\chapter{Classical Statistics} \label{chap:classicalstatistics} \SweaveOpts{keep.source=TRUE, pdf=FALSE, prefix.string=Chap03, grdevice=tikz.Swd} <>= options(digits=3, show.signif.stars=FALSE, width=53) rm(list=ls()) require(tikzDevice) source("../SweaveTikZ.R") @ %data files: read.table("H.txt", T); read.table("NAO.txt", T); read.table("SST.txt", T) %packages: MASS, ellipse, xtable %source code: NONE %third party: NONE \begin{quote} ``The difference between `significant' and `not significant' is not itself statistically significant.'' \end{quote} \indent---Andrew Gelman\\ All hurricanes are different but statistics helps you characterize them from the typical to the extreme. Here we provide an introduction to classical (or frequentist) statistics. To get the most out of this chapter we again encourage you to open an R session and follow along. \section{Descriptive Statistics} Descriptive statistics are used to summarize your data. The mean and the variance are good examples. So is the correlation between two variables. Data can be a set of weather records or output from a global climate model. Descriptive statistics provide answers to questions like does Jamaica experience more hurricanes than Puerto Rico? In Chapter~\ref{chap:Rtutorial} you learned some R functions for summarizing your data. Let's review. Recall that the data set {\it H.txt} is a list of hurricane counts by year making land fall in the United States (excluding Hawaii). To input the data and save them as a data object type <>= H = read.table("H.txt", header=TRUE) @ Make sure the data file is located in your working directory used by R. To check your working directory type \verb@getwd()@. \subsection{Mean, median, and maximum} Sometimes all you need are a few summary statistics from your data. You can obtain the mean and variance by typing <>= mean(H$All); var(H$All) @ Note that the semicolon acts as a return so you can place multiple function commands on the same text line. The sample mean is a measure of the central tendency and the sample variance is a measure of the spread. These are called the first and second moment statistics. Like all statistics they are random variables. A random variable can be thought of as a quantity whose value is not fixed. If you consider the number of hurricanes over a different sample of years the sample mean will almost certainly be different. Same with the variance. The sample mean provides an estimate of the population mean (the mean over all past and future years). Different samples drawn from the same population will result in different values, but as the sample size increases the values will get closer to the population values. The values printed on your screen have too many digits. Since there are only \Sexpr{length(H$All)} years, the number of significant digits is 2 or 3. This can be changed using the \verb@signif@ function. <>= signif(mean(H$All), digits=3) @ Note how you nest the functions. Here the \verb@mean@ function is nested in the \verb@signif@ function. You can also set the digits globally using the \verb@options@ function as shown in Chapter~\ref{chap:Rtutorial}. The median, standard deviation, maximum, and minimum are obtained by typing <>= median(H$All); sd(H$All); max(H$All); min(H$All) @ At least one year had \Sexpr{max(H$All)} hurricanes hit the U.S. coast. Higher order moments like skewness and kurtosis are available in the \verb@moments@ package. To determine which year has the maximum you first test each year's count against the maximum using the logical operator \verb@==@. This provides a list of years for which the operation returns a TRUE. You then subset the hurricane year according to this logical list. For example, type <>= maxyr = H$All == max(H$All) H$Year[maxyr] @ The \verb@which.max@ function is similar but returns the row number index corresponding only to the {\it first} occurrence of the maximum. You can then subset the hurricane year on the index. <>= H$Year[which.max(H$All)] @ Similarly, to find the years with no hurricanes, type <>= H$Year[H$All == min(H$All)] @ And to determine how many years have no hurricanes, type <>= sum(H$All == 0) @ The \verb@sum@ function counts a TRUE as 1 and a FALSE as 0 so the result tells you how many years have a count of zero hurricanes. You also might be interested in streaks. For instance, what is the longest streak of years without a hurricane? To answer this, first you create an ordered vector of years with at least one hurricane. Next you use the \verb@diff@ function to take differences between sequential years given in the ordered vector. Finally, you find the maximum of these differences minus one. <>= st = H$Year[H$All > 0] max(diff(st) - 1) @ Thus the longest streak without hurricanes is only \Sexpr{max(diff(st)-1)} years. Alternatively you can use the \verb@rle@ function to compute the length and values of runs in a vector and then table the results. <>= st = H$All == 0 table(rle(st)) @ The results show \Sexpr{table(rle(st))[2,2]} sets of two consecutive years without a hurricane and \Sexpr{table(rle(st))[3,2]} set of three consecutive years without a hurricane. \subsection{Quantiles} Percentiles also help you describe your data. The $n$th percentile ($n/100$ quantile) is the value that cuts off the first $n$ percent of the data when the data values are sorted in ascending order. The \verb@quantile@ function is used to obtain these values. First import the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) data file. Refer to Chapter~\ref{chap:datasets} for a description of these data. <>= NAO = read.table("NAO.txt", header=TRUE) @ To obtain quantiles of the June NAO values, type <>= nao = NAO$Jun quantile(nao) @ By default you get the minimum, the maximum, and the three quartiles (the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 quantiles), so named because they correspond to a division of the values into four equal parts. The difference between the first and third quartiles is called the interquartile range (IQR). The IQR is an alternative to the standard deviation that is less affected by extremes. To obtain other quantiles you include the argument \verb@prob@ in the function. For example, to find the 19th, 58th, and 92nd percentiles of the June NAO values, type <>= quantile(nao, prob=c(.19, .58, .92)) @ Be aware that there are different ways to compute quantiles. Details can be found in the documentation (type \verb@help(quantile)@). \subsection{Missing values} Things become a bit more complicate if your data contain missing values. R handles missing values in different ways depending on the context. With a vector of values, some of which are missing and marked with \verb@NA@, the \verb@summary@ function computes statistics and returns the number of missing values. For example, read in the monthly sea surface temperatures ({\it SST.txt}), create a vector of August values, and summarize them. <>= SST = read.table("SST.txt", header=TRUE) sst = SST$Aug summary(sst) @ Here you see the summary statistics and note that there are five years with missing values during August. The summary statistics are computed by removing the missing values. However, an individual summary function, like the \verb@mean@, applied to a vector with missing values returns an \verb@NA@. <>= mean(sst) @ In this case R does not remove the missing values unless requested to do so. The mean of a vector with an unknown value is unknown, so that is what is returned. If you wish to have the missing values removed, you need to include the argument \verb@na.rm=TRUE@, <>= mean(sst, na.rm=TRUE) @ An exception is the \verb@length@ function, which does not understand the argument \verb@na.rm@, so you can't use it to count the number of missing values. Instead you use the \verb@is.na@ function, which returns a TRUE for a missing value and FALSE otherwise. You then use the \verb@sum@ function to count the number of TRUEs. For your August SST data type <>= sum(is.na(sst)) @ The number of non-missing data values are obtained by using the logical negation operator \verb@!@ (read as `not'). For example, type <>= sum(!is.na(sst)) @ This tells you there are \Sexpr{sum(!is.na(sst))} years with August SST values. \section{Probability and Distributions} You can think of climate as a data generating machine. For example, with each season the number of hurricanes is recorded as a count. This count is a data value from the climate machine that gets collected alongside counts from other years. Other data are also available like the highest wind speed, etc. This view of data coming from a generating process gives statistics a prominent role in understanding climate. \subsection{Random samples} Statistics is an application of probability theory. Probability theory arose from studying simple games of chance like rolling dice and picking cards at random. Randomness and probability are central to statistics. You can simulate games of chance with the \verb@sample@ function. For instance, to pick four years at random from the 1990s you type <>= sample(1990:1999, size=4) @ The sequence function \verb@:@ is used to create a vector of ten values representing the years in a decade. The \verb@sample@ function is then used to pick, at random without replacement, a set of four (\verb@size=4@) values. This is called a {\it random sample}. Notice that in deciphering R code it is helpful to read from right to left and from inside to outside. That is, you start by noting a size of four from a sequence of numbers from 1990 through 1999 and then taking a sample from these numbers. The default is `sample without replacement.' The sample will not contain a repeat year. If you want to sample with replacement, use the argument \verb@replace=TRUE@. Sampling with replacement is suitable for modeling the occurrence of El Ni\~no (E) and La Ni\~na (L) events. An El Ni\~no event is characterized by a warm ocean along the equator near the coast of Peru. A La Ni\~na event is the opposite, featuring a cool ocean over this same region. The fluctuation between El Ni\~no and La Ni\~na events coincides with the fluctuation in hurricane activity. To model the occurrence over ten random seasons type <>= sample(c("E", "L"), size=10, replace=TRUE) @ Historically, the probability of an El Ni\~no is about the same as the probability of a La Ni\~na, but the idea of random events is not restricted to equal probabilities. For instance, suppose you are interested in the occurrence of hurricanes over Florida. Let the probability be 12\% that a hurricane picked at random hits Florida. You simulate 24 random hurricanes by typing <>= sample(c("hit", "miss"), size=24, replace=TRUE, prob=c(.12, .88)) @ The simulated frequency of hits will not be exactly 12\%, but the variation about this percentage decreases as the sample size increases (law of large numbers). \subsection{Combinatorics} Returning to your set of years from a decade. Common sense tells you that the probability of getting each of the ten years in a sample of size ten with each year picked at random without replacement is one. But was is the probability of randomly drawing a set of three particular years? This is worked out as follows. The probability of getting a particular year (say 1992) as the first one in the sample is 1/10, the next one is 1/9, and the next one is 1/8. Thus the probability of a given sample is 1/($10 \times 9 \times 8$). The \verb@prod@ function calculates the product of a set of numbers so you get the probability by typing <>= 1/prod(10:8) @ Note that this is the probability of getting a set of three years in a particular order (i.e., 1992, 1993, 1994). If you are not interested in the arrangement of years then you need to include the cases that give the three years in a different order. Since the probability will be the same in if the years are in any order, you need to know the number of combinations there are and then multiply this number by the previous probability. Given a sample of three numbers, there are three possibilities for the first number, two possibilities for the second, and only one possibility for the third. Thus the number of combinations of three numbers in any order is $3 \times 2 \times 1$ or 3!. You can use the \verb@factorial@ function and multiply this number by the probability to get <>= factorial(3)/prod(10:8) @ Thus the probability of a given sample