The 2nd Florida Regiment, as it was first organized, was composed of ten companies as follows: Alachua Guards, Alachua county (Co. B), Capt. Lew Williams; Columbia Rifles, Columbia county (Co. C), Capt. Walter R. Moore; Leon Rifles, Leon county (Co. D), Capt. T. W. Brevard, Jr.; Hammock Guards, Marion county (Co. E), Capt. John D. Hopkins; Gulf State Guards, Jackson county (Co. F), Capt. James F. McClellan; St. Johns Greys, St. Johns county, (Co. G), Capt. J. J. Daniels; St. Augustine Rifles, Putnam county (Co. H.), Capt. John W. Starke; Hamilton Blues, Hamilton county (Co. I), Capt. Henry J. Steward; Davis Guards, Nassau county, (Co. K), Capt. George W. Call; Madison Rangers, Madison county (Co. L), Capt. W. P. Pillans. In the early days of July these ten companies were ordered to rendezvous near the Brick Church, just west of Jacksonville, now known as LaVilla, and on July 13 the Regiment was mustered into the Confederate service by Maj. W. T. Stockton. The Regiment was organized by the election of George T. Ward, of Leon county, Colonel; S. St. George Rogers, of Marion county, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Louis G. Pyles, of Alachua county, Major. The following staff appointments were then made: Dr. Thomas Palmer, Surgeon; Dr. Thomas W. Hendry; Assistant Surgeon; Capt. Edward M. L'Engle, Assistant Quartermaster; Capt. W. A. Daniel, Assistant Commissary; Lieut. R. B. Thomas, Adjutant; Edward Houston, Sergeant Major; T.W. Givens, Quartermaster Sergeant. On Monday, July 15th, the Regiment left by rail for Virginia, arriving in Richmond Sunday afternoon, July 21st. The Regiment was in Camp of Instruction, in the neighborhood of Richmond, nearly two months. On September 17, 1861, the Regiment left Richmond for Yorktown, where they were joined by the Rifle Rangers of Escambia county (Co. A), Capt. E. A. Perry. During the fall of 1861 and the winter following the Regiment was encamped near Yorktown, forming a part of Maj.-Gen. J. B. Magruder's Command. Early in October Lieutenant Thomas was ordered to report to Richmond and Lieut. Seaton Fleming was assigned to duty as Adjutant. It was at the siege of Yorktown that the Regiment received its "baptism of fire." On May 5th, at Williamsburg, the Regiment again distinguished itself by its gallant resistance to McClellan's advance. In this battle Col. George T. Ward was killed, and Companies E, D and L each lost one man, making four killed; and every company in the Regiment had one or more wounded, making thirty wounded. Among the seriously wounded was Lieut. C. S. Fleming. The 2nd Florida, being twelve months' men, were by Act of Congress required to remain in the service two years longer; this act was known as the Conscript Laws and gave them a right to reorganize by a reelection of officers, which should have taken place on May 3rd; but owing to the battle of Williamsburg reorganization did not take place until the following week or May 10th. At the reorganization Capt. E. A. Perry was elected Colonel; Maj. L. G. Pyles, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Capt. George W. Call, Major. All the companies in the Regiment changed their captains except B. and C. On May 31st the Regiment was engaged in the battle of Seven Pines, where it lost 6 officers, 4 non-commissioned and 24 privates killed. Wounded, 17 officers, 21 non-commissioned officers and 106 privates; total casualties, 178. In the battle of Seven Pines Maj. George W. Call was killed, and Lieut-Col. L. G. Pyles was wounded and disabled. Of the eleven captains who went into the battle, four, J. H. Pooser, C. S. Flagg, A. C. Butler, and T. A. Perry were killed, and six, W. D. Ballantine (Co. A), Lew Williams (Co. B), W. R. Moore (Co. C), M. G. C. Musgrove (Co. D), W. E. Caslin (Co. E) and M. J. Duncan (Co. I) were wounded. Shortly after the battle of Seven Pines, Co. M was assigned to this Regiment, making twelve companies in all. After the battle of Seven Pines followed in quick succession the battles of Cold Harbor, Gaines' Mill, Savage Station, Frazier's Farm and Malvern Hill. In the battles of Ellison's Mill and Frazier's Farm, June 26 and 27, the Regiment lost 8 killed and 52 wounded; among the killed was G. W. Parkhill, Captain of Co. M. At the battle of Frazier's Farm, June 30, the Regiment lost: Killed, 2 officers, 1 non-commissioned officer and 11 privates; wounded, 3 officers, 2 non-commissioned officers and 62 privates. Among the wounded was Col. E. A. Perry. Following the battle of Frazier's Farm came the Maryland campaign. On December 13 the battle of Fredericksburg was fought. The Regiment lost: killed, 1 non-commissioned officer and 3 privates; wounded, 4 officers, 5 non-commissioned officers, and 25 privates (casualties in Co. K not reported). A partial report of the casualties at Chancellorsville show 3 officers and 17 privates wounded, and 3 privates killed. In the battle of Gettysburg: killed, 6 officers, 4 non-commissioned officers and 5 privates; wounded, 6 officers, 6 non-commissioned officers and 54 privates; total casualties, 81. There is no report accessible of the casualties during the years 1864 and 1865, and it was during these years that some of the most desperate and bloody battles were fought; and in all of them the 2nd Florida did its full measure of duty. It was but a skeleton of a splendid regiment that surrendered at Appomatox Court House. But 7 officers and 59 men.