Wakula County Genealogy Index

by David Roddenberry

Note: The key to the reference material codes can be found in the

Genealogies Surveyed

Jackson, -
Annette Eubanks        Rvl-96-1, p99,183
Charles Wyatt (b.1932) Rvl-96-1, p99,183
Mary Lillian Lawhon    Rvl-96-1, p183
Tommy Mooney (1908-    Rvl-96-1, p183

Johnson, -
A.D.                    Asn-97-1, p14
Annie Mrya Anderson     Asn-97-1, p14
Audie Orlene (b.1911)   Ccl-98-1, p153    and
                        see Council, Audie
                        Orlene Johnson
Beverly A. (Boots;      Ccl-98-1, p146
Carrie                  Kyl-97-1, p21
Carrie D. Revell (1888- Rvl-96-1, p237
Christle Kenney         Rvl-96-1, p237
Ester May (1920-1982)   Rvl-96-1, p237
Esther (d.1970)         Rvl-96-1, p164    and
                        check Roberts, Esther
George                  Lgt-96-1, p14
George                  Rbt-99-1, p3
George, Jr.             Lgt-96-1, p14
Gladys                  Lgt-96-1, p14
Gladys (b.1917)         Rvl-96-1, p116    and
                        see Durrance, Gladys
Hayward (b.1925)        Rvl-96-1, p237
Hershell                Rvl-96-1, p32    and
                        see Grant, Hershell
Joyce (b. 1925)         Ccl-98-1, p146    and
                        check Ponder, Joyce
Lakie Crum (b.1924)     Rbt-99-1, p3
Marie                   Rvl-96-1, p150    and
                        check Pelt, Marie
Marilyn Elizabeth       Rvl-96-1, p234    and
                        see Revell, Marilyn
Meady                   Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
                        1, p237
Pearl Regina Langston   Lgt-96-1, p14
Thelma M. Council       Ccl-98-1, p146
Woodard Everett         Rvl-96-1, p237

Joiner, -
Aubrey                  Rvl-96-1, p36
Beedie L. Barwick       Rvl-96-1, p36

Jones, -
Alice Eleanor (1924-    Ccl-98-1, p153    and
1984)                   see Council, Alice
                        Eleanor Jones
Hattie Moore            Rvl-96-1, p234
James L. (1925-1982)    Rvl-96-1, p234
L. Franklin (Frank;     Rvl-96-1, p112
Laura Ellen             Rvl-96-1, p48    and
                        see Revell, Laura
                        Ellen Jones
Myron Murray (b.1930)   Rvl-96-1, p234
Nannie Bet Pigott       Rvl-96-1, p112    and
                        see Brooks, Nannie
                        Bet Pigott
Orbie B.                Rvl-96-1, p234
Ruel B. (b.1927)        Rvl-96-1, p234
Vera Lee Revell (1905-  Rvl-96-1, p234

Jordan, -
Ruth Wilder (b.1915)    Rvl-96-1, p163
Morgan                  Rvl-96-1, p163

Kelly, -
Albert                  Brn-97-1, p19
Allie Matilda Brown     Brn-97-1, p19
Ira Council (b.1937)    Ccl-98-1, p146
John Roy                Ccl-98-1, p146
John Roy (b.1935)       Ccl-98-1, p146
Voncile (b.1934)        Rbt-99-1, p4

Kemp, -
Kathrine Eloise         Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Strickland, K.
                        Eloise Kemp

Kennedy, -
Annie G. Dollar         Lin-81-1, P98
Barbara Jean (b.1938)   Lin-81-1, p98
Elizabeth Jemima        Lin-81-1, p98
Ethel Elmira (b.1918)   Lin-81-1, p98
Harry                   Brn-97-1, p19
Jimmy Wayne (b.1941)    Ccl-98-1, p148
Mary                    Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Martin, Mary
Mary Evalee Brown       Brn-97-1, p19
Mattie Jeanette         Lin-81-1, p98
Mattie Jeannette        Lin-81-1, p98
Thomas Leroy (b.1912)   Lin-81-1, p98
William E. (b.1945)     Lin-81-1, p98
William Edward          Lin-81-1, p98

Kersey - principal works:
 Ksy 1997-1   Wakulla Area Digest, Vol.6, Ed. 3 (Mar 1997), article "Looking
  Back," heading "The Kater Kersey Family," p.13   Freeman W. Ashmore, 58
  Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358    1997   type 4   1 pg   28 persons
Kersey, -
Amanda E. (b.1848)      Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p42    and see
                        Revell, Amanda Kersey
Anna Maria (1842-1903)  Ksy-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p148    and see
                        Revell, Anna Maria
Cader (b.ca.1810)       Ksy-97-1, p13
David Emanuel (b.1846)  Ksy-97-1, p13
Elijah (b.1846)         Ksy-97-1, p13
Elizabeth Bostick       Ksy-97-1, p13
George W. (b.1852)      Ksy-97-1, p13
Louisa (b.1836)         Ksy-97-1, p13
Martha J. (b.1838)      Ksy-97-1, p13    and
                        check McEachern,
                        Martha J. Kersey
Mary C. (b.1844)        Ksy-97-1, p13
Sara (b.1840)           Ksy-97-1, p13

