return to Florida State Opera home page La Boheme (Site under Construction)
Designed by:
Peter Dean Beck
Phot of Act I

Previously used by:
Florida State Opera at FSU in Ruby Diamond Auditorium
Tallahassee, Florida, November 2007

Description: The set is a unit set composed of a two central raked platforms with the some fixed flats and some movable units..

In the second act the window unit on stage left pivots to become the Cafe Momus window. on stage left another window moves on and signs fly in. A panel up center opens up for the street.

The change takes about one minute.

Act II photo



View the Act I Ground Plan using the as a PDF document.

View the Act II Ground Plan using the as a PDF document.

View the Act III Ground Plan using the as a PDF document.

Stage space requirements :

Fly requirements:

48 ft. minimum fly height

Shipping requirements:
40 ft. trailer