Wakula County Genealogy Reference

by David Roddenberry

Adams, -
Donna Inez              Rak-96-1, p58    and
                        see Raker, Donna Inez
Mildred I. Vause        Rvl-96-1, p160
Percy H.                Rvl-96-1, p249
Thomas J.(1921-1984)    Rvl-96-1, p160
Wilhemina Revell        Rvl-96-1, p249

Alexander, -
Amos (d.1939)           Hll-96-1, p40
Amos (d.1972)           Hll-96-1, p42
Caddie Marie (d.1967)   Hll-96-1, p42    and
                        see Pearce, Caddie
                        Marie Hall
Florence                Hll-96-1, p42    and
                        check Jones, Florence
Frank                   Mdl-61-1, p21
Geraldine               Hll-96-1, p42    and
                        see Posey, Geraldine
Gertrude Vickers        Hll-96-1, p42
Grace Estelle Hall      Hll-96-1, p40
John (d.1981)           Hll-96-1, p42
Mary Elizabeth          Mdl-61-1, p7    and
                        see Page, Mary Eliz.
Nell McDaniel           Mdl-61-1, p21
Ruby Akins              Hll-96-1, p42
Virgie Hall             Hll-96-1, p42
Wilson                  Hll-96-1, p42
Wright Hall (d.1988)    Hll-96-1, p42

Alligood, -
Blanche Tully           Rvl-96-1, p66
Charles Tom             Rvl-96-1, p249
Charlie                 Rvl-96-1, p66
Geneva                  Rvl-96-1, p66
Grace Medell (1898-     Ccl-98-1, p149    and
1972)                   see Council, Grace
                        Medell Alligood
Jettie Hartsfield (1891-Rvl-96-1, p66
Joanne Estelle (1884-   Lin-81-1, p84    and
1980)                   check Lewis, Joanne
Joel Washington         Rvl-96-1, p66
Julia                   Rkl-64-1-1964    and
                        see Rehwinkel, Julia
June                    Rvl-96-1, p66
Mary                    Rvl-96-1, p249
Ruby                    Mor-86-1, p30    and
                        see Lewis, Ruby
Silas                   Rvl-96-1, p249

Allen, -
Albert                  Rvl-96-1, p143
Amanda M. Roddenberry   
(Tillie; 1866-1948)    Rby-79-1, p261
Annette                 Rkl-64-1-1964    and
                        see Rehwinkel, Annette
Beulah Council          Ccl-98-1, p148
Council Bryan (1870-    Rvl-96-1, p142
Council Leroy (b.1902)  Rvl-96-1, p144
Dorcy Tucker (b.1917)   Rvl-96-1, p168    and
                        see Miller, Dorcy
Doris Leona Spears      Rvl-96-1, p144
Edith Pauline (1907-    Rvl-96-1, p145    and
1939)                   check Porter, Edith P.
Edna (1884-1965)        Rak-96-1, p44    and
                        see Raker,Edna Allen
Edward Bryan (1909-     Rvl-96-1, p145
Ethel Penelope          Rvl-96-1, p145    and
(b.1911)                check Albritton, Ethel
                        P. Allen
Etta Mae (b.1905)       Rvl-96-1, p144    and
                        check Harvey, Etta Mae
Florida Priscilla       Rvl-96-1, p146    and
(1887-1948)             see Revell, Florida P.
John Joseph (1895-      Rvl-96-1, p143
Joseph                  Ccl-98-1, p148
Joseph Franklin         Rby-79-1, p260
Joseph Wayne (JoJo)     Rvl-96-1, p143
Josephine               Rvl-96-1, p143,242
                        and see
Lena Mae                Rvl-96-1, p143    and
                        check Dolin, Lena Mae
Lila Allen              Rvl-96-1, p147
Mildred Syfrett (1910-  Rvl-96-1, p240
Ocie Rudd               Rvl-96-1, p143
Ola E. Harvey (b.1905)  Rvl-96-1, p144
Ora Estelle (1898-      Rby-79-1, p261    and
1994)                   see Harper, Ora
                        Estelle Allen
Robert J. (1928-1981)   Rvl-96-1, p168
Ruby Aline              Rvl-96-1, p143
Susan Mary (b.1900)     Rvl-96-1, p143    and
                        check Barineau, Susan
                        Mary Allen
Susie Anna Vause (1873- Rvl-96-1, p142
Thetis (1914-1994)      Rvl-96-1, p145    and
                        check Harvey, Thetis
Thirza                  Rak-69-1, p5    and
                        check Raker, Thirza
Vernon Leroy (b.1923)   Rvl-96-1, p144
Virgil (1907-1963)      Rvl-96-1, p240
Wealthy Gray            Rvl-96-1, p145

Alley, -
Dorothy Ann             Spr-94-1, p85
Dorothy Spears (1910-   Spr-94-1, p85
Helen Marie (b.1940)    Spr-94-1, p89    and
                        check Quigg, Helen M.
James Pasco             Spr-94-1, p85
James Pasco (b. 1944)   Spr-94-1, p89
Kenneth Ray (1947-1990) Spr-94-1, p89

Altman, -
Carrie R. Rouse (1893-  Rvl-96-1, p39
Jean Ellis (b.1925)     Rvl-96-1, p39
Mary Henrietta Kendrick Rvl-96-1, p39
Mary Lenora (b.1913)    Rvl-96-1, p39    and
                        check McLeod, Mary
                        Lenora Altman
Robert Davis (b.1886)   Rvl-96-1, p39
Robert Morris (b.1921)  Rvl-96-1, p39
William Jasper          Rvl-96-1, p39

Amato, -
Joan                    Ccl-98-1, p149    and
                        see Gowdy, Joan Amato

Anderson -
  principal works:

Asn-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Jan 1997), article "Looking Back," heading "The Anderson Family," p.14 Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358 1997 type 4 1 pg 84 persons

Anderson, -
Abalona Ham             Asn-97-1, p14
Addie Dora              Lgt-96-1, p19
Addie Dora Langston     Asn-97-1, p14; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Adeline                 Asn-97-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p216    and see
                        Revell, M. Adeline
Adron                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19,44
Albert                  Lgt-96-1, p44
Alice A. Gardne         Asn-97-1, p14
Alley Langston          Asn-97-1, p14
Annie                   Asn-97-1, p14
Annie Christine         Spr-94-1, p45; Rvl-96-
(b.1902)                1, p189    and check
                        Pelt, Annie Anderson
Annie McDaniel          Mdl-61-1, p1,50
Annie Myra              Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        check Johnson, Annie
                        Myra Anderson
Arie Mozel. Pickern     Rvl-96-1, p189
Ary (1912-1963)         Sft-00-1, p4
Bernice Langston        Lgt-96-1, p44
Betty Blount            Asn-97-1, p14
Betty Mae               Lgt-96-1, p19,44
Carl Pinkney (1896-     Sft-00-1, p8
Cecil (b.aft.1916)      Sft-00-1, p8
Cena Naomi (1884-1894)  Sft-00-1, p4
Charity                 Asn-97-1, p14
Daniel Henry (1878-     Sft-00-1, p1
E. Matthew              Asn-97-1, p14
Edith                   Chn-97-1, p13; Asn-97-
                        1, p14    and see
                        Meggs, Edith Anderson
Elizabeth (Lizzie)      Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        check Gray, Elizabeth
Elizabeth (Mitzi)       Asn-97-1, p14
Ella Cox (1890-1956)    Sft-00-1, p4; Lgt-96-1,
Emily Ava               Asn-97-1, p14
Ervin                   Asn-97-1, p14
Evalee Amanda (b.1904)  Spr-94-1, p48; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14; Rvl-96-1, p189
                        and check Kyle, Evalee
Evaleen                 Asn-97-1, p14
Flossie Poston          Sft-00-1, p8
Grace A. Kersey         Sft-00-1, p4
Gregory Thomas          Asn-97-1, p14
Henry                   Asn-97-1, p14
Henry                   Asn-97-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p189
Henry (1858-1942)       Mdl-61-1, p50
Herschel                Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19,44
Idella Olivia (1876-    Sft-00-1, p1
J.T.                    Asn-97-1, p14
J.U.                    Asn-97-1, p14
James Reddick           Asn-97-1, p14
Jesse (Jepse)           Asn-97-1, p14
Jesse Miles             Asn-97-1, p14
John Baxter (1889-      Sft-00-1, p7
Joseph                  Asn-97-1, p14
Joseph A [?A.J.; 1906-  Asn-97-1, p14; Rvl-96-
1944)                   1, p189
Joseph Irvin            Lgt-96-1, p19,44
Joseph Thomas (Tommy)   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Julia                   Asn-97-1, p14
Laura                   Asn-97-1, p14; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14    and see
                        Langston, Laura
Laura E.                Asn-97-1, p14
Laurel Annette          Lgt-96-1, p19,44
Lucy Jane Wilder (1922- Rvl-96-1, p163
M.E.                    Asn-97-1, p14
Mabel (b.aft.1916)      Sft-00-1, p8
Maggie Louise (1894-    Sft-00-1, p8
Mary (b.1872)           Spr-94-1, p102    and
                        check Spears, Mary
Mary C.P. (Caroline)    Asn-97-1, p14
Mary Eliz. Vause        Spr-94-1, 44; Rvl-96-1,
(Molly; d.1977)         p189
Mary Elizabeth          Lgt-96-1, p19,44
Mary M.                 Asn-97-1, p14
Mary Mariah (1880-      Sft-00-1, p3    and
1902)                   check Langsford,  Mary
                        M. Anderson
Mathew Baxter (Doc;     Sft-00-1, p1
Maude                   Asn-97-1, p14
Maude Josephine         Spr-94-1, p48; Rvl-96-
                        1, p189
Mildred                 Asn-97-1, p14
Mildred (b.1911)        Spr-94-1, p48; Rvl-96-
                        1, p189    and check
                        Evans, Mildred
Miles, Jr.              Asn-97-1, p14
Miles, Sr.              Asn-97-1, p14
Minerva Maria (Minnie)  Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        check McKenzie,
                        Minerva Anderson
Mollie Vause            Asn-97-1, p14
Morgan Fonville (Joe)   Chn-97-1, p13; Asn-97-
                        1, p14
Nancy S.                Asn-97-1, p14
Opal Jean Langston      Lgt-96-1, p19,44
Otha                    Rvl-96-1, p146
Otha A.                 Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Precilla                Asn-97-1, p14
Rachel                  Asn-97-1, p14
Raymond                 Rvl-96-1, p163
Rebecca Chason          Chn-97-1, p13    and
                        see Langston, Rebecca
Rebecca Smith (Rie)     Asn-97-1, p14
Richard J.              Asn-97-1, p14
Ruth                    Lhn-97-1, p45
S. Farnelle             Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        check Colvin, S.
                        Farnelle Anderson
Sallie                  Asn-97-1, p14
Sara Ann                Asn-97-1, p14
Sarah Ann (1886-1976)   Sft-00-1, p4    and
                        check Smith, Sarah Ann
Sarah Brown             Asn-97-1, p14
Sarah J.                Asn-97-1, p14
Sarah J. Syfrett (1853- Sft-00-1, p1
Susan Florence Chason   Asn-97-1, p14
Susan Marie Clemons     Asn-97-1, p14
Susannah                Asn-97-1, p14
Theo                    Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        see Cox, Theo Anderson
Thomas                  Asn-97-1, p14
Trudy Edwards           Sft-00-1, p7
Vergie Vause (b.1931)   Rvl-96-1, p146
Virginia Harvey         Lgt-96-1, p44
William D.              Asn-97-1, p14
William Erastus (1890-  Sft-00-1, p7
William H.              Asn-97-1, p14
William Jesse           Asn-97-1, p14
William Wiley (Bud)     Chn-97-1, p13; Asn-97-
                        1, p14

