1933)    Sft-00-1, p27 [author
                        of the genealogy]
John Alexander (1895-   Sft-00-1, p26
Kenneth Nathenal (1912- Sft-00-1, p21
Leonard Calvert (1899-  Sft-00-1, p26
Lillian Catherine       Sft-00-1, p19
Louisa Sabatha (1892-   Sft-00-1, p26
Lucius Lambert          Sft-00-1, p31; Amr-97-
(b.1900)                1, p14
Lucy Ezella (1904-      Sft-00-1, p19
Margaret (1870-1936)    Sft-00-1, p32    and
                        see Roberts, Margaret
Martha (1859-1949)      Sft-00-1, p28; Rvl-96-
                        1, p221    and see
                        Revell, Martha
Mary (1859-1925)        Sft-00-1, p28
Mary Ann (b.1918)       Sft-00-1, p31
Mary L. Hamlin          Sft-00-1, p31
Mary Louise (1902-      Sft-00-1, p31; Amr-97-
1980)                   1, p14
Mary Versanoy (1899-    Sft-00-1, p23; Rvl-96-
1968)                   1, p221    and see
                        McKenzie, M. Versanoy
                        Syfrett, and Revell,
Mary Webster            Amr-97-1, p14
Maurice Denard ((1897-  Sft-00-1, p31; Amr-97-
1970)                   1, p14
Mildred (1910-1978)     Sft-00-1, p32; Rvl-96-
                        1, p240    and see
                        Allen, Mildred
Nellie Bly (1910-1956)  Sft-00-1, p21
Ollie Catherine (1891-  Sft-00-1, p26; Rvl-96-
1984)                   1, p218    and check
                        Walker, Ollie Syfrett
Paul E. (1915-1966)     Sft-00-1, p17
Robert Cecil            Amr-97-1, p14
Sabatha Louella (1855-  Sft-00-1, p8; Rby-79-
1914)                   1, p258,263    and
                        see Roddenberry, S.
                        Louella Syfrett
Sarah Jane (1853-1942)  Sft-00-1, p1
Shirley Jean Orum       Sft-00-1, p27
Susie Lenora (1885-     Sft-00-1, p22    and
1925)                   check Yent, Susie L.
Theodosia Revell (1865- Sft-00-1, p31
Thomas F. (Tom; 1866-   Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
1945)                   1, p240
Versanoy (1862-1890's)  Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
                        1, p236    and see
                        Revell, Versanoy
Versanoy Miller         Sft-00-1, p1
(b.ca.1834)             [matriarch of the
Vinnie McKinney         
(ca.1899-ca.1933       Sft-00-1, p27
Vivian Marshall         Sft-00-1, p27
William Henry (b.1937)  Sft-00-1, p27
Zulemia P. Sanders      Sft-00-1, p22