of three years in any order is \Sexpr{round(factorial(3)/prod(10:8)*100,2)}\%. You can get the same result using the \verb@choose@ function. For any set containing $n$ elements, the number of distinct $x$-element samples of it that can be formed (the $x$ combinations of its elements) is given by \begin{equation} {n \choose x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}, \end{equation} which is read as `n choose x.' The multiplicative inverse of this number is the probability. You can check the equality of these two ways of working out the probability by typing <>= factorial(3)/prod(10:8) == 1/choose(10,3) @ Recall that the double equal signs indicate a logical operator with two possible outcomes (TRUE and FALSE), so a return of TRUE indicates equality. \subsection{Discrete distributions} It is likely you're more interested in some calculated value from a random sample. Instead of a set of hits and misses on Florida from a sample of hurricanes you might want to know the number of hits. Since the set of hits is random so is the total summation of hits. The number of hits is another example of a {\it random variable}. In this case it is a non-negative integer that can take on values in $0, 1, 2, \ldots, n$, where $n$ is the total number of hurricanes. Said another way, given a set of $n$ North Atlantic hurricanes the number that hit Florida is a discrete random variable $H$. A random variable $H$ has a {\it probability distribution} that is described using $f(h) = P(H=h)$. The set of all possible Florida counts is the random variable denoted with a large $H$, while a particular count is denoted with a small $h$. This is standard statistical notation. Thus $f(h)$ is a function that assigns a probability to each possible count. It is written as \begin{equation} f(h| p, n) = {n \choose h} p^h(1-p)^{n-h} \end{equation} where the parameter $p$ is the probability of a Florida hit given a North Atlantic hurricane. This is known as the {\it binomial distribution} and ${n \choose h}$ is known as the binomial coefficient. Returning to your example above, with a random set of 24 hurricanes and a probability $p = 12$\% that a hurricane picked at random hits Florida (hit rate), the probability that exactly three of them strike Florida [$P(H=3)$] is found by typing <>= choose(24, 3) * .12^3 * (1 - .12)^(24 - 3) @ Thus there is a \Sexpr{round(dbinom(3,24,.12),3)*100}\% chance of having three of the 24 hurricanes hit Florida. Note there is a probability associated with any non-negative integer from zero to 24. For counts zero to 15, the probabilities are plotted in Fig.~\ref{fig:binomprobs}. \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2.3, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) x = 0:15 plot(x, dbinom(x, 24, .12), ylim=c(0, .3), xlab="Number of Florida hurricanes", ylab="Probability", type="h", lwd=5) @ \vspace{-.5cm} \caption{Probability of $h$ Florida hurricanes given a random sample of 24 North Atlantic hurricanes using a binomial model with a hit rate of 12\%.} \label{fig:binomprobs} \end{figure} The distribution is discrete with probabilities assigned only to counts. The distribution peaks at three and four hurricanes and there are small but non-zero probabilities for the largest counts. \subsection{Continuous distributions} A lot of climate data is available as observations on a continuous scale. For instance, the NAO index used in Chapter~\ref{chap:Rtutorial} is given in values of standard deviation. Values are recorded to a finite precision but in practice this is generally not relevant. What is relevant is the fact that the values tend to cluster near a central value; values far from the center are more rare than values near the center. Unlike a discrete count, a continuous value has no probability associated with it. This is because there are infinitely many values between any two of them, so the probability at any particular one is zero. Instead we have the concept of {\it density}. The density of a continuous random variable is a function that describes the relative likelihood the variable will have a particular value. The density is the probability associated with an infinitesimal small region around the value divided by the size of the region. This probability density function is non-negative and its integral over the entire set of possible values is equal to one. The {\it cumulative distribution function} for continuous random variables is given by \begin{equation} F(x) = \int_{-\infty}^x f(u) du \end{equation} If $f$ is continuous at $x$, then \begin{equation} f(x) = \frac{\hbox{d}}{\hbox{d}x} F(x) \end{equation} You can think of $f(x)$d$x$ as the probability of $X$ falling within the infinitesimal interval [$x$, $x+$d$x$]. The most common continuous distribution is the normal (or Gaussian distribution). It has a density given by \begin{equation} f(x|\mu, \sigma^2) =\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}}\,e^{ -\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2} } \end{equation} where the parameter $\mu$ is the mean and the parameter $\sigma^2$ is the variance. We write $N(\mu, \sigma^2)$ as a shorthand for this distribution. The normal distribution has a characteristic bell shape with the mean located at the peak of the distribution. Changing $\mu$ translates the distribution and changing $\sigma^2$ widens and narrows the distribution, while the values remain symmetric about the peak (Fig.~\ref{fig:pdf:normal}). The distance between the inflection points, where the curves change from opening downward to opening upward, is two standard deviations. The normal distribution is actually a family of distributions, where the family members have different parameter values. The family member with $\mu =0$ and $\sigma^2=1$ is called the standard normal distribution. \begin{figure} \centering <>= leg = c("$\\mu = 0, \\sigma^2 = 0$", "$\\mu = 0, \\sigma^2 = .2$", "$\\mu = 0, \\sigma^2 = 5$", "$\\mu = -2, \\sigma^2 = .5$") x = seq(-5, 5, .01) par(las=1, mgp=c(2, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) plot(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1), ylim=c(0, 1), xlab="x", ylab="f(x)", lwd=2, col=1, type="l") lines(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=sqrt(.2)), col=2, lwd=2) lines(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=sqrt(5)), col=3, lwd=2) lines(x, dnorm(x, mean=-2, sd=sqrt(.5)), col=4, lwd=2) legend("topright", legend=rev(leg), col=rev(1:4), lwd=2, cex=.8) @ \vspace{-.5cm} \caption{Probability density functions for a normal distribution.} \label{fig:pdf:normal} \end{figure} The normal distribution is the foundation for many statistical models. It is analytically tractable and arises as the outcome of the {\it central limit theorem}, which states that the sum of a large number of random variables, regardless of their distribution, is distributed approximately normally. Thus the normal distribution is commonly encountered in practice as a simple model for complex phenomena. In climatology it is used as a model for observational error and for the propagation of uncertainty. \subsection{Distributions} Distributions are functions in R. This eliminates the need for look-up tables. Distributions come in families. Each family is described by a function with parameters. As noted above, the normal distribution is a family of distributions with each member having a different mean and variance. The {\it uniform distribution} is a family of continuous distributions on the interval $[a, b]$ that assigns equal probability to equal-sized areas in the interval, where the parameters $a$ and $b$ are the endpoints of the interval. Here we look at the normal and Poisson distributions, but the others follow the same pattern. Four items can be calculated for a statistical distribution. \begin{itemize} \item Density or point probability \item Cumulative distribution function \item Quantiles \item Random numbers \end{itemize} For each distribution in R there is a function corresponding to each of the four items. The function has a prefix letter indicating which item. The prefix letter \verb@d@ is used for the probability density function, \verb@p@ is used for the cumulative distribution function, \verb@q@ is used for the quantiles, and \verb@r@ is used for random samples. The root name for the normal distribution in R is \verb@norm@, so the probability density function for the normal distribution is \verb@dnorm@, the cumulative distribution function is \verb@pnorm@, the quantile function is \verb@qnorm@, and the random sample function is \verb@rnorm@. \subsection{Densities} The density for a continuous distribution is a measure of the relative probability of getting a value close to $x$. With `close' defined as a small interval, this probability is the area under the curve between the endpoints of the interval. The density for a discrete distribution is the probability of getting exactly the value $x$. It is a density with respect to a counting measure. You can use the density function to draw a picture of the distribution. First create a sequence of $x$ values, then plot the sequence along with the corresponding densities from a distribution with values for the parameters. As an example, the Weibull continuous distribution provides a good description for wind speeds. To draw its density type <>= w = seq(0, 80, .1) plot(w, dweibull(w, shape=2.5, scale=40), type="l", ylab="Probability density") @ The \verb@seq@ function generates equidistant values in the range from 0 to 80 in steps of 0.1. The distribution has two parameters, the shape and scale. Along with the vector of $w$ values you must specify the shape parameter. The default for the scale parameter is 1. \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2.7, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) w = seq(0, 80, .1) plot(w, dweibull(w, shape=2.5, scale=40), type="l", ylim=c(0, .03), ylab="Probability density", lwd=2) @ \vspace{-.5cm} \caption{Probability density function for a Weibull distribution.} \label{fig:pdf:weibull} \end{figure} The result is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:pdf:weibull}. Here the parameters are set to values that describe tropical cyclone wind speeds. The family of Weibull distributions includes members that are not symmetric. In this case the density values in the right tail of the distribution are higher than they would be under the assumption that the winds are described by a normal distribution. You create a similar plot using the \verb@curve@ function by typing <>= curve(dweibull(x, shape=2.5, scale=40), from=0, to=80) @ Note the first argument (here \verb@dweibull@) must be a function or expression that contains \verb@x@. For discrete distributions it is better to use pins as symbols rather than a curve. As an example, the Poisson distribution is a good description for hurricane counts. To draw its distribution type <>= h = 0:16 plot(h, dpois(h, lambda=5.6), type="h", lwd=3, ylab="Probability distribution") @ \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2.3, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) h = 0:16 plot(h, dpois(h, lambda=5.6), type="h", ylab="Probability distribution", lwd=5) @ \vspace{-1cm} \caption{Probability mass function for a Poisson distribution.