Andrews, - Andrew, -
Annie Vause (1877-      Rvl-96-1, p148
Della Mae               Rvl-96-1, p35    and
                        see Harris, Della Mae
Elizabeth Raker         Lin-81-1, p48
Ethel Corean (1903-     Spr-94-1, p53; Rvl-96-
1993))                  1, p190    and check
                        Vause, Ethel C.
Jim K. Andrews          Rby-79-1, p50
Katurah (Tura)          Lin-81-1, p95    and
                        check Linton, Katurah
Liza Stokely            Rvl-96-1, p190
Mitchell                Rvl-96-1, p190
Penelope Roddenberry    Rby-79-1, p50    and
                        see McKenzie, Penelope
Thomas Edwin            Rvl-96-1, p148
William A.              Rby-79-1, p50
William Oscar (b.1843)  Lin-81-1, p48

Aplin, -
Ben                     Rnl-97-1, p14
Joyce                   Rvl-96-1, p103    and
                        see Carraway, Joyce
Nina Reynolds           Rnl-97-1, p14

Arnold, -
Adeline (Addie; 1899-   Rvl-96-1, p244    and
1932)                   check Gray, Adeline
Austin Gwynn (1920-     Rvl-96-1, p244
Cora Lee (1896-1919)    Rvl-96-1, p244    and
                        check Porter, Cora Lee
Ellen J. Roos           Rvl-96-1, p244
Flossie Pauline (1905-  Rvl-96-1, p245    and
1973)                   see Oliff, Flossie P.
Joseph Addison          Rvl-96-1, p244
Mamie R. Burge          Rvl-96-1, p244
Mary Ann Revell (1870-  Rvl-96-1, p244
Mary Ann Walker         Rvl-96-1, p244
Mary Annie(1902-1933)   Rvl-96-1, p245    and
                        check Perkins, Mary A.
Mattie D. Mathers       Rvl-96-1, p244
Mattie R. Burge         Rvl-96-1, p244
Opal Jenell (b.1926)    Rvl-96-1, p244
Robert Wilton (1892-    Rvl-96-1, p244
Warfield (b.1923)       Rvl-96-1, p244
Wesley                  Rvl-96-1, p244

Ashmore -
  principal works:

Amr-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 2 (Feb. 1997), article "The Ashmore Family," p13 Freeman Winton Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358 1997 type 4 3 pgs 200 persons (est)

Ashmore, - Adeline Ayres (1816- Amr-97-1, p13 1880) Adeline Roberts (Ad) Amr-97-1, p14 Alberta Shaeffer Amr-97-1, p14 Alsey May Amr-97-1, p13 Annie L. Carter Amr-97-1, p14 Betty Culvert Amr-97-1, p13 Byrne Winton (b.1931) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p130 Carol V. Williams Conely (b.1941) Amr-97-1, p13 Carrie Commander Amr-97-1, p14 Bishop Carrie Drucilla (1870- Sft-00-1, p30; Amr-97- 1924) 1, p14 and see Syfrett,Carrie D. Ashmore Catherine Fazarese Rvl-96-1, p222 (1918-1989) Clinton Noel (b.1913) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p222 Consuela Clyde Roberts Amr-97-1, p14 Dale Mor-86-1, p26 Eleanor Blakeley Amr-97-1, p13 (b.1810) Elizabeth Amr-97-1, p13 Elizabeth A. Bryant Rvl-96-1, p128 Elizabeth A. Hall Amr-97-1, p13 (b.1935) Eloise (1915-1993) Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97- 1, p14; Lgt-96-1, p13; Rvl-96-1, p132 and see Langston, Eloise Ashmore Ethelle Lawhon (1915- Rvl-96-1, p222 1986) Floreine (b.1917) Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- 1, p133 and check Marshall, Floreine Ashmore Florence H. Thomas Amr-97-1, p13 Freeman Dale (b.1935) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p130 Freeman Winton Amr-97-1, p13 [author (b.1908) of the genealogy]; Rvl-96-1, p129 George Byron Amr-97-1, p14 George Michael Amr-97-1, p13 George Wylie (Major) Amr-97-1, p14 Gracie Fleurnoy Amr-97-1, p13 Guy Errington (1905- Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- 1936) 1, p128,250 Guy Errington, Jr. Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- (b.1929) 1, p128,250 Henry Ludlow (1920- Amr-97-1, p14; Lgt-96- 1995) 1, p44; Rvl-96-1, p133 Jack Pearce Amr-97-1, p13 Jack Pearce, Jr. Amr-97-1 p13 James Henry (Major; Amr-97-1, p13 1813-1883) James Walter Amr-97-1, p13 (b.ca.1800) Jane Perkins Amr-97-1, p13 Jewel P. Wilson Amr-97-1, p13 John Durant (1819- Amr-97-1, p13 1871) John Durent (b.1910) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p130 John Henry (Son; 1878- Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1946) 1, p128 Joseph Randall (Joe) Amr-97-1, p14 Julius Quintus Amr-97-1, p13 Junius Quintus, Jr. Amr-97-1, p14 Keziah Louise McDaniel Amr-97-1, p13 Letty McDaniel (1907- Rvl-96-1, p128,250 1994) and check Taylor, Lettie M. Ashmore Letty Mock (1914-1994) Amr-97-1, p14 Lilla Lois Britt Amr-97-1, p13 Lola Revell (1891- Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1967) 1, p222 M. Ethelle Lawhon Rvl-96-1, p172 (1915-1986) Marian Gilmore Amr-97-1, p33; Rvl-96- (b.1927) 1, p134 Mary Alice Wagner Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- (b.1924) 1, p130 Mary Belle Ridgell Amr-97-1, p13 (b.1915) Mary H. Wilson Amr-97-1, p13 (b.1827) Mary Josephine Amr-97-1, p14 and check Hartman, Mary J. Ashmore Mary Louisa Bostick (ca.1843-1923) Amr-97-1, p13 Merritt Amr-97-1, p13 Michael Rand (b.1946) Amr-97-1, p13 Myron Lytton (b.1913) Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- 1, p131 Myrtice Clarice Langston (b.1921) Amr-97-1, p14; Lgt-96- 1, p44 Nannie Amr-97-1, p14 Newlin (b.1926) Amr-97-1, p33; Rvl-96- 1, p134 and check Nevis, Newlin Ashmore Nursie Whaley (1888- Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1962) 1, p128 Opal Nadine Gray Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- (b.1914) 1, p131 Otis Amr-97-1, p14 Pamela (1934-1934) Amr-97-1, p13 Patricia A. Mullryne Amr-97-1, p13; Mor-86- (1941-1968) 1, p26 Robert Amr-97-1, p13 Robert Enwood (b.1925) Amr-97-1, p33; Rvl-96- 1, p134 Robert Roy (1899-1966) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p222 Robert Roy, Jr. Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- (b.1917) 1, p222 Robert Sylvester (Bob) Amr-97-1, p14 Robert Walter (1833- Amr-97-1, p13 1902) Robert Walter III Amr-97-1, p14 Robert Walter, Jr. Amr-97-1, p13 Roberta Amr-97-1, p13 Robin Lynn Amr-97-1, p13 Ruth G. Amr-97-1, p14 Sallie Knox Pearce Amr-97-1, p13 Sarah Amr-97-1, p13 Sarah Margaret Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- (b.1920) 1, p223 and check Coggins, Sarah Margaret Ashmore Sheryl (b.1922) Amr-97-1, p14; Rvl-96- 1, p84,133 and see Ferrell, Sheryl E. Ashmore Terriel (b.1937) Amr-97-1, p13 Tony Becky Amr-97-1, p13 Vera A. Noll Amr-97-1, p14 Viscent Amr-97-1, p14 Walter Amr-97-1, p13 Wayne Verriel (1907- Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1979) 1, p129 Winona Amr-97-1, p13 Winona (1923-1985) Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1, p223 Zana McQuaig (1909- Amr-97-1, p13; Rvl-96- 1979) 1, p129 Note Ashmores:

See also Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 5, Ed. 2 (Feb 1996), article "John Henry and Nursie Whaley Ashmore's Family" by Freeman W. Ashmore

Atkinson, -
Mary Jane               Kyl-97-1, p21

Baker, -
Emily                   Lgt-96-1, p13    and
                        see Langston, Emily
Penelope Jane (1847-    Rvl-96-1, p142    and
1913)                   see Vause, Penelope J.

Barfield, -
Amanda Daughtry         Rbt-99-1, p3
Dick                    Rbt-99-1, p3

Barineau, -
John Loring (b.1893)    Rvl-96-1, p143
Susan Mary Allen        Rvl-96-1, p143
Thelma (d.1957)         Thd-81-1, p14

Barksdale, -
Betty Joyce             Rvl-96-1, p93    and
                        see Posey, Betty Joyce

Barrow, -
Annie Ruth Green        Rvl-96-1, p93,105
Atlas (1909-1989)       Spr-94-1, p64; Rvl-96-
                        1, p162    and see
                        Wilder, Atlas Barrow
Aubrey Geddis (b.1931)  Rvl-96-1, p93,105
Celia M. (1831-1893)    Hln-02-1, p893   and
                        see Hamlin, Celia
James Cedell (b.1927)   Rvl-96-1, p93
Katherine Strickland    Rvl-96-1, p93
Mary Haddock            Rvl-96-1, p93
T.S. (1903-1972)        Rvl-96-1, p93

Barwick -
  principal works:

-Rvl-96-1 Revell Family History From 1606 Etta Maude Rouse Kirkland and Devota Durrance Hodge 1996 type 2 263 pgs 6,000 persons (est)

Barwick, -
Amos (b.1919)           Rvl-96-1, p37
Bedie                   Wsn-97-1, p21    and
                        see Wilson, Bedie
Beedie Louise (b.1919)  Rvl-96-1, p36    and
                        see Joiner, Beedie L.
Beulah Mae Tucker       Rvl-96-1, p36,170
Carrie Gladys Crofton   Rvl-96-1, p37
Doris                   Rvl-96-1, p98    and
                        see Gray, Doris
Dorothy Fay (b.1917)    Rvl-96-1, p36    and
                        see Laird, Dorothy Fay
Edna Mildred (b.1892)   Rvl-96-1, p36    and
                        see Moody, Edna
                        Mildred Barwick
Eleanor Virginia (1923- Rvl-96-1, p37    and
1963)                   check Walker, Eleanor
                        Virginia Barwick
Ellie (b.1908)          Rvl-96-1, p35    and
                        check Rich, Ellie
Elsie Leona (b.1925)    Rvl-96-1, p36
Emmie Estelle (b.1902)  Rvl-96-1, p37    and
                        see Metcalf, Emmie
                        Estelle Barwick
Ernest Pleasant         Rvl-96-1, p36
Frances Eliz. Barwick   Rvl-96-1, p37    and
(b.1934)                check Fountain,
                        Frances E. Barwick
Frances M. Metcalf      Rvl-96-1, p36
Frank Marcus (1922-     Rvl-96-1, p37
Gladys Eliff            Rvl-96-1, p37
Homer Braxton (1911-    Rvl-96-1, p36,170
James Benjamin          Rvl-96-1, p35
James D. (b.1918)       Rvl-96-1, p37
James Madison (1858-    Rvl-96-1, p35
Lillian Juanita         Rvl-96-1, p37    and
(b.1923)                see Martin, Lillian
                        Juanita Barwick
Lois June (b.1921)      Rvl-96-1, p35    and
                        check Collier, Lois
                        June Barwick
Lucie Mae (b.1909)      Rvl-96-1, p36    and
                        check Lovie, Lucie Mae
Maggie Kemp             Rvl-96-1, p35
Maggie Malinda          Rvl-96-1, p35    and
(b.1885)                see Isler, Maggie
                        Malinda Barwick
Melvinia Winburn        Rvl-96-1, p35
Myrtle Elna (b.1916)    Rvl-96-1, p35
Nancy Wilodeen          Rvl-96-1, p36    and
(b.1921)                see Wilson, Nancy
                        Wilodeen Barwick
Nettie West             Rvl-96-1, p37
Orbie (b.1914)          Rvl-96-1, p35    and
                        check Riebling, Orbie
Richard Madison (1888-  Rvl-96-1, p36
Robert Pleasant         Rvl-96-1, p35
Roy Boaz (1896-1989)    Rvl-96-1, p37
Roy Boaz, Jr. (b.1939)  Rvl-96-1, p37
Ruby L. Tucker (1912-   Rvl-96-1, p36,170
Sarah Mellie (b.1915)   Rvl-96-1, p36,234
                        and see Revell, S.
                        Mellie Barwick
Stella Driggers         Rvl-96-1, p35
Velma Louise (b.1912)   Rvl-96-1, p35    and
                        see Pope, Velma
Wiley Gilbert, Sr.      Rvl-96-1, p36,170

Bass, -
Henry Ford              Mor-86-1, p28
Iris Virble Moore       Mor-86-1, p28

Beauchamp, -
Daphne                  Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
Elizabeth               Rvl-96-1, p154
Ernest                  Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
J.D.                    Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
Lofton                  Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
Louise                  Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154    and check
                        Flournoy, Louise
Mason                   Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
Stella Vause            Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154
Willoughby              Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p154

Benedict, -
Donald Eugene (1927-    Sft-00-1, p20
Rachel L. Griffis       Sft-00-1, p20

Bentley, -
Lois Ophelia (1916-     Rvl-96-1, p114    and
1995)                   see Pigott, Lois

Bennett, -
Patricia                Hsf-88-1, p73; Amr-97-
                        1, p14    and check
                        Langston, Patricia B.

Berry, -
Alice (1937-1992)       Mor-86-1, p7; Rvl-96-1,
                        p32,46    and check
                        Moody, Alice Berry,
                        and Duval, ~
Anna Jean               Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19    and check
                        Brinson, Anna Jean
Barbara Mayo            Cox-97-1, p45
Carrie                  Rvl-96-1, p148    and
                        see Vause, Carrie
Charles Augustus        Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19
Evelyn Bernice          Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19
John Lendon             Rvl-96-1, p32
Lendon Sherman          Rvl-96-1, p32
Minnie B. Langston      Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19
R. Alconie Grant (1894- Rvl-96-1, p32
Valma Rudd              Cox-97-1, p45
Wanda Thomas            Cox-97-1, p45
William Charles         Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p19

Blitchington, -
Abram                   Hll-96-1, p36
Sarah Faircloth Hall    Hll-96-1, p23,36

Blackman, -
Carrie (d.1920)         Rby-79-1, p264; Sft-00-
                        1, p9   and see
                        Roddenberry, Carrie

Blount, -
Betty                   Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        see Anderson, Betty

Blue, -
James Alex              Mdl-61-1, p2
Lola                    Mdl-61-1, p2    and see
                        Lawhon, Lola Blue

Bostwick, -
Ella Josephine          Rbt-86-1

Bostick, -
Elizabeth (b.ca.1812)   Ksy-97-1, P13
                        and see Kersey,
                        Elizabeth Bostick
George Washington       Ksy-97-1, p13; Amr-
                        97-1, p13
Levi C.                 Ksy-97-1, p13
Littleberry             Ksy-97-1, p13
Mary                    Ksy-97-1, p13
Mary Louisa (ca.1843-   Amr-97-1, p13
1923)                   and see Ashmore,
                        Mary L. Bostick
Nancy                   Ksy-97-1, p13
Nancy A Clary           Amr-97-1, p13