Kinsey, -
Jessie (b.1880)         Mdl-61-1, p14    and
                        see Page, Jessie Page

Kirby, -
Quirta Jeruthia (1796-  Rvl-96-1, p27
1884)                   [matriarch of the
                        genealogy]    and see
                        Revell, Q. Jeruthia

Kirkland, -
Ethel                   Rvl-96-1, p212    and
                        see Strickland, Ethel
Etta Maude Rouse        Rvl-96-1, p40,151
(b.1909)                [co-author of the
James Nelson (1902-     Rvl-96-1, p40,151
Jim                     Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p151
Mary Vause (Mammie;     
1875-1916)             Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p40,151

Knight, -
Mary (1775-1853)        Rby-79-1, p27
                        [matriarch of the
                        genealogy]    and see
                        Roddenberry, Mary
Carolyn (b.1928)        Rvl-96-1, p106

Kyle - principal works:
 Kyl-97-1   Wakulla Area Digest, Vol 6, Ed.2 (Feb 1997), article "Looking Back,"
  heading "The Kyle Family," p.14   Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane,
  Sopchoppy, FL 32358    1997   type 4   1 pg   47 persons
Kyle, -
Bert                    Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Carrie Johnson          Kyl-97-1, p21
Catherine June (Kitty)  Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19
Christopher Columbus    Kyl-97-1, p14
Christopher Columbus    Kyl-97-1, p21
Christopher Columbus,   Kyl-97-1, p21
Clyde Randolph          Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1 , p19
Effie G. (1890-1975)    Kyl-97-1, p21; Rvl-96-
                        1, p169    and check
                        Tucker, Effie Kyle
Elizabeth               Kyl-97-1, p21
Elizabeth Edmundson     Kyl-97-1, p14
Elizabeth Langston      Lgt-96-1, p14
Elma Katie Langston     Kyl-97-1, p21
Eunice Bulger           Kyl-97-1, p21
Evalee Anderson         Spr-94-1, p47; Kyl-97-
(b.1904)                1, p21
Helen Finch             Spr-94-1, p47
J. Columbus, Jr.        Spr-94-1, p47
James Bunyan (J.B.)     Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14, 19
James Monroe            Kyl-97-1, p21
Jasper                  Kyl-97-1, p21
Jonathan Columbus       Spr-94-1, p47
Jonathan Columbus       Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
(Lum)                   1, p14
Jonathan Columbus, Jr.  Kyl-97-1, p21
Lois Pauline            Kyl-97-1, p21
Lois Pauline (b.1921)   Spr-94-1, p47    and
                        check Martin, Lois
Lottie                  Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Pope, Lottie Kyle
Louisa                  Kyl-97-1, p21    and
                        check Dugger, Louisa
Louise Sanders          Kyl-97-1, p21
Mary E. Langston        Kyl-97-1, p21
Mary Jane Atkinson      Kyl-97-1, p21
Mavis Elma              Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19, 44
Milberry Pittman        Kyl-97-1, p21
Milberry Session        Kyl-97-1, p21    and
                        check Ferrell,
                        Millberry S. Kyle
Myra Laura Chason       Kyl-97-1, p21; Chn-97-
Newton (Newt)           Kyl-97-1, p21; Chn-97-
                        1; Lgt-96-1, p14
Quintus Alton           Kyl-97-1, p21; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Smitty Sanders          Kyl-97-1, p21
Willie Robert           Kyl-97-1, p21

Ladd - principal works:
 -Hln-02-1   The Hamlin Family: A Genealogy of James Hamlin of Barnstable,
  Massachusetts   H. Franklin Andrews   (Pub. by author, Exira, Iowa, 1902)
  type 1
Ladd, -
Annie C. (b.1889)      Hln-02-1, p1215
Daniel (1817-1872)     Hln-02-1, p891
Daniel G. (b.1890)     Hln-02-1, p1215
Elizabeth E. Thompson  Hln-02-1, p1215
Elizabeth Overstreet   Hln-02-1, p891
Ella Lucile (1894-     Hln-02-1, p1216
Fred Taylor (1900-     Hln-02-1, p1216
George (b.1851)        Hln-02-1, p1215
Henry Palmer (1897-    Hln-02-1, p1216
Jessie M. (b.1883)     Hln-02-1, p1215
Joseph M. (b.1881)     Hln-02-1, p1215
Joseph Milton (1857-   Hln-02-1, p1215
Levonia Hamlin         Hln-02-1, p1215

Laing, -
Alice (b.1927)          Hll-96-1, p73    and
                        see Lawhon, Alice
Charles M. (1900-1981)  Hll-96-1, p73
Elsie (1926-1989)       Hll-96-1, p73    and
                        check Beane, Elsie
Ina French (1905-1972)  Hll-96-1, p73
Isobel (b.1930)         Hll-96-1, p74
Nancy Stubbs            Hll-96-1, p74
Robert Roston (b.1932)  Hll-96-1, p74
Laird, -                
Ben                     Rvl-96-1, p173
Dorothy Fay Barwick     Rvl-96-1, p36
Ida Ellen Hartsfield    Rvl-96-1, p173
Lettie Lee (1894-1964)  Rvl-96-1, p173
Ralph                   Rvl-96-1, p36