Taff - principal works:
 Wlc-00-1   Descendants of Sarah Welch   Angus Broward Taff, Jr., 322 McDaniel
  St., Tallahassee, FL   2000   type 3   7 pgs   490 persons   Wakulla County
  Historical Society, P.O. Box 151, Crawfordville, FL  32327
Taff, -
Alma                    Wlc-00-1, p5
Alice                   Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p149    and see
                        Vause, Alice Taff
Angus Beatty (1895-     Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
1968)                   1, p168
Angus Broward, Jr.      Wlc-00-1, p1
(b.1943)                [author of the
Angus Broward, Sr.      Wlc-00-1, p1
Audrey Marie (Sue)      Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Surber, Audrey
                        (Sue) Taff
Barbara Jean King       Wlc-00-1, p1
Beth Harvey             Wlc-00-1, p2
Betty Pelt              Wlc-00-1, p1
Robert Calhoun (1892-   Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
1957)                   1, p104
Carlos (b.1930)         Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104
Carolyn (b.1933)        Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104    and check
                        Spall, Carolyn Taff
Charles Hayward         Wlc-00-1, p1
Clarice Ward            Wlc-00-1, p2
Clayton Perry           Wlc-00-1, p1
Commodore O.H. Perry    
(1897-1981)            Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
                        1, p178
Connie Raker            Wlc-00-1, p2
Elizabeth Evans (1933-  Wlc-00-1, p1
Eloise (b.1923)         Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104    and check
                        Rinkle, Eloise Taff
Estelle Pelt (1912-     Wlc-00-1, p2
Florence Vashti         Wlc-00-1, p1    and
(b.1918)                check Moody, Florence
George Stanton (1924-   Wlc-00-1, p1
George Washington       Wlc-00-1, p4
George Washington       Wlc-00-1, p1
Helen Haviland          Wlc-00-1, p1    and
                        check Roberts, Helen
Houston Eugene          Wlc-00-1, p2
Iris                    Wlc-00-1, p5
Joy Lewis               Wlc-00-1, p2
Lucille                 Wlc-00-1, p5    and
                        check Cooper, Lucille
Marjorie                Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Spears,
                        Marjorie Taff
Mary Burke              Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104
Mary Elizabeth (Lizzie; Wlc-00-1, p4    and
1891-1926)              check Hagen, Mary E.
Mary Emma (b.1941)      Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104    and check
                        Burke, Mary Emma Taff
Mary Hazel Dolby        Wlc-00-1, p1
Mary K. Carraway        
(Molly; b.1867)        Wlc-00-1, p1
Mary Louvenia Tucker    
(1900-1998)            Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
                        1, p168
Mattie McPhale (1894-   Wlc-00-1, p4
Mildred                 Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Roberts,
                        Mildred Taff
Nellie (1889-1973)      Wlc-00-1, p2; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44; Rvl-96-1,
                        p153    and see
                        Vause, Nellie Taff
Oleta                   Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p178    and see
                        Lawhon, Oleta Taff
Pauline                 Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Stradley,
                        Pauline Taff
Rae                     Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Adams, Rae Taff
Robert C. (R.C.;        Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
b.1925)                 1, p104
Sarah Welch             Wlc-00-1, p1,5    and
                        see Boykin, Sarah
Senie Pelt (1899-1983)  Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p104
Sina (Sennie; 1885-     Wlc-00-1, p3; Lgt-96-
1909)                   1, p44    and see
                        Vause, Sina (Sennie)
Teresa Monroe           Wlc-00-1, p1
Tully (1883-1971)       Wlc-00-1, p4
Tully, Jr. (Buddy)      Wlc-00-1, p5
William Rhett (Bill;    Wlc-00-1, p2
William Rhett, Jr.      Wlc-00-1, p2
Winifred Houston (1909- Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
1974)                   1, p178

Taylor - principal works:
 Rbt-99-1   The Family of George W. Roberts (1842-1911) of Wakulla County
  David Roddenberry, 4125 Spring Creek Hwy., Crawfordville, FL 32327   1999
  type 3   8 pg   250 persons
Taylor, -
Catherine               Rvl-96-1, p121
John                    Rvl-96-1, p213
E. Mary Crum (Babe;1891-Rbt-99-1, p3
Edith E. (b.1917)       Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Tucker, Edith
Ernest (b.1925)         Rbt-99-1, p3
Esther L. Harrell       Rbt-99-1, p3
Hardy Taylor (b.1932)   Rbt-99-1, p3
Henry (1909-1980)       Rbt-99-1, p3
James (b.1919)          Rbt-99-1, p3
Jim Gilbert (Gib; 1881- Rbt-99-1, p3
Lois L. (1915-1998)     Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Pyle, Lois
Lonie Cayson            Rbt-99-1, p3
Mary Jane (b.1921       Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Renner, Mary J.
Minnie L. Porter        Rbt-99-1, p3
Monroe (1913-1982)      Rbt-99-1, p3
Nazine H. (b.1922)      Hsf-88-1
Ruby Nichols            Rbt-99-1, p3
Sarah Magdalene         Rbt-99-1, p3    and
(b.1923)                check Lord, Sarah M.

