Engine built from a casting kit from P. M. Research. The kit comes complete with screws which I chose not to use and instead used stainless steel cap head allen screws. The castings are a copy of a set originaly sold in 1894 and rated as a 1/4 HP engine. The engine had no reverse so I added a slip eccentric to it. The crank shaft was also made a little longer than the original on both ends for the slip mechinism and so sprockets could be added behind the flywheel for driving accessories. The engine will possibly end up powering a small boat.
View of small oscillating engine. PHOTO
Second view of engine. PHOTO
Detroit brand cylinder lubricator 1/4 pt. size. PHOTO
Small Lubricator has no markings and is a bit of a mystery.
Any info on it
would be appreciated. PHOTO
My home made steam whistle.PHOTO