Wakula County Genealogy Index

by David Roddenberry

Note: The key to the reference material codes can be found in the

Genealogies Surveyed

Gaby, -
Billy Wilson (b.1927)   Rvl-96-1, p181
Mary Lou Harvey         Rvl-96-1, p181

Garland, -
Barbara Jean (b.1940)   Amr-97-1, p14    and
                        see Langston, Barbara
                        J. Garland

Garner, -
Lottie Mae Vause        Rvl-96-1, p147
Samuel Lamar (1911-     Rvl-96-1, p147

Gavin -  principal works:
 SNG-89-1   Shingles-Neury-Gavin Reunion Program, 1989
  J.J. Shingles, Sr., 1009 Wakulla Springs Road,
  Tallahassee, FL  32304   1989   type 3   15 pgs   464
Gavin, -
Angelia                 SNG-89-1, p1
Charles                 SNG-89-1, p1
Charlie                 SNG-89-1, p1
Coleman                 SNG-89-1, p1
Edna                    SNG-89-1, p1
Emma                    SNG-89-1, p1
Emma                    SNG-89-1, p1
Evert                   SNG-89-1, p1
George                  SNG-89-1, p1,2
Green                   SNG-89-1, p1
Hattie                  SNG-89-1, p1
Ida                     SNG-89-1, p1
James                   SNG-89-1, p1
James                   SNG-89-1, p1,2
Joe                     SNG-89-1, p1
Josephine               SNG-89-1, p1
Julia                   SNG-89-1, p1
Lee                     SNG-89-1, p1
Leo                     SNG-89-1, p1,2
Martha                  SNG-89-1, p1    and
                        check Neury, Martha
Meddie                  SNG-89-1, p1
Miami                   SNG-89-1, p1
Nellie                  SNG-89-1, p1,2
Peter                   SNG-89-1, p1
Peter                   SNG-89-1, p1
                        [patriarch of the
Ruby                    SNG-89-1, p1
Ruby                    SNG-89-1, p1,3
Sallie                  SNG-89-1, p1
Scott                   SNG-89-1, p1
Scott, Jr.              SNG-89-1, p1
Smith                   SNG-89-1, p1,2
Thelma                  SNG-89-1, p1,2
Vasco                   SNG-89-1, p1
Volt                    SNG-89-1, p1
Wescot                  SNG-89-1, p1

Gerrell, -
Allen Roston (Pete;     Hll-96-1, p76
Betty Moore (b.1934)    Rvl-96-1, p155
Deloris Devota          Hll-96-1, p76
Gordon (Sonny)          Rvl-96-1, p155
Isabell                 Rvl-96-1, p36    and
                        see Moody, Isabell
Jadon Grantham          Hll-96-1, p77
James Lawson (b.1936)   Hll-96-1, p77
Jessie French (b.1910)  Hll-96-1, p76
Marilee (b.1931)        Hll-96-1, p76 [author
                        of the genealogy]
                        and check Butler,
                        Marilee Gerrell
Walter Dale (b.1934)    Hll-96-1, p76
Walter Edward DeMilly   Hll-96-1, p76

Giles, -
Anna (b.ca.1798)        Thd-81-1, p1
Enoch (b.1868)          Thd-81-1, p1
Enoch H. (b.1836)       Thd-81-1, p1
Francis (b.1854)        Thd-81-1, p2
Frank                   Thd-81-1, p1
Jackson (b.1827)        Thd-81-1, p1
James (b.1838)          Thd-81-1, p1
Larus? (b.1838)         Thd-81-1, p1
Le Roy (b.1834)         Thd-81-1, p1
Le Roy (b.1856)         Thd-81-1, p2
Lilly (b.1864)          Thd-81-1, p2
Lucinda Hopkins (1830-  
Martha L. (Mattie;      Thd-81-1, p3    and
b.1860)                 see Gwaltney, Martha
Mary R. (b.1858)        Thd-81-1, p2
Samuel J. (b.1852)      Thd-81-1, p2
Sarah (b.1862)          Thd-81-1, p2
William A. (1818-1893)  Thd-81-1, p1
William W. (b.1849)     Thd-81-1, p2
William W. (b.ca.1792)  Thd-81-1, p1

Glass, -
Chauncey Fenton         Rby-79-1, p275; Sft-00-
                        1, p13
Lena Roddenberry        Rby-79-1, p275; Sft-00-
(b.1912)                1, p13

Glover, -
Mae                     Rvl-96-1, p56    and
                        see Goff, Mae Glover

Goff, -
Bertie Davis            Rvl-96-1, p56
Gregory Newton          Rvl-96-1, p56
Joseph Jackson (1861-   Rvl-96-1, p56
Joseph Murray (1918-    Rvl-96-1, p56
Mae Glover              Rvl-96-1, p56
Robert Ed. Nims (1910-  Rvl-96-1, p56
Sherill E. Putnal       Rvl-96-1, p56
Thetus C. Nims (1892-   Rvl-96-1, p56
Winifred Dean (1907-    Rvl-96-1, p56
Wyvette (b.1932)        Rvl-96-1, p56    and
                        see Raker, Wyvette

Goss, -
Amanda                  Hsf-88-1
Freddie (b.1937)        Hsf-88-1
Tetus (b.1902)          Hsf-88-1

Gowdy, -
Alard Gernard (b.1932)  Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150
Alard Leland (1893-     Rak-96-1, p39,56; Ccl-
?1987)                  98-1, p149
Eunice Myrtice          Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
(b.1917)                1, 149   and check
                        Long, Eunice M. Gowdy
Evelyn Carraway         Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150
Geraldine Hope Hancock  Ccl-98-1, p150
Gerry Carl (b.1941)     Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150
Gilbert Harmon          Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
(b.1926)                1, p150
Grover (b.1898)         Rak-96-1, p39
Hellen Louisa(b.1938)   Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150  and check
                        Miller, Hellen L.
Irma Ethell (b.1920)    Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p149   and check
                        Welch, Irma E. Gowdy
Jefferson Beauregard    Rak-96-1, p39
Joan Amato              Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150
Lula C. Council (1899-  Ccl-98-1, p149; Rak-96-
1973)                   1, p56
Marie Scarborough       Ccl-98-1, p150
Mary M. Raker (1870-    Rak-96-1, p39,56
Oma Christine (b.1928)  Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150
Richard Lowell          Rak-96-1, p56; Ccl-98-
(b.1936)                1, p150
Rosa Jo Daniels         