Thomas, -               
Anthony                 Rby-79-1, p40
Bertie (b.1918)         Ccl-98-1, p149    and
                        see Council, Bertie
Bessie (b.1943)         Hsf-88-1    and check
                        Gilbert, Bessie T.
Bud                     Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Charles Emery           Rak-96-1, p58
Delmar (b.1941)         Hsf-88-1, p.57
Ella Mae Chason         Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Florence Hazel          Amr-97-1, p1    and
                        see Ashmore, Florence
                        H. Thomas
Geraldine Erdell        Rak-69-1, p6; Rak-96-
(b.1909)                1, p48    and check
                        Whaley, Geraldine
Joseph L., Sr. (b.1915) Hsf-88-1, p57
Josephine B. (b.1914)   Rak-96-1-69-1; Rak-96-
                        1, p48    and check
                        Rozar, Josephine
Louie Marvis (b.1944)   Hsf-88-1, p.57
Margaret M. (b.1912;    Rak-69-1, p7; Rak-96-
?1916)                  1, p48; Sft-00-1,
                        p30; Rvl-96-1, p237
                        and check Revell,
                        Margaret Thomas
Odell (b.1945)          Hsf-88-1, p.57
Sally C. Raker (b.1888) Rak-69-1, p6; Rak-96-
                        1, p47
Sarah Roddenberry       Rby-79-1, p40
Truman Brack (b.1886)   Rak-69-1, p6; Rak-96-
                        1, p47
Truman Peerless (1917-  Rak-69-1, p7
Verlie U. Raker (1916-  Rak-96-1, p58

Thompson - principal works:
 Thp-67-1   The Magnolia Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 1 (Jan 1967), article "Sarah Jane
  Thompson of Curtis Mills"   Elizabeth F. Smith   1967   type 4   1 pg   26
 Thp-97-1   Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, No. 7 (Jul 1997), article "Curtis
  Mills,"   Freeman W. Ashmore,     58 Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358
  1997   type 4   54 persons
Thompson, -
Acklin                  Hln-02-1, p1215
Audie Belle Corley      Thp-97-1; Thp-67-1
Bashiva                 Thp-67-1    and check
                        Corley, Bashiva
Charley                 Rvl-96-1, p146
Corrine                 Rvl-96-1, p146
Daniel (Danny)          Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
                        1, p157
Donnie                  Rvl-96-1, p146
Emmie Daughtry          Rbt-99-1, p3; Thp-67-1
Ethel Mae (d.1993)      Rvl-96-1, p162    and
                        see Wilder, Ethel Mae
Evelyn                  Rbt-99-1, p3
Evelyn Brannon          Thp-67-1
Frances E. Vause        Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-96-
(b.1926)                1, p157
Henry                   Hln-02-1, p1215
Ida Lorine (b.1934)     Thp-97-1    and see
                        Vause, Ida Lorine
James Henry (1871-1938) Thp-67-1; Thp-97-1
Lee                     Rbt-99-1, p3
Leroy                   Rvl-96-1, p146
Lucille                 Rvl-96-1, p146
Margaret                Rbt-99-1, p4    and
                        see Metcalf, Margaret
Martha Jane             Thp-67-1    and check
                        Brown, Martha J.
Mary Virginia           Thp-67-1    and check
                        Brannon, Mary
                        Virginia Thompson
Mattie Marie            Thp-67-1    and check
                        Crowson, Mattie M.
Monroe (b.1909)         Thp-97-1; Thp-67-1
Nancy Mae               Thp-67-1
Pricilla Vause          Rvl-96-1, p146
Robert Lee              Thp-67-1
Rozena                  Thp-67-1    and check
                        Carroll, Rozena
Sarah Jane Sunday (1874-Thp-67-1; Thp-97-1
Theo                    Thp-67-1
Thomas William          Thp-67-1
Willie D. Corley        Thp-67-1

Thurmond - principal works:
Thd-81-1   untitled, lineages of J. Harold Thurmond (b.1933)
 and Janie Ruth Ward Thurmond (b.1934)   Brent X. Thurmond,
 27 Brentwood Lane, Crawfordville, FL.   1981   type 3 (fam.
 history)   17 pgs   65 persons
Thurmond, -
Corinthia Ridgeway      Thd-81-1, p11
Fred Elmer (ca.1862-    Thd-81-1, p11
Joyce Harold (b.1933)   Thd-81-1, p11
Patricia Ann (b.1942)   Rvl-96-1, p82
Psalms David (b.1901)   Thd-81-1, p11
Sarah Gaither           Thd-81-1, p10

Todd, -
Hazel Estel. Cochran    Rvl-96-1, p61
Hilda Jean (b.1933)     Rvl-96-1, p61
James Buford (b.1909)   Rvl-96-1, p61
James David             Rvl-96-1, p56
June Leverne (b.1931)   Rvl-96-1, p60
Myrtle Beach (1910-     Rvl-96-1, p60
T. Serepta Revell (1869-Rvl-96-1, p56
William Ferris (1906-   Rvl-96-1, p60
William Ferris, Jr.     Rvl-96-1, p60

