Designed by: 
   John Claassen 
   Brooklyn, N.Y.  
Previously used by: 
   Florida State Opera 
   in Ruby Diamond Auditorium 
   Tallahassee, FL.
   Feb. 1987 

return to opera sets page Description: 
The set consists of two Japanese style buildings on 2' high rolling platforms. The larger building (6' x 18' on a 12' x 24' platform) is designed to play with one side DS in act I and the opposite aide DS in acts II and III. The second smaller (6' x 12' on 12' x 16' platform) building plays as a separate building in act I and as a porch to the Main building in acts II and III The buildings are composed of a mixture of shoji screens and hard covered panels, some bamboo faced. The platforms are all bamboo faced. There is a small bridge unit USR in act I. The set includes three painted portals, two flown branches, a painted backdrop (used in all acts) and various steps and rocks. 
   The set can be used on stages which differ some in size from the one for which it was designed. This would require modifications in the arrangement of the supplied units.
Stage space requirements:
minimum proscenium width 40'
minimum depth behind proscenium 38'
minimum apron depth 0'
normal apron depth 5'
minimum fly height 28' 
Fly requirements: Position 
1)portal #1 52'w x 2'h 5 
2)branch #1 10'w x 1O'h 10'
3)portal #2 50'w x 24'h 15'
4)portal #3 48'w x 23'h 24'
5)branch #2 16'w x ll'h 25' 
6)backdrop 46'w x 25'h 38' 
House rags required:  1)four pair of black legs 
2)two black borders 
3)house curtain  
Shipping requirements: 
   The set is stored in a 45' semi-trailer.