Grant, -
Almyra Roberts (1870-   Rvl-96-1, p32
Andrew John (1891-      Rvl-96-1, p32
Aubrey Spears (b.1913)  Spr-94-1, p98
Blonza Rhodes           Rvl-96-1, p32
Dorothy Ann (b.1935)    Spr-94-1, p98    and
                        check Farmer, Dorothy
Dorothy Durr            Rvl-96-1, p32
Grace (b.1897)          Rvl-96-1, p32    and
                        check Dominy, Grace
Hershell Johnson        Rvl-96-1, p32
Hilda                   Rvl-96-1, p32    and
                        check Winterlee,
                        Hilda Grant
James Paul (b.1911-     Spr-94-1, p98; Rvl-96-
1980)                   1, p32
James Paul, Jr.         Spr-94-1, p98; Rvl-96-
(b.1932)                1, p32
John Pleasant (b.1853)  Rvl-96-1, p32
John Pleasant, Jr.      Rvl-96-1, p32
Joyce                   Rvl-96-1, p32
Marsha (b.1908)         Wlc-00-1, p4; Rvl-96-
                        1, p32,153    and see
                        Vause, Marsha Grant
Mary Elizabeth Revell   Rvl-96-1, p32
Mickey Eiland           Rvl-96-1, p44
Mildred G. Ireland      Rvl-96-1, p32; Lin-81-
                        1, p51 [as Island]
Rachel Alconie (1894-   Rvl-96-1, p32    and
1980)                   see Berry, R..
                        Alconie Grant
Roscoe P., Sr. (1895-   Rvl-96-1, p32; Lin-81-
1937)                   1, p51
Roscoe Pleasant, Jr.    Rvl-96-1, p32; Lin-81-
(b.1929)                1, p51
Sarah (Sallie)          Lgt-96-1, p36
Sarah E. (b.1855)       Rvl-96-1, p32
Sylvester Alfonso       Rvl-96-1, p32
William Thomas (1902-   Rvl-96-1, p32
Winnie (b.1904)         Rvl-96-1, p32    and
                        check Touchton,
                        Winnie Grant

Grantham, -
Jadon                   Hll-96-1, p77    and
                        see Gerrell, Jadon

Graves, -
Thomas                  Rak-96-1, p34
Ann E. Townsend         Rak-96-1, p34

Gray, -
Addie Arnold (1899-     Rvl-96-1, p245
Alice Black (1888-      Hsf-88-1, p66
Andrew                  Hsf-88-1, p67
Annie                   Hsf-88-1, p67
Annie Harris (b.1915)   Rvl-96-1, p98,127
                        and see Whaley, Annie
                        Harris Gray
Asa                     Hsf-88-1, p67
Bertha (1904-1976)      Hsf-88-1, p66
Bessie Catherine (1897- Hsf-88-1, p68    and
1953)                   check Atkinson,
                        Bessie G.
Bettye (b.1930)         Sft-00-1, p15
Charles Emmitt          Ccl-98-1, p155
China Breeding          Rvl-96-1, p95
Christine (1912-1995)   Rvl-96-1, p100; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67     and check
                        Crum, Christine G.
Claramae                Rvl-96-1, p192
Clyde W. (1926-1986)    Rvl-96-1, p95
Council A. (1901-1969)  Rvl-96-1, p99; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67
Council Ralph (1927-    Hsf-88-1, p67
Delois Vause (b.1923)   Rvl-96-1, p192
Dennis Glenn (b.1942)   Spr-94-1, p59
Doris Barwick           Rvl-96-1, p98
Doris L. (1930-1989)    Rvl-96-1, p95    and
                        see Robison, Doris L.
Edward                  Asn-97-1, p14
Effie                   Hsf-88-1, p67
Elijah (Leege)          Hsf-88-1, p67
Elizabeth Anderson      Asn-97-1, p14
Elsie Belle (b.1926)    Spr-94-1, p57; Rvl-96-
                        1, p192    and check
                        Carlton, Elsie Gray
Etta                    Hsf-88-1, p67
Eula Ruth Stewart       Rvl-96-1, p95
Florence Maxwell        Rvl-96-1, p192
Gladys (b.1922)         Hsf-88-1, p66
Grover (1894-1961)      Hsf-88-1, p66
Hannah Stevens (1909-   Rvl-96-1, p98
Harmon                  Asn-97-1, p14
Henry                   Hsf-88-1, p67
Ila                     Rvl-96-1, p98
Iola (b.1932)           Rvl-96-1, p98    and
                        check Tice, Iola Gray
Izzabel. Pigott         Rvl-96-1, p94
(Izzie; 1872-1961)
J.B.                    Rvl-96-1, p192
J.W.                    Hsf-88-1, p67
Jean                    Rvl-96-1, p98
Jean Ellen (b.1934)     Rvl-96-1, p79
John E                  Hsf-88-1, p67
Johnny Elisha (1901-    Rvl-96-1, p95
Joseph Henry (1878-     Amr-97-1, p14
Lee                     Rvl-96-1, p192
Lenora (Linnie) P.      Hsf-88-1, p66
Lillian Marie (1934-    Rvl-96-1, p95    and
1978)                   see Ward, Lillian
                        Marie Gray
Lillian Marie (d.1978)  Lin-81-1, p78
Lonnie                  Rvl-96-1, p192
Loraine                 Rvl-96-1, p192    and
                        see Roberts, Loraine
Louise Smith            Rvl-96-1, p99
Maggie E. Vause (1891-  Spr-94-1, p57; Rvl-96-
1926)                   1, p191
Marjorie Clar. Sanders  Rvl-96-1, p100
Martin W. (1928-1977)   Rvl-96-1, p95
Mary Hamilton (b.1907)  Rvl-96-1, p95
Mary Pricilla (1901-    Rvl-96-1, p95; Hsf-88-
1973)                   1, p67
Mattie                  Hsf-88-1, p67
Myra Elise              Rvl-96-1, p192    and
                        check Howard, Mary
                        Elise Gray
Myrtle Eulee (b.1924)   Hsf-88-1, p66
Myrtle Lindsey          Rvl-96-1, p79,99
Odell (b.1925)          Rvl-96-1, p95
Opal Nadine             Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p131    and see
                        Ashmore, Opal N. Gray
Parks L. (b.1914)       Rvl-96-1, p192
Pauline Green (b.1926)  Rvl-96-1, p95
Perry (1897-1949)       Rvl-96-1, p245
Perry E. (1887-1948)    Spr-94-1, p57; Rvl-96-
                        1, p191
Phyllis Jean Shield     Rvl-96-1, p95
Revendee                Rvl-96-1, p192
Ronald Keith            Spr-94-1, p60
Sarah P. Ward (1884-    Amr-97-1, p14
Sarah Singleton Pigott  Rvl-96-1, p99
Sidney Earl (b.1946)    Spr-94-1, p60
Susie Willis (b.1920)   Rvl-96-1, p100
Truman Lee (194-1992)   Rvl-96-1, p100; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67
Vera L. (1907-1923)     Rvl-96-1, p99; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67
Vertie Bell (1910-      Rvl-96-1, p99; Hsf-88-
1991)                   1, p67    and check
                        Eubanks, Vertie Gray,
                        and Oaks, Vertie Gray
Walter E.[?F] (1876-    Rvl-96-1, p94; Hsf-88-
1922)                   1, p67
Walter Floyd (b.1916)   Rvl-96-1, p100; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67
Walter L. (1927-1969)   Rvl-96-1, p95
Wealthy                 Rvl-96-1, p145    and
                        see Allen, Wealthy
William E. (1873-1930)  Hsf-88-1, p66
William Melton (1908-   Rvl-96-1, p79,99; Hsf-
1977)                   88-1, p67
William R.              Hsf-88-1, p67
William Robert (Bill;   Rvl-96-1, p98
Wm. Robert, Jr. (Bill;  Rvl-96-1, p98