Langsford, -            
Annie (b.ca.1902)       Sft-00-1, p4
Chason                  Sft-00-1, p3
Mary M. Anderson (1880- Sft-00-1, p3

Langston - principal works:
 Lgt-96-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol 5, Ed. 12 (Dec 1996), article "Looking Back,"
  heading "Smith Creek," p.13 Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane,
  Sopchoppy, FL 32358    1997   type 4   5 pgs   575 persons
 Lgt-98-1- The Langston House: History and Archaeology of a North Florida Rural
  Homesite   Andrea C. Repp (dissertation, Fla. State University)   1998   type
  3   *pgs   50 persons
Langston, -
Abigail Creech (Abbie)  Lgt-96-1, p44
Addie                   Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Smith, Addie
Addie Dora              Lgt-96-1, p44    and
                        see Anderson, Addie
                        Dora Langston
Addie Dora (Dink)       Chn-97-1, p13; Asn-97-
                        1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p36
                        and check Howard,
                        Addie D. (Dink)
Alice                   Lgt-96-1, p14
Alice Elizabeth (1929-  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
1947)                   1, p36; Rvl-96-1,
Alice Virginia          Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and see
                        Chason, Alice V.
Alley                   Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        see Anderson, Allie
Alma Mae Hightower      Cox-97-1, p45
Alton (1918-1980)       Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                        1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
Amanda                  Lgt-96-1, p14
Amos Irvin (1911-1991)  Hsf-88-1, p73; Sft-00-
                        1, p12; Lgt-96-1,
                        p13; Rvl-96-1, p44
Andrew Jackson (Jack)   Lgt-96-1, p14
Angela Levita           Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Faircloth, Angela L.
Anna Cox                Lgt-96-1, p19
Annie                   Lgt-96-1, p19
Annie                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36    and check
                        Harwood, Annie
Annie (b.1901)          Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6
Annie Lou               Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and see Cox-
                        97-1, Annie L.
Audie                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Barbara J. Garland      Amr-97-1, p14
Barney (1910-1932)      Lgt-96-1, p36,44; Lgt-
                        98-1, p6
Beatrice                Lgt-96-1, p13
Bernice                 Lgt-96-1, p44    and
                        see Anderson, Bernice
Bessie                  Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19    and check
                        Selph, Bessie
Callie Braswell         Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Calvin C. (b.1926)      Lgt-98-1, p6
Calvin Cooledge         Lgt-96-1, p44
Celia A. McMillan       Lgt-96-1, p13
Celia Mae               Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Cox, Celia Mae
Celia Ruth              Lgt-96-1, p14
Charles                 Lgt-96-1, p44
Charles Caleb (Charlie; Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
1875-1938)              1, p6
Charles Caleb Elbert    Lgt-96-1, p36
Charlie                 Lgt-96-1, p36
Clara                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Clara Hartsfield (1881- Hsf-88-1, p.73; Amr-97-
1955)                   1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
Clarence Mandley        Lgt-96-1, p14
Consuela (Ouida)        Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Wilson, Consuela.
                        (Ouida) Langston
Curtis L. (b.1935)      Lgt-98-1, p6
Dale Winfred (b.1923)   Rvl-96-1, p121
Dayton                  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Dewey Maximo            Lgt-96-1, p13
Dollie Mae (b.1908)     Lgt-96-1, p36,44; Lgt-
                        98-1, p6    and check
                        Revell, Dollie Mae
Douglas Eugene          Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Eddie                   Lgt-96-1, p14
Edna                    Lgt-96-1, p44
Eley (1876-1966)        Hsf-88-1, p.73; Amr-97-
                        1 ,p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
Elizabeth (Lizzie)      Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Kyle, Elizabeth
Elma Katie (b.1903)     Lgt-96-1, p19,44; Lgt-
                        98-1, p6; Kyl -97-1
                        and check Kyle, Elma
                        (Katie) Langston
Eloise Ashmore (1915-   Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
1993))                  1, p13; Rvl-96-1,
Elsie Marie             Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Schulte, Elsie
                        M. Langston
Emily Baker             Lgt-96-1, p13
Ervin Ezra              Lgt-96-1, p14,44
Ervin Maceo             Lgt-96-1, p19; Cox-97-
                        1, p45
Eugene                  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Eva (b.1902)            Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
                        1, p13    and check
                        Haynes, Eva L.
Flavey Jackson (1900-   Ccl-98-1, p155
Floreine Ashmore        Lgt-96-1, p13
Florence                Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Florida Colvin          Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6