} \label{fig:pdf:poisson} \end{figure} The result is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:pdf:poisson}. The distribution corresponds to the probability of observing $h$ number of hurricanes given a value for the rate parameter. The argument \verb@type="h"@ causes pins to be drawn. The Poisson distribution is a limiting form of the binomial distribution with no upper bound on the number of occurrences. The rate parameter $\lambda$ characterizes this stochastic process. For small values of $\lambda$ the distribution is positively skewed. \subsection{Cumulative distribution functions} The cumulative distribution function describes the probability less than or equal to a value $x$. It can be plotted but it is often more informative to get probabilities for distinct values. The function \verb@pnorm@ returns the probability of getting a value equal to or smaller than its first argument in a normal distribution with a given mean and standard deviation. For example, consider again the NAO data for June. Assuming these values are described by a normal distribution with a mean of $\Sexpr{round(mean(nao),2)}$ and standard deviation of $\Sexpr{round(sd(nao),2)}$, the chance that a June value is less than $-$1.5 is gotten by typing <>= pnorm(-1.5, mean=mean(nao), sd=sd(nao)) @ or approximately \Sexpr{round(pnorm(-1.5, mean=mean(nao), sd=sd(nao)), 2)*100}\%. That is, only about \Sexpr{round(pnorm(-1.5, mean=mean(nao), sd=sd(nao)), 2)*100}\% of the June NAO values are less than or equal to $-$1.5. Consider the hurricane data as another example. The annual rate of East coast hurricanes is obtained by typing \verb@mean(H$E)@. This is the rate ($\lambda$) parameter value for the Poisson distribution. So the probability of next year having no East coast hurricane is obtained by typing <>= ppois(0, lambda=mean(H$E)) @ You express the probability as a percentage and round to three significant figures by typing <>= round(ppois(0, lambda=mean(H$E)), digits=3) * 100 @ \subsection{Quantile functions} The quantile function is the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. The $p$-quantile is the value such that there is a $p$ probability of getting a value less than or equal to it. The median value is, by definition, the .5 quantile. In tests of statistical significance (see the next section), the $p$-quantile is usually set at $p = 0.05$ and is called the $\alpha = p \times 100$\% significance level. You are interested in knowing the threshold that a test statistic must cross in order to be considered significant at that level. The $p$-value is the probability of obtaining a value as large, or larger, than the $p$-quantile. Theoretical quantiles are also used to calculate confidence intervals. If you have $n$ normally distributed observations from a population with mean $\mu$ and standard deviation $\sigma$, then the average $\bar x$ is normally distributed around $\mu$ with standard deviation $\sigma/\sqrt{n}$. A 95\% confidence interval for $\mu$ is obtained as \begin{equation} \label{eq:ci} \bar x + \sigma/\sqrt{n} \times N_{.025} \le \mu \le \bar x + \sigma/\sqrt{n} \times N_{.975} \end{equation} where $N_{0.025}$ and $N_{0.975}$ are the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the standard normal distribution, respectively. You obtain the relevant quantities for a confidence interval about the population mean using the sample of June NAO values by typing <>= xbar = mean(nao) sigma = sd(nao) n = length(nao) sem = sigma/sqrt(n) xbar + sem * qnorm(.025) xbar + sem * qnorm(.975) @ This produces a 95\% confidence interval for the population mean of [\Sexpr{round(xbar+sem*qnorm(.025),2)}, \Sexpr{round(xbar+sem*qnorm(.975),2)}]. The normal distribution is symmetric so $-N_{0.025} = N_{0.975}$. You can verify this by typing <>= -qnorm(.025); qnorm(.975) @ Note that \verb@qnorm(.025)@ gives the left tail value of the normal distribution and that \verb@qnorm(.975)@ gives the right tail value. Also, the quantile for the standard normal is often written as $\Phi^{-1}(.975)$, where $\Phi$ is the notation for the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal. Thus it is common to write the confidence interval for the population mean as \begin{equation} \label{eq:ci2} \bar x \pm \sigma/\sqrt{n} \times \Phi^{-1}(.975) \end{equation} Another application of the quantile function is to help assess the assumption of normality for a set of observed data. This is done by matching the empirical quantiles with the quantiles from the standard normal distribution. We give an example of this in Chapter~\ref{chap:graphsandmaps}. \subsection{Random numbers} Random numbers are generated from algorithms. But the sequence of values appear as if they were drawn randomly. That is why they are sometimes referred to as `pseudo-random' numbers. Random numbers are important in examining the effect random variation has on your results. They are also important in simulating synthetic data that has the same statistical properties as your observations. This is useful in understanding the effect your assumptions and approximations have on your results. The distribution functions in R can generate random numbers (deviates) quite simply. The first argument specifies the number of random numbers to generate, and the subsequent arguments are the parameters of the distribution. For instance, to generate 10 random numbers from a standard normal distribution, type <>= rnorm(10) @ Your numbers will be different than those printed here since they are generated randomly. It is a good strategy to generate the same set of random numbers each time in an experimental setting. You do this by specifying a random number generator (RNG) and a seed value. If the RNG is the same and the seed value is the same, the set of random numbers will be identical. <>= set.seed(3042) rnorm(10) @ Here the \verb@set.seed@ function uses the default Mersenne Twister RNG with a seed value of 3042. Note that the commands must by typed in the same order; first set the seed, then generate the random numbers. Specifying a RNG and a seed value allows your results to be replicated exactly. This is especially important when your results depend on a method that exploits random values as is the case with some of the Bayesian models you will consider in Chapters~\ref{chap:bayesianstatistics} and \ref{chap:bayesianmodels}. To simulate the next 20 years of Florida hurricane counts based on the counts over the historical record, you type <>= rpois(20, lambda=mean(H$FL)) @ To simulate the maximum wind speed (m~s$^{-1}$) from the next 10 tropical cyclones occurring over the North Atlantic, you type <>= rweibull(10, shape=2.5, scale=50) @ Note that if your numbers are exactly the same as those on this page you continued with the same sequence of RNG initiated with the seed value above. \section{One-Sample Tests} Inferential statistics refers to drawing conclusions from your data. Perhaps the simplest case involves testing whether your data support a particular mean value. The population mean is a model for your data and your interest is whether your single sample of values is consistent with this mean model. The one-sample $t$ (student $t$) test is based on the assumption that your data values ($x_i, \ldots, x_n$) are independent and come from a normal distribution with a mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$. The shorthand notation is \begin{equation} \label{eq:iidN} x_i \sim \hbox{iid } N(\mu, \sigma^2) \end{equation} where the abbreviation iid indicates `independent and identically distributed.' You wish to test the {\it null hypothesis} that $\mu = \mu_0$. You estimate the parameters of the normal distribution from your sample. The average $\bar x$ is an estimate of $\mu$ and the sample variance $s^2$ is an estimate of $\sigma^2$. It's important to keep in mind is that you can never know the true parameter values. In statistical parlance, they are said to be constant, but unknowable. The key concept is that of the {\it standard error}. The standard error of the mean (or s.e.($\bar x$)) describes the variation in your average calculated from your $n$ values. That is, suppose you had access to another set of $n$ values (from the same set of observations or from the same experiment) and you again compute $\bar x$ from these values. This average will almost surely be different from the average calculated from the first set. Statistics from different samples taken from the same population will vary. You can demonstrate this for yourself. First generate a population from a distribution by with a fixed mean (3) and standard deviation (4). <>= X = rnorm(2000, mean=3, sd=4) @ Next take five samples each with a sample size of six and compute the average. This can be done using a \verb@for@ loop. The loop structure is \verb@for(i in 1:n){cmds}@, where \verb@i@ is the loop index and \verb@n@ is the number of times the loop will execute the commands () (\verb@cmds@). Here your command is print the mean of a sample of six from the vector \verb@X@. <>= for(i in 1:5) print(mean(sample(X, size=6))) @ The list of sample means are not all the same and not equal to three. What happens to the variability in the list of means when you increase your sample size from six to 60? What happens when you increase the population standard deviation from four to 14? Try it. The standard error of the mean is \begin{equation} \label{eq:sem} \hbox{s.e.}(\bar x) = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} \end{equation} where $\sigma$ is the population standard deviation and $n$ is the sample size. Even with only a single sample we can estimate s.e.($\bar x$) by substituting the sample standard deviation $s$ for $\sigma$. The s.e.($\bar x$) tells you how far the sample average may reasonably be from the population mean. With data that are normally distributed there is a 95\% probability of the sample average staying within $\mu \pm 1.96\sigma$. Note how this is worded. It implies that if you take many samples from the population, computing the average for each sample, you will find that 95\% of the samples have an average that falls within about two s.e.($\bar x$)s of the population mean. The value of 1.96 comes from the fact that the difference in cumulative probability distribution from the standard normal between $\pm$1.96 is .95. To verify, type <>= pnorm(1.96) - pnorm(-1.96) @ With a bit more code you can verify this for your sample of data saved in the object \verb@X@. This time instead of printing five sample averages, you save 1000 of them in an object called \verb@Xb@. You then sum the number of TRUEs when logical operators are used to define the boundaries of the interval. <>= set.seed(3042) X = rnorm(2000, mean=3, sd=4) Xb = numeric() for(i in 1:1000) Xb[i] = mean(sample(X, size=6)) p = sum(Xb > 3 - 2 * 4/sqrt(6) & Xb < 3 + 2 * 4/sqrt(6))/1000 p @ That is, for a given sample, there is a \Sexpr{round(p*100,0)}\% chance that the interval defined by the s.e.($\bar x$) will cover the true (population) mean. In the case of a one-sample test, you postulate a population mean and you have a single sample of data. For example, let $\mu_0$ be a guess at the true mean, then you calculate the $t$ statistic as \begin{equation} \label{eq:tstat} t = \frac{\bar x - \mu_0}{\hbox{s.e.}(\bar x)} \end{equation} With $(\bar x - \mu_0)$ = 2 $\times$ s.e.($\bar x$), your $t$ statistic is two. Your sample mean could be larger or smaller than $\mu_0$ so $t$ can be between $-$2 and $+$2 with $\bar x$ within 2 s.e.($\bar x$)s of $\mu_0$. If you have few data (less than about 30 cases), you need to correct for the fact that your estimate of s.e.($\bar x$) uses the sample standard deviation rather than $\sigma$. By using $s$ instead of $\sigma$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:sem} your chance of being farther from the population mean is larger. The correction is made by substituting the $t$-distribution (Student's $t$-distribution) for the standard normal distribution. Like the standard normal the $t$-distribution is continuous, symmetric about the origin, and bell-shaped. It has one parameter called the degrees of freedom ($\nu$) that controls the relative `heaviness' of the tails. The degrees of freedom (df) parameter $\nu = n-1$ where $n$ is the sample size. For small samples, the tails of the $t$-distribution are heavier than the tails of a standard normal distribution (see Fig.~\ref{fig:pdf:tnorm}), meaning that it is more likely to produce values that fall far from the mean. \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) leg = c("N(0,1)", "t(9)", "t(1)") curve(dnorm(x), from=-3, to=3, lwd=2, ylab="Probability density") curve(dt(x, 10 - 1), from=-3, to=3, add=TRUE, col=2, lwd=2) curve(dt(x, 2 - 1), from=-3, to=3, add=TRUE, col=2, lwd=1) legend("topright", legend=leg, col=c(1, 2, 2), lwd=c(2, 2, 1)) @ \vspace{-1cm} \caption{Probability density functions.} \label{fig:pdf:tnorm} \end{figure} For instance the difference in cumulative probabilities at the $\pm$1.96 quantile values from a $t$-distribution with 9 df is given by <>= pt(q=1.96, df=9) - pt(q=-1.96, df=9) @ This probability is smaller than for the standard normal distribution. This indicates that only about 92\% of the time the interval between $\pm$1.96 will cover the true mean. Note in the figure how the $t$-distribution approximates the normal distribution as the sample size increases. For sample sizes of 30 or more there is essential no difference. First, given a hypothesized population mean ($\mu_0$), the $t$ statistic is computed from your sample of data using Eq.