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A dynamic probability model of hurricane winds in coastal counties of the United States, Journal of Applied Meteorology, in press, October 2000

Spatial variations in major U.S. hurricane activity: Statistics and a physical mechanism, Journal of Climate, v13, 2293-2305, July 2000

Changes in the rates of North Atlantic major hurricane activity during the 20th century, Geophysical Research Letters, v27, 1743-1746, June 15, 2000

Global tropical cyclone activity: A link to the North Atlantic oscillation, Geophysical Research Letters, v27, 129-132, January 1, 2000

Fluctuations in North Atlantic hurricane frequency, Journal of Climate, v12, 427-437, February, 1999

Multi-year prediction model of North Atlantic hurricane activity, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, v68, 43-51, 1998


More information? Contact: James B. Elsner