Frances (1851-1924)     Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6; Rvl-96-1, p149
                        and see Vause,
                        Frances Langston
Genevieve               Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
George Washington       Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Gertrude                Lgt-96-1, p14
Gertrude                Lhn-97-1, p45
Gilbert Jackson (1914-  Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
1971)                   1, p14; Lgt-96-1,
                        p13; Rvl-96-1, p132
Glenn Ennis (b.1927)    Rvl-96-1, p121
Grace Etta Tomlinson    Lgt-96-1, p44
Harmon                  Lgt-96-1, p14
Hazel Margarelle        Rvl-96-1, p121    and
(b.1921)                check Wade, Hazel M.
Helen Geneva (1927-     Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
1965)                   1, p36; Rvl-96-1,
Hoyt                    Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Ira Lee                 Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14, 19
Ira Lee, Jr. (I.L.)     Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Jack                    Lgt-96-1, p19
Jacob Ervin             Lgt-96-1, p14
Jacob R. (1880-1972)    Lgt-98-1, p6
Jacob Richard           Lgt-96-1, p36
Jake                    Lgt-96-1, p14,44
James (Jimmy)           Lgt-96-1, p36
James Ervin (Jim)       Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p13, 36
James John (Jimpse)     Asn-97-1, p14; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
James McMillan (Mack)   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Jane Collins            Lgt-96-1, p36
Janie Sue               Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                        check Harrell, Janie
                        Sue Langston
Jesse (1822-1862)       Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6
Jesse James             Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Jesse James (b.1930)    Rvl-96-1, p117
Jessie (1888-1965)      Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6    and check
                        Howard, Jessie
Jewel                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
John (b.1810)           Lgt-96-1, p13
John Howard             Amr-97-1, p14
John Randolph (b.1939)  Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                        1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
Johnny                  Lgt-96-1, p14
Jonathan Bunyan         Lgt-98-1, p6
Jonathan Bunyan (Jack)  Lgt-96-1, p13
Joseph Lamar            Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Joseph Reddick          Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Joseph Reddick, Jr.     Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Josephine McMillan      Cox-97-1, p45
Judson                  Lgt-96-1, p14
June Lavone             Lgt-96-1, p36
Kate Ramsey (b.1936)    Hsf-88-1, p73; Rvl-96-
                        1, p44
Kerry Strickland        Lgt-96-1, p14
Laura Anderson          Asn-97-1, p14; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Laura Lawson (1882-     Lgt-96-1, p19,44; Lgt-
1983)                   98-1, p6
Leah E. (1881-1965)     Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6    and check
                        Reynolds, Leah
Lena Nelson             Cox-97-1, p45
Lettie                  Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14, 19
Lilla                   Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Tully, Lilla
                        Langston, and
                        Maxwell, ~
Linda Ray (b.1942)      Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                        1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
                        and check Scott,
                        Linda Langston
Lona Strickland (1898-  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
1992)                  1, p36; Rvl-96-1, p244
Lottie                  Lgt-96-1, p19; Cox-97-
                       1, p45
Louise Durrance         Rvl-96-1, p117
Lucille Roberts         Lgt-96-1, p36
Mabry Lee (1921-1964)   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                       1, p36; Rvl-96-1, p244
Mack                    Lgt-96-1, p14, 19
Major (1904-1995)       Lgt-96-1, p36; Lgt-98-
                       1, p6
Malba June              Lgt-96-1, p13
Mammie                  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                       1, p13, 36    and
                       check Lawhon, Mammie
Mammie (b.1902)         Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
                       1, p13    and check
                       Revell, Mammie
Margaret Perdue         Lgt-98-1, p6
Marguerite              Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                       see Rhames, Marguerite
Martha Cox (Mattie)     Cox-97-1, p45, Lgt-96-
                       1, p19
Martha Gail (b.1948)    Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                       1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13
Mary                    Lgt-96-1, p13
Mary Ann Mobley         Lgt-96-1, p36
Mary Elizabeth          Lgt-96-1, p19,44; Lgt-
                       98-1, p6    and check
                       Anderson, Mary
Mary Frances (1880-     Lgt-98-1, p44; Lgt-98-
