Company E of the Second Florida Cavalry, Union

This is the muster of Company E of the Second Florida Cavalry, Union, 
who was listed as in the engagment at Natural Bridge Florida, 
March 6, 1865. This muster was for February to April 1865, and 
is found in the Florida State Archives.

1. Issac, J. Rich         1st Lieutenant
1. John J. Hollis         2nd Lieutenant
1. Hugh W. Baty           1st Sergeant
2. Walter R. Gaines       Comm. Sergeant
3. Terence Nimberly       Sergeant
4. Ephram N. Webb            "
5. William J. Dobson         "
6. Mason J. Heowell          "
7. William G. Barron         "

1. William Skipper        Corporal
2. William T. Swain          "
3. James W. Savage           "
4. Asa F. Fowler             "
5. Thomas A. Syprett         "
6. George D. Mercer          "
7. Benjamin D. Braswell      "
8. Harrison Hare             "

1. James T. Grant         Musician


1. Andrews, Stephen       
2. Arnold, Wesley
3. Brock, Willigun S.
4. Bennett, Silas
5. Bennett, Taylor
6. Boatwright, Benjamin
7. Benton, John W.
8. Caby, John
9. Crue, Jessee J.
10.Creamer, John
11.Colvin, Robert
12.Colvin, James T.
13.Dickers, John R.
14.Dunnam, Robert B.
15.Dickson, Lewis
16.Enfinger, John 
17.Enfinger, Nicholas
18.Faulk, William H.
19.Gay, James F.
20.Gay, Joel A.
21.Gilbert, John T.
22.Gray, Allen
23.Haines, Wellden
24.Haines, James C.
25.Hartsfield, Moses
26.Ingram, William W.
27.King, David W.
28.King, James M.
29.Knowles, Charles B.
30.Kent, John T.
31.McCalland, David K.T.
32.Madox, William
33.Madox, Wiley
34.McGugge, Daniel J.
35.Mercer, James E.
36.Nixon, James
37.Pelt, Peter
38.Roddenberry, Samson
39.Simpson, John
40.Simpson, William
41.Sims, John
42.Stephens, Benjamin S.
43.Stephens, George P.
44.Syprett, Alfored H.
45.Syprett, Gabriel F.
46.Syprett, George W.
47.Syprett, Silas A.
48.Smith, Ezekeil C.
49.Spires, Richard H.
50.Starling, Raymond H.M.
51.Thompson, James
52.Thomas, Ezekeil
53.Vann, John
54.Vickery, Ephram
55.Williams, Washington
56.Wilks, James M.
57.Whidden, James S.