return to Florida State Opera home page Susannah
Designed by:
Peter Dean Beck
Phot of Act I

Previously used by:
Florida State Opera at FSU in Ruby Diamond Auditorium
Tallahassee, Florida, November 2005

Description: The set is a unit set composed of a central raked platform with the house unit designed to role in from stage left to meet up with the rake and the church setting to fly in.

The church setting includes an up center facade with door opening and beams that fly in. the cross rolls in from stage right. Act II photo
For the act I scene 3 bathing scene the house moves off stage and grass ground rows move into the stage right side of the rake, with Susannah seen through the cut drop up stage right.

In act I scene 4 the church facad and stings of lanterns are flown in. church social
The opening scene of the opera includes a functional pump unit on the rake with the house in place on stage left. opening scene


View the Ground Plan using the Autodesk Viewer (The free viewer will download automatialy for the Autodesk web site if you do not already have it installed)

Stage space requirements :

Fly requirements:

48 ft. minimum fly height

Shipping requirements:
53 ft. trailer