~\ref{eq:tstat}. Next the cumulative probability of that value is determined from the $t$-distribution with df equal to sample size minus one. Finally, the probability is multiplied by two to obtain the $p$-value. A small $p$-value leads to a rejection of the null hypothesis and a large $p$-value leads to a failure to reject the null hypothesis. The $p$-value is an estimate of the probability that a particular result, or a result more extreme than the result observed, could have occurred by chance if the null hypothesis is true. In the present case, if the true mean is $\mu_0$ what is the probability that your sample mean is as far or farther from $\mu_0$ as it is? In short, the $p$-value is a measure of the credibility of the null hypothesis. The higher the $p$-value the more credible the null hypothesis appears given your sample of data. But, the $p$-value is best interpreted as evidence {\it against} the null hypothesis, thus a small value indicates evidence to reject the null. The interpretation is not black and white. A convenient way to express the evidence is given in Table~\ref{tab:pval}. \begin{table} \begin{center} \caption{\label{tab:pval} The $p$-value as evidence against the null hypothesis.} \begin{tabular}{rl} \hline $p$-value & Evidence Against \\ Range & Null Hypothesis \\ \hline 0--0.01 & convincing \\ 0.01--0.05 & moderate \\ 0.05--0.15 & suggestive, but inconclusive \\ $>$0.15 & none \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \end{table} Consider the area-averaged North Atlantic sea-surface temperature (SST) values each August in units of $^\circ$C as an example. Input the monthly data and save the values for August in a separate vector by typing <>= SST = read.table("SST.txt", header=TRUE) sst = SST$Aug @ Begin with a look at a summary table of these values. <>= summary(sst) @ The median temperature is \Sexpr{round(median(sst,na.rm=T),1)}$^\circ$ with a maximum of maximum of \Sexpr{round(max(sst,na.rm=T),1)}$^\circ$ over the \Sexpr{sum(!is.na(sst))}~years. Note that the object \verb@sst@ has length of 160 years, but the first 5 years have missing values. You might be interested in the hypothesis that the values deviate significantly from 23.2$^\circ$C. Although we spent some effort to explain the test statistic and procedure, the application is rather straightforward. The task for you is to test whether this distribution has a mean $\mu=23.2$. Assuming the data come from a normal distribution, this is done using the \verb@t.test@ function as follows. <>= t.test(sst, mu=23.2) @ Here there are several lines of output. The output begins with a description of the test you asked for followed by the name of the data object used (here \verb@sst@). The next line contains the value of the $t$-statistic (\verb@t@) as defined in Eq.~\ref{eq:tstat}, degrees of freedom (\verb@df@), and the $p$-value (\verb@p-value@). The degrees of freedom is the number of values in calculating the $t$-statistic that are free to vary. Here it is equal to the number of years (number of independent pieces of information) that go into calculating the $t$-statistic minus the number of statistics used in the intermediate steps of the calculation. Equation~\ref{eq:tstat} shows only one statistic (the mean) is used, so the number of degrees of freedom is \Sexpr{length(sst)-1}. You don't need a table of the $t$-distribution to look at which quantiles the $t$-statistic belongs. You can see that the $p$-value is \Sexpr{round(t.test(sst, mu=23.2)$p.value,3)} indicating conclusive evidence against the null hypothesis that the mean is 23.2. When the argument \verb@mu=@ is left off, the default is \verb@mu=0@. A sentence regarding the alternative hypothesis is printed next. It has two pieces of information; the value corresponding to your hypothesis and whether your test is one- or two-sided. Here it states \verb@not equal to@, indicating a two-sided test. You specify a one-sided test against the alternative of a larger $\mu$ by using the \verb@alternative="greater"@ argument. For instance you might hypothesize the temperature to exceed a certain threshold value. Note that abbreviated argument names often work. For example, here it is okay to write \verb@alt="g"@ to get the one-sided, greater than, alternative. The next output is the 95\% confidence interval for the true mean. You can think of it as defining a set of hypothetical mean values, such that if they were used as values for your null hypothesis (instead of 23.2) they would lead to a $p$-value of 0.05 or greater (failure to reject the null). You can specify a different confidence level with the \verb@conf.level@ argument. For example, \verb@conf.level=.99@ will give you a 99\% interval. The final bit of output is the mean value from your sample. It is the best single estimate for the true mean. Note that you are not testing the data. You are testing a hypothesis about some hypothetical value using your data. To summarize: In classical statistical inference you state a hypothesis that, for example, the population mean has a value equal to $\mu_0$. You then use your data to see if there is evidence to reject it. The evidence is summarized as a $p$-value. A $p$-value less than 0.15 is taken as suggestive, but inconclusive evidence that your hypothesis is wrong, while a $p$-value less than 0.01 is convincing evidence you are wrong. Note that the larger the value of $|t|$, the smaller the $p$-value. \section{Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test} Even if you can't assume your data are sampled from a normal distribution, the $t$ test will provide a robust inference concerning the population mean. By robust we mean that the test results are not overly sensitive to the assumption of normality, especially in large samples. Keep in mind that the assumption of normality is about the distribution of the population of values, not the sample you have. Sometimes it is preferable not to make this assumption. You do this with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. First, the hypothesized value ($\mu_0$) is subtracted from each observation. Next, absolute values of each difference is taken and sorted from smallest to largest. Ranks are assigned to each difference according to the sorting with the smallest difference given a rank of one. Then, the set of absolute magnitudes of each of differences are ranked. Ranking is done by ordering from lowest to highest all magnitudes and counting the number of magnitudes with this value or lower. The lowest magnitude gets a rank of one. The function \verb@rank@ is used to obtain ranks from a set of values. For example, type <>= rank(c(2.1, 5.3, 1.7, 1.9)) @ The function returns the ranks with each value assigned a ranking from lowest to highest. Here the value of 2.1 in the first position of the data vector is ranked third and the value of 1.7 in the fourth position is ranked one. Returning to your data, to see the ranks of the first 18 differences, type <>= x = sst - 23.2 r = rank(abs(x)) r[1:18] @ This says there are \Sexpr{r[1]} years that have a difference (absolute value) less than or equal to the first year's SST value. By default ties are handled by averaging the ranks so for an even number of ties the rank are expressed as a fractional half, otherwise they are a whole number. The test statistic (\verb@V@) is the sum of the ranks corresponding to the values that are above the hypothesized mean <>= sum(r[x > 0], na.rm=TRUE) @ Assuming only that the distribution is symmetric around $\mu_0$, the test statistic corresponds to selecting each rank from 1 to $n$ with probability of .5 and calculating the sum. The distribution of the test statistic can be calculated exactly, but becomes computationally prohibitive for large samples. For large samples the distribution is approximately normal. The application of the non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test in R is done in the same way as the application of the $t$ test. You specify the data values in the first argument and the hypothesized population mean in the second argument. <>= wilcox.test(sst, mu=23.2) @ The $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(wilcox.test(sst, mu=23.2)$p.value,4)} indicates moderate evidence against the null hypothesis, which is somewhat greater evidence than with the $t$ test. There is less output as there is no parameter estimate and no confidence limits, although it is possible under some assumptions to define a location measure and confidence intervals for it \citep{Dalgaard2002}. The continuity correction refers to a small adjustment to the test statistic when approximating the discrete ranks with a continuous (normal) distribution. See the help file for additional details. Although a non-parametric alternative to a parametric test can be valuable, caution is advised. If the assumptions are met, then the $t$ test will be more efficient by about 5\% relative to the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. That is, for a given sample size, the $t$ test better maximizes the probability that the test will reject the null hypothesis when it is false. That is, the $t$ test has more power than the Wilcoxon test. However in the presence of outliers, the non-parametric Wilcoxon test will less likely indicate spurious significance compared with the parametric $t$ test. The Wilcoxon test has problems when there are ties in the ranks for small samples. By default (if exact is not specified), an exact $p$-value is computed if the samples contain less than 50 values and there are no ties. Otherwise a normal approximation is used. \section{Two-Sample Tests} It is often useful to compare two samples of climate data. For instance, you might be interested in examining whether El Ni\~no influences hurricane rainfall. Here you would create two samples with one sample containing hurricane rainfall during years denoted as El Ni\~no, and the other sample containing hurricane rainfall during all other years. The two-sample $t$ test is then used to test the hypothesis that two samples come from distributions with the same population mean. The theory is the same as that employed in the one-sample test. Vectors are now doubly indexed ($x_{1,1}, \ldots, x_{1,n_1}$ and $x_{2,1}, \ldots, x_{2,n_2}$). The first index identifies the sample and the second identifies the case. The assumption is that the values follow normal distributions $N(\mu_1, \sigma_1^2)$ and $N(\mu_2, \sigma_2^2)$ and your interest is to test the null hypothesis $\mu_1 = \mu_2$. You calculate the $t$-statistic as \begin{equation} \label{eq:tstat2} t = \frac{\bar x_1 - \bar x_2}{\sqrt{\hbox{s.e.}(\bar x_1)^2+\hbox{s.e.}(\bar x_2)^2}} \end{equation} where the denominator is the standard error of the difference in means and $\hbox{s.e.}(\bar x_i) = s_i/\sqrt{n_i}$. If you assume the two samples have the same variance ($s_1^2 = s_2^2$) then you calculate the s.e.