Green, - [see also Greene]
Agnes I. (Onie; 1860-   Rak-96-1, p27    and
1944)                   check Raker, Agnes
Alfrey B. (b.1921)      Rvl-96-1, p109    and
                        see Coleman, Alfrey
                        B. Green
Alice B. (b.1906)       Thd-81-1, p5
Alice Catherine         Chn-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
(b.1924)                1, p91    and check
                        Irvin, Alice Cath.
Alma B. (1916-1992)     Rvl-96-1, p108    and
                        see Strickland, Alma
Alsie (b. 1932)         Rvl-96-1, p110    and
                        see Strickland, Alsie
Amos (1931-1984)        Rvl-96-1, p110
Amy B. (b.1912)         Rvl-96-1, p108    and
                        see Linzy, Amy B.
Annie Kate Cath. Posey  Rvl-96-1, p93
Annie Ruth (b.1930)     Rvl-96-1, p93,105
                        and see Barrow, Annie
                        Ruth Green
Arthur Emmett (b.1924)  Rvl-96-1, p231
Asa B. (b.1908)         Rvl-96-1, p92
Asa Clayton (b.1930)    Rvl-96-1, p92
Benjamin Franklin       Mor-86-1, p9
Cora Lee (b.1914)       Rvl-96-1, p231    and
                        check Meadows, Cora
Daniel Webster          Rak-96-1, p25
Doris Hagen             Wlc-00-1, p4
Edith Faye (b.1910)     Thd-81-1, p5
Elsie (1897-1989)       Rby-79-1, p264; Sft-00-
                        1, p8; Rvl-96-1, p231
                        and see Roddenberry,
                        Elsie Green, and
                        Metcalf, ~
Elva Lewis              Rvl-96-1, p91
Emma Lee Pelt (1905-    Rvl-96-1, p104,232
1980)                   and see Revell, Emma
                        Pelt Green
Emma Moore              Mor-86-1, p9
Eula M. Strickland      Rvl-96-1, p110
Eunice A. (b.1904)      Thd-81-1, p5    and
                        see Ward, Eunice
Frances Jean (b.1931)   Chn-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p91    and check
                        Price, Frances J.
Francis T. (Frank; 1875-Rvl-96-1, p90
Francis Thomas (F.T.;   Rvl-96-1, p90
Frank Trawick (1821-    Thd-81-1, p4
Franklin Fredrick (1888-Rvl-96-1, p108
Geneva Eleanor (b.1925) Chn-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p91    and check
                        Messer, Geneva E.
Henry Franklin (1893-   Rvl-96-1, p104
Herbert (b.1934)        Chn-97-1, p13; Rvl-96-
                        1, p91
Homer Alvin (b.1918)    Thd-81-1, p5
Hyatt Londen (b.1920)   Thd-81-1, p5
Ida Doward Pigott (1887-Rvl-96-1, p82
Isabella Sanders        Thd-81-1, p4
James Emory (b.1926)    Rvl-96-1, p231
James Oscar (1888-1928) Rvl-96-1, p231
Jean Medlock            Rvl-96-1, p92
Jettie (b.1922)         Rvl-96-1, p90
Jewel Atwell (b.1915)   Rvl-96-1, p231
Joseph Harper           Rvl-96-1, p93
Kitty Clyde (1897-1984) Rvl-96-1, p90    and
                        see Evans, Kitty
                        Clyde Green
Madie V. Chason         Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
(b.1905)                1, p44; Rvl-96-1, p91
Mamie Hedgebath         Rvl-96-1, p90
Martha Jane (1871-1954) Spr-94-1, p93; Rvl-96-
                        1, p33    and check
                        Spears Martha Green
Mary Cath. Pigott (1876-Rvl-96-1, p90
Mary R. Gwaltney (1887- Thd-81-1, p5
Mattie (b.1921)         Rvl-96-1, p231    and
                        check Metcalf, Mattie
Minnie Lee              Rak-96-1, p53    and
                        see Raker, Minnie Lee
Opal Rossie (b.1923)    Thd-81-1, p5
Pearl (b.1919)          Rvl-96-1, p231    and
                        check Payne, Pearl
Pearl Pigott (1885-     Rvl-96-1, p108
Robert (1889-1956)      Rvl-96-1, p83
Roger Bennett (1916-    Rvl-96-1, p231
Sally M. Barber         Rvl-96-1, p231
Sarah Emily Hamlin      Hln-02-1, p1217
Sarah Susan Posey (1896-Rvl-96-1, p90
Stephen Herbert (1898-  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
1985)                   1, p44; Rvl-96-1, p91
Thurza A.               Rak-96-1, p33    and
                        check Raker, Thurza
                        Green, and Pigott, ~
Tommie Mae Porter       Rvl-96-1, p231
Trammel                 Wlc-00-1, p4
Trudy Bell (b.1914)     Thd-81-1, p5
Venice Alcona Linzy     Rvl-96-1, p92
Virginia Dare (1926-    Rvl-96-1, p90
William Tellfare ((1881-Thd-81-1, p5
Willie Ruth (b.1916)    Thd-81-1, p5
Willie Trammel (b.1913) Thd-81-1, p5
Zedra (ca.1895-1913)    Rby-79-1, p263; Sft-00-
                        1, p13   and see
                        Roddenberry, Zedra

