Jackson Black Hawk Cavalry

JACKSON BLACK HAWK CAVALRY--CAPTAIN A.B. HAMILTON This company formed a part of the 1st Regiment, 1st Brigade, Florida Volunteer Militia, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Thomas C. James, was called into service of the State by Governor Milton on the 19th day of October, 1861, for a term of six months unless sooner discharged. The Mustering Officer, C.M. Harris, certified to the correctness of the roll, the condition of their horses and equipments and their acceptance into the service of the State for the term specified.
HAMILTON        A.B.             CN    19OCT61               
FENN            Z.S.             1L    19OCT61               
PACE            H.M.             2L    19OCT61               
GRIMSLEY        PHELIX           3L    19OCT61               
ARMSTEAD        GEORGE           P     19OCT61               
BAZZETT         CHARLES E.       P     19OCT61               
CARPENTER       HENRY            P     19OCT61               
CARPENTER       WILLIAM          P     19OCT61               
CORBIT          NICHOLAS         P     19OCT61               
COAN            JAMES            P     19OCT61               
DANIELS         WILLIAM          P     19OCT61               
DAVIS           MARTIN           P     19OCT61               
DICKSON         COLUMBUS         P     19OCT61               
DYKES           J.H.             P     19OCT61               
DYKES           MOSES            P     19OCT61               
EDWARDS         JOHN G           P     19OCT61               
HARE            HARRISON         P     19OCT61               
HATCHER         JAMES            P     19OCT61               
HOMISTEAD       GEORGE           P     19OCT61               
JACKSON         BERRY            P     19OCT61               
JOHNSON         GASAWAY          P     19OCT61               
JONES           JAMES T          P     19OCT61               
JONES           PITTMAN          P     19OCT61               
JONES           W.M.             P     19OCT61               
KEMP            CALHOUN          P     19OCT61               
KIDD            ROBERT           P     19OCT61               
KITTLEBAND      JOHN             P     19OCT61               
LANDER          CHARLES D        P     19OCT61               
LANIER          ANTHONY          P     19OCT61               
LAPO            GILES            P     19OCT61               1S
LUPO            JAMES            P     19OCT61               
LUPO            JOHN             P     19OCT61               
MCDANIEL        ERAMUS           P     19OCT61               
MCDONALD        WILLIAM          P     19OCT61               2S
MALLOY          S.P.             P     19OCT61               
MASBURN         L.Q.             P     19OCT61               3S
MAYO            JASPER           P     19OCT61               
MERCER          W.T.             P     19OCT61               
PERKINS         WILLIAM          P     19OCT61               
PHILLIPS        WILLIAM A        P     19OCT61               
SEXTON          AMBROSE          P     19OCT61               
SEXTON          JAMES W.         P     19OCT61               
SEXTON          SETH R           P     19OCT61               
SHELFER         LEVI             P     19OCT61               
SIMPSON         AUGUSTUS         P     19OCT61               
SIMPSON         WILLIAM D        P     19OCT61               
SNEED           ANDERSON         P     19OCT61               
WEBSTER         JAMES            P     19OCT61               
WILLIAMS        JAMES B          P     19OCT61               S
WILLIAMS        NEWTON J.        P     19OCT61               1ST CL
WILSON          JAMES            P     19OCT61               
WITHERSPOON     ROBERT H.        P     19OCT61               S
WOOD            R                P     19OCT61               4TH S
WOOD            WARREN L         P     19OCT61               
WRIGHT          W                P     19OCT61               3D CL; P S
YON             MARTIN           P     19OCT61               

Information provided by Cosette Lewis
From the book Soldiers of Florida