Wakulla County Civil War Vets


		   Brigadier General R. Don McLeod, Commanding Officer

It is believed that this picture may have heen made July 4, 1904, at the Crawfordville 
Wakulla County, Florida, Court House. Some of there men fought In the Battles of 
Missionary Ridge, and Atlanta; while other, fought In the Battles of Natural Bridge 
and Olustee.

FRONT ROW, left to right Charles Patrick Alligood, Crawfordville; Jack J. Pearce, 
Hillardville; James Ezell, Medart; Allison Brown; Brig. Gen. R. Don McLeod, 
Crawfordville; William Sasser, Lake Ellen.

MIDDLE ROW: R. B. Forber, Crawfordville; Thomas Hine, Moore, Crawfordville, Captain 
Arthur Lewis, Sopchoppy; James Sauls, Arran; Wesley Dugger, Crawfordville; Henry 
Braswell, Crawfordville; Nathanlel Singletary, Tom Vause, Stephen T. Pigott, Medart.

BACK ROW: Lawrence Wilkerson, Vereen; Wm. H. Walker, Crawfordville; George Core, 
Hillardville; Joseph M. Allen, Medart; John Stokley, Ivan; Wiley Haskins, Vereen; 
Stephen S. Ceusseaux, Crawfordville; Louis Gwaltney, Crawfordville.

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