1964)                  1, p6
Mary Ida Strickland     Lgt-96-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p211
Mary Lou Bevis          Cox-97-1, p45
Mary Louise Harrell     Rvl-96-1, p121
Mary Mariah Smith (1825-Lgt-96-1, p44
Mary O. McMillan        Lgt-96-1, p14
Mary Ola Pierce         Lgt-96-1, p14
Mattie Elaine           Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Chason, Mattie E.
Mavis Alma Kyle         Lgt-96-1, p44
Minnie Belle            Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19    and check
                        Berry, Minnie
Minnie Lee Champion     Cox-97-1, p45
Mittie (1898-1989)      Lgt-96-1, p36,44; Rak-
                        96-1, p53; Lgt-98-1,
                        p6    and see
                        McKenzie, Mittie
Mona Chason             Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Morgan                  Lgt-96-1, p36
Murray Wilson (b.1934)  Rvl-96-1, p121
Myrtice Clarice         Amr-97-1, p14; Lgt-96-
(b.1921)                1, p44    and see
                        Ashmore, M. Clarice
Myrtle W. Roddenberry   Rvl-96-1, p44; Hsf-88-
(b.1911)                1, p73; Rby-79-1,
                        p273; Lgt-96-1, p13
M. Yvonne Council (Von; Ccl-98-1, p155
Neil                    Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Niona McQuaig (1919-    Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
1979)                   1, p13
Noah (b.1883)           Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6
Opal Jean (b.1924)      Lgt-96-1, p19,44; Lgt-
                        98-1, p6    and check
                        Anderson, Opal Jean
                        Langston, and Sumner,
Otis                    Lgt-96-1, p14
Patricia Bennett (Pat;  Amr-97-1, p14
Patrick Gilbert         Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
(b.1938)                1, p13
Paul                    Lgt-96-1, p36; Chn-97-
                        1, p13
Pearl Regina            Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        check Johnson, Pearl
                        L. Langston
Rachel Lawhon           Lgt-96-1, p13    and
                        check Reynolds,
                        Rachel Lawhon
Rachel Lawhon           Rnl-97-1, p14    and
                        see Reynolds, Rachel
Raney Lee (1897-1932)   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36; Rvl-96-1,
Rebecca                 Lgt-96-1, p13    and
                        check Colvin, Rebecca
Rebecca O. Chason       Chn-97-1, p13; Asn-97-
(Levy)                  1, p14; Lgt-96-1 ,
                        p36    and see
                        Anderson, Rebecca
                        Chason (Levy)
Reddick                 Lgt-96-1, p13
Reddick Albert          Lgt-96-1, p44
Reddick H. (Red) (1840- Cox-97-1, p45; Chn-97-
1890)                   1; Lgt-96-1, p13, 36;
                        Rvl-96-1, p211
Reese Wayne (b.1925)    Rvl-96-1, p121
Robert                  Lgt-96-1, p36; Chn-97-
                        1, p13
Robert B. (Shoat; 1859- Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
1934))                  1, p6
Robert Lee              Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Ronald I. (b.1935)      Hsf-88-1, p73; Lgt-96-
                        1, p13; Rvl-96-1, p44
Rosco William (1896-    Rvl-96-1, p121
Ross (b.1893)           Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36,44; Lgt-98-1,
Ruby Lee                Lgt-96-1, p14
Ruby Lee (1923-1951)    Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36; Rvl-96-1,
                        p244    and check
                        Cullifer, Ruby Lee
Ruth Causseaux          Lgt-96-1, p14
Ruth McDonald           Lgt-96-1, p36
Ruth Quigg              Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
S. Eliz. Colvin         
(Lizzie; 1857-1932))   Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6
Sallie Roberts          Lgt-96-1, p13
Sarah (Sallie)          Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                        check Grant, Sarah
                        (Sallie) Langston
Sarah (Sallie)          Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Strickland, Sarah
                        (Sallie) Langston
Sarah Grace             Lgt-96-1, p44    and
                        check Foldes, Sarah
                        Grace Langston
Shirley McKinney        Rvl-96-1, p244
Sofia Palos             Lgt-96-1, p36
Susan C. Revell (Sue)   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36; Rvl-96-1,
Terry Lee               Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p13
Thelma                  Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                        see Grimes, Thelma
Theodore (Ted)          Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Troy                    Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19
W. Esther Sumner        Amr-97-1, p14
W. Hampton (Hamp; 1902- Lgt-96-1, p36,44; Lgt-
1994)                   98-1, p6
Will                    Lgt-96-1, p36
William                 Lgt-96-1, p13
William                 Rnl-97-1, p14
William Garland         Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
William Howard (1919-   Rvl-96-1, p121
William Lawrence (Bill) Lgt-96-1, p13
William Warren          Lgt-96-1, p13
Willie Esther Sumner    Lgt-96-1, p44
Winifred (1898-1932)    Mdl-61-1, p5    and
                        see Hamlin, Winifred

