European Absolutism in the Eighteenth Century


I. Introduction: The Growing Power of European Monarchies

II. Absolutist Solutions in Individual States

     A. France and Louis XIV (ruled 1643-1715)

          1. Banning Points of Resistance

          2. Controlling the Army and Bureaucracy

          3. Versailles

     B. Prussia in the Holy Roman Empire

          1. Frederick William (ruled 1640-1688)

          2. Consolidating Brandenburg-Prussia

     C. England: Absolutism Resisted

          1. Designs of the Stuarts

          2. The Glorious Revolution (1689) 

III. Justifications for Absolutism

     A. ‘Divine Right of Kings’

     B. Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan (1651)

V. Conclusion: The Example of Poland




Key Terms

Absolutist monarchy

Louis XIV

Estates General


Great Elector Frederick William


James II

England’s Glorious Revolution

‘Divine Right of Kings’

Thomas Hobbes


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