Genealogy Page
A photo taken about 1923 of the Crum family including my grandmother and her parents.
These are the families who were my ancestors. This is a list of my relatives and information others may find usefull. It will concentrate on the panhandle of Florida, mainly Wakulla and Franklin counties Both of these counties I maintain for the Florida GenWeb Project. Included are list from cemetaries and Civil War soldiers as well as any other items that I can find that may provide help for others. I will include a few good links that can take you to sites where you will find information from people who have a lot more experience in this area than I.
The family names I am researching:
THOMPSON, Franklin 1840's, 1900's Wakulla county FL
CRUM, Wakulla county FL 1830's
SANDERS, / SAUNDERS Wakulla county FL 1860's
DAVIS, Wakulla county FL 1860's
GAFF / Goff, Wakulla county FL early 1900's
Names, in my list
The dates are the earliest records I have found so far. There are many individuals that have not been added to the list yet. If you have any information that would be useful to me, I would be very greatful, and of course I am happy to share with others needing information on these lines.
Leon County (old Wakulla) Marriage & Other Records
The following census information provided by Allen Gerrell Jr. and Allen Gerrell Sr.
Index , 1860 Wakulla County census
Census 1860 Wakulla County