St. George Lighthouse Keepers
Smith, Alien, Keeper 1834-after l835, succeeded his father,
accused of drunkenness
Adkis (Adkins), David, Keeper Jan 3, 1842-1846, paid S450, later
(1845) $500/year
McKeon, William, Keeper Dec 16, 1846-1848, paid $450
Lee, Francis, Keeper, Jun 30, 1848-before 1859, later (1859) at
CAPE SAN BLAS, paid $450/year
Taylor, William H., Keeper Jul 11, 1849-Nov 1850, deceased, paid $450/year
Austin, William, Keeper Nov 13, 1850-1851, (b 1829 England), w
Elizabeth (b 1829), 2 children in 1850, paid $450/year
Williams, Braddock, Keeper Feb 23, 1854-Jan 10, 1861, CSA Keeper
Jan 10, 1861-Dec 31, 1861, dismissed, later transferred to CAPE
SAN BLAS, returned as Keeper May 13, 1868-Mar 6, 1874, reduced,
Asst. Keeper Mar 6, 1874-Jan 13, 1879, resigned, (b NC), not
listed in 1870 census, paid $450/year in 1854, $450 by CSA, later
(Oct 1861) $240, then $120/year as caretaker, $640 in 1868, $400 as Asst.
Williams, Jo. A., Asst. Keeper Sep 7, 1857-before 1862, paid $360
Williams, Arad L., CSA Asst. Keeper Jan 10, 1861-Sep 30, 1861,
position abolished, Asst. Keeper May 13, 1868-Mar 6, 1874,
promoted, Keeper Mar 6, 1874-Jun 9, 1875, killed in fall from
tower, formerly (1868) at CAPE SAN BLAS, (b AL), paid $360 by
CSA, $400 by USA as Asst., $630 as Keeper/year
Reilly, James, Keeper July 26, 1866-Jan 9, 1867,
Aug-Dec), resigned, paid $450
Murphy, John, Asst. Keeper Nov 2, 1866-Nov 21, 1867, declined
position, paid $360, later 400/year
Lucroft (Lugroft, Lucraft), Joseph, Keeper Jan 9, 1867-May 13,
1868, resigned, formerly (1866) at CAPE SAN BLAS, paid $450,
later $600/year (1,2,2A,3)
Scanlan (Scanlon), Michael, Asst. Keeper Nov 21, 1867-1868,
resigned, later (1869) at CAPE SAN BLAS, (b NY) paid $400
Johnson, Leroy, Asst. Keeper?, after 1868
Williams, James Albert, Keeper Jun 9, 1875-Aug 1, 1893.
transferred to APPALACHICOLA BAY RANGE FRONT FL, later (1895) at
CROOKED RIVER, (b AL), paid $630/year
Williams, John W., Asst. Keeper Jan 13, 1879-1886, died, (b FL, d
1886), paid $400/year
Williams, James Chester, Asst'Keeper Jun 2, 1886-Aug 1, 1893,
resigned, later (1896) at APPALACHICOLA BAY & ST GEORGE SOUND
BEACONS, (b 1866 Pensacola FL), paid $400/year
Pope, Francis M., Asst Keeper Nov 28, 1893-1893? declined, (b 1852 FL) (1,3)
Porter, Edward G., Keeper Aug 16, 1893-1912, formerly (1893) at
CAPE SAN BLAS as Asst, (b FL), wife and 5 children, paid $630,
later $730/year
Roberts, Walter Andrew, Asst Keeper Jun 13, 1894-Aug 30, 1902,
transfered to CAPE SAN BLAS, later Asst Keeper Apr 16, 1909-after
1912, (b FL), paid S440, later $540/year, (1909) S55/month as Asst
Knickermeyer, William J., Asst Keeper Aug 30, 1'902-Apr 16, 1909,
transfered to CAPE SAN BLAS, paid $540/year
Brooks, Clairmon (Clement), Keeper before 1922-after 1923, later
(1925) at CARYSFORT REEF, formerly (after 1912) at SANTA ROSA
(b AL)
Roberts, Walter Andrew Jr., Asst Keeper before 1928-after 1929,
could be W. A. Roberts listed at ST JOSEPH BAY in 1951
Information from the book "Keepers of Florida Lighthouses 1820-1939" By Neil Hurley,For more info see Florida Lighthouse Page