Shellpoint Ranger

SHELLPOINT RANGERS--CAPTAIN A.C. LANG There is nothing in the record to indicate when or where this Company was mustered in or by whom. Presumably it was sometime in 1861. A total absence of any record of the Company subsequent to its recorded roll would indicate that it was one of the companies that was dissolved after a short service and whose members reenlisted in other commands. This supposition is rather sustained by the fact that several names appearing on this roll appear later on the roll of companies in Scott's battalion of cavalry.



LANG            A.C.             CN                          
GILES           WILLIAM A.       1L                          
WATSON          JONATHAN         2L                          
EUBANKS         JOHN             3L                          
ANGE            ODEN             P                           
ANDREWS         ELIJAH           P                           
BAKER           JACOB            P                           
BAKER           JOHN M           P                           CL
BAKER           MARHEW           P                           S
BELL            JAMES            P                           
BELL            W.K.             P                           
BRACKER         ANDREW           P                           
BRACKER         JOHN             P                           
BRASWELL        HENRY            P                           
BRASWELL        MARIDA           P                           CL
COLEMAN         JOHN M           P                           DRUMMER
COLEMAN         W.K.             P                           1S
CONE            D.W.             P                           
DANILSON        JAMES            P                           
EUBANKS         HARDEE           P                           
FOUNTAIN        GREEN            P                           
FOUNTAIN        W.E.             P                           
GILES           JAMES M          P                           FIFER
GILES           WILLIAM W.       P                           
GWALTNY         JAMES F.         P                           
HEMBY           J.T.             P                           
JOHNSTON        I.W.             P                           2CL
JOHNSTON        L.T.             P                           
JOHNSTON        WILLIAM          P                           
JOHNSTON        WYLIE            P                           
MATHEWS         JOHN             P                           
MATHEW          STEVEN W.        P                           
MAXWAIN         CHARLES          P                           2S
OGLETREE        WYLIE            P                           
PELT            DURANT           P                           
PERVIS          JOHN N.          P                           
PORTER          WILLIAM R.       P                           
RICHARDSON      A.               P                           
RODDENBERRY     ALLEN            P                           
RODDENBERRY     GEORGE           P                           
RODDENBERRY     RICHARD          P                           
SMITH           R.B.             P                           
SPEARS          WILLIAM          P                           
SPEARS          ZINMANON         P                           
STOKELY         J.B.             P                           
STOKELY         JOHN             P                           
TULLEY          A.P.             P                           
TULLEY          G.W.             P                           
TULLEY          WILLIAM C.       P                           1CL
VICKERS         STEPHEN          P                           
WATSON          HENRY            P                           
WATSON          JAMES            P                           S
WHITE           T.W.             P                           

Information provided by Cosette Lewis
From the book Soldiers of Florida