Larkin, -
Mattie                  Rbt-86-1    and check
                        Duggar, Mattie Larkin

Lavender, -
Mattie                  Mor-86-1, p8    and
                        see Moore, Mattie

Lawhon, -  principal works:
 Lhn-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Jan 1997), article "Looking Back,"
  heading "The Lawhon Family," p.19   Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane,
  Sopchoppy, FL 32358   1997   type 4   2pgs   40 persons
 Rvl-96-1   Revell Family History From 1606   Etta Maude Rouse Kirkland and
  Devota Durrance Hodge   1996   type 2   263 pgs   6,000 persons (est)
Lawhon, -
Agnes Aline (Pug;       Rvl-96-1, p172    and
b.1920)                 check Buckwalter,
                        Agnes (Pug) Lawhon
Aletha F. Carraway      
Reddick (b.1922)       Rvl-96-1, p105175
Alice Laing (b.1927)    Hll-96-1, p73
Alice Revell (Alley;    Rvl-96-1, p211
Arrana Harvey (Rana;    Rvl-96-1, p182
Aubrey Guy (1903-1977)  Rvl-96-1, p175
Barbara June (b.1934)   Rvl-96-1, p218; Rvl-96-
                        1, p105,176    and
                        see Grimes, Barbara
                        June Lawhon
Basby [or Bashaby]      Lhn-97-1, p19; Mdl-61-
                        1, p2    and see
                        Carraway, Basby
Berta Mable (b.1913)    Rvl-96-1, p176    and
                        see Frohock, Berta
                        Mable Lawhon
Blanche Malester        Rvl-96-1, p175    and
(b.1905)                check Hughes, Blanche
                        M. Lawhon
Dorothy M. Reid         Rvl-96-1, p177
Dorothy Raker (1920-    Rak-96-1, p36; Rvl-96-
1985)                   1, p54
Edna                    Mor-86-1, p8    and
                        see Moore, Edna
Edward Ausley (b.1917)  Rvl-96-1, p54
Frances Loretta (1931-  Rvl-96-1, p179    and
1992)                   check Dowden, Frances
                        L. Lawhon
Frank Maxwell (b.1927)  Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p178
Fred                    Hll-96-1, p74
Freddy (b. 1929)        Hsf-88-1, p56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p81
Glenn (b.1923)          Hsf-88-1; Rvl-96-1,
Grace Lyene (b.1913)    Sft-00-1, p28; Rvl-96-
                        1, p39,172,222    and
                        see Revell, Grace
Hampy                   Lhn-97-1, p45
Harriet Mae (Hattie;    Rvl-96-1, p172
Howard Donald           Rvl-96-1, p93
Isobel Laing (b.1930)   Hll-96-1, p74
James Maxie             Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Jenny Eugenia           Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        see Brown, Jenny E.
John Gilbert (1921-     Rvl-96-1, p177
John M. (1845-1924)     Rvl-96-1, p211
John William (1876-     Rvl-96-1, p175
Lillian                 Chn-97-1, p13; Lhn-97-
                        1, p45; Lgt-96-1, p36
                        and check McClain,
                        Lillian Lawhon
Lola Linton Blue        Lhn-97-1, p19; Mdl-61-
                        1, p2
Lucille Causseaux       Rvl-96-1, p175
Mammie Langston         Chn-97-1, p13; Lhn-97-
                        1 -97-1; Lgt-96-1,
Margaret (b.ca.1833)    Rvl-96-1, p210
Margaret Carter         Rvl-96-1, p81
Margrette Ethelle       Rvl-96-1, p172    and
(1915-1986)             see Ashmore, M.
                        Ethelle Lawhon
Martha Celia Posey      Rvl-96-1, p93
Mary Catherine (1919-   Rvl-96-1, p177
Mary Ellen              Hsf-88-1, p66
Mary Ellen Vause        Rvl-96-1, p172
Mary Lillian (b.1913)   Rvl-96-1, p183    and
                        check Jackson, Mary
                        Lillian Lawhon
Mary M. (b.1886)        Rvl-96-1, p249    and
                        see Revell, Mary M.
Morris Wells (b.1923)   Rvl-96-1, p177
Oleta Taff              Wlc-00-1, p2; Rvl-96-
                        1, p178
Oma Lee Pelt (1913-     Rvl-96-1, p105,175,218
Philip                  Lin-81-1, p51; Rvl-96-
                        1, p149
Rachel                  Lgt-96-1, p13    and
                        see Langston, Rachel
                        Lawhon, and Reynolds,
Richard Maxie           Lhn-97-1, p19; Mdl-61-
                        1, p2
Richard Simon           Chn-97-1, p13; Lhn-97-
                        1, p19; Lgt-96-1, p36
Robert                  Hll-96-1, p73
Rosa Nellie             Mor-86-1, p11    and
                        see Moore, Rosa N.
Ruby Eubanks            Lin-81-1, p51
Ruth Anderson           Lhn-97-1, p45
Shelley D. (d.1932)     Rvl-96-1, p172
Wayne Laurie (b.1924-   Lin-81-1, p51
Wiley Clifford          Rvl-96-1, p182
William                 Mdl-61-1, p2
William Halley          Rvl-96-1, p218; Rvl-96-
(b.1910)                1, p105,175
Willie                  Lhn-97-1, p19
Willie Lee              Chn-97-1, p13; Rnl-97-
                        1, p15; Lgt-96-1 ,
                        p36    and see
                        Reynolds, Willie Lee
Willie Mae Carter       Rvl-96-1, p81

Laws, -
Edwin Smith (b.1926)    Rby-79-1, p276
Eloise V. Roddenberry   Rby-79-1, p276
John                    Rvl-96-1, p151
Johnnie Mae (b.1907)    Rvl-96-1, p152    and
                        check Joyce, Johnnie
                        Mae Laws
Lucy Belle (1910-1966)  Rvl-96-1, p152    and
                        check Roche, Lucy B.
Mary Vause (1875-1916)  Rvl-96-1, p151; Lgt-98-
                        1, p6    and see
                        Kirkland, Mary Vause

Lee, -
Fannie (1886-1971)      Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        see Harris, Fannie
Fernando                Rvl-96-1, p52
Minnie Lee Revell       Rvl-96-1, p52

Leslie, -
Alpheus Moses (1883-    Rvl-96-1, p240
Audrey Townsend         Rvl-96-1, p240
Claire Catledge         Rvl-96-1, p241
Clifford (b.1919)       Rvl-96-1, p240
Hazel Evelyn (b.1922)   Rvl-96-1, p241    and
                        check Couch, Hazel E.
Homer Cecil (b.1931)    Rvl-96-1, p241
Lloyd (b.1917)          Rvl-96-1, p240
Lola Witt (1915-1982)   Rvl-96-1, p240
Madison Crawford        Rvl-96-1, p241
Marlin Strickland       Rvl-96-1, p240
Peggy M. Leix           Rvl-96-1, p241

Levy, -
Nancy Eliz. (Lizzie;    Rvl-96-1, p212    and
1872-1948)              see Revell, Nancy E.
                        (Lizzie) Levy