($\bar x$)s using a single value for $s$ based on the standard deviation of all values over both samples. Under the null hypothesis that the population means are the same, the $t$-statistic will follow a $t$-distribution with $n_1+n_2-2$ degrees of freedom. If you don't assume equal variance the $t$-statistic is approximated by a $t$-distribution after adjusting the degrees of freedom by the Welch procedure. By default the function uses the Welch procedure resulting in a non-integer degrees of freedom. Regardless of the adjustment, the two-sample test will usually give about the same result unless the sample sizes and the standard deviations are quite different. As an example, suppose you are interested in whether the June NAO values have mean values that are different depending on hurricane activity along the Gulf coast later in the year. First create two samples of NAO values. The first sample contains June NAO values in years with no Gulf hurricanes and the second sample contains NAO values in years with at least two Gulf hurricanes. This is done using the \verb@subset@ function. <>= nao.s1 = subset(nao, H$G == 0) nao.s2 = subset(nao, H$G >= 2) @ You then summarize the two sets of values with the mean, standard deviation, and sample size. <>= mean(nao.s1); sd(nao.s1); length(nao.s1) mean(nao.s2); sd(nao.s2); length(nao.s2) @ The mean NAO value is larger during inactive years but is it significantly larger? The standard deviation is also larger and so is the sample size. Your null hypothesis is that the population mean of June NAO values during active Gulf years is equal to the population mean of June NAO values during inactive years. The test is performed with the \verb@t.test@ function with the two data vectors as the two arguments. By default the function uses the Welch procedure. <>= t.test(nao.s1, nao.s2) @ The output is similar to that from the one-sample test above. The type of test and the data objects are given in the preamble. The value of the $t$-statistic, the degrees of freedom, and the $p$-value follow. <>= x = t.test(nao.s1, nao.s2) @ Here you find a $t$-statistic of \Sexpr{round(x$statistic,3)}. Assuming the null hypothesis of no difference in population means is correct, this $t$ value (or a value larger in magnitude) has a probability \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)} of occurring by chance given a $t$-distribution with \Sexpr{round(x$parameter,2)} degrees of freedom. Thus, there is compelling evidence that June NAO values are different between the two samples. As with the one-sample test the alternative hypothesis, which is that the true difference in means is not equal to zero, is stated as part of the output. This is the most common alternative in these situations. The confidence interval (CI) refers to the difference in sample means (mean from sample 1 minus mean from sample 2). So you state that the difference in sample means is \Sexpr{round(mean(nao.s1)-mean(nao.s2),3)} [(\Sexpr{round(x$conf.int[1],2)}, \Sexpr{round(x$conf.int[2],2)}), 95\% CI]. The interval does not include zero consistent with the conclusion from the test statistic and the corresponding $p$-value of compelling evidence against the null hypothesis (less than the 5\% significance level). If you are willing to assume the variances are equal (for example both samples come from the same population), you can specify the argument \verb@var.equal=T@. In this case the number of degrees of freedom is a whole number, the $p$-value is larger, and the confidence interval wider. \section{Statistical Formula} While you might consider the data in separate vectors, this is not the best way to do things. Instead of creating subsets of the object \verb@nao@ based on values in the object \verb@H@, you create a data frame with two parallel columns. Include all values for the NAO in one column and the result of a logical operation on Gulf hurricane activity in a separate column. <>= gulf = H$G > 1 nao.df = data.frame(nao, gulf) tail(nao.df) @ This displays the NAO values and whether or not there was two or more Gulf hurricanes in corresponding years. The goal is to see whether there is a shift in level of the NAO between the two groups of hurricane activity years (\verb@TRUE@ and \verb@FALSE@). Here the groups are years with two or more Gulf hurricanes (TRUE) and years with one or fewer hurricanes (FALSE). With this setup you specify a two-sample $t$-test using the tilde (\verb@~@) operator as <>= t.test(nao ~ gulf, data=nao.df) @ The object to the left of the tilde (or twiddle) is the variable you want to test and the object to the right is the variable used for testing. The tilde is read as `described by' or `conditioned on.' That is, the June NAO values are described by Gulf coast hurricane activity. This is how statistical models are specified in R. You will see this model structure throughout the book. Note that by using the \verb@data=nao.df@ you can use the column vectors in the data frame by name in the model formula. The conclusion is the same. Years of high and low Gulf hurricane activity appear to be presaged by June NAO values that are significantly different. The output is essentially the same although the group names are taken from the output of the logical operation. Here \verb@FALSE@ refers to inactive years. \section{Compare Variances} It's not necessary to assume equal variances when testing for differences in means. Indeed this is the default option with the \verb@t.test@ function. Yet your interest could be whether the variability is changing. For instance you might speculate that the variability in hurricane activity will increase with global warming. Note that the variance is strictly positive. Given two samples of data, the ratio of variances will be unity if the variances are equal. Under the assumption of equal population variance the $F$-statistic, as the ratio of the sample variances, has an $F$-distribution with two parameters. The parameters are the two samples sizes minus one. The $F$-distribution is positively skewed meaning the tail on the right is longer than the tail on the left. Figure~\ref{fig:pdf:F} shows the probability density for two $F$-distributions. Larger sample sizes result in a density centered on one and more symmetric. \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) leg = c("F(80, 120)", "F(12, 8)") curve(df(x, df1=80, df2=120), from=0, to=3, lwd=2, ylab="Probability density") curve(df(x, df1=12, df2=8), from=-3, to=3, add=TRUE, col=2, lwd=2) legend("topright", legend=leg, col=c(1, 2), lwd=c(2, 2)) @ \vspace{-.75cm} \caption{Probability density functions for an $F$-distribution.} \label{fig:pdf:F} \end{figure} The function \verb@var.test@ is called in the same way as the \verb@t.test@ function, but performs an $F$ test on the ratio of the group variances. <>= var.test(nao ~ gulf, data=nao.df) @ <>= x = var.test(nao~gulf,data=nao.df) @ Results show an $F$-statistic of \Sexpr{round(x$statistic,3)} with degrees of freedom equal to \Sexpr{x$parameter[1]} and \Sexpr{x$parameter[2]} resulting in a $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)} under the null hypothesis of equal variance. The magnitude of the $p$-value provides suggestive but inconclusive evidence of a difference in population variance. Note that the 95\% confidence interval on the $F$-statistic includes the value of one as you would expect given the $p$-value. The variance test ($F$-test) is sensitive to departures from normality. Also, for small data sets the confidence interval will be quite wide (see Fig.~\ref{fig:pdf:F}) often requiring you to take the assumption of equal variance as a matter of belief. \section{Two-Sample Wilcoxon Test} If the normality assumption is suspect or for small sample sizes you might prefer a nonparametric test for differences in the mean. As with the one-sample Wilcoxon test, the two-sample counterpart is based on replacing your data values by their corresponding rank. This is done without regard to group. The test statistic $W$ is then computed as the sum of the ranks in one group. The function is applied using the model structure as <>= wilcox.test(nao ~ gulf, data=nao.df) @ The results are similar to those found using the $t$-test and are interpreted as convincing evidence of a relationship between late spring NAO index values and hurricane activity along the Gulf coast of the United States. \section{Correlation} Correlation extends the idea of comparing one variable in relation to another. Correlation indicates the amount and the direction of association between two variables. If hurricanes occur more often when the ocean is warmer, then you say that ocean temperature is positively correlated with hurricane incidence; as one goes up, the other goes up. If hurricanes occur less often when sun spots are numerous, then you say that sun spots are inversely correlated with hurricane incidence. Meaning the two variables go in opposite direction; as one goes up, the other goes down. A correlation coefficient is a symmetric scale-invariant measure of the correlation between two variables. It is symmetric because the correlation between variable $x$ and $y$ is the same as the correlation between variable $y$ and $x$. It is scale-invariant because the value does not depend on the units of either variables. Correlation coefficients range from $-$1 to $+$1, where the extremes indicate perfect correlation and 0 means no correlation. The sign is negative when large values of one variable are associated with small values of the other and positive if both tend to be large or small together. Different metrics of correlation lead to different correlation coefficients. Most common is Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient followed by Spearman's rank and Kendall's $\tau$. \subsection{Pearson's product-moment correlation} Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient is derived from the bivariate normal distribution of two variables, where the theoretical correlation describes contour ellipses about the two-dimensional densities. It is the workhorse of climatological studies. If both variables are scaled to have unit variance, then a correlation of zero corresponds to circular contours and a correlation of one corresponds to a line segment. Figure~\ref{fig:corr} shows two examples one where the variables $x$ and $y$ have a small positive correlation and the other where they have a fairly large negative correlation. The points are generated from a sample of bivariate normal values with a Pearson product-moment correlation of 0.2 and $-$0.7. The contours enclose the 75 and 95\% probability region for a bivariate normal distribution with mean of zero, unit variances, and corresponding correlations. \begin{figure} \centering <>= require(MASS); require(ellipse) par(mfrow=c(1, 2), pty = "s", las=1, mgp=c(2, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) plot(mvrnorm(100, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(1, .2, .2, 1), 2, 2)), ylim=c(-4, 4), xlim=c(-4, 4), pch=1, xlab="x", ylab="y") lines(ellipse(.2, level=.75), col="red", lwd=2) lines(ellipse(.2, level=.95), col="red", lwd=2) mtext("a", side=3, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1) plot(mvrnorm(100, mu=c(0, 0), Sigma=matrix(c(1, -.7, -.7, 1), 2, 2)), ylim=c(-4, 4), xlim=c(-4, 4), pch=1, xlab="x", ylab="y") lines(ellipse(-.7, level=.75), col="red", lwd=2) lines(ellipse(-.7, level=.95), col="red", lwd=2) mtext("b", side=3, line=1, adj=0, cex=1.1) @ \vspace{-1.2cm} \caption{Scatter plots of correlated variables with (a) $r$ = 0.2 and (b) $r$ = $-$0.7.} \label{fig:corr} \end{figure} The Pearson correlation coefficient between $x$ and $y$ is \begin{equation} \label{eq:corr} r(x,y) = \frac{\sum (x_i - \bar x) (y_i - \bar y)}{\sqrt{\sum (x_i - \bar x)^2 \sum (y_i - \bar y)^2}} \end{equation} The Pearson correlation is often called the `linear' correlation since the absolute value of $r$ will be one when there is a perfect linear relationship between $x_i$ and $y_i$. The function \verb@cor@ is used to compute the correlation between two or more vectors. For example to get the linear correlation between the May and June values of the NAO, type <>= cor(NAO$May, NAO$Jun) @ The value indicates weak positive correlation. Note that the order of the vectors in the function is irrelevant as $r(x,y)=r(y,x)$. You can verify in this case by typing <>= cor(NAO$May, NAO$Jun) == cor(NAO$Jun, NAO$May) @ If there are missing values the function will return \verb@NA@. The argument \verb@na.rm=TRUE@ works for one-vector functions like \verb@mean@, \verb@sd@, \verb@max@, and others to indicate that missing values should be removed before computation. However, with \verb@cor@ function there are additional ways to handle the missing values, so you need the \verb@use@ argument. As an example, to handle the missing values in the SST data frame by case-wise deletion type <>= cor(SST$Aug, SST$Sep, use="complete.obs") @ Here the correlation value indicates strong positive correlation. This value of $r$ estimated from the data is a random variable and is thus subject to sampling variation. For instance, adding another year's worth of data will result in a value for $r$ that is somewhat different. Typically your hypothesis is that the population correlation is zero. As might be guessed from the differences in $r$ your conclusions about this hypothesis will likely be different for the SST and NAO data. You can ask the question differently. For example, in 1000 samples of $x$ and $y$ each of size 30 from a population with zero correlation, what is the largest value of $r$? You answer this question using simulations