Greene, -
Ann Eubanks             Rak-69-1
Charles S. (b.1935)     Lin-81-1, p52
Daniel Webster          Rak-69-1    and see
Henry Franklin          Rak-69-1
Mary (1891-1989)        Ccl-98-1, p149    and
                        see Council, Mary
Pauline (b.1926)        Rvl-96-1, p95
Sarah Louvina (Lura;    Ccl-98-1, p150    and
1877-1941)              see Council, Sarah L.
                        (Lura) Greene
Van                     Rak-69-1

Gregory, -
Julia Elizabeth         Mor-86-1, p24    and
                        see Sutton, Julia E.
Lilla E                 Rbt-86-1

Griffin, -
Darthula Agnes          Rak-96-1, p61; Rvl-96-
                        1, p149;    and see
                        Vause, Darthula

Grimes - principal works:
 Rvl-96-1   Revell Family History From 1606   Etta Maude
  Rouse Kirkland and Devota Durrance Hodge   1996   type 2
  263 pgs   6,000 persons (est)
Grimes, -
Albert (b.1927)         Rvl-96-1, p218,232
Annie Leah (b.1901)     Rvl-96-1, p218
Barbara J. Lawhon       Rvl-96-1, p218
Charles Jackson         Rvl-96-1, p218
Clayton Wesley (1927-   Spr-94-1, p77; Rvl-96-
1990)                   1, p217
Damon (1912-1986)       Rvl-96-1, p220
Eliz. Mary (Lizzie;     Rvl-96-1, p217    and
1896-1972)              see Walker, E.M.
                        (Lizzie) Grimes, and
                        Robinson, ~
Eliza Jane Revell       Rvl-96-1, p234
Eula (1889-1972)        Rvl-96-1, p217    and
                        check Newell, Eula
Floy (b.1898)           Rvl-96-1, p218    and
                        check Henderson, Floy
Jessie Robinson         Rvl-96-1, p218
John Warren (1862-      Rvl-96-1, p217
Johnny L.               Lgt-96-1, p44
Josh (1895-1944)        Rvl-96-1, p218
Joy Franklin (1903-     Rvl-96-1, p218
Maynella (b.1896)       Rvl-96-1, p218    and
                        see Porter, Maynella
Mildred Catherine       Spr-94-1, p29; Rvl-96-
(b.1908)                1, p219    and check
                        Spears, Mildred
Montie O. (b.1910)      Rvl-96-1, p219    and
                        see Quigg, Montie
Myrtis Porter (d.1994)  Rvl-96-1, p218
Nolie Davis             Rvl-96-1, p220
Ollie Syfrett Walker    Rvl-96-1, p218
Onie Spears (1899-      Rvl-96-1, p217
Quintus C.[?W] (1891-   Spr-94-1, p76; Rvl-96-
1990)                   1, p217
Thelma Langston         Lgt-96-1, p44
Walter (Waldon; 1907-   Rvl-96-1, p220
William Hansel          Rvl-96-1, p218

Griner, -
Leth                    Rvl-96-1, p232    and
                        check Oliver, Leth
                        Griner, and Revell,
                        Leth G. Oliver

Grooms, -
David                   SNG-89-1, p4
David, Jr.              SNG-89-1, p4
Divella                 SNG-89-1, p4
Elsie                   SNG-89-1, p4
Ida                     SNG-89-1, p4
Ozzie                   SNG-89-1, p4
Roxie                   SNG-89-1, p4

Gwaltney, -
Bessie                  Thd-81-1, p3; Rak-96-
                        1, p57; Rvl-96-1,
Hilton                  Thd-81-1, p3
Lewis (1841-1923)       Thd-81-1, p3
Martha Giles (Mattie;   Thd-81-1, p3
Mary Pelina (1890-      Thd-81-1, p3; Rvl-96-
1984)                   1, p170    and see
                        Tucker, Mary Gwaltney
Mary Ruth (1887-1964)   Thd-81-1, p5    and
                        see Green, Mary

Haddock, -  
Annie Leola (1901-      Rvl-96-1, p93    and
1994)                   see Posey, Annie L.
George Monroe (1903-    Rvl-96-1, p93
Lanie Cath. Pigott      Rvl-96-1, p93
Mary O. (Ollie; 1902-   Rvl-96-1, p93    and
1987)                   check Barrow, Mary
                        (Ollie) Haddock
Oma Lee (1905-1993)     Rvl-96-1, p94    and
                        see Dykes, Oma Lee
                        Haddock, and Spears,
Solomon M. (1873-1905)  Rvl-96-1, p93

Hagen, -
Clara                   Wlc-00-1, p4
Clyde                   Wlc-00-1, p4
Doris                   Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Green, Doris
Elizabeth               Wlc-00-1, p4
Fred                    Wlc-00-1, p4
James (1874-1934)       Wlc-00-1, p4
Louise                  Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Pope, Louise
Maree                   Wlc-00-1, p4    and
                        check Herndon, Maree
Mary E. Taff (Lizzie;   Wlc-00-1, p4
Muriel Russell          Wlc-00-1, p4
Natalie Hughes          Wlc-00-1, p4