Bowen, -
Nannie Ruth Durrance    Rvl-96-1, p117
Willis Denton (Dan;     Rvl-96-1, p117

Boykin -
  principal works:

-Wlc-00-1 Descendants of Sarah Welch Angus Broward Taff, Jr., 322 McDaniel St., Tallahassee, FL 2000 type 3 7 pgs 490 persons Wakulla County Historical Society, P.O. Box 151, Crawfordville, FL 32327

Boykin, - Anne Wlc-00-1, p5 Annie Wlc-00-1, p5 Bob Wlc-00-1, p5 Charles Wlc-00-1, p5 Cora Mae Wlc-00-1, p5 and check Hill, Cora Mae Boykin Dick Brn-97-1, p19 Earl Wlc-00-1, p7 Ernest Wlc-00-1, p7 Etta Maude Wlc-00-1, p7 and check Cooksey, Etta Maude Boykin Evelyn Blonza Brown Brn-97-1, p19 Everett Wlc-00-1, p7 Gadsden Calhoun Wlc-00-1, p5 (b.1867) Guy Wlc-00-1, p7 Gwin Wlc-00-1, p7 Irma Wlc-00-1, p6 and check Whiddon, Irma Boykin J.D. Wlc-00-1, p7 Jack Keith (b.1930) Hsf-88-1 James Wlc-00-1, p7 Kenneth Wlc-00-1, p7 L.C. Wlc-00-1, p5 Louise Wlc-00-1, p5 Lucille Wlc-00-1, p7 and see Eubanks, Lucille Boykin Mabel Cooksey Wlc-00-1, p7 Margie Wlc-00-1, p7 Martha Wlc-00-1, p7 Martha Carraway Wlc-00-1, p5 Mary Wlc-00-1, p5 Mary Hsf-88-1 and check Hartsfield, Mary Boykin Maurice Wlc-00-1, p6 Preacher Wlc-00-1, p5 Robert Wlc-00-1, p5 Sarah Welch Taff Wlc-00-1, p5 and see Welch, Sarah, and Taff, Sarah Welch Vivian Wlc-00-1, p5
Bradham, -
Louisa                  Rvl-96-1, p38
                        and see Rouse,
                        Louisa Bradham
Melvinia (1839-1862)    Rvl-96-1, p253
                        and see Revell,
                        Melvinia Bradham
Rosanna Jenny (1845-    Rvl-96-1, p253
1917)                   and see Revell,
                        Rosanna J.

Branch, -
Emily                   Wlc-00-1, p3; Rvl-
                        96-1, p155    and
                        see Vause, Emily

Braswell, -
Callie                  Chn-97-1, p13;
                        Lgt-96-1, p36
                        and see
                        Langston, Callie
Ralph Kirkpatrick       Ccl-98-1, p154

Bratcher, -
Andy (1892-1955)        Rvl-96-1, p44
Sarah Revell (1892-     Rvl-96-1, p44
Thelma (b.1925)         Rvl-96-1, p45
                        and check Finch,
                        Thelma Bratcher
Vera (b.1923)           Rvl-96-1, p45
                        and check
                        Harvell, Vera

Bridges, -
Hazel L. Revell         Rvl-96-1, p222,237
Joseph Manuel (b. 1915) Sft-00-1, P30

Brinkley, -
John Richard II (1898-  Sft-00-1, p8
Maggie L. Anderson      Sft-00-1, p8

Brooks, -
Bessie Syfrett          Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
                        1, p240
Hodge                   Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
                        1, p240
Hodge (b.1916)          Rvl-96-1, p112
James Bernard (1939-    Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
1995)                   1, p112,240
Nannie Bet Pigott       Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
(b.1916)                1, p112, 240    and
                        see Jones, Nannie Bet
Peggy Sue McKenzie      Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
(b.1939)                1, p112,240
Sim Bowles, Jr. (1914-  Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
1975)                   1, p240
Sim Bowles, Sr. (1882-  Sft-00-1, p31; Rvl-96-
1971)                   1,p240

Brown -
  principal works:

Brn-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Jan 1997), article "Looking Back," heading "The Brown Family," p.19 Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358 1997 type 4 1 pg 61 persons

Brown, -
Addie Lou               Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Stoutamire,
                        Addie Lou Brown
Alison                  Brn-97-1, p19
Alison Maxie            Wsn-97-1, p26; Brn-97-
                        1, p19
Allie Matilda           Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Kelly, Allie M.
Alpha Bellow            Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Newman, Alpha B.
Bill                    Brn-97-1, p19
Blonza Revell (b.1911)  Rvl-96-1, p225
Bud                     Brn-97-1, p19
Ella Mae Vause          Rvl-96-1, p146
Elvie                   Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Nails, Elvie
Evelyn Blonza           Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Boykin, Evelyn
                        B. Brown
France Chester          Brn-97-1, p19
Frances                 Brn-97-1, p19
Frances Woodley         Brn-97-1, p19
Henry G.                Thp-67-1
Jenny Eugenia Lawhon    Brn-97-1, p19; Lhn-97-
                        1, p45
Jesse                   Lgt-96-1, p44
John Thomas             Brn-97-1, p19
Lallie G. Reeves        Spr-94-1, p41
Lionel                  Brn-97-1, p19
Lola Lucille            Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Russell, Lola
                        Lucille Brown
Martha Jane Thompson    Thp-67-1
Mary                    Brn-97-1, p19
Mary Evalee             Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Kennedy, Mary
                        Evalee Brown
Ola                     Amr-97-1, p14    and
                        see Ashmore, Ola Brown
Rebecca (Becky)         Brn-97-1, p19    and
                        check Chason, Rebecca
Robert                  Rvl-96-1, p225
Sam                     Brn-97-1, p19
Sarah                   Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        see Anderson, Sarah
Sarah Myrtle Wilson     Brn-97-1, p19
Sarah Trice             Brn-97-1, p19
Thomas (b.1888)         Spr-94-1, p41
W.V.                    Rvl-96-1, p146

Brumby, -
Agnes Redelia           Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-1
                        , p44    and see Cox,
                        Agnes R. Brumby

Bulger, -
Eunice                  Lgt-96-1, p14    and
                        see Kyle, Eunice

Bunch, -
Andrew                  Rak-96-1, p5
Elizabeth A. (ca.1822-  Rak-96-1, p5 [matriarch
1858)                   of the genealogy; see
                        Raker, Elizabeth
Martha                  Rak-69-1    and see
                        Whaley, Martha Bunch

Burge, -
Mamie Ruth              Rvl-96-1, p244    and
                        see Arnold, Mamie R.
Mattie Rebecca          Rvl-96-1, p244    and
(b.1922)                see Arnold, Mattie R.

Burns, -
George Milton (1898-    Rvl-96-1, p101
John (b.1859)           Hll-96-1, p40
Josephine (1860-1882)   Hll-96-1, p40
L.E. Pigott (1901-      Rvl-96-1, p101
Lenford (b.1022)        Rvl-96-1, p101
Louise (b.1925)         Rvl-96-1, p101    and
                        check Stevens, Louise
Marie Shaw              Rvl-96-1, p101
Mary Jane Moore         Hll-96-1, p36
Matthew                 Hll-96-1, p40

Burt, -
Letty J. Raker          Rak-96-1, p21
Thomas Walter           Rak-96-1, p21

Butler, -
Eliza                   Rvl-96-1, p31    and
                        see Revell, Eliza
Lucille (b.1919)        Mdl-61-1, p39    and
                        see McDaniel, Lucille

Byrd, -
Benjamin (b.1798)       Hll-96-1, p25
Elizabeth               Hll-96-1, p19    and
                        see Hall, Elizabeth
Forest (b.ca1920)       Rvl-96-1, p46
Forest O.               Rvl-96-1, p46
George Clayton          Rvl-96-1, p46
Mable Irene Tully       Rvl-96-1, p46

Callahan, -
Donald Royce (b.1930)   Rvl-96-1, p157
Lofton (1913-1982)      Rvl-96-1, p157
Stella L. Vause (1911-  Rvl-96-1, p157
William Edward          Rvl-96-1, p158

Calhoun, -
Charles Latell          Rak-96-1, p53
Shelby Jean Griffin     Rak-96-1, p53    and
                        see Raker, Shelby
                        Jean Griffin

Campbell, -
Henry                   Rvl-96-1, p82
Ola                     Rvl-96-1, p254    and
                        check Revell, Mary
                        Ola Campbell
Vern. Katie White (1916-Rvl-96-1, p82