Lewis, -
Annie Lee               Rvl-96-1, p33    and
                        see Harris, Annie Lee
Charlie H.              Mor-86-1, p30
Dora Evelyn             Mor-86-1, p30    and
                        see Moore, Dora E.
Elva                    Rvl-96-1, p91    and
                        see Green, Elva Lewis
Eris Inez (b.1909)      Lin-81-1, p84    and
                        check Linton, Eris I.
                        Lewis Johnson
Estelle Spears (1906-   Spr-94-1, p84
Felkel                  Rvl-96-1, p34
Jeannette (b.ca.1838)   Rbt-99-1, p2
Joy                     Wlc-00-1, p2    and
                        see Taff, Joy Lewis
Julia Nan (Mintie;      Rbt-99-1, p2    and
b.1862)                 see Roberts, Julia
                        (Mintie) Lewis
Llewellin (1821-1873)   Lin-81-1, p84
Mae Juanita             Rvl-96-1, p57
Mary Ann (ca.1849-      Rbt-99-1, p2    and
1884)                   see Roberts, Mary Ann
Mary Harris (b.1917)    Rvl-96-1, p34
Opal Ravinell (1917-    Rvl-96-1, p60    and
1992)                   check Tankersley,
                        Opal R. Lewis
Perry Muriel (b.1914)   Rvl-96-1, p57
Ruby Alligood           Mor-86-1, p30
Ruby Eliza (1915-1987)  Rvl-96-1, p59    and
                        check Kinnard, Ruby
                        Eliza Lewis
Thelma Ray (1921-1954)  Rvl-96-1, p60    and
                        check Presnell,
                        Thelma Ray Lewis
Thelma Raye Nims (1894- Rvl-96-1, p57
William B               Rbt-99-1, p2
William Bloxham (1890-  Rvl-96-1, p57

Lilliston, -
Thomas Malcolm, Jr.     Mor-86-1, p12; Rvl-96-
                        1, p83
Annie Missouri          
Moore(1917-1985)       Mor-86-1, p12; Rvl-96-
                        1, p83

Lindsey, -  [and check  
Anna Posey              Spr-94-1, p73; Rak-69-
                        1, p7
Annie Mae (b.1925)      Spr-94-1, p75    and
                        check Clemons, Annie
Annie Mae Spears (1896- Spr-94-1, p73
Charles (Chuck)         Spr-94-1, p74
Charles Clifton (1923-  Spr-94-1, p73
Edward (Buddy)          Rvl-96-1, p79
Eva Marie               Rvl-96-1, p79    and
                        check Ogburn, Eva
                        Marie Lindsey
Gladys Blonza Moody     Rvl-96-1, p36
John E.                 Rvl-96-1, p36
Johnnie Cornelia        Rvl-96-1, p79
Pigott (b.1878)
Myrtle                  Hsf-88-1, p67
Myrtle (b.1914)         Rvl-96-1, p79    and
                        see Gray, Myrtle
Rodene (1911-1993)      Rvl-96-1, p79    and
                        check Franklin,
                        Rodene Lindsey
Sally Rebecca (b.1944)  Spr-94-1, p74; Rak-69-
                        1, p7 [author of the
                        genealogy; m.
Walter Jake             Rvl-96-1, p79
William (Billy)         Spr-94-1, p74
William J (1876-1939)   Spr-94-1, p73