Hall -  principal works:
 Hll-96-1   A Book of Halls   Marilee Gerrell Butler, P.O.
  Box 95, Calvary, GA  31729   1996   type 3        85 pgs
  275 persons (est)   Wakulla County Public Library
Ahijah (b.1814)         Hll-96-1, p19
Amanda                  Hll-96-1, p42
Carl (b.1918)           Mdl-61-1, p13
Catherine Elizabeth     Mdl-61-1, p14
Charles Franklin        Hll-96-1, p40
Eliza Jeannette         Mdl-61-1, p18    and
(b.1906)                see Williams, Eliza
                        Jeannette Hall
Elizabeth               Hll-96-1, p19
Elizabeth Ann (b.1935)  Amr-97-1, p13    and
                        see Ashmore, Eliz.
                        Ann Hall
Enoch (b.1780)          Hll-96-1, p19
Enoch Byrd (b.1816)     Hll-96-1, p19
Enoch Hiram (b.1849)    Hll-96-1, p36
Evelyn Grace (b.1922)   Mdl-61-1, p14    and
                        check Philip, Evelyn
                        Grace Hall
Frances                 Amr-97-1, p13
Frank                   Hll-96-1, p42
Grace Estelle (1884-    Hll-96-1, p40    and
1974)                   see Alexander, Grace
                        Estelle Hall
Hiram                   Hll-96-1, p19
Ida Leona (1878-1970)   Thp-97-1    and see
                        Corley, Ida Leona
John Lewis (b.1904)     Mdl-61-1, p18
Kent                    Amr-97-1, p13
Lewis (1812-1855)       Hll-96-1, p19
Lewis Franklin (1844-   Hll-96-1, p36
Mahala (b.1818)         Hll-96-1, p19
Mamie                   Hll-96-1, p42
Mary                    Hll-96-1, p19
Mary Ann M. (Mollie;    Hll-96-1, p40    and
1875-1951)              see French, Mary Ann
                        (Mollie) Hall
Mary Jane Moore Burns   Hll-96-1, p36
Mary Joyce (b.1935)     Ccl-98-1, p154    and
                        see Council, Mary
                        Joyce Hall
Myrtle Juanita (1908-   Rvl-96-1, p52    and
1982)                   see Revell, Myrtle
                        Juanita Hall
Nan Page (b.1910)       Mdl-61-1, p18    and
                        see Williams, Nan
                        Page Hall
Nellie Register         Hll-96-1, p23
Ola Mae (b.1912)        Mdl-61-1, p18    and
                        check James, Ola Mae
Page T.                 Mdl-61-1, p13
Sally                   Hll-96-1, p42
Sarah Faircloth (1825-  Hll-96-1, p23
Thomas Milton (1868-    Mdl-61-1, p18
Virgie                  Hll-96-1, p42    and
                        see Alexander, Virgie

Hamlin - principal works:
 Hln-02-1   The Hamlin Family: A Genealogy of James Hamlin
  of Barnstable, Massachusetts   H. Franklin Andrews   (Pub.
  by author, Exira, Iowa, 1902)   type 1
Hamlin, -
Adeliza Richardson      Hln-02-1, p895
Amanda Robinson         Hln-02-1, p523
Annie Bleechington      Hln-02-1, p1217
Celia M. Barrow (1831-  Hln-02-1, p893
Charles Weld            Rvl-96-1, p168
Charles Weld (b.1897)   Mdl-61-1, p4
E. Mozelle Tucker       Rvl-96-1, p168
George (1795-1836)      Hln-02-1, p522
George (1839-1871)      Hln-02-1, p895
George Palmer (1893-    Mdl-61-1, p4
James Ralph (b.1895)    Mdl-61-1, p4
John (1792-1849)        Hln-02-1, p522
John (b.1837)           Hln-02-1, p895
John George (b.1854)    Hln-02-1, p1217
Joseph Eugene (b.1852)  Hln-02-1, p1216
Margaret Elizabeth      Hln-02-1, p1217   and
(b.1864)               check Coggins,
                       Margaret E. Hamlin
Mary Elizabeth (1832-   Hln-02-1, p895
Matilda Robinson        Hln-02-1, p522
Nathaniel (1799-1868)   Hln-02-1, p523
Sarah A. McDaniel (1868-Mdl-61-1, p4; Hln-02-
1951)                   1, p1217
Sarah Emily (b.1856)    Hln-02-1, p1217   and
                       check Green, Sarah E.
Weld (1805-1829)        Hln-02-1, p523
Weld (1871-1942)        Hln-02-1, p1217; Mdl-
                        61-1, p4
Weld (b.1830)           Hln-02-1, p893
Winifred Langston (1898-Mdl-61-1, p4

Hamrick, -
Meta Lois Council       Ccl-98-1, p153; Mor-86-
(1909-1991)             1, p8
E.G.                    Ccl-98-1, p153

Hancock, -
Cyrus Elmo (1909-1987)  Rvl-96-1, p38
Geraldine Hope          Ccl-98-1, p150    and
                        see Gowdy, Geraldine
                        Hope Hancock
Katrina Rouse (1887-    Rvl-96-1, p38
Pauline Diamond         Rvl-96-1, p38
Sue (b.1935)            Rvl-96-1, p119
Viva Blyn (1905-1993)   Rvl-96-1, p38    and
                        see Davis, Viva Blyn
William                 Rvl-96-1, p38

Harden, -
Cornelia V. Whaley      Rvl-96-1, p126
Louise (b.1932)         Rvl-96-1, p126    and
                        check McCauley,
                        Louise Harden
Vassie (1895-1983)      Rvl-96-1, p237    and
                        see Revell, Vassie
W. Jean (b.1934)        Rvl-96-1, p127    and
                        see Dunlap, W. Jean
William C. (Heddy;      Rvl-96-1, p126

Harms, -
Agatha Muriel           Cox-97-1, p45
Agnes Levina            Cox-97-1, p45
Ollie Cox               Cox-97-1, p45
Walter Frederick        Cox-97-1, p45

Harper, -
Anny Kappler            Rby-79-1, p262
Clifton Andrew          Rby-79-1, p261
George Lewis (b.1925)   Rby-79-1, p261
Johnny Floyd (1917-     Rby-79-1, p261
Joseph Andrew           Rby-79-1, p261
Naomi Enfinger          Rby-79-1, p261
Newman Royce (b.1920)   Rby-79-1, p261
Ora Estelle Allen       Rby-79-1, p261
Raymond Elwood (1930-   Rby-79-1, p262
Ruth Poli               Rby-79-1, p261