Towles, -
Alton                   Rkl-64-1
Lucille Rehwinkel       Rkl-64-1
John                    Rkl-64-1

Townsend, -
Ann Eliza               Rak-96-1, p34    and
                        check Graves, Ann
Nancy (b.1947)          Ccl-98-1, p153    and
                        see Council, Nancy
Robert                  Sft-00-1, p8

Trice -
Sarah                   Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        see Brown, Sarah

Trull, -
Jim                     Rvl-96-1, p186
Sally Lavada (1896-     Rvl-96-1, p186    and
1974)                   see Harvey, Sally L.

Tucker - principal works:
 Rvl-96-1   Revell Family History From 1606   Etta Maude
  Rouse Kirkland and Devota Durrance Hodge   1996   type 2
  263 pgs   6,000 persons (est)
Tucker, -
Alma Harvey (1913-      Rvl-96-1, p165
Alton O. (b.1906)       Rak-96-1, p36; Rvl-96-
                        1, p55
Annie Louise (b.1905)   Rvl-96-1, p149    and
                        check Palmer, Annie
                        Louise Tucker
Aubrey Leighton (1909-  Rvl-96-1, p169
Barbara Ruth (b.1932)   Rvl-96-1, p171    and
                        check Roberts,
                        Barbara Ruth Tucker
Bertha Mae              Rnl-97-1, p14    and
                        see Reynolds, Bertha
Bessie                  Rvl-96-1, p236    and
                        see Revell, Bessie
Betty Ann (1930-1970)   Rvl-96-1, p167; Ccl-98-
                        1, p155    and see
                        Gray, Betty Ann
Beulah Mae (b.1915)     Rvl-96-1, p36,170
                        and see Barwick,
                        Beulah Tucker
Blanche (b.1905)        Rvl-96-1, p169    and
                        check Evans, Blanche
Braxton Rufus (1918-    Rvl-96-1, p165
Carlos Guy (1907-1975)  Rvl-96-1, p169
Carlton                 Rvl-96-1, p165
Cath. Raker             Rvl-96-1, p165
Cath. Susie Council     Ccl-98-1, p154; Rvl-96-
(1901-1946)             1, p165
Charles                 Rak-96-1, p27
Charlie Washington      Rvl-96-1, p165
Dexter (b.1934)         Rvl-96-1, p169
Donald Legrand          Rvl-96-1, p169
Dora Lucille (1882-     Rak-96-1, p35    and
1965)                   check Raker, Dora L.
Dorcy b.1917)           Rvl-96-1, p168    and
                        check Miller, Dorcy
Dorothy Louise          Rvl-96-1, p171    and
(b.1924)                check Maxwell,
                        Dorothy L. Tucker
Edith Merlin (1917-     Rvl-96-1, p170
Edith Taylor (b.1917)   Rbt-99-1, p3
Edra Marie Council      Ccl-98-1, p152; Rvl-96-
                        1, p165
Effie Kyle (1890-1975)  Spr-94-1, p94; Rvl-96-
                        1, p169
Eleanor (b.1928)        Rvl-96-1, p169    and
                        check Cabler, Eleanor
Ellis Ronald (1921-     Rvl-96-1, p165; Ccl-98-
1977)                   1, p155
Ellis Roscoe (1898-     Rvl-96-1, p164; Mor-86-
1981)                   1, p8; Ccl-98-1, p152
Elva (1915-1988)        Rvl-96-1, p105,169
                        and see Pelt, Elva
Ethel Mozelle (1903-    Mld-88-1, p175; Rvl-96-
1990)                   1, p168    and see
                        McLeod, E. Mozelle
                        Tucker, and Hamlin,
                        E. Mozelle Tucker
Eugene Harold (1926-    Rvl-96-1, p166; Ccl-98-
1990)                   1, p155
Grace M. Spears         Rvl-96-1, p169
Harr. Jeruthia Vause    Rvl-96-1, p161
Harriet (Hattie; 1848-  Rvl-96-1, p171    and
1935)                   see Vause, Harriet
Harriet Louvenia (1888- Rvl-96-1, p170    and
1979)                   see Williams, Harriet
                        L. Tucker, and
                        Wilder, Harriet L.
Hazel Robison           Rvl-96-1, p169
Helen                   Rvl-96-1, p169