by typing <>= set.seed(3042) n = 30 cc = numeric() for(i in 1:1000){ x = rnorm(n); y = rnorm(n) cc[i] = cor(x, y) } mean(cc); max(cc) @ The variable \verb@n@ sets the sample size and you simulate 1000 different correlation coefficients from different independent samples of \verb@x@ and \verb@y@. The average correlation is close to zero as expected but the maximum correlation is quite large. High correlation can arise by chance. Thus when you report a correlation coefficient a confidence interval on your estimate or a test of significance should be included. This is done with the \verb@cor.test@ function. The test is based on transforming $r$ to a statistic that has a $t$-distribution using \begin{equation} \label{eq:tstatcor} t = \sqrt{\nu} \frac{r}{\sqrt{1-r^2}} \end{equation} where $\nu = n-2$ is the degrees of freedom and $n$ is the sample size. Returning to the NAO example, to obtain a confidence interval on the correlation between the May and June values of the NAO and a test of significance, type <>= cor.test(NAO$May, NAO$Jun) @ <>= x = cor.test(NAO$May, NAO$Jun) @ The type of correlation and the data used in the test is output in the preamble. The correlation of \Sexpr{round(cor(NAO$May,NAO$Jun),3)} (given as the last bit of output) is transformed to a $t$ value of \Sexpr{round(x$statistic,3)} with \Sexpr{x$parameter} degrees of freedom providing a 95\% confidence interval (CI) of [\Sexpr{round(x$conf.int[1],3)}, \Sexpr{round(x$conf.int[2],3)}]. This means that if the procedure used to estimate the CI was repeated 100 times, 95 of the intervals would contain the true correlation coefficient. The output also gives a $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)} as evidence in support of the null hypothesis of no correlation. Repeat this example using the January and September values of SST. What is the confidence interval on the correlation estimate? How would you describe the evidence against the null hypothesis of zero correlation in this case? \subsection{Spearman's rank and Kendall's $\tau$ correlation} Inferences based on the Pearson correlation assume the variables are adequately described by normal distributions. An alternative is Spearman's rank ($\rho$) correlation, which overcomes the effect of outliers and skewness by considering the rank of the data rather than the magnitude. The Spearman correlation coefficient is defined as the Pearson correlation coefficient between the ranked variables. The Pearson correlation is the default in the \verb@cor.test@ function. You change this with the \verb@method@ argument. To obtain Spearman's rank correlation and the associated test of significance, type <>= cor.test(H$G, H$FL, method="spearman") @ <>= x = cor.test(H$G, H$FL, method="spearman") @ The correlation is \Sexpr{round(x$estimate,3)} with a $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)} providing suggestive evidence against the null hypothesis of zero correlation. Note the absence of a confidence interval about this estimate. Another alternative to the Pearson correlation is Kendall's $\tau$, which is based on counting the number of concordant and discordant point pairs from your data. For two data vectors $x$ and $y$ each of length $n$, a point at location $i$ is given in two-dimensional space as ($x_i, y_i$). A point pair is defined as [$(x_i, y_i); (x_j, y_j)$] for $i \neq j$. A point pair is concordant if the difference in the $x$ values is of the same sign as the difference in the $y$ values, otherwise it is discordant. The value of Kendall's $\tau$ is the number of concordant pairs minus the number of discordant pairs divided by the total number of unique point pairs, which is $n(n-1)/2$ where $n$ is the sample size. For a perfect correlation, either all point pairs are concordant or all pairs are discordant. Under zero correlation there are as many concordant pairs as discordant pairs. Repeat the call to function \verb@cor.test@ on coastal hurricane activity, but now use the \verb@kendall@ method and save the resulting estimate. <>= x = cor.test(H$G, H$FL, method="kendall") tau.all = x$estimate @ The correlation value is \Sexpr{round(tau.all,3)} with a $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)}, again providing suggestive evidence against the null hypothesis of zero correlation. \subsection{Bootstrap confidence intervals} Kendall's tau and Spearman's rank correlations do not come with confidence intervals. You should always report a confidence interval. In this case you use a procedure called {\it bootstrapping}, which is a resampling technique to obtain estimates of summary statistics. The idea is to sample the values from your data with replacement using the \verb@sample@ function. The sample size is the same as the size of your original data. The sample is called a bootstrap replicate. You then compute the statistic of interest from your replicate. The bootstrap statistic value will be different than the original statistic computed from your data because the replicate contains repeats and not all values are included. You repeat the procedure many times collecting all the bootstrap statistic values. You then use the \verb@quantile@ function to determine the lower and upper quantiles corresponding to the 0.025 and 0.975 probabilities. Bootstrapping is widely used for assigning measures of accuracy to sample estimates \citep{EfronTibshirani1986}. The function \verb@boot@ from the package {\bf boot} generates bootstrap replicates of any statistic applied to your data. It has options for parametric and non-parametric resampling. For example to implement this procedure for Kendall's tau between Florida and Gulf coast hurricane frequencies you first create a function as follows. <>= mybootfun = function(x, i){ Gbs = x$G[i] Fbs = x$FL[i] return(cor.test(Gbs, Fbs,method="k")$est) } @ Your function has two variables; the data (\verb@x@) and an index variable (\verb@i@). Next you generate 1000 bootstrap samples and calculate the confidence intervals by typing <>= require(boot) tau.bs = boot(data=H, statistic=mybootfun, R=1000) ci = boot.ci(tau.bs, conf=.95) @ The \verb@boot@ function must be run prior to running the \verb@boot.ci@ function in order to first create the object to be passed. The result is a 95\% CI of (\Sexpr{round(ci$basic[4],3)}, \Sexpr{round(ci$basic[5],3)}) about the estimated $\tau$ of \Sexpr{round(tau.all,3)}. \subsection{Causation} <>= x = cor.test(SST$Jun, H$All, method="k") @ If you compute the correlation between June SST and U.S. hurricane counts using Kendall's method, you find a positive value for $\tau$ of \Sexpr{round(x$estimate,3)} with a $p$-value of \Sexpr{round(x$p.value,3)} indicating suggestive, but inconclusive, evidence against the null hypothesis of no correlation. A positive correlation between ocean warmth and hurricane activity does not prove causality. Moreover since the association is symmetric, it does not say that $x$ causes $y$ any more than it says $y$ causes $x$. This is why you frequently hear `correlation does not equal causation.' The problem with this adage is that it ignores the fact that correlation is needed for causation. It is necessary, but insufficient. When correlation is properly interpreted it is indispensable in the study of hurricanes and climate. Your correlation results are more meaningful if you explain how the variables are physically related. Several different studies showing a consistent correlation between two variables using different time and space scales, and over different time periods and different regions, provide greater evidence of an association than a single study. However, if you want proof that a single factor causes hurricanes, then correlation is not enough. \section{Linear Regression} Correlation is the most widely used statistic in climatology, but linear regression is arguably the most important statistical model. When you say that variable $x$ has a linear relationship to variable $y$ you mean $y= a + b x $, where $a$ is $y$-intercept and $b$ is the slope of the line. You call $x$ the independent variable and $y$ the dependent variable because the value of $y$ depends on the value of $x$. But in statistics you don't assume these variables have a perfect linear relationship. Instead, in describing the relationship between two random vectors $x_i$ and $y_i$, you add an error term ($\varepsilon$) to the equation such that \begin{equation} \label{eq:slr} y_i = \alpha + \beta x_i + \varepsilon_i \end{equation} You assume the values $\varepsilon_i$ are iid $N(0, \sigma^2)$. The slope of the line is the regression coefficient $\beta$, which is the increase in the {\it average} value of $y$ per unit change in $x$. The line intersects the $y$-axis at the {\it intercept} $\alpha$. The vector $x$ is called the explanatory variable and the vector $y$ is called the response variable. Equation~\ref{eq:slr} describes a regression of the variable $y$ {\it onto} the variable $x$. This is always the case. You regress your response variable onto your explanatory variable(s), where the word `regression' refers to a model for the mean of the response variable. The model consists of three parameters $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\sigma^2$. For a set of explanatory and response values, the parameters are estimated using the {\it method of least squares}. The method finds a set of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ values that minimize the sum of squared residuals given as \begin{equation} \label{eq:sse} \hbox{SS}_{res} = \sum_i [y_i - (\alpha+\beta x_i)]^2 \end{equation} The solution to this minimization is a set of equations given by \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:normal} \hat \beta &=& \frac{\sum(x_i - \bar x) (y_i - \bar y)}{\sum (x_i - \bar x)^2} \\ \hat \alpha &=& \bar y - \hat \beta \bar x \end{eqnarray} that define estimates for $\alpha$ and $\beta$. The residual variance is $\hbox{SS}_{res} / (n-2)$, where $\hat \alpha$ and $\hat \beta$ are used in Eq.~\ref{eq:sse}. The regression line is written as \begin{equation} \label{eq:regline} \hat y_i = \hat \alpha + \hat \beta x_i \end{equation} The method of least squares to determine the $\hat \alpha$ and $\hat \beta$ values is performed by the function \verb@lm@ (linear model). If you are interested in regressing the August values of Atlantic SST onto the preceding January SST values, you type <>= lm(SST$Aug ~ SST$Jan) @ The argument to \verb@lm@ is a model formula where the tilde symbol ($\sim$) as we've seen is read as `described by.' Or to be more complete in this particular case, we state that the August SST values are {\it described by} the January SST values {\it using a linear regression model}. In this case you have a single explanatory variable so the formula is simply \verb@y~x@ and you call the model {\it simple} linear regression. In the next section you will see that with two covariates the model is \verb@y~x+z@. The response variable is the variable you are interested in modeling. This is crucial. You must decide which variable is your response variable before beginning. Unlike correlation, a regression of $y$ onto $x$ is not the same as a regression of $x$ onto $y$. Your choice depends on the question you want answered. You get no guidance by examining your data nor will R tell you. Here you choose August SST as the response since it is natural to consider using information from an earlier month to predict what might happen in a later month. <>= x = lm(SST$Aug~SST$Jan) @ The output from \verb@lm@ includes a preamble of the call that includes the model structure and the data used. Parameter estimates are given in the table of coefficients. The estimated intercept value ($\hat \alpha$) is given under \verb@(Intercept)@ and the estimated slope value ($\hat \beta$) under \verb@SST$Jan@. The output allows you to state that the best-fitting straight line (regression line) is defined as August SST = \Sexpr{round(x$coefficients[1],2)} + \Sexpr{round(x$coefficients[2],2)} $\times$ January SST. The units on the intercept parameter are the same as the units of the response variable, here $^\circ$C. The units on the slope parameter are the units of the response divided by the units of the explanatory variable, here $^\circ$C per $^\circ$C. Thus you interpret the slope value in this example as follows: for every 1$^\circ$C increase in January SST, the August SST increases by \Sexpr{round(x$coefficients[2],2)}$^\circ$C. As with other statistics, the empirical slope and intercept values will deviate somewhat from the true values due to sampling variation. One way to examine how much a parameter deviates is to take many samples from the data and, with each sample, use the \verb@lm@ function to determine the parameter. The code below does this for the slope parameter using January SST values as the explanatory variable and August SST values as the response. <>= sl = numeric() for (i in 1:1000) { id = sample(1:length(SST$Aug), replace=TRUE) sl[i] = lm(SST$Aug[id] ~ SST$Jan[id])$coef[2] } round(quantile(sl), digits=2) @ Note you sample from the set of row indices and use the same index for the January and the August values. Results indicate that 50\% of the slopes fall between the values \Sexpr{round(quantile(sl)[2],2)} and \Sexpr{round(quantile(sl)[4],2)}$^\circ$C per $^\circ$C. Although illustrative, sampling is not really needed. Recall you calculated the s.e.