File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Betty Norem, *********************************************************** Florida Voters List in the 1st Statewide Election, Monday, May 26, 1845. These records are significant for genealogical reasons because the individual named actually resided in the county in which he was registered to vote, and he not only had to own land there, he had to demonstrate that it had been his "place of permanent abode" for at least the six months preceeding the election in which he offered to vote, and that he also had resided within the Territory and State of Florida for the two years immediately prior to the election of Monday, 26 May 1845. Also, only free white citizens of 21 years of age and older could vote, and able-bodied men under age 45 were obliged to become members of the State Militia before voting, and those who were exempted were generally exempted because they were over the age of required service of 45 & under, or because of some physical disability or "bodily defect". In some cases the rolls indicate which. As usual with old records, some spelling mistakes were made, and doubtful readings occur because of illegible handwriting or poor condition of the original documents. These are indicated with varying combinations of brackets or parentheses and question marks, and for the researchers who desire their own interpretation, they are referred to the original documents constituting Record Group 156, Series 486, Florida State Archives, R. A. Gray Building, Tallahassee, FL 32301. Last Revised 1 Jan 1998