Helen Elizabeth         Rvl-96-1, p168; Ccl-98-
(b.1933)                1, p155  and check
                        Sullivan, Helen E.
Ida (1891-1969)         Spr-94-1, p94; Rvl-96-
                        1, p189    and check
                        Vause, Ida Tucker
Iva                     Rvl-96-1, p169
Jane Broward (b.1814)   Rvl-96-1, p161
Jasper (Jack; 1908-     Rbt-99-1, p3
Jerushia Blye (b.1929)  Rvl-96-1, p171    and
                        check Vickers,
                        Jerushia B. Tucker
Jewel Odessa (b.1912)   Rak-96-1, p36; Rvl-96-
                        1, p55
Jimmie Lou Branch       Ccl-98-1, p155
Joseph A. (Joe; 1888-   Rak-96-1, p36; Rvl-96-
1944)                   1, p54
June Muraro (1933-      Rvl-96-1, p166; Ccl-98-
1962)                   1, p155
Jurelle Pelt (d.1990)   Rvl-96-1, p165; Ccl-98-
                        1, p155
Katherine Raker         Rak-96-1, p27
Kathleen (b.1924)       Rvl-96-1, p169    and
                        check Bettner,
                        Kathleen Tucker
Laura Shirley (1924-    Rvl-96-1, p166; Ccl-98-
1994)                   1, p155    and check
                        Teehee, Laura Shirley
Lewis Oliver (1907-     Rvl-96-1, p170
Lilla Mary (b.1922)     Rvl-96-1, p170    and
                        see McKenzie, Lilla
                        Mary Tucker
Lois Council            Mor-86-1, p8    and
                        check Martin, Lois
Louis                   Cox-97-1, p45
Louise White (1925-     Rvl-96-1, p165
Luther                  Kyl-97-1, p21
Luther (1848-1911)      Rvl-96-1, p161
Luther Chris. Jr.       Spr-94-1, p94; Rvl-96-
(Kit; b.1932)           1, p169
Luther Christophe       Rvl-96-1, p169
Margaret Ann Green      Rvl-96-1, p171
Marie Polts             Rvl-96-1, p165
Marion Luther           Spr-94-1, p94; Kyl-97-
                        1, p21; Rvl-96-1,
Mary E. (Lizzie; 1872-  Spr-94-1, p63; Rvl-96-
1936)                   1, p162    and check
                        Spears, Mary Eliz.
                        Tucker, and Roberts,
Mary Kitchen            Rvl-96-1, p169
Mary Louvenia (b.1900)  Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
                        1, p168    and see
                        Taff, Mary Louvenia
Mary P. Gwaltney (1890- Rvl-96-1, p161
Melva (1915-1970)       Rvl-96-1, p169
Minnie V. Nazworth      Rvl-96-1, p165
Nona Dale (1894-1992)   Rvl-96-1, p165    and
                        check Davis, Nona
                        Dale Tucker
Ola Geneva Raker (1889- Rak-96-1, p36; Rvl-96-
1965)                   1, p54
Oliver (1890-1977)      Rvl-96-1, p161
Rawls                   Rvl-96-1, p55
Reba Lurlene (1928-     Rvl-96-1, p167; Ccl-98-
1989)                   1, p155    and check
                        Bush, Reba L. Tucker
Rebecca                 Rvl-96-1, p169
Reginald (b.1922)       Rvl-96-1, p169
Roderick                Cox-97-1, p45
Rosa Lee Cox            Rvl-96-1, p170
Rosalee Cox             Cox-97-1, p45
Rossie (b.1926)         Rvl-96-1, p169    and
                        check Wildern, Rossie
Ruby Louvenia (1912-    Rvl-96-1, p36,170
1996)                   and see Barwick, Ruby
                        L. Tucker
Rufus (1874-1961)       Rvl-96-1, p165
Rufus (b.1810)          Rvl-96-1, p161
Rufus (b.1921)          Rvl-96-1, p169
Sarah L. Eubanks (1874- Rvl-96-1, p165
Senie Florenia Vause    Rvl-96-1, p149
Senie Roceda (1901-     Rvl-96-1, p149
Thomas (b.1821)         Rvl-96-1, p171
Victor Wadsworth (1913- Rvl-96-1, p169
William Kelly (1911-    Rvl-96-1, p170
William W. (b.1909)     Rvl-96-1, p149
Zonie Ezella (1906-     Rvl-96-1, p168    and
1989)                   check Smith, Zonie
                        Ezella Tucker

