Index to Florida Land Patents Granted in the Area of Present Day Wakulla County.

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This index was compiled by Duke Vickrey from the General Land Office Automated
Records - Florida (Release 2).  It includes all Federal grants before 1908
located in  present day Wakulla County.  Many of the grants were made before
the formation of  Wakulla County and were located at the time in Leon County.
The majority of the area comprising present day Wakulla County was part of the
Forbes Tract and was not available for Federal grants.

This information is intended to help determine when an ancestor may have moved
to the Wakulla  County area and to locate in what part of the county he owned
land. These land records are only for the land sold by the Federal Government
and identify only the first purchaser.  Subsequent purchasers will not be found
in these records, but in the county deed office where the land was located.
The land records in this list include cash purchases and homestead grants after
the Homestead Law was passed by Congress on May 20, 1862.

The Bureau of Land Management houses records for those states that were part of
the Federal Land System, as Florida was. These land sales by the government are
recorded in tract books and have been microfilmed .  This list is an
abbreviated form.  Additional information can be found in the records.


Part - quadrant or quadrant of quadrant or lot number of  the Section
S - Section number
T - Township number
R - Range number
I - middle initial of grantee
Cert. # - patent or grant certificate number
t - type of grant, C for cash entry sale, H for homestead
Date - signature date