Harrell, -
Arnettie Durrance      Rvl-96-1, p223
Barney                 Rbt-99-1, p3
Betty Daughtry         Rbt-99-1, p3
Conrad                 Rak-96-1, p60
Esther Lorice          Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                       check Taylor, Esther
                       L. Harrell
Fletcher               Spr-94-1, p56
Fred                   Rbt-99-1, p3
Glover                 Rvl-96-1, p223
H.D.                   Rvl-96-1, p223
Ira Belle Raker        Rak-96-1, p60
(Annie; (b.1910)
Irene                  Rvl-96-1, p223
Jackie (b.1923)        Spr-94-1, p52; Rvl-96-
                       1, p190    and check
                       Vause, Jackie Harrell
Janie Sue Langston     Lgt-96-1, p44
Jerald Daniel (D)      Lgt-96-1, p44
John                   Rvl-96-1, p223
Johnnie Mae            Rvl-96-1, p223
Lee                    Rvl-96-1, p223
Lorene                 Rvl-96-1, p123    and
                       see Swain, Lorene
                       Harrell, and Durrance,
                       Lorene Harrell Swain
Mary Louise (b.1926)   Rvl-96-1, p121    and
                       see Langston, Mary
                       Louise Harrell
Maude Eugenia          Mld-88-1, p159
Momie [?Mona] (1903-   Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
1936)                  1, p236    and see
                       Revell, Momie Harrell
Nadene                 Rvl-96-1, p223
Pauline Crum           Rbt-99-1, p3
Robert Conrad (b.1932) Rak-96-1, p60
Rosetter Durrance      Rvl-96-1, p223
Ruth Mae (1920-1980)   Sft-00-1, p23    and
                       see Mkenzie, Ruth Mae
Sandra Rudd            Rak-96-1, p60
Sarah                  Rvl-96-1, p223
Sarah                  Wlc-00-1, p5    and see
                       Hill, Sarah Harrell
Theo                   Sft-00-1, p23    and
                       see McKenzie, Theo
Verlie M. Revell (1908-Rvl-96-1, p227
William                Rvl-96-1, p223
William Earl           Rvl-96-1, p227
William Earl, Jr.      Rvl-96-1, p227

Harris, -
Ada M. (b.1912)         Rvl-96-1, p34
Addis Sapp              Rvl-96-1, p34
Annie                   Rvl-96-1, p98; Hsf-88-
                        1, p67    and see
                        Gray, Annie Harris
Annie Lee Lewis         Rvl-96-1, p33
Annie Maude (b.1920)    Rvl-96-1, p33    and
                        check Browning, Annie
                        Maude Harris
Cecil (b.1908)          Rvl-96-1, p34
Clara Crawford (1887-   Rvl-96-1, p34
Clifford S. (b.1919)    Rvl-96-1, p34
Della Mae Andrews       Rvl-96-1, p35
Donald (b.1910)         Rvl-96-1, p34
Dorsey Lee (b.1923)     Rvl-96-1, p221    and
                        see Revell, Dorsey
                        Lee Harris
Douglas K. (b.1913)     Rvl-96-1, p34
Estelle (1905-1985)     Rvl-96-1, p33    and
                        see Eubanks, Estelle
Evelyn R.L.             Rvl-96-1, p34    and
(Jackie;1921-1996)      see Spears, Evelyn
                        (Jackie) Harris
Fannie Lee (1886-1971)  Rvl-96-1, p34
Florence Causseaux      Rvl-96-1, p33
George W. (1883-1954)   Rvl-96-1, p34
George W. (b.1927)      Rvl-96-1, p35
Hazel (b.1915)          Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        check Hawkins, Hazel
Hazel Cox               Rvl-96-1, p33
Horace (1910-1971)      Rvl-96-1, p33
James D. (d.?1954)      Rvl-96-1, p33
James E. (b.1907)       Rvl-96-1, p34
Joe Donald (b.1900)     Rvl-96-1, p34
John (1881-1954)        Rvl-96-1, p34
Kenneth (b.1921)        Rvl-96-1, p34
Lucille (b.1908)        Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        check Scott, Lucille
Manard (b.1907)         Rvl-96-1, p33; Mdl-61-
                        1, p27    and check
                        McDaniel, Manard
Mary (b.1917)           Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        check Lewis, Mary
Maxine Sanders          Rvl-96-1, p34
Muriel Stafford         Rvl-96-1, p34
Nora Clyde (1915-1980)  Rvl-96-1, p33
Norman (b.1924)         Rvl-96-1, p33
Oliver (1913-1985)      Rvl-96-1, p33
Rebecca A.Winburn(1858- Rvl-96-1, p33
Sarah Ann (b.1920)      Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        check Steger, Sarah
                        Ann Harris
Susie (b.1914)          Rvl-96-1, p34
Theodore (b.1927)       Rvl-96-1, p33
Theodore Coleman (1916- Rvl-96-1, p34
William (1923-1990)     Rvl-96-1, p35
William C. (1878-1957)  Rvl-96-1, p33
Wm. L. (Billy, b.1918)  Rvl-96-1, p33