Tully, -
Ada Drew Whaley (1878-  Rvl-96-1, p46
Ada Melvenia (1912-     Rvl-96-1, p47    and
1954)                   check Hinton, Ada
                        Melv. Tully
Albert Emory (1873-     Rvl-96-1, p46
Albert Paul (b.1907)    Rvl-96-1, p46
Andrew Emory (d.1981)   Rvl-96-1, p47
Andrew Patterson        Rvl-96-1, p46
Anna Marie Hughes       Rvl-96-1, p119
Arthur                  Mor-86-1, p9
Blanche Adele (ca1916-  Rvl-96-1, p47,66
1988)                   and see Alligood,
                        Blanche Tully
Buddy                   Mor-86-1, p9
Capers Ira              Mor-86-1, p9
Carrie                  Mor-86-1, p9    and
                        check Gregory, Carrie
Charlott Coor           Rvl-96-1, p46
Cornelia Moore          Mor-86-1, p9
Elaine Geiger (b.1932)  Rvl-96-1, p120
Elizabeth (Libbo;       Rvl-96-1, p119    and
b.1921)                 check Payne,
                        Elizabeth Tully
Epsie                   Mor-86-1, p9    and
                        check Bell, Epsie
Ernestine Hunt          Rvl-96-1, p120
Estill A. Butler        Rvl-96-1, p46
George                  Mor-86-1, p9
George Washington       Mor-86-1, p9
Glover Emerson (1912-   Rvl-96-1, p47
Glover L. (b.1876)      Rvl-96-1, p47
Gwyndoline Ettie        Rvl-96-1, p47    and
(b.1910)                check Earp,
                        Gwyndoline Ettie
Harriet Melv. Revell    Rvl-96-1, p46
Horace                  Mor-86-1, p9
James Calvin (1927-     Rvl-96-1, p120
Johnnie                 Mor-86-1, p9
Lillie Mae (b.1917)     Rvl-96-1, p118    and
                        check Abstein, Lillie
                        Mae Tully
Lola Merritt            Rvl-96-1, p46
Louise                  Mor-86-1, p9    and
                        see Forbes, Louise
Mable Irene (1897-      Rvl-96-1, p46    and
1982)                   check Byrd, Mable
                        Irene Tully
Mary Adelaide (1869-    Rvl-96-1, p46    and
1959)                   check Duval, Mary
                        Adelaide Tully
Mary Frances (b.1919)   Rvl-96-1, p118    and
                        check McGinty, Mary
                        Frances Tully
Meginnis                Mor-86-1, p9
Muriel Warren           Mor-86-1, p9
Randolph Patterson      Rvl-96-1, p46
Rita Oder               Mor-86-1, p9
Robert Henry (1929-     Rvl-96-1, p120
Sue Hancock (b.1935)    Rvl-96-1, p119
Viola Kinsey            Mor-86-1, p9
Walter                  Mor-86-1, p9
William C. (Billy;      Rvl-96-1, p46
William Coggins         Rak-96-1, p22; Rvl-96-
(b.1917)                1, p118
William Edwin (1900-    Rvl-96-1, p46
William Jackson         Rvl-96-1, p119
Winifred (b.1923)       Rvl-96-1, p119    and
                        check Hughes,
                        Winifred Tully
Winnie Pigott (1896-    Rak-96-1, p22; Rvl-96-
1991)                   1, p118

Turner, -
Alford (1904-1969)      Rvl-96-1, p91
Eva Strickland (b.1922) Rvl-96-1, p242
Gladys Alfreda (b.1930) Rvl-96-1, p92    and
                        see Smith, Gladys
                        Alfreda Turner
Gladys Geneva Linzy     Rvl-96-1, p91
Jerry Decatur (b.1934)  Rvl-96-1, p92    and
                        see Morrow, Jerry D.
Lila Kathryn (b.1928)   Rvl-96-1, p91    and
                        see Eubanks, Lila
                        Kathryn Turner
Rufus H. (1916-1974)    Rvl-96-1, p242