Linton - principal works:
 Lin-81-1   The Linton Heritage / 1637–1981   Calvin R.
  Linton, Larry R. Linton   type 3   121 pg.    Wakulla
  County Historical Society, P.O. Box 151, Crawfordville, FL
Linton, -
Alice Herring           Lin-81-1, p75
Andrew Hampden (b.1905) Lin-81-1, P75
Atlee Lewis (1905-1967) Lin-81-1, p51
Billie M. Bell (b.1934) Lin-81-1, p40
Birdie Elizabeth        Lin-81-1, p60    and
(b.1896)                check Coggins,
                        BirdieLinton , and
                        Posey, ~
Bonnie Marie (b.1932)   Lin-81-1, p75; Ccl-98-
                        1, p153    and check
                        Council, Bonnie M.
                        Linton, and Mobley, ~
Calvin Rahn (b.1912)    Lin-81-1, p84    [co-
                        author of the
Coleen Atlas (b.1931)   Lin-81-1, p73    and
                        check Gibson, Coleen
Daisy Nevada (b.1898)   Lin-81-1, p66    and
                        check Fraser, Daisy
                        Linton, and Ewing, ~
Earl Merlin (b.1914)    Lin-81-1, p90
Elender Eudora (1918-   Lin-81-1, p45; Rvl-96-
1973)                   1, p242    and check
                        Strickland, Elender
Elizabeth (b.1892)      Lin-81-1, p37
Elizabeth Aline         Lin-81-1, p85    and
(b.1929)                check Coggins,
                        Elizabeth A.Linton
Emily Eudora (1880-     Lin-81-1, p98   and
1973)                   check Kennedy, Eudora
                        (Dora) Linton
Eris Inez (b.1909)      Lin-81-1, p84
Essie O. Harris         Lin-81-1, p48
George William J.       Lin-81-1p.86)
Georgia Benita (b.1933) Lin-81-1, p52    and
                        check Greene, Benita
                        Linton, and Worrell,
Gladys Idoma (1917-     Lin-81-1, p93    and
1972)                   check Lightfood,
                        Gladys Linton
Hampden Sidney, Jr.     Lin-81-1, p37, 38
(1846-1895)             [patriarch of the
Harriet E. Bozeman      Lin-81-1, p37
Harry Delous ((b.1911)  Lin-81-1, p54
Herbert Sidney (b.1941) Lin-81-1, p40
Irma Hampden (b.1914)   Lin-81-1, p44    and
                        check Wise, Irma
Iva K. Andrews (1873-   Lin-81-1, p48
James Norman (1909-     Lin-81-1, p54
Jo Anne (b.1937)        Lin-81-1, p55    and
                        check Mathers, Jo
                        Anne Linton
Joe Maxie (b.1929)      Lin-81-1, p73
John Hampden (1869-     Lin-81-1, p38
John Thomas (1908-1949) Lin-81-1, p41
John Thomas (b.1932)    Lin-81-1, p40
Joseph Benson (1875-    Lin-81-1, p95
Judith Diann (b.1942)   Lin-81-1, p53    and
                        check Gilbert, Judith
Katurah (Tura) Andrews  Lin-81-1, p95
Larry Rahn (b.1942)     Lin-81-1, p88   [co-
                        author of the
Lewis Evans (b.1931)    Lin-81-1, p52
Lona Elizabeth (b.1912) Lin-81-1, p56
Maggie E. Lolly         Lin-81-1, p52
Marian Eloise (b.1924)  Lin-81-1, p49
Martha E. Faulkner      Lin-81-1, p37
Mary C. Taylor (d.1959) Lin-81-1, p38
Mattie Corine (b.1904)  Lin-81-1, p95
Melinda E.Haymans (1878-Lin-81-1, p38
Mittie Melvenia         Lin-81-1, p50
Nannie Lura Andrews     Lin-81-1, p59
Nannie Ruby (b.1908)    Lin-81-1, p77    and
                        check Ward, Nannie
Ona Thelma              Lin-81-1, p58
Ovelia (b.1922)         Lin-81-1, p49
Pauline A. White (d.    Lin-81-1, p70
Perry Frank (b.1896)    Lin-81-1, p48
Sidney Eugene (1901-    Lin-81-1, p38
Stanley Evans (b.1938)  Lin-81-1, p73
Thelma G. Beechman      Lin-81-1, p41
Thomas Andrew (1873-    Lin-81-1, p59
Thomas Edward (b.1901)  Lin-81-1, p70
Thomas Edward II        Lin-81-1, p70
Una Blanche (b.1910)    Lin-81-1, p42    and
                        check Stewart, Una
Virginia Mae (b.1926)   Lin-81-1, p.51   and
                        check Lawhon,
                        Virginia Linton ,and
                        Grant, ~
William Benson (b.1909) Lin-81-1, p81
William Franklin (1871- Lin-81-1, p48

Linzy [and check Lindsey] - principal works:
 Rvl-96-1   Revell Family History From 1606   Etta Maude
  Rouse Kirkland and Devota Durrance Hodge   1996   type 2
  263 pgs   6,000 persons (est)
Linzy, -
Alvin Lee (b.1932)      Rvl-96-1, p108
Amy B. Green (1912-     Rvl-96-1, p108
Bessie Rose (b.1919)    Rvl-96-1, p173
Betty Woodman           Rvl-96-1, p108
Curtis Frank (1917-     Rvl-96-1, p92
Esther (b.1939)         Rvl-96-1, p108    and
                        check Turner, Esther
Florida Daisy           Mor-86-1, p27    and
                        see Wommack, Florida
                        D. Linzy
Frances J. Hanson       Rvl-96-1, p92
George Decatur (1881-   Rvl-96-1, p90
Georgia Dacy (1915-     Rvl-96-1, p92    and
1938)                   check Stout, Georgia
                        Dacy Linzy
Gladys Geneva (b.1907)  Rvl-96-1, p91    and
                        see Turner, Gladys G.
Hayward                 Rvl-96-1, p173
Joyce Stevens           Rvl-96-1, p92
Mary Cath. Pigott (1876-Rvl-96-1, p90    and
1970)                   see Green, Mary Cath.
Moses Benjamin (1913-   Rvl-96-1, p173
Nathan Leo (1933-1990)  Rvl-96-1, p108
Norma Ruth (b.1930)     Rvl-96-1, p108    and
                        check Stanaland,
                        Norma Ruth Linzy
Patricia McGoogan       Rvl-96-1, p108
Phoebe                  Mor-86-1, p9    and
                        see Moore, Phoebe
                        Linzy, and Evans,
                        Phoebe Linzy
Rossie (1907-1992)      Rvl-96-1, p108
Venice Alcona (b.1911)  Rvl-96-1, p92    and
                        see Green, Venice
                        Alcona Linzy

Lockamy, -
Epsie E. Syfrett (1887- Sft-00-1, p23    and
1987)                   check Wommack, Epsie
                        E. Syfrett, and
                        Miller, Epsie E.
George L. (d.1917)      Sft-00-1, p23
Lula Mae (1912-1947)    Sft-00-1, p23

Lord, -
Eugene                  Rbt-99-1, p3
Sarah M. Taylor         Rbt-99-1, p3

J.T. (Bo)               Mor-86-1, p10
Jessie Vause (b.1913)   Rvl-96-1, p158
Lilla Ethel (1893-1971) Spr-94-1, p94    and
                        check Spears, Lilla
Lillian Estelle Moore   Mor-86-1, p10
William Albert (b.1914) Rvl-96-1, p158