Hartsfield - principal works
Hsf-88-1   Hartsfields of Tallahassee and Their Relatives
 Sidney J. Hartsfield, Sr.   (Father and Son Publishing,
 Tallahassee, Fla.; ISBN 0-942-407-040)   1988   type 2
 hardbound        207 pg.   2,400 persons (est)
Hartsfield, -
Addie Pigott (1873-     Rvl-96-1, p70
Anna Revell             Rvl-96-1, p221
Barbara Jean Miller     Rvl-96-1, p76
Catherine Vinzant       Rvl-96-1, p65
Cecil                   Spr-94-1, p84
Clara (1881-1955)       Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Langston, Clara H.
Clara C. Durrance       Rvl-96-1, p137
Daisy Bell Cummings     Rvl-96-1, p65
Dan (1872-1952)         Rvl-96-1, p71
Donald Ira (b.1934)     Rvl-96-1, p76
Donnie C. Pigott (1870- Hsf-88-1, p85-88; Rvl-
1919)                   96-1, p67
Edmond                  Hsf-88-1, p.56
Edward                  Rvl-96-1, p221
Edward (Eddie)          Hsf-88-1, p.56
Emmett Paul (b.1918)    Rvl-96-1, p78
Eppie Bell Strickland   Lgt-96-1, p14
Florence                Hsf-88-1, p.57
Ford E. (b.1925)        Hsf-88-1, p.57
Frankie (b.1925[?])     Hsf-88-1    and check
                        Kelly, Frankie
Geneva (b.1925)         Hsf-88-1    and check
                        Thomas, Geneva H.
Georgia Ann (1850-1916) Rak-96-1, p24    and
                        check Raker, Georgia
Gilbert (1857-1910)     Hsf-88-1, p.69-73
Grace (b.1912)          Rvl-96-1, p78    and
                        check Hagan, Grace
Ida Ellen               Rvl-96-1, p173    and
                        see Laird, Ida Ellen
Ira Mack (1909-1980)    Rvl-96-1, p76
Jettie (1891-1967)      Rvl-96-1, p66    and
                        see Alligood, Jettie
Joel Thomas (1859-      Hsf-88-1, p. 56; Rvl-
1940))                  96-1, p65
John James (ca.1848-    Hsf-88-1, p. 55-57
Jonny (b. bef. 1873)    Hsf-88-1, p. 56
Julia E. (1873-1927)    Hsf-88-1, p. 56
Lamar, Sr. (1916-1990)  Rvl-96-1, p137
Mamie (b.1909)          Hsf-88-1, p.56   and
                        check Goss, Mamie
Martha Ellen Lee (1922- Rvl-96-1, p78
Mary Boykin             Hsf-88-1, p.57
Mary Eliz. (Sue;        Rvl-96-1, p76    and
b.1929)                 check Williamson,
                        Mary E. (Sue)
M.E.Pigott (Lizzie;1867-Rvl-96-1, p65
Mary J. Lott (b.1910)   Rvl-96-1, p76
Maude Louisa Spears     Rvl-96-1, p68
Minnie Elizabeth        Hsf-88-1, 56    and
(b.1915)                check Metcalf, Minnie
Mose J. (b.1926)        Hsf-88-1, p.57
Nathan B. (1861-1930)   Hsf-88-1, p85-88; Rvl-
                        96-1, p67
Reid J. (1889-1945)     Rvl-96-1, p65
Ralph M.                Lgt-96-1, p14
Ruby Catherine (b.1914) Rvl-96-1, p78    and
                        check Barineau, Ruby
                        Catherine Hartsfield
Sallie (1880-1913)      Hsf-88-1, p.57; Rvl-96-
                        1, p101    and check
                        Pigott, Sallie
Thomas (1828-1908)      Hsf-88-1, p47-55,63;
                        Rvl-96-1, p65
Will                    Hsf-88-1, p.56

Harvey, -
Arrana (Rana; b.1895)   Rvl-96-1, p182    and
                        see Lawhon, Arrana
                        Harvey, and Nazworth,
Blonza Yvonne           
McLaughlin (1919-      Rvl-96-1, p180
Carlton Ephraim (1928-  Rvl-96-1, p182
Carrie Lee              Rak-96-1, p27
Carrie Raker (1899-     Rvl-96-1, p181
Catherine (b.1924)      Rvl-96-1, p144    and
                        check Hill, Catherine
Catherine Dora (1884-   Rvl-96-1, p175    and
1967)                   check Barnhill, Cath.
                        Dora Harvey
Cecelia Beatrice Cole   Rvl-96-1, p175
Cecil Burton (b.1923)   Rvl-96-1, p182
Charlie Odell (b.1898)  Rvl-96-1, p122,186
Clara Council (1905-    Ccl-98-1, p150; Rvl-96-
1994)                   1, p179
Clara Lee (b.1914)      Rvl-96-1, p174    and
                        check Robinson, Clara
                        Lee Harvey
Ellsworth               Rak-96-1, p60
Eloise Jewel Vickers    Rvl-96-1, p186
Ephraim Pasco (1893-    Rvl-96-1, p182
Etta Mae Allen          Rvl-96-1, p144
Fulton (1923-1984)      Rak-96-1, p63; Rvl-96-
                        1, p105
George                  Rvl-96-1, p36
Hayward Hagan (1914-    Rvl-96-1, p173
Hazel Lorene White      Rvl-96-1, p173
Helen                   Rak-96-1, p60
Homer Riley (b.1916)    Rvl-96-1, p180
Howard Sherman (1936-   Rvl-96-1, p175
Ida Lee                 Rvl-96-1, p175
Inez (b.1925)           Rvl-96-1, p144    and
                        check Wood, Inez
Irene                   Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        see Cox, Irene Harvey
Joseph Charley (1916-   Rvl-96-1, p186
Joseph Clinton (1861-   Rvl-96-1, p173
Joseph Jackson          Rvl-96-1, p175
Joseph Jasper (b.1914)  Rvl-96-1, p182
Lee Roy Harvey          Rak-96-1, p60
Lee Roy, Jr.            Rak-96-1, p60
Lettie Lee Laird (1894- Rvl-96-1, p173
Lila                    Rvl-96-1, p48    and
                        see Revell, Lila
Lilla Mae               Rvl-96-1, p175    and
                        check Marks, Lilla
                        Mae Harvey
Lilly Smith (1876-      Rvl-96-1, p179
Mamie Ellen (1912-      Rvl-96-1, p173
Margaret Viola (1886-   Rvl-96-1, p175    and
1949)                   see Lawhon, Marg.
                        Viola Harvey
Mary Genevieve (1926-   Rvl-96-1, p182    and
1987)                   check Pope, Mary G.
Mary Ellen Moody        Rvl-96-1, p36    and
(b.1928)                check McCoy, Mary
                        Ellen Moody
Mary Jane Vause (1857-  Rvl-96-1, p173
Mary Lou (b.1931)       Rvl-96-1, p181; Ccl-98-
                        1, p150   and check
                        Gaby, Mary Lou Harvey
Mary Montine (b.1920)   Rvl-96-1, p122,188
                        and see Durrance, M.
                        Montine Harvey
Mary Viola Crum         Rvl-96-1, p182
Mary Virginia (1913-    Rvl-96-1, p179    and
1969)                   see White, Mary
                        Virginia Harvey
Naomi B. Raker          Rak-96-1, p59
Odessa Darotha (1918-   Rvl-96-1, p187    and
1987)                   check Thomann, Odessa
                        D. Harvey
Ola E. (b.1905)         Rvl-96-1, p144    and
                        see Allen, Ola Harvey
Omar Walton (b.1925)    Rak-96-1, p60
Opal (b.1921)           Rak-69-1
Rex Belle               Rak-69-1
Riley Americus (1888-   Rvl-96-1, p179; Ccl-98-
1957)                   1, p150
Sallie Christine (1922- Rvl-96-1, p188    and
1985)                   check Hopper, Sallie
                        C. Harvey
Sallie Mae Grissett     Rvl-96-1, p182
Sally Lavada Trull      Rvl-96-1, p122,186
Seab (1908-1995)        Rvl-96-1, p145
Shirley King            Rvl-96-1, p144
Stephen Guyton (1920-   Rak-69-1; Rvl-96-1,
1935)                   p181
Stephen Wesley (b.1890  Rvl-96-1, p181
Stephen Wishery         Rak-96-1, p27
Thelma Fulford          Rvl-96-1, p144
Thetis Allen (1914-     Rvl-96-1, p145
Vernander (b.1922       Rvl-96-1, p144
Virginia                Lgt-96-1, p44    and
                        see Anderson,
                        Virginia Harvey
William                 Rvl-96-1, p144
William Jackson (1880-  Rvl-96-1, p173
Willie Mae              Rvl-96-1, p175    and
                        check McGee, Willie
                        Mae Harvey
Wynelle                 Rak-96-1, p60    and
                        check Wiggington,
                        Wynelle Harvey
Zeddie Luther (b.1900)  Rvl-96-1, p146    and
                        see Revell, Zeddie L.