Last Name        First Name   I   Part   S   T   R   Cert.#  t   Date
ADAMS            JOHN         Q   SENE   32  2S  2E  11951   C   1857/07/01
ADAMS            JOHN         Q   NENW   33  2S  2E  11951   C   1857/07/01
ADAMS            JOHN         Q   W«NW   33  2S  2E  11951   C   1857/07/01
ALEXANDER        ROBERT       H   SWNW   2   3S  2E  14785   C   1861/04/09
BRADEN           HECTOR       W   E«NW   32  2S  2E  2005    C   1828/02/15
BRADEN           HECTOR       W   W«NE   32  2S  2E  2006    C   1828/02/15
BRADEN           HECTOR       W   W«SE   32  2S  2E  2051    C   1828/03/01
BRATCHER         WILLIS           N«NE   33  2S  2E  11955   C   1857/07/01
BRUMLEY          JAMES            W«NE   30  2S  1E  2598    C   1829/05/15
BURLEY           DAVID            2      18  3S  2E  1991    C   1828/02/15
BURLEY           DAVID            3      18  3S  2E  2448    C   1829/04/15
CALL             RICHARD      K   S«     24  4S  1E  5072    C   1837/04/20
CALL             RICHARD      K   NW     24  4S  1E  5073    C   1837/04/20
CALL             RICHARD      K   W«NE   24  4S  1E  5074    C   1837/04/20
CALL             RICHARD      K   5      25  4S  1E  4991    C   1838/07/28
CALL             RICHARD      K   7      25  4S  1E  4993    C   1838/07/28
CALL             RICHARD      K   6      25  4S  1E  4994    C   1838/07/28
CALL             RICHARD      K   1      26  4S  1E  5026    C   1838/07/28
CALL             RICHARD      K   1      36  4S  1E  4992    C   1838/07/28
CALL             RICHARD      K          13  4S  1E  6819    C   1839/09/20
CALL             RICHARD      K   5      11  4S  1E  7923    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   6      11  4S  1E  7923    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   SW     12  4S  1E  7924    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   1      14  4S  1E  6878    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   2      14  4S  1E  6878    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   5      14  4S  1E  6878    C   1843/03/10
CALL             RICHARD      K   6      14  4S  1E  6878    C   1843/03/10
CARRAWAY         FRANKLIN     W   N«NW   2   3S  2E  17131   C   1900/08/09
CAY              CHARLES      A   NE     2   3S  2E  17130   C   1900/08/09
CRANE            ALEXANDER    P   3      1   4S  1E  2803    C   1829/06/15
CRANE            AMBROSE      B   1      23  4S  1E  4383    C   1835/10/20
CULVER           SAMUEL           5      18  3S  2E  2451    C   1829/04/15
FAIRCLOTH        ALLEN        D   SENW   2   3S  2E  12283   C   1857/12/01
FAIRCLOTH        ALLEN        D   NESW   2   3S  2E  12283   C   1857/12/01
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   54     11  4S  1E  16484   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   65     11  4S  1E  16485   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   66     11  4S  1E  16486   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   77     11  4S  1E  16487   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   78     11  4S  1E  16488   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   89     11  4S  1E  16489   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   90     11  4S  1E  16490   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   99     11  4S  1E  16491   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   100    11  4S  1E  16492   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   122    11  4S  1E  16506   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   123    11  4S  1E  16507   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   124    11  4S  1E  16508   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   94     11  4S  1E  16509   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   95     11  4S  1E  16510   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   104    11  4S  1E  16511   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   126    11  4S  1E  16512   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   1      11  4S  1E  16513   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   2      11  4S  1E  16514   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   3      11  4S  1E  16515   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   4      11  4S  1E  16516   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   5      11  4S  1E  16517   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   1      11  4S  1E  16518   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   2      11  4S  1E  16519   C   1897/04/06
GRAHAM           JOHN         A   3      11  4S  1E  16520   C   1897/04/06
GREEN            JOHN             W«SE   12  4S  1E  7925    C   1843/03/10
GREEN            NATHANIEL    T   4      11  4S  1E  3474    C   1834/08/20
GREEN            THOMAS           4      14  4S  1E  4441    C   1834/08/20
GREEN            THOMAS       J   2      23  4S  1E  3536    C   1834/08/20
HALL             ABIJAH           NENE   34  2S  2E  11801   C   1856/06/16
HALL             LEWIS            SENW   33  2S  2E  11803   C   1857/07/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           NW     17  3S  2E  356     C   1827/09/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           7      18  3S  2E  1950    C   1827/11/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           6      18  3S  2E  1955    C   1827/11/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           3      19  3S  2E  1951    C   1827/11/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           8      18  3S  2E  1985    C   1828/02/15
HAMLIN           GEORGE           2      19  3S  2E  2065    C   1828/03/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           4      19  3S  2E  2071    C   1828/03/01
HAMLIN           GEORGE           E«SW   8   3S  2E  1952    C   1853/08/12
HAMLIN           J            G   1      25  3S  1E  2362    C   1828/09/10
HAMLIN           J            G   1      18  3S  2E  2351    C   1828/09/10
HAMLIN           J            G   W«SW   17  3S  2E  2493    C   1829/05/01
HAMLIN           NATHANIEL        NENE   32  2S  2E  8590    C   1846/09/01
HOUSTOUN         EDWARD           31     11  4S  1E  13915   C   1905/03/27
HOUSTOUN         EDWARD           32     11  4S  1E  13915   C   1905/03/27
HOUSTOUN         EDWARD           34     11  4S  1E  13915   C   1905/03/27
KING             GEORGE       S   NESW   17  3S  2E  9622    C   1852/09/01
LADD             DANIEL           W«NE   17  3S  2E  9616    C   1852/09/01
LADD             DANIEL           1      30  3S  2E  8048    C   1855/05/01
LINTON           HAMPDEN      S   2      2   4S  1E  11497   H   1896/04/27
LINTON           HAMPDEN      S   3      2   4S  1E  11497   H   1896/04/27
LINTON           HAMPDEN      S   1      3   4S  1E  11497   H   1896/04/27
LINTON           HAMPDEN      S   2      3   4S  1E  11497   H   1896/04/27
MAGUIRE          ROSANNA          33     11  4S  1E  8927    C   1848/11/01
OGILVIE          JAMES            SE     8   3S  2E  1998    C   1828/02/15
OGILVIE          JAMES            W«NE   8   3S  2E  1999    C   1828/02/15
OGILVIE          JAMES            E«NE   8   3S  2E  2008    C   1828/02/15
OGILVIE          JAMES            W«SE   5   3S  2E  2106    C   1828/03/15
OGILVIE          JAMES            W«NE   5   3S  2E  2107    C   1828/03/15
OGILVIE          JAMES            E«SE   5   3S  2E  2174    C   1828/07/22
OGILVIE          JAMES            E«NE   5   3S  2E  2175    C   1828/07/22
ORMOND           JAMES            NE     36  2S  2E  11605   C   1855/06/15
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   107    11  4S  1E  16493   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   108    11  4S  1E  16494   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   109    11  4S  1E  16495   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   116    11  4S  1E  16496   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   110    11  4S  1E  16497   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   115    11  4S  1E  16498   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   111    11  4S  1E  16499   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   114    11  4S  1E  16500   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   112    11  4S  1E  16501   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   118    11  4S  1E  16502   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   119    11  4S  1E  16503   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   120    11  4S  1E  16504   C   1897/04/06
PHILLIPS         CHARLES      A   121    11  4S  1E  16505   C   1897/04/06
PLATTS           DAN              E«NE   24  4S  1E  3948    C   1834/08/20
R C ALLEN & CO                    W«NW   30  2S  1E  1728    C   1827/11/01
R C ALLEN & CO                    W«SW   30  2S  1E  1729    C   1827/11/01
R C ALLEN & CO                    E«SW   30  2S  1E  1730    C   1827/11/01
R C ALLEN & CO                    E«NW   30  2S  1E  1805    C   1827/11/01
SEARCY           ISHAM        G   2      36  4S  1E  4397    C   1835/10/20
SHULER           YOUNG        A   SENE   34  2S  2E  16952   H   1904/01/27
SHULER           YOUNG        A   NESE   34  2S  2E  16952   H   1904/01/27
THOMAS           CORNELIUS    M   N«NW   35  2S  2E  11807   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           SESE   34  2S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           SWSW   35  2S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           E«NE   3   3S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           NWNE   3   3S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           W«NW   3   3S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
VICKERS          ANDREW           NENW   3   3S  2E  11802   C   1857/07/01
WIGGINS          JESSE            SENE   20  2S  1E  4605    C   1837/04/15
WILLIAMSON       CHARLES          1      1   4S  1E  1732    C   1827/11/01
WILLIAMSON       CHARLES          1      2   4S  1E  1731    C   1827/11/01
WILLIAMSON       CHARLES          2      2   4S  1E  1733    C   1827/11/01
WILLIAMSON       CHARLES          3      11  4S  1E  1734    C   1827/11/01
WILLIAMSON       CHARLES          3      14  4S  1E  1735    C   1827/11/01
WILLIS           JESSE        H   1      36  3S  1E  3152    C   1833/05/16
WILLIS           JESSE        H   2      36  3S  1E  3153    C   1833/05/16