English Radicalism and the American Revolution


I. Introduction: Three Themes

II. George III & Opposition

     A. Historians and George III

     B. Early Life and Influences

     C. Lord Bute (3rd Earl of Bute, 1713-1792)

     D. Edmund Burke and the Loyal Opposition

III. Wilkes and Radicalism

      A. More Rake than Radical?

      B. Parliamentary Career and the North Briton

      C. Expulsions and Re-elections

      D. Popular Support and 1776 Program of Reform

IV. Seven Years’ War to the America War

      A. Reasonable Proposals

      B. The Importance of Precedents

V. Conclusion: English Liberty




Key Terms

George III

Frederick, Prince of Wales

Lord Bute

Edmund Burke

John Wilkes

Hellfire Club

Stamp Act (1765)

Townshend Duties (1767)



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