($\bar x$) from a single sample to describe the variability of the sample mean. You do the same to calculate the standard error of the slope (and intercept) from a sample of $x$ and $y$ values. These standard errors, denoted s.e.($\hat \beta$) and s.e.($\hat \alpha$), are used for inference and to compute confidence intervals. Typically the key inference is a test of the null hypothesis that the population value for the slope is zero. This implies the line is horizontal and there is no relationship between the response and the explanatory variable. The test statistic in this case is \begin{equation} \label{eq:tstatreg} t = \frac{\hat \beta}{\hbox{s.e.}(\hat \beta)} \end{equation} which follows a $t$ distribution with $n-2$ degrees of freedom if the true slope is zero. Similarly you can test the null hypothesis that the intercept is zero, but this often has little physical meaning because it typically involves an extrapolation outside the range of your $x$ values. The value for the test statistic ($t$ value) is not provided as part of the raw output from the \verb@lm@ function. The result of \verb@lm@ is a {\it model} object. This is a key concept. In Chapter~\ref{chap:Rtutorial} you encountered data objects. You created structured data vectors and input data frames from a spreadsheet. The saved objects are listed in your working session by typing \verb@objects()@. Functions, like \verb@table@, are applied to these objects to extract information. In the same way, a model object contains a lot more information than is printed. This information is extracted using functions. An important extractor function is \verb@summary@. You saw previously that applied to a data frame object, the function extracts statistics about the values in each column. When applied to a model object it extracts statistics about the model. For instance, to obtain the statistics from the regression model of August SST onto January SST, type <>= summary(lm(SST$Aug ~ SST$Jan)) @ The output is grouped by the call function, summary of residuals, table of coefficients, residual standard error, $R^2$ values, and the $F$-statistic and associated $p$-value. The output starts with a repeat of the function call. This is useful if the object is saved and examined later. Summary statistics on the set of model residuals follow. A residual is the difference between the response value at a particular explanatory value and the modeled value. The distribution of residuals is an important diagnostic in evaluating how well the model fits your data. The average of the residuals is zero by definition of least squares, so the median should not be far from zero and the minimum and maximum should roughly be equal in absolute magnitude. Similar with the first (\verb@1Q@) and third (\verb@3Q@) quartile values. Next, the table of coefficients shows the intercept and slope values as in the raw output, but here the accompanying standard errors, $t$ values, and $p$-values are also provided. The output is in tabular form with the each row corresponding to a separate parameter. The first row is the intercept parameter and the second row is the slope parameter associated with the explanatory variable (\verb@SST$Jan@). Don't be confused about this labeling. The vector \verb@SST$Jan@ is the explanatory variable and the coefficient value of \Sexpr{round(x$coefficients[2],2)} is the amount of change in the mean response associated with a unit change in the explanatory variable. The first labeled column is the sample estimate (\verb@Estimate@), the second is the standard error (\verb@Std. Error@), the third is the $t$ value (\verb@t value@) and the fourth is the $p$-value (\verb@Pr(>|t|))@). Note that according to Eq.~\ref{eq:tstatreg}, the $t$ value is the ratio of the estimated value to its standard error. The $p$-value is the probability of finding a $t$-value as large or larger (in absolute value) by chance assuming the estimate is zero. Here the $p$-value on the January SST coefficient is less than 2$\times$10$^{-16}$, which is output in exponential notation as \verb@2e-16@. This represents essentially a zero chance of no relationship between January SST and August SST given your sample of data. By default, symbols are placed to the right of the $p$-values as indictors of the level of significance and a line below the table provides the definition. Here we turned them off using an argument in the \verb@options@ function. In your scientific reporting the $p$-value itself should always be reported rather than a categorical significance level. Note the interpretation of a $p$-value as evidence in support of the null hypothesis is the same as you encountered earlier. Your job is simply to determine the null hypothesis. In the context of regression, the assumption of no relationship between the explanatory and response variable, is typically your null hypothesis. Therefore, a low $p$-value indicates evidence of a relationship between your explanatory and response variables. Continuing with the extracted summary of the model object, the residual standard error quantifies the variation of the observed values about the regression line. It is computed as the square root of the sum of the squared residuals divided by the square root of the degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom is the sample size minus the number of coefficients. It provides an estimate of the model parameter $\sigma$. Next are the R-squared values. The `multiple R squared,' is the proportion of variation in the response variable that can be explained by the explanatory variable. So here you state that the model explains \Sexpr{round(summary(x)$r.squared*100,1)}\% of the variation in August SST values. With only a single explanatory variable (simple linear regression) the multiple R squared is equal to the square of the Pearson correlation coefficient, which you verify by typing <>= cor(SST$Jan, SST$Aug, use="complete")^2 @ The adjusted R squared ($\bar R^2$) is a modification to the multiple R squared for the number of explanatory variables. The adjusted R squared increases only if the new variable improves the model more than would be expected by chance. It can be negative, and will always be less than or equal to the multiple R squared. It is defined as \begin{equation} \label{eq:adjR2} \bar R^2 = 1-(1-R^{2}){n-1 \over n-p-1} \end{equation} where $n$ is the sample size and $p$ is the number of explanatory variables. In small samples with many explanatory variables, the difference between $R^2$ and $\bar R^2$ will be large. The final bit of output is related to an $F$ test, which is a test concerning the entire model. The output includes the $F$ statistic, the degrees of freedom (in this case two of them) and the corresponding $p$-value as evidence in support of the null hypothesis that the model has no explanatory power. In the case of simple regression, it is equivalent to the test on the slope parameter so it is only interesting when there is more than one explanatory variable. Note that the $F$ statistic is equal to the square of the $t$ statistic, which is true of any linear regression model with one explanatory variable. Other extractor functions provide useful information. The function \verb@resid@ takes a model object and extracts the vector of residual values. For example, type <>= lrm = lm(Aug ~ Jan, data=SST) resid(lrm)[1:10] @ First the model object is saved with name \verb@lrm@. Here only the column names are referenced in the model formula because you specify the data frame with the \verb@data@ argument. Then the extractor function \verb@resid@ lists the residuals. Here using the subset function, you list only the first ten residuals. Similarly the function \verb@fitted@ computes the mean response value for each value of the explanatory variable. For example, type <>= fitted(lrm)[1:10] @ These fitted values lie along the regression line and are obtained by solving for $\hat y$ in Eq.~\ref{eq:regline}. Note that the residuals and fitted values are labeled with the row numbers of the SST data frame. In particular, note that they do not contain rows 1 through 5, which are missing in the response and explanatory variable columns. A useful application for a statistical model is predicting for new values of the explanatory variable. The \verb@predict@ function is similar to the \verb@fitted@ function, but allows you to predict values of the response for arbitrary values of the explanatory variable. The caveat is that you need to specify the explanatory values as a data frame using the \verb@newdata@ argument. For example, to make a SST prediction for August given a value of 19.4$^\circ$C in January, type <>= predict(lrm,newdata=data.frame(Jan=19.4)) @ A note on terminology. The word `predictor' is the generic term for an explanatory variable in a statistical model. A further distinction is sometimes made between covariates, which are continuous-valued predictors and factors, which can take on only a few values that may or may not be ordered. As with all statistics a predicted value has little value if not accompanied by an estimate of its uncertainty. A predicted value from a statistical model has at least two sources of uncertainty. One is the uncertainty about the mean of the response {\it conditional} on the value of the explanatory variable. Like the standard error of the mean, it is the precision with which the conditional mean is known. It is known as a {\it confidence interval}. To obtain the confidence interval on the predicted value, type <>= predict(lrm, data.frame(Jan=19.4), int="c") @ The argument \verb@int="c"@ tells the extractor function \verb@predict@ to provide an confidence interval on the predicted value. The output includes the predicted value in the column labeled \verb@fit@ and the lower and upper confidence limits in the columns \verb@lwr@ and \verb@upr@, respectively. By default the limits define the 95\% confidence interval. This can be changed with the \verb@level@ argument. The interpretation is the same as before. Given the data and the model there is a 95\% chance that the interval defined by the limits will cover the true (population) mean when the January SST value is 19.4$^\circ$C. The other source of uncertainty arises from the distribution of a particular value given the conditional mean. That is, even if you know the conditional mean exactly, the distribution of particular values about the mean will have a spread. The {\it prediction interval} provides a bound on a set of new values from the model that contains both sources of uncertainty. As a consequence, for a given confidence level, the prediction interval will always be wider than the confidence interval. The prediction interval relies on the assumption of normally distributed errors with a constant variance across the values of the explanatory variable. To obtain the prediction interval on the predicted value, type <>= predict(lrm, data.frame(Jan=19.4), int="p") @ Given the data and the model there is a 95\% chance that the interval defined by these limits will cover any future value of August SST given that the January SST value is 19.4$^\circ$C. \section{Multiple Linear Regression} The real power of linear regression comes in the multivariate case. Multiple regression extends simple linear regression by allowing more than one explanatory variable. Everything from simple regression carries over. Each additional explanatory variable contributes a new term to the model. However, an issue now arises because of possible relationships between the explanatory variables. As an illustration, we continue with a model for predicting August SST values over the North Atlantic using SST values from earlier months. Specifically for this example you are interested in making predictions with the model at the end of March. You have January, February, and March SST values plus Year as the set of explanatory variables. The first step is to plot your response and explanatory variables. This is done with the \verb@pairs@ function. By including the \verb@panel.smooth@ function as the argument to \verb@panel@ a local smoother is used on the set of points that allows you to more easily see possible relationships. Here you specify the August values (column 9 in \verb@SST@) to be plotted in the first row (and column) followed by year and then the January through March values. <>= pairs(SST[, c(9,1:4)], panel=panel.smooth) @ \begin{figure} \centering <>= par(las=1, mgp=c(2, .4, 0), tcl=-.3) labs = c("Aug SST [$^\\circ$C]", "Year", "Jan SST [$^\\circ$C]", "Feb SST [$^\\circ$C]", "Mar SST [$^\\circ$C]") pairs(SST[, c(9,1:4)], panel=panel.smooth, labels=labs) @ \vspace{-.5cm} \caption{Scatter plot matrix of monthly SST values.