Harwood, -
Annie Langston          Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Evelyn                  Lgt-96-1, p36
Waymon                  Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p36
Waymon, Jr.             Lgt-96-1, p36

Haynes, -
Eva Langston            Lgt-96-1, p13
Otis                    Lgt-96-1, p13

Henderson, -
Ann Moore               Mor-86-1, p10
Floy Grimes (b.1898)    Rvl-96-1, p218
Henry                   Rvl-96-1, p218
Jack                    Mor-86-1, p10

Herndon, -
Leon                    Rbt-99-1, p4

Hester, -
Frances M. (Fanny;      Rak-96-1, p12    and
d.1902)                 check, Raker, Frances
Wilson                  Rak-96-1, p12

Hickey, -
Nancy Ulylane (b.1945)  Spr-94-1, p81

Hicks, -
Vida (b.1902)           Mdl-61-1, p12    and
                        see Robison, Vida

Hill, -
Basil                   Mdl-61-1, p18
Cora Mae Boykin         Wlc-00-1, p5
Gladys L. Williams      Rvl-96-1, p170
Hazel                   Wlc-00-1, p6    and
                        check Wagner, Hazel
Jessie Lucille Page     Mdl-61-1, p16
Joseph                  Wlc-00-1, p5
Leon                    Wlc-00-1, p5
Linda Fay               Wlc-00-1, p6    and
                        check Carroll, Linda
                        Fay Hill
Madeline Griffin        Wlc-00-1, p5
Sarah Harrell           Wlc-00-1, p5
Theo                    Wlc-00-1, p5

Hobby, -
Rachel F. McDaniel      Mdl-61-1, p39
Lee                     Mdl-61-1, p39

Blonza (1907-1989)      Rvl-96-1, p43    and
                        check Dolin, Blonza
Jerry Joseph, Jr        Rak-96-1, p61
Jerry Joseph, Sr        Rak-96-1, p61
Keith Herman (1908-     Rvl-96-1, p135
Laveda Roberts          Rak-96-1, p61
M. Devota Durrance      Rvl-96-1, p135   [co-
(b.1913)                author of the
Pauline Maiwald         Rak-96-1, p61
William Cornelius       Rvl-96-1, p43
Willie Mae (1916-1981)  Rvl-96-1, p43    and
                        see Porter, Willie
                        Mae Hodge

Holland, -
Lelia                   Mdl-61-1, p*    and
                        see McDaniel, Lelia
Letitia                 Rbt-86-1; Sft-00-1,

Holley, -
Bertha (b.1900)         Sft-00-1, p10; Rby-79-
                        1, p270    and check
                        Palmer, Bertha Holley
Cecil William (1902-    Sft-00-1, p10; Rby-79-
1953)                   1, p270
Clara Bateman (1898-    Sft-00-1, p10; Rby-79-
1938)                   1, p270
Dallas Cleveland (1905- Sft-00-1, p11; Rby-79-
1948)                   1, p271
Gracie Mae              Rvl-96-1, p48
Lavonia Gracie          Sft-00-1, p11; Rby-79-
(b.1904)                1, p271   and check
                        Goodson, Lavonia Hol.
Mattie Lou (b.1906)     Sft-00-1, p11; Rby-79-
                        1, p272   and check
                        Bragdon, Mattie Lou
Sallie Roddenberry      
(1883-ca.1969)         Rby-79-1, p270; Sft-00-
                        1, p10
Verly Quinton (1903-    Sft-00-1, p11; Rby-79-
1969)                   1, p270
William Calvin (1873-   Rby-79-1, p270; Sft-00-
ca.1958)                1, p10

Houston, -
Bernice (1903-1928)     Sft-00-1, p8; Rby-79-
                        1, p264    and see
                        Roddenberry, Bernice
Edward (Ned)            Rbt-86-1
Eunice                  Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Strickland,
                        Eunice Houston
Theresa Florence        Mor-86-1, p2    and
                        check Ferrell,
                        Theresa F. Houston
Winifred L. (1909-      Wlc-00-1, p1; Rvl-96-
1974)                   1, p178    and see
                        Taff, Winifred

Howard, -
Maybelle                Rvl-96-1, p171    and
                        see Vause, Maybelle
Sam                     Lgt-96-1, p44

Hudson, -
Bert                    Rkl-64-1
Miriam Rehwinkel        Rkl-64-1

Hughes, -
Anna Marie              Rvl-96-1, p119
John Edwin (b.1918)     Rvl-96-1, p119
Lecy (d.1901)           Rby-79-1, p45
Leila Gertrude (1888-   Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
1989)                   1, p276    and see
                        Sutton, Leila Hughes
Louisa Roddenberry      Rby-79-1, p276
William Henry (Bill;    Rby-79-1, p276

Hunter, -
Elsie                   Rvl-96-1, p107    and
                        see Pigott, Elsie

Hurley, -
Dorotha Vickers         Rvl-96-1, p224
June                    Rvl-96-1, p224

Ireland, -
Mildred                 Rvl-96-1, p32    and
                        see Grant, Mildred

Isler, -
Maggie M. Barwick      Rvl-96-1, p35
Nathaniel Green        Rvl-96-1, p35