Carraway, -
Alaska                  Mdl-61-1, p2
Aletha Fulton           Rvl-96-1, p175    and
                        see Lawhon, Aletha F.
Alice                   Rvl-96-1, p113    and
                        see Posey, Alice
Alice Bell(b.1927       Rvl-96-1, p103    and
                        see Posey, Alice Bell
Anna Belle              Rvl-96-1, p179   and
                        see McLaughlin, Anna
                        Belle Carraway
Ausley Burl, Sr.        Rak-96-1, p62
Basby Lawhon            Lhn-97-1, p19; Mdl-61-
                        1, p2
Betty                   Sft-00-1, p14
Carrie D. Revell (1888- Rvl-96-1, p236
Cecil (b.1908)          Rvl-96-1, p237
Clarence (1909-1984)    Rvl-96-1, p237
Clarissa Roddenberry    Rby-79-1, p39,258
Clytis                  Mdl-61-1, p2
Corless                 Mdl-61-1, p2
Ethel                   Mdl-61-1, p2
Ethel (1890-1929)       Rvl-96-1, p157    and
                        see Vause, Ethel
Ethel Grimes            Rvl-96-1, p237
Evelyn                  Ccl-98-1, p150    and
                        see Gowdy, Evelyn
Faye Forbes             Rak-96-1, p62)
George                  Rby-79-1, p265
Harriet Geneva McDaniel Mdl-61-1, p39
Harvey (b.1935)         Rvl-96-1, p103
Helen Barker Revell     Rvl-96-1, p103
Joyce Aplin             Rvl-96-1, p103
L.E.                    Mdl-61-1, p2
Laban                   Rby-79-1, p39
Lena                    Lgt-96-1, p44; Rvl-96-
                        1, p153    and see
                        Vause, Lena Carraway
Leo                     Lhn-97-1, p19
Lily Frances            Rak-96-1, p62    and
                        check Roberts,
                        Frances Carraway
Manson (b.1904)         Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
                        1, p237
Martha                  Wlc-00-1, p5    and
                        see Boykin, Martha
Martha Ann (b.1828)     Mkz-67-1    and see
                        McKenzie, Martha Ann
Mary Kada (Molly;       Wlc-00-1, p1    and
b.1867)                 see Taff, Mary
                        (Molly) Carraway
Maxwell                 Rvl-96-1, p103
Mildred Minnie Hunt     Rvl-96-1, p175
Minnie Elizabeth        Rvl-96-1, p113    and
(b.1912)                see Wallace, Minnie
                        Eliz. Carraway
Nellie (1884-1928)      Rby-79-1, p265; Sft-00-
                        1, p8   and see
                        Roddenberry, Nellie
Nellie Grace Dalton     Rvl-96-1, p103
Philip Fulton           Rvl-96-1, p175
Rachel Nims             Rby-79-1, p265
Robert                  Rby-79-1, p39,258
Rosa Mae Williams (1905-Rvl-96-1, p103
Royal (1905-1972)       Rvl-96-1, p103
Ruel Carraway           Mdl-61-1, p45
Sandra Faye (b.1938)    Rbt-99-1, p4    and
                        see Crum, Sandra
Sarah Celina (Lina;     Rby-79-1, p39,258
1868-1960)              and see Roddenberry,
                        Sarah C. (Lina)
                        Carraway, and Rudd, ~
William Raymond         Mdl-61-1, p2

Carroll, -
Charlie                 Thp-67-1
Rozena Thompson         Thp-67-1

Carter, -
Alma M. Smith (b.1915   Rbt-86-1
Amanda                  Rby-79-1, p260    and
                        see Roddenberry,
                        Amanda Carter
Amanda M. Spears        Spr-94-1, p9
Angela Farrion          Spr-94-1, p15
Annie Louise            Amr-97-1, p14    and
                        see Ashmore, Annie L.
Audry (b. 1892)         Hsf-88-1, p.56
Beatrice Revell (b.     Hsf-88-1, p56; Rvl-96-
1918)                   1, p236
Bertie Mae (b. 1934)    Hsf-88-1      and
                        check Boykin, Bertie
                        Mae Carter
Charles Harper (b.1929) Hsf-88-1, p56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p81,181; Ccl-98-1,
Curtis                  Rvl-96-1, p227
Curtis (b. 1905)        Hsf-88-1, p.56
Delilah                 Amr-97-1, p14    and
                        check Shaw, Delilah
Elex Hiram (b.1940)     Hsf-88-1, p56
Elexander (Elex; 1855-  Hsf-98-1, p.56
Eli Daniel (b.1949)     Hsf-88-1, p56
Elie M. (1908-1978))    Hsf-88-1, p56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p236
Ethel (b.1896)          see Wallace, Ethel
Frances Nell (b.1936)   Rbt-86-1
Frances Virginia (1883- Spr-94-1, p9
Henry Richard (b.1953)  Hsf-88-1, p56
Herbert (b. 1899)       Hsf-88-1, p. 56
James Calvin (b. 1903)  Hsf-88-1, p.56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p81,181
Jesse (b. 1894)         Hsf-88-1, p. 56
John Michael (b.1942)   Rbt-86-1
Lee Roy                 Spr-94-1, p9
Lois Revell (1911-1990) Rvl-96-1, p227    and
                        see Clemons, Lois
Lydia B. (b.1945)       Hsf-88-1, p56
Margaret C. (b.1931)    Hsf-88-1, p.56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p81  and check
                        Lawhorn, Margaret
Martin Luther (1886-    Spr-94-1, p15
Mary Ann (b.1850)       Spr-94-1, p7
Mary Ellen (b. 1942)    Hsf-88-1, p56
Mary Theodosia          Spr-94-1, p9
Minnie Lee              Spr-94-1, p9
Robert Gordon (b.1914)  Rbt-86-1
Robert Timothy (b.1940) Rbt-86-1
Stephen M. (b. 1937)    Hsf-88-1, p56
Thelma Marie (b.1947)   Hsf-88-1, p56
Theresa L. Scarborough  Rvl-96-1, p81
Thomas Haywood          Spr-94-1, p9
Verdie Idell White      Rvl-96-1, p81,181
(1906-1990)             [or Verdell]
William (b. 1926)       Hsf-88-1, p56
Willie Mae (b.1926)     Rvl-96-1, p81    and
                        see Lawhon, Willie
                        Mae Carter

Causseaux, -
Addie Revell (1883-     Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
1972)                   1, p236
Alice Myrtle (b.1920)   Rvl-96-1, p236    and
                        check Miller, Alice
                        Causseaux, and
                        Lawhon, Alice
Edna Ferrell            Mor-86-1, p2
Florence C. (b.1915)    Rvl-96-1, p33,236
                        and check Harris,
                        Florence Causseaux
George William (b.1913) Rvl-96-1, p236
Inez                    Rvl-96-1, p236
Lonnie Martin (b.1922)  Rvl-96-1, p236
Lovett (1879-1946)      Sft-00-1, p30; Rvl-96-
                        1, p236
Lucille (b.1911)        Rvl-96-1, p236;    and
                        see Lawhon, Lucille
Marie Smith Harris      Rvl-96-1, p236
Mizelle Gertrude        Rvl-96-1, p236
Nora Clyde Harris       Rvl-96-1, p236
Nora Clyde Harris (1915-Rvl-96-1, p33
Ruth (b.1906)           Lgt-96-1, p14; Rvl-96-
                        1, p236    and see
                        Langston, Ruth
Steve                   Mor-86-1, p2
W.M.                    Rvl-96-1, p33
William Manuel (b.1909) Rvl-96-1, p236

Chandler, -
Arcadia (b.1818)        Rbt-86-1    and see
                       Roberts, Arcadia

Chason -
  principal works:

Chn-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 1 (Jan 1997), article "Looking Back," heading "The Chason Family," p.13 Freeman W. Ashmore, 58 Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358 1997 type 4 2 pgs 135 persons