} \label{fig:scatterplotmatrix} \end{figure} The scatter plots are arranged in a two-dimensional matrix (Fig.~\ref{fig:scatterplotmatrix}). The response variable is August SST and the four explanatory variables include Year, and the SST values during January, February, and March. A locally-weighted polynomial smoother with a span of 67\% of the points is used to draw the red lines. The diagonal elements of the matrix are the variable labels. The plot in the first row and second column is the August SST values on the vertical axis and the year on the horizontal axis. The plot in row one column three is the August SST values on the vertical axis and January SST values on the horizontal axis, and so on. Note in the lower left set of plots the variables are the same except the axes are reversed, so the plot in column one is August SST values on the horizontal axis and the year is on the vertical axis. The plots are useful in drawing attention to what explanatory variables might be important in your model of the response variable. Here you see all relationships are positive. Specifically, August SST values increase with increasing year and increasing January through March SST values. Based on these bivariate relationships you might expect that all four explanatory variables, with the exception of perhaps Year, will be important in the model of August SST. Importantly the plots also reveal the relationships between the covariates. Here you see a tight linear relationship between each month's SST values. This warrants attention as a model that includes all three SST will contain a large amount of redundant information. Information contained in the February SST values is about the same as the information contained in the January SST values and the information contained in the March SST values is about the same as the information contained in the February SST values. To fit a multiple regression model to these data with August SST as the response variable, type <>= m1 = lm(Aug ~ Year + Jan + Feb + Mar, data=SST) @ Then to examine the model coefficients, type <>= summary(m1) @ <>= require(xtable) tbl = xtable(summary(m1), label='tab:coefmultiplereg', caption='Coefficients of the multiple regression model.') print(tbl, math.style.negative=TRUE, caption.placement="top") @ The model coefficients and associated statistics are shown in the Table~\ref{tab:coefmultiplereg}. As expected March SST is positively related to August SST, and significantly so. Year is also positively related to August SST. The Year term has a $p$ value on its coefficient that is marginally significant (suggestive, but inconclusive) against the null hypothesis of a zero trend. However, you can see that the coefficient on January SST is positive, but not statistically significant, and the coefficient on February SST is negative. From Fig.~\ref{fig:scatterplotmatrix} you can see there is a strong {\it positive} bivariate relationship between February SST and August SST, so the fact that the relationship is negative in the context of multiple regression indicates a problem. The problem stems from the correlation between explanatory variables (multicollinearity). Correlation values higher than .6 can result in an unstable model because the standard errors on the coefficients are not estimated with enough precision. As long as multicollinearity is not perfect, estimation of the regression coefficients is possible but estimates and their standard errors become very sensitive to even the slightest change in the data. Prior understanding of the partial correlation (here the correlation between February SST and August SST controlling for March SST) may help argue in favor of retaining two highly-correlated explanatory variables, but in the usual case it is better to eliminate the variable whose relationship with the response variable is harder to explain physically or that has the smaller correlation with the response variable. Here February SST has a smaller correlation with August SST, so you remove it and reestimate the coefficients. You create a new linear model object and summarize it by typing <>= m2 = lm(Aug ~ Year + Jan + Mar, data=SST) summary(m2) @ You see the remaining explanatory variables all have a positive relationship with the response variable, consistent with their bivariate plots, but the coefficient on January SST is not statistically significant. Thus it is necessary for you to try a third model with this term removed. <>= m3 = lm(Aug ~ Year + Mar, data=SST) summary(m3) @ The model makes sense. August SST values are higher when March SST values are higher and vice versa. This relationship holds after accounting for the upward trend in August SST values. Note that the order of the explanatory variables on the right side of the \verb@~@ does not matter. That is, you get the same output by typing <>= summary(lm(Aug ~ Mar + Year, data=SST)) @ Note that the multiple R-squared value is slightly lower in the final model with fewer variables. This is always the case. R squared cannot be used to make meaningful comparison of models with different numbers of explanatory variables. The adjusted R squared can be used to make comparisons as it increases when a term is added to a model only if the term is statistically significant. The final model is checked for adequacy by examining the distribution of model residuals. The five number summary of the residuals given as part of the summary output gives you no reason to suspect the assumption of normally distributed residuals. However, the residuals are likely to have some autocorrelation violating the assumption of independence. We will revisit this topic in Chapter~\ref{chap:graphsandmaps}. \subsection{Predictor choice} Suppose $H$ is your variable of interest, and $X_1, \ldots, X_p$ a set of potential explanatory variables or predictors, are vectors of $n$ observations. The problem of predictor selection arises when you want to model the relationship between $H$ and a subset of $X_1, \ldots, X_p$, but there is uncertainty about which subset to use. The situation is particularly interesting when $p$ is large and $X_1, \ldots, X_p$ contains redundant and irrelevant variables. You want a model that fits the data well and has small variance. The problem is these two goals are in conflict. An additional predictor in a model will improve the fit (reduce the bias), but will increase the variance due to a loss in the number of degrees of freedom. This is known as the bias-variance trade-off. A commonly used statistic that helps with this trade-off is called the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) given by \begin{equation} \mathrm{AIC} = 2(p+1) +n[\log(\mathrm{SSE}/n)], \end{equation} where $p$ is the number of predictors and SSE is the residual sum of squares. You can compare the AIC values when each predictor is added or removed from a given model. For example, if after adding a predictor, the AIC value for the model increases then the trade-off is in favor of the extra degree of freedom and against retaining the predictor. Returning to your original model for August SST, the model is saved in the object \verb@m1@. The \verb@drop1@ function takes your regression model object and returns a table showing the effects of dropping, in turn, each variable from the model. To see this, type <>= drop1(m1) @ <>= x = drop1(m1) @ Here the full model (all four covariates) has a residual sum of squares (RSS) of \Sexpr{round(x$RSS[1], 2)} (in the row; none dropped). If you drop the Year variable, the RSS increases to \Sexpr{round(x$RSS[2], 2)} (you add \Sexpr{round(x$"Sum of Sq"[2],2)} to \Sexpr{round(x$RSS[1], 2)}) and you gain one degree of freedom. That is too much increase in RSS for the gain of only a single degree of freedom, thus the AIC increases to \Sexpr{round(x$RSS[2], 2)} from \Sexpr{round(x$RSS[1], 2)}. You conclude Year is too important to drop from the model. This is true of March SST, but not of January or February SST. Therefore to help you choose variables you compare the AIC values for each variable against the AIC value for the full model. If the AIC value is less than the AIC for the full model then the trade-off favors removing the variable from the model. If you repeat the procedure after removing the January and February SST variables you will conclude that there is no statistical reason to make the model simpler. Stepwise regression is a procedure for automating the \verb@drop1@ functionality. It is efficient in finding the best set of predictors. It can be done in three ways: forward selection, backward deletion, or both. Each uses the AIC as a criterion for choosing or deleting a variable and for stopping. To see how this works with your model, type <>= step(m1) @ The output is a series of tables showing the RSS and AIC values with successive variables removed. The default method is backward deletion, which amounts to a successive application of the \verb@drop1@ function. It's a good strategy to try the other selection methods to see if the results are the same. They may not be. If they are you will have greater confidence in your final model. \subsection{Cross validation} A cross validation is needed if your statistical model will be used to make actual forecasts. Cross validation is a procedure to assess how well your scheme will do in forecasting the unknown future. In the case of independent hurricane seasons, cross validation involves withholding a season's worth of data, developing the algorithm on the remaining data, then using the algorithm to predict data from the season that was withheld. Note that if your algorithm involves stepwise regression or machine learning (Chapter~\ref{chap:frequencymodels}), then the predictor selection component must be part of the cross validation. That is, after removing a season's worth of data, you must run your selection procedure and then make a single-season prediction using the final model(s). And this needs to be done for each season removed. The result of a proper cross-validation exercise is an estimate of out-of-sample error that more accurately estimates the average forecast error when the model is used in predicting the future. The out-of-sample prediction error is then compared with the prediction error computed out of sample using a simpler model. If the error is larger with the simpler model, then your model is considered skillful. Note that the prediction error from the simpler model, even if it is long-run climatology, also needs to be obtained using cross-validation. More details on this important topic including some examples are given in Chapter~\ref{chap:frequencymodels}. In this chapter we reviewed classical statistics with examples from hurricane climatology. Topics included descriptive statistics, probability and distributions, one- and two-sample tests, statistical formula in R, correlation, and regression. Next we give an introduction to Bayesian statistics.