Directions: YOU MUST HAVE A JAVA-CAPABLE BROWSER TO DO THE PUZZLE. If you don't have one, now's the time to update! If you have Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer, make sure you have "Java" enabled in the Advanced Options! Solve the puzzle by switching pairs of tiles. Click on the first tile, and the puzzle will be redrawn with the chosen tile highlighted. Click on the second tile, and the tiles will be switched. If you click on a tile and then decide not to move it click a second time and then choose another pair to switch. If all of the pieces do not load (there are white squares with nothing in them), Use the "back" button and then select the puzzle again. Sometimes the puzzles do not load properly. REVEAL BUTTON The yellow button at the top labeled "reveal" places a blue "X" on all squares that are not in the right place. This feature can be turned on and off. It makes ita lot easier when there are a lot of squares that look alike, sky, water, pavement, and the like.Go Back and choose a puzzle to start