Chason, -
Alice Virginia Langston Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Alison Lawson           Chn-97-1, p13
Amos                    Cox-97-1, p45
Annette Polona          Rvl-96-1, p148    and
                        check McDaniel,
                        Annette P. Chason
Annie Louise Matilda    Chn-97-1, p13
Dola Perry              Chn-97-1, p13
Doris Daughtry          Rbt-99-1, p3
Dorothy Waltz (Dot)     Chn-97-1, p13
Dossie Lee Revell       Rvl-96-1, p225
Ella Mae                Chn-97-1, p13    and
                        check Thomas, Ella
                        Mae Chason
Emmie Catherine         Rvl-96-1, p148    and
                        check Adams, Emmie C.
Eugene Carson           Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Eugene Carson, Jr.      Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
(E.C.)                  1, p44
Eugene Crawford         Rvl-96-1, p148
Florida F. Edwards      Rvl-96-1, p148
Geraldine               Chn-97-1, p13
Jay (b.1913)            Rvl-96-1, p225
Joe (b.1908)            Mdl-61-1, p48
Joe Mack                Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
John                    Rbt-99-1, p3
Joseph                  Chn-97-1, p13; Brn-97-
                        1, p19
Joseph William          Chn-97-1, p13
Joyce Ramsey            Rvl-96-1, p148
Lawrence Eugene         Chn-97-1, p13
Madie                   Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and check
                        Green, Madie Chason
Marion Eugene           Rvl-96-1, p148
Mary Carolyn            Chn-97-1, p13
Mary Wright             Chn-97-1, p13
Mattie Elaine Langston  Cox-97-1, p45
Meadie Love             Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Mildred Louise          Rvl-96-1, p148    and
                        check McKenzie,
                        Mildred L. Chason
Mona                    Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and see
                        Langston, Mona Chason
Myra Laura              Chn-97-1, p13    and
                        see Kyle, Myra Laura
Myra Laura              Kyl-97-1, p21    and
                        see Kyle, Myra Laura.
Myrtis Lee              Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and see
                        Vause, Myrtis Lee
Myrtis Lee (1904-1970)  Chn-97-1, p13; Spr-94-
                        1, p58; Lgt-96-1,
                        p44; Rvl-96-1, p192
                        and check Vause,
                        Myrtle Chason
Olivia                  Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                        check Langston,
                        Olivia Chason
Pauline                 Chn-97-1, p13; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and check
                        Bowley, Pauline
Rachel Fenton McDaniel  Mdl-61-1, p39
Rebecca Brown (Becky)   Chn-97-1, p13; Brn-97-
                        1, p19
Rebecca Olivia (Miss    Chn-97-1, p13    and
Levy)                   check Langston,
                        Rebecca Chason, and
                        Anderson, ~
Robert (Bobby)          Chn-97-1, p13
Ruby Lee Simmons        Chn-97-1, p13
Stephen Samuel          Chn-97-1, p13
Susan Florence          Chn-97-1, p13    and
                        see Anderson, Susan
                        F. Chason
Susan Gregory           Chn-97-1, p13
Syble                   Spr-94-1, p102    and
                        check Spears, Syble
Vassie (1893-1968)      Sft-00-1, p14    and
                        see Roberts, Vassie
Walter LaFette          Chn-97-1, p13
Willadeen (b.1921)      Rvl-96-1, p148    and
                        check Vaughn,
                        Willadeen Chason
Winnie (1821-1907)      Rak-96-1, p7    and
                        check Sauls, Winnie
                        Chason, and Raker,
                        Winnie Chason

Chester, -
Alma                    Lgt-96-1, p44

Clary, -
Margaret (b.1816)       Rvl-96-1, p31    and
                        see Revell, Margaret
Mary B. (b.1816)        Rvl-96-1, p31 and see
                        Revell, Mary B. Clary

Clemons, - Clements, -
Frances Spears          Spr-94-1, p43
(Fannie; b.1856)
Graydon C. (Jim; 1906-  Rvl-96-1, p227
Isaac R. Clements       Rby-79-1, p38
Jonathan E.             Rvl-96-1, p223
Jonathan E.             Spr-94-1, p43
Laura (1866-1923)       Rvl-96-1, p223    and
                        see Revell, Laura
Letitia S. (Tishie;     Rvl-96-1, p106    and
d.1949)                 see Pigott, Letitia
                        (Tishie) Clemons
Lois Revell (1911-      Rvl-96-1, p227    and
1990)                   check Carter, Lois
Mary A. (Pollian)       Spr-94-1, p63; Rvl-96-
                        1, p220    and check
                        Walker, Mary Clemons
Nancy                   Rvl-96-1, p223
Nellie Mae (1888-1935)  Rvl-96-1, p224    and
                        see Revell, Nellie Mae
Penelope                Rby-79-1, p38    and
                        see Roddenberry,
                        Penelope Clements
Rosetta (1884-1939)     Rvl-96-1, p220    and
                        see Revell, Rosetta
Susan Marie             Asn-97-1, p14    and
                        see Anderson, Susan

Cochran, -
Betty                   Spr-94-1, p46    and
                        check Pelt, Betty
Euphrosine (b.1905)     Mdl-61-1, p17    and
                        see Nesmith,
                        Euphrosine Cochran
Hazel Estelle (b.1911)  Rvl-96-1, p61    and
                        see Todd, Hazelle E.

Coggins, -
Audrey Freda (b.1921)   Lin-81-1, p64    and
                        check Holman, Audrey
Belle                   Lin-81-1, p60
Bessie                  Lin-81-1, p60
Bessie (1887-1953)      Rvl-96-1, p220    and
                        see Revell, Bessie
Donna                   Lin-81-1, p60
Elizabeth A. Linton     Lin-81-1, p85
Fannie                  Lin-81-1, p60
James (b.1892)          Mdl-61-1, p41
Janie                   Lin-81-1, p60
Jessie                  Lin-81-1, p60
Jim                     Lin-81-1, p60
Mamie                   Lin-81-1, p60
Margaret Elizabeth      Hln-02-1, p1217
Martha                  Lin-81-1 ,p60
May                     Lin-81-1, p60
Sabina Eliz. McDaniel   Mdl-61-1, p39
Steve (1889-1965)       Lin-81-1, p60
Thomas Madrye (b.1918)  Lin-81-1, p61
William                 Lin-81-1, p60

Coleman, -
Alfrey B. Green         Rvl-96-1, p109
Classie Ann             
Roddenberry (1864-     Rby-79-1, p40
Frances (1827-1902)     Rak-69-1, p3    see
                        Raker, Frances Coleman
Frank (1921-1943)       Sft-00-1, p14
Idus Few (1875-1947)    Sft-00-1, p14, 33; Rby-
                        79-1, p264
Irvin                   Rby-79-1, p40
John                    Hll-96-1, p19
Lula Roddenberry        Rby-79-1, p264; Sft-00-
(b.1898)                1, p14
Mary Hall               Hll-96-1, p19
Quintus (1917-1994)     Rvl-96-1, p109
Winona                  Rvl-96-1, p220    and
                        see Revell, Winona

Collins, -
Anna Jane (b.?1850's)   Sft-00-1, p16    and
                        see Syfrett, Anna Jane
Jane                    Lgt-96-1, p36    and
                        see Langston, Jane

Colvin, -
Annie Elizabeth (1889-  Rvl-96-1, p146    and
1951)                   see Vause, Annie
                        Eliz. Colvin
Daniel Oscar            Lgt-96-1, p13
Delton                  Rak-96-1
Florida                 Lgt-98-1, p6
Henry                   Asn-97-1, p14
Rebecca Langston        Lgt-96-1, p13
Robert Edger            Hsf-88-1, p66
S. Eliz. (Lizzie; 1857- Lgt-96-1, p44; Lgt-98-
1932)                   1, p6    and see
                        Langston, Elizabeth
S. Farnelle Anderson    Asn-97-1, p14

Commander, -
Carrie Burnett          Amr-97-1, p14    and
                        see Ashmore, Carrie

Cooper, -
Archie                  Wlc-00-1, p5
Diane                   Rvl-96-1, p91    and
                        see Evans, Diane
Lucille Taff            Wlc-00-1, p4
Robert                  Spr-94-1, p55; Rvl-96-
                        1, p191
Winifed Vause (b.1926)  Spr-94-1, p55; Rvl-96-
                        1, p191    and check
                        Vause, Winifred

Corbett, -
Agnes (1917-1991)       Ccl-98-1, p148    and
                        see Council, Agnes

Core, -
Attis P. (1892-1961)    Spr-94-1, p100; Rak-96-
                        1, p19
Edith Janelle Revell    Rvl-96-1, p222
John David (1919-1983)  Sft-00-1, p28; Rvl-96-
                        1, p222
Julius Grady            Rby-79-1, p276
M. Eliz. Sutton (1915-  Mor-86-1, p24; Rby-79-
1999)                   1, p276
Margaret (b.1917)       Spr-94-1, p100
Minnie V. Eubanks       Rak-96-1, p25
Nellie Strickland       Rak-96-1, p19
Ola Spears (1896-1919)  Spr-94-1, p100
William G. (Willie)     Rak-96-1, p25

Corley, -
Audie Belle (b.1915)    Thp-97-1; Thp-67-1
                        and see Thompson,
                        Audie Belle Corley
Bashiva Thompson        Thp-67-1
Ida Leona Hall (1878-   Thp-97-1
Joe                     Thp-67-1
Lucile                  Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Daughtry, Lucile
Mattie (1926-1966)      Rvl-96-1, p220    and
                        see Revell, Mattie
Thomas Adam (1875-      Thp-97-1
Willie D.               Thp-67-1    and see
                        Thompson, Willie D.

