Luke A. Boosey


Associate Professor and Sliger Scholar
Department of Economics
College of Social Sciences & Public Policy
Florida State University

Office: 269 Bellamy Building
Mailing Address:
Florida State University
113 Collegiate Loop
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2180

Joe Ballard
Philip Brookins
Christopher Brown
Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı
Sebastian J. Goerg
R. Mark Isaac
Doug Norton
Abhijit Ramalingam
Dmitry Ryvkin
Philip Solimine
Joseph Stinn

Research Teaching Bio


Experiments at FSU

I am the Lab Director for the xs/fs Experimental Social Science Laboratory at FSU. You can visit the xs/fs Cluster website here. If you are an FSU student, you can sign up to join our participant database here.

Working Papers

  1. Boosey, Luke, Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı, and Merve İntişah. (2024). Risk, ambiguity, and the gender gap in tournament entry, Under Review, [Show/Hide Abstract]

  2. Solimine, Philip and Boosey, Luke (2024). Strategic formation of collaborative networks, Under Review, (previous working paper version, arXiv:2109.14204 [econ.GN]), [Show/Hide Abstract]

  3. Ballard, Joe S. and Boosey, Luke (2024). Dynamic coordination with switching costs, Under Review, [Show/Hide Abstract]

  4. Boosey, Luke A. and Brown, Christopher. (2022). Network-dependent externalities in contests, In preparation, [Show/Hide Abstract], [Older Working Paper version with additional experimental analysis].

  5. Boosey, Luke A. and Brown, Christopher. (2022). Contests with network-based externalities: Experimental evidence, In preparation, [Show/Hide Abstract]

  6. Boosey, Luke A., Brookins, Philip and Ryvkin, Dmitry. (2020). Disclosure in group contests, In preparation, [Show/Hide Abstract]

Published Papers

  1. Boosey, Luke A., Isaac, R. Mark and Ramalingam, Abhijit. (2024). Limiting the Leader: Fairness concerns in team production with leader-determined monitoring, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 218, 209–244. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  2. Boosey, Luke A. and Goerg, Sebastian J. (2020). The timing of discretionary bonuses - effort, signals, and reciprocity, Games and Economic Behavior, 124, 254–280. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  3. Boosey, Luke A., Brookins, Philip and Ryvkin, Dmitry. (2020). Information disclosure in contests with endogenous entry: an experiment, Management Science, 66(11), 5128–5150. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  4. Boosey, Luke A., Isaac, R. Mark, Norton, Doug and Stinn, Joseph. (2020). Cooperation, contributor types, and control questions, Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics, 85: 101489. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  5. Boosey, Luke A., Brookins, Philip and Ryvkin, Dmitry. (2019). Contests between groups of unknown size, Games and Economic Behavior, 113, 756–769. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  6. Boosey, Luke A., Brookins, Philip and Ryvkin, Dmitry. (2017). Contests with group size uncertainty: Experimental evidence, Games and Economic Behavior, 105, 212–229. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  7. Boosey, Luke A. (2017). Conditional cooperation in network public goods experiments, Journal of Behavioral & Experimental Economics, 69, 108–116. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  8. Boosey, Luke A. and Isaac, R. Mark (2016). Asymmetric network monitoring and punishment in public goods experiments, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 132 Part A, 26–41. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  9. Boosey, Luke A. (2016). Competition in a posted-salary matching market under private information, The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 16(2), 599–631. [Show/Hide Abstract]

  10. Boosey, Luke A., Isaac, R. Mark and Norton, Douglas A. (2016). Passionate providers and the possibility of public commitment, in The WSPC Reference of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change, Volume 4: Experimental Economics, edited by Anabela Botelho. Editor-in-Chief: Ariel Dinar. Singapore: World Scientific, chapter 3, pp. 43–69.

Work in Progress

  • Group identity and favoritism in experimental labor markets, (with Ted Dischman), Manuscript in preparation.

  • Clarity and adaptation in relational contracts with guiding principles, (with Joe Ballard), Theory & design phase.

  • Tournament entry with asymmetry in skill or chance, (with Mürüvvet Büyükboyacı), Manuscript in preparation.