Linux Enterprise Applications and Systems

LEÄS: The Bänd,
The SysÄdmins

Roll Call: We, who do Linux, salute you.










Team Leader

The Linux Enterprise Applications and Systems group is a team of systems administrators in Infrastructure Support. This group manages the university’s enterprise Linux systems as well as providing file transfer utilities, mail listserv services, web hosting services, and Red Hat Satellite services for campus.

And contrary to popular misconception, they are not humorless automatons.

Äbout Our Wörk

Our Open House poster sums it up.
More detail under Services

LEAS Poster

Sërvices We Manäge

In addition to our work behind the scenes, you might know us from these services.


Nole File Transfer: Large File Sharing


Websites for Individuals


E-mail List Management


Red Hat Subscription Access


Server Monitoring


Log Analysis

Kërnel of Trüth

Fun Stuff:   Band Photo, Song, Password Strength Checking

LEÄS: the band

OK, you've gotten this far, and by now you're probably wondering, “What is this band thing?”. We don't know. We just thought it would be a fun concept for our Open House presentation. So we're not really a band, but we are an awesome Linux System Administration team.

The Song

So we aren't a band, we don't tour, and most of us don't even play instruments, but that didn't stop Bret from writing a song for this occasion. And so we are grudgingly compelled to present “Kernel of Truth” for your amusement.
Click, listen, and enjoy the cheesiness, all in good fun!

Password Testing

Here's something practical by which to remember your visit. Click this link to check the robustness of your password. Enter your password, and verify its strength using two different analyses. (The password you type does not leave your browser, and it is not stored anywhere: it is analyzed by your device locally using JavaScript software, so it's safe. If you're not sure about that, you can disable your WiFi or unplug your network cable after visiting the web page to run your tests.)

The Old Song

For our 2019 Open House event, Bret had written the song “For the Love of Penguin”. We're leaving it here so the bits don't go to waste. (If you didn't know, a penguin called Tux is the official mascot of Linux, the bird behind the song.)


If two songs and password strength checking are not to your liking, maybe you'd prefer to unwind with a quiet game of Sudoku.