return to Florida State Opera home page Die Fledermaus
Designed by:
Dale Jordan
Phot of Act I

Previously used by:
Florida State Opera at FSU in Ruby Diamond Auditorium
Tallahassee Florida November 2000

Description: The set is a unit set composed of a fixed up stage wall and two pivoting side wall pieces. The up stage wall is composed of open window units left and right and a center window/door unit with a removable door plug. The center unit has a fixed platform (3 steps up) in front of the door opening. There are aditional platform units that are added to this platform for the second and third acts. For the first act (see photo above) the two side uints act as windows and are set at about a forty five degree angle to the proscenium.

For the second act the center door plug is removed and additional steps are brought on that extend the center platform about 3 feet further down stage. The side wall units are rotated flat to the audience. Statues are moved to new positions. Act II photo
For the third act the side walls are rotated almost up and down stage and the jail grill wall is flown in to make an enclosed space, with jail doors center.
Act III photo


View the groundplan in PDF format.

Act I

Act II



Stage space requirements :

Fly requirements:

Shipping requirements:
48 ft. trailer