Council -
  principal works:

Ccl-98-1 Profiles and Pedigrees: The Descendants of Thomas Charles Council (1858-1911) Glenda Council Beall (Genealogy Publishing Svc., Franklin, NC, 1998) Lib. Congress Cat. No. 98-88100 type 1 180 pgs 808 persons Wakulla County Public Library (reserve)

Council, -
A.Orlene Johnson        Mor-86-1, p8; Ccl-98-1,
(b.1911)                p153
Agnes Corbett (1917-    Ccl-98-1, p148
Alice Eleanor Jones     Ccl-98-1, p153
Alice Winona (b.1929)   Ccl-98-1, p146   and
                        check Harter, Alice
                        Winona Council, and
                        Jones, ~
Ann Larimore            Ccl-98-1, p139
Annie Bly (b.1912)      Ccl-98-1, p147    and
                        check Armstrong, Annie
                        Bly Council
Annie Doris (1898-      Ccl-98-1, p9,145
Annie Eliz. (Bessie;    Ccl-98-1, p141,154
1894-1946)              and check Kendrick,
                        Annie E. (Bessie)
Annie Elmina (b.1906)   Ccl-98-1, p152    and
                        check Reece, Annie E.
                        Council, and Palmer, ~
Barbara Ann             Ccl-98-1, p152
Barbara Jean            Ccl-98-1, p155    and
                        check Culbreth,
                        Barbara Jean Council
Bertha Beatrice (1910-  Ccl-98-1, p147    and
1990)                   check Keaton, Bertha
                        Beatrice Council
Bertie Thomas (b.1918)  Ccl-98-1, p149
Beulah M.               Ccl-98-1,, p147; Rak-96-
                        1, p59    and see
                        Raker, Beulah Council
Bonnie Marie Linton     Ccl-98-1, p153
Buford Whitney          Ccl-98-1, p148
Catherine Susie (1901-  Ccl-98-1, p142,154; Rvl-
1946)                   96-1, p165    and see
                        Tucker, Cath. Susie
Charlie Thomas (1891-   Ccl-98-1, p9,144
Clara (1905-1994)       Ccl-98-1, p150; Rvl-96-
                        1, p179    and see
                        Harvey, Clara Council
Cleavedell Lane Crum    Ccl-98-1, p147
Clyde Horace (1892-     Ccl-98-1, p9,144
Clydie Hortense (1892-  Ccl-98-1, p9,144
Columbus Lee (1889-     Ccl-98-1, p148
Coy Lee (1900-1988)     Ccl-98-1, p9,145
Debra (b.1917)          Ccl-98-1, p150; Rvl-96-
                        1, p105    and see
                        Pelt, Debra Council
Dennis Blake (b.1935)   Ccl-98-1, p153
Dillon B. (1897-1966)   Ccl-98-1, p149
Donella Eva Moore       Mor-86-1, p8; Ccl-98-1,
(1877-1952))            p140,152
Dorothy Missouri        Ccl-98-1, p153    and
(b.1916)                see Loftin, Dorothy M.
Edmond C. (b.1936)      Rvl-96-1, p115
Edra Marie (1904-1997)  Ccl-98-1, p152; Mor-86-
                        1, p8; Rvl-96-1, p165
                        and check Martin, Edra
                        Council, and Tucker, ~
Elizabeth Briggs        Ccl-98-1, p149
Elizabeth Pittman       Ccl-98-1, p146
Emmett Howard (1914-    Ccl-98-1, p148
Ernest Allison (1928-   Ccl-98-1, p154
Etta Jewel (b.1914)     Ccl-98-1, p147    and
                        check Scott, Etta
                        Jewel Council
Etta Mae (b.1918)       Ccl-98-1, p150; Rvl-96-
                        1, p105    and see
                        Pelt, Etta Mae Council
Eugene C. (Buck;1911-   Ccl-98-1, p153; Mor-86-
1979)                   1, p8
Eugene C. (Bud;1873-    Ccl-98-1, p140,152; Mor-
1947)                   86-1, p8
Eula Moore (b.1906)     Ccl-98-1, p152; Mor-86-
                        1, p8    and check
                        Sullivan, Eula M.
                        Council, and Piplack,
Eva Hyacinth (b.1893)   Ccl-98-1, p152; Mor-86-
                        1, p8    and check
                        Everitt, Eva Council
Fannie Delaura (1900-   Ccl-98-1, p152; Mor-86-
1993)                   1, p8    and check
                        McKnight, Fannie
Frances DeLaura Posey   
(Fanny; 1836-1889)     Ccl-98-1, p1
Gary Dole (b.1933)      Ccl-98-1, p154
Georgiann (1857-1957)   Ccl-98-1, p139    and
                        see Wallace, Georgiann
                        Council, and Vickers,
Grace M. Alligood       Ccl-98-1, p149
Grady Thomas (1912-     Ccl-98-1, p149
Hal Arlen (b.1932)      Ccl-98-1, p105
Hazel Goodwin           Ccl-98-1, p152
Henry Frank (1911-      Ccl-98-1, p152
Hilda Margaret          Ccl-98-1, p149    and
(b.1920)                check Jorgensen, Hilda
                        M. Council
Ida Winifred (b.1904)   Ccl-98-1, p152
Ida Winifred Boatright  Ccl-98-1, p140
Inez Barefoot (1919-    Ccl-98-1, p154
James Ivey (1904-1992)  Ccl-98-1, p146
James Ivey (b.1934)     Ccl-98-1, p146
Janice Wanda Edenfield  Ccl-98-1, p146
Janie                   Mor-86-1, p8   and
                        check Stubbs, Janie
Jeanette Irene          Ccl-98-1, p152    and
(b.1898)                check Stubbs,
                        Jeannette Irene
Jennings Larimore       Ccl-98-1, p147
Jerry Nathan            Ccl-98-1, p146
John Cecil (1833-1910)  Ccl-98-1, p1
John Cecil (1903-1977)  Ccl-98-1, p142,155
John Jackson (1860-     Ccl-98-1, p139
John Jackson (Jack;     Ccl-98-1, p147
Josephine Dole (1897-   Ccl-98-1, p141,153
Josephine Winona (1918- Ccl-98-1, p153    and
1993)                   check Smith, Josephine
                        Winona Council
Kathryn Simmons         Ccl-98-1, p149
Laura M.                Rak-96-1, p25    and
                        check Eubanks, Laura
Lawrence E. (Major;     Ccl-98-1, p153
Lawrence Elmore (1892-  Ccl-98-1, p141,153
Lillian Inez (1896-     Ccl-98-1, p9,145
Lillie Rivera           Ccl-98-1, p147
Linnie P. Raker (1881-  Rak-96-1, p21; Rvl-96-
1955)                   1, p54; Ccl-98-1,
Lois Janet Forbes       Ccl-98-1, p154
Louise Isabel Vickers   Rak-96-1, p56; Rvl-96-
(Loudy)                 1, p179; Ccl-98-1,
Louise Pritchard        Ccl-98-1, p148
Lula C. (1899-1973)     Ccl-98-1, p149; Rak-96-
                        1, p56    and see
                        Gowdy, Lula Council
Luther Eugene (b.1932)  Ccl-98-1, p153; Lin-81-
                        1, p75
Mae (ca.1878-ca.1946)   Ccl-98-1, p9,143    and
                        check Andrew, Mae
Mamie Oleo (1883-1970)  Ccl-98-1, p9,143
Margaret Lees Dole      Ccl-98-1, p148
Mary (d.1968)           Rak-96-1, 38    and
                        check Raker, Mary
Mary Anne               Ccl-98-1, p155    and
                        check Skinner, Mary
                        Anne Council
Mary Elizabeth Maddox   Ccl-98-1, p152
Mary Greene (1891-      Ccl-98-1, p149
Mary Joyce Hall         Ccl-98-1, p154
Mary Margaret           Ccl-98-1, p152
Mary McCallister        Ccl-98-1, p154
Maude (1882-1930)       Ccl-98-1, p9,143
Maurice Edison (1919-   Ccl-98-1, p154
Merle Joyce (b.1925)    Ccl-98-1, p154
Meta Lois (1909-1991)   Ccl-98-1,, p153; Mor-86-
                        1, p8    and check
                        McKeithen, Lois
                        Council and Hamrick,
                        Lois Council
Missouri A. Smith       Ccl-98-1, p153
Myrtle Yvonne (Von;     Ccl-98-1, p142    and
b.1906)                 see Langston, M.
                        Yvonne Council
Nancy Townsend          Ccl-98-1, p153
Noah A. (Jack; 1891-    Ccl-98-1, p149
Noah A. (Jack; 1916-    Ccl-98-1, p149
Noah Columbus (1862-    Ccl-98-1, p140,147,150;
1926)                   Rak-96-1, p56; Rvl-96-
                        1, p179
Owen Royce (b.1922)     Ccl-98-1, p153
Redden Booth (Doc;      Ccl-98-1, p140
Redden Clyde (b.1919)   Ccl-98-1, p147
Robert Lee  (b.1919)    Ccl-98-1, p149
Sallie McMullen         Ccl-98-1, p139
(Sallie Jack)
Sarah Amanda            Ccl-98-1, p152
Sarah Brock (Sallie;    Ccl-98-1, p1
1862-1927)              [matriarch of the
Sarah Louvina Greene    Ccl-98-1, p140,150
Sarah Rosemary          Ccl-98-1, p146
Sharper (1873-1956)     Ccl-98-1, p140,153; Rak-
                        96-1, p21; Rvl-96-1,
Thelma Bortz            Ccl-98-1, p142,155
Thelma Marie (1906-     Ccl-98-1, p146    and
1988)                   check Johnson, Thelma
                        Marie Council
Thomas Charles (1858-   Ccl-98-1, p1
1911)                   [patriarch of the
Vivian                  Ccl-98-1, p147
Winnie Pigott (b.1937)  Rvl-96-1, p115
Yvonne Harrison         Ccl-98-1, p105

Cox -
  principal works:

Cox-97-1 Wakulla Area Digest, Vol. 6, Ed. 2 (Feb 1997), article "Looking Back," heading "The Cox Family," p13 Freeman W. Ashmore, 58, Ashmore Cove Lane, Sopchoppy, FL 32358 1997 type 4 1 pg. 150 persons (est)

Cox, -
Agnes R. Brumby         Cox-97-1, p45
Alexander               Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Alice Maige             Cox-97-1, p45
Anna Waller             Cox-97-1, p45
Annie Lou Langston      Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Cary Lee                Cox-97-1, p45
Celia Mae Langston      Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Charles Hampton         Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Christine               Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        check Mercer,
                        Christine Cox
Clinton Edgar           Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Domain                  Rvl-96-1, p172
Edgar Eugene (Gene)     Cox-97-1, p45
Edomond                 Rvl-96-1, p172
Effie                   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and check
                        Whitener, Effie Cox
Ella (1890-1956)        Sft-00-1, p4; Cox-97-
                        1, p45; Lgt-96-1, p44
Hazel                   Rvl-96-1, p34    and
                        see Harris, Hazel Cox
Hiriam                  Rvl-96-1, p172
Irene Harvey            Cox-97-1, p45
Jacob Spencer           Cox-97-1, p45
James Clinton           Cox-97-1, p45
James Ronnie            Cox-97-1, p45
Janine                  Rak-96-1, p57
Joan Bass               Cox-97-1, p45
John Milton             Cox-97-1, p45
John Norman             Cox-97-1, p45
John Spencer            Lgt-96-1, p44
John Turner             Cox-97-1, p45
Lavonia                 Rvl-96-1, p173    and
                        check Fussell,
                        Lavonia Cox
Leatrice L. Tilley      Cox-97-1, p45
Leo                     Cox-97-1, p45
Leroy                   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Leslie Clayton          Cox-97-1, p45
Livia Pelt              Cox-97-1, p45
Lorene                  Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        check Woodberry,
                        Lorene Cox
Lorenza                 Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Marg. A. Eliz. Vause    Rvl-96-1, p172
Martha (Mattie)         Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1 , p19    and check
                        Langston, Mattie Cox
Mary Celia              Cox-97-1, p45
Mary Hodges             Cox-97-1, p45
Mary Ilin               Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44    and check
                        Woodberry, Mary I.
Maude Alm               Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        check Watts, Maude
                        Alma Cox
Norma Juliette          Cox-97-1, p45
Ollie                   Cox-97-1, p45    and
                        check Harms, Ollie
Pasco                   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p14
Rachel                  Cox-97-1, p45
Ralph                   Cox-97-1, p45; Lgt-96-
                        1, p44
Ronza                   Cox-97-1, p45
Rosalee                 Cox-97-1, p45; Rvl-96-
                        1, p170    and check
                        Tucker, Rosalee Cox
Sarah Creola (1885-     Rvl-96-1, p172    and
1973)                   check Rose, Sarah C.
Susie                   Cox-97-1, p45
Theo Anderson           Cox-97-1, p45
Turner                  Cox-97-1, p45
Velie Ward              Cox-97-1, p45

Crawford, -
Ada Claude Hale         Rvl-96-1, p34
Frank                   Rvl-96-1, p34
Fanny Spears (1905-     Spr-94-1, p100
Henry (1890-1973)       Spr-94-1, p100
Lillian (1914-1964)     Spr-94-1, p54; Rak-96-
                        1, p45; Rvl-96-1,
                        p190    and check
                        Vause, Lillian
Clara (1887-1971)       Rvl-96-1, p34

Creech , -
Abigail (Abbie)         Lgt-96-1, p44    and
                        see Langston, Abigail
Daisy A. Walker         Rvl-96-1, p153
George Angus (1928-     Rvl-96-1, p153

Croft, -
Elbert Weaver (1903-    Spr-94-1, p21
Mabel Spears (1915-     Spr-94-1, p21

Crosby, -
Emma Spears             Rvl-96-1, p162
Eldred Estiel           Rvl-96-1, p162
Raney C. (b.1931)       Rvl-96-1, p162
Marie (1901-1965)       Sft-00-1, p30;
                        Rvl-96-1, p236
                        and see Revell,
                        Marie Crosby
Maude Revell (b.1889)   Rvl-96-1, p221
Josh                    Rvl-96-1, p221

Cross, -
Mary Jane (1856-1886)   Rak-96-1, p25
                        and check Raker,
                        Mary J. Cross

Crowson, -
Lillian (b.1925)        Rvl-96-1, p240    and
                        see Sanborn, Lillian
Henry                   Thp-67-1
Mattie Marie Thompson   Thp-67-1

Crum -
 principal works:

-Rbt-99-1 The Family of George W. Roberts (1842-1911) of Wakulla County David Roddenberry, 4125 Spring Creek Hwy., Crawfordville, FL 32327 1999 type 3 8 pg 250 persons

Crum, -
Adelia Katrina (b.1936) Rbt-99-1, p4; Rvl-96-
                        1, p231    and check
                        McKenzie, Adelia Crum
Alma                    Rbt-99-1, p4    and
                        see Metcalf, Alma
Amanda (1892-1936)      Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Daughtry, Amanda
Arie (b.1929)           Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Edwards, Arie
Bettie Marie (b.1930)   Rvl-96-1, p100    and
                        see Rudd, Bettie
Betty (b.1922)          Rbt-99-1, p3
Betty (b.1936)          Rbt-99-1, p4
Bobby (b.1936)          Rbt-99-1, p4
Charles Walter (b.1927) Rbt-99-1, p3
Christine (1912-1995)   Rvl-96-1, p100
Clarence (1939-1969)    Rbt-99-1, p4
Cleavedell Lane         Ccl-98-1, p147
Donnie Revell (1899-    Rvl-96-1, p212
E. Mary Ann (Babe; 1891-Rbt-99-1, p3    and
1975)                   see Taylor, Mary Ann
                        (Babe) Crum
Edgar                   Rbt-99-1, p3
Eunice Louise (b.1933)  Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Davis, Eunice
                        L. Crum
Flossie (b. 1929)       Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Cabler, Flossie
Fred (b.1926)           Rbt-99-1, p3
George W. (1896-1977)   Rbt-99-1, p3
Hardy A. (Sweet; 1898-  Rbt-99-1, p3
Harley                  Rbt-99-1, p3
Henry Hardy (1861-1950) Rbt-99-1, p3; Sft-00-
                        1, p26
Henry Jackson (b.1938)  Rbt-99-1, p4
James Harmon (Bud; 1894-Rbt-99-1, p3
Jim (1880-1966)         Rvl-96-1, p212
Lakie (b.1924)          Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        check Johnson, Lakie
Leon (b.1919)           Sft-00-1, p23
Lloyd Thomas (1900-     Rbt-99-1; Rvl-96-1,
1991)                   p182
Lois (b.1933)           Rbt-99-1, p4    and
                        check Herndon, Lois
Lorraine Revell         Rbt-99-1, p4
Luell (b.1935)          Rvl-96-1, p100    and
                        see McKenzie, Luell
Martha (1924-1991)      Rvl-96-1, p113; Rbt-99-
                        1, p3
Mary (1872-1949)        Rvl-96-1, p213    and
                        see Revell, Mary Crum
Mary Viola (b.1934)     Rbt-99-1, p4; Rvl-96-
                        1, p182    and check
                        Mayfield, Viola Crum,
                        and Harvey, Viola
Mollie Mae Pope (1908-  Rbt-99-1, p4; Rvl-96-
1974)                   1, p182
Olivia Sanders (1900-   Rbt-99-1, p3
Ollie O. Sanders (1903- Rbt-99-1, p3
Pauline                 Rbt-99-1, p3    and
                        see Harrell, Pauline
Penelope (b.1920)       Rbt-99-1, p3
Rosa L. Stephens (1904- Rbt-99-1, p3
Rufus (b.1918)          Rvl-96-1, p100
Sallie Roberts (1874-   Rbt-99-1, p3
Sandra Carraway         Rbt-99-1, p4
Thelma (1921-1995)      Rbt-99-1, p3
Thomas Lloyd (b.1933)   Rbt-99-1, p4
Voncille Kelly (b.1934) Rbt-99-1, p4
William (b.1929)        Rbt-99-1, p3
Zula R. (b.1938)        Rbt-99-1, p4    and
                        see Smith, Zula Crum
Zylphia O.              Rbt-99-1, p4; Rbt-99-1
                        and see Roberts,
                        Zylphia Crum

Cruse, -
Dorothy                 Rvl-96-1, p213
Joseph Morgan           Rvl-96-1, p213
Lesslie Jean            Rvl-96-1, p213
Mary M. (Duck; 1908-    Rvl-96-1, p213    and
1989)                   see Revell, Mary M.
Nancy Revell (1909-     Rvl-96-1, p213
Rueben (1905-1985)      Rvl-96-1, p213
Wilma (b.1892)          Rvl-96-1, p44    and
                        see Revell, Wilma

Culvert, -
Betty                   Amr-97-1, p13    and
                        check Ashmore, Betty