Reference: Bossak, B.H., 2003: Early 19th Century U.S. Hurricanes: A GIS Tool and Climate Analysis, Florida State University Doctoral Dissertation, Spring 2003, Major Professor: James Elsner. Reached Estimated Estimated HHIT Major Estimated Location of Storm SS Category Storm Hurricane Region of Landfall or at Landfall or at Year Month Day Number Intensity Direct Impact Closest Approach Closest Approach Sources 1800 8 NA 1 No G LA (New Orleans) 1 R 1800 10 4 2 Maybe E SC (Charleston) 2-3 L 1803 NA NA 1 No E NC (New Bern) 1 B 1803 8 29 2 No O NC 1 R 1804 9 6 1 Yes E GA/SC 3 L, R, D+M, S 1804 10 9 2 Maybe E NJ 2-3 L, R, D+M 1806 8 22 1 Yes E NC 2-3 L, R 1806 9 16 2 No F FL 1 S 1806 9 28 3 No E NC/VA 1 R 1808 9 12 1 NA E VA/MD 0 R 1810 9 12 1 NA E SC 0 L 1811 9 10 1 No E SC 1 L, D+M 1811 10 5 2 Maybe F FL 2-3 S 1812 8 19 1 Yes G LA 3 L, R 1812 10 1/5 2 No F FL 1-2 S, D+M 1813 8 28 1 Yes E SC 3 L, R, D+M, S 1813 9 16 2 Yes F FL 3 S 1814 7 1 1 No E SC 1 D+M 1815 9 3 1 Yes E NC 3-4 L, B 1815 9 23 2 Yes E NY/CT 3-4 L, H, D+M, C 1815 9 28 3 NA O SC 0 D+M 1815 10 24 4 No O VA 1 R 1816 9 18 1 NA E VA 0 R 1817 8 7 1 No F, E FL/GA, SC/NC 1, 0 S 1818 9 12 1 Maybe G TX 2-3 L, R 1819 7 27 1 Yes G LA/MS 3-4 L, WX, R 1819 9 NA 2 NA G GC 0 B 1820 9 13 1 No E SC/NC 1-2 L 1821 9 3 1 Yes E NC/VA, NJ/NY 4-5, 0 L, B, H, D+M, R 1821 9 15 2 Yes G MS 3 L, B, R, WX 1822 7 8 1 NA G MS 0 L 1822 8 NA 2 No O NC 1 D+M 1822 9 27 3 Maybe E SC 2-3 L, D+M, R 1824 9 14 1 Yes E GA 3-4 L, B, D+M, P, S 1825 6 2 1 No F FL 1-2 S 1825 10 2 2 No F FL 1 S 1827 7 30 1 No O NC 1 D+M 1827 8 25 2 Yes E NC, MA 3-4, 0 L, B, D+M, R 1829 8 26 1 NA E VA 0 R 1829 9 10 2 No G TX 1-2 R 1830 8 15 1 Maybe E NC 2-3 L, B, D+M, S, R 1830 8 24 2 No O NE 1 L, B 1830 10 6 3 No O MATL 1 L 1831 6 10 1 NA F FL 0 D+M, S 1831 8 17 2 Yes G LA 3-4 L, B, R 1831 8 28 3 NA G LA 0 L, R 1834 9 4 1 No E NC 1 L, R 1835 8 18 1 Yes G TX 3 L, R 1835 9 15 2 Yes F FL 3 L, B, S 1837 8 1 1 No F FL 1 L, D+M, S 1837 8 7 2 No F FL 2 L, B, WX 1837 8 6 3 Maybe F FL/GA 2-3 L, D+M, S 1837 8 18 4 No O SEC 1 L, B, R, S 1837 8 15? 5 No F FL 1 B 1837 8 30 6 Yes F FL 3 L, B, D+M, S 1837 9 13 7 NA F FL 0 L 1837 9 26 8 NA F FL 0 L, S 1837 10 1 9 Yes G TX, LA 0, 4-5 L, R, B, D+M, WX 1837 10 29 10 NA O NC 0 L, B 1839 8 28 1 No O EC 2 L, R 1839 9 15 2 NA G LA 0 R 1839 11 5 3 No G TX 1 R 1840 6 19 1 NA G TX/LA 0 R 1841 9 14 1 NA F FL 0 L, B 1841 10 3 2 Maybe O MATL/NE 2-3 L, D+M, R 1841 10 18 3 No O FL 1 L, B 1842 7 13 1 Yes E NC/VA 3-4 L, B, D+M 1842 8 2 2 NA O SEC 0 S 1842 8 24 3 No E NC 1 B, D+M 1842 9 8 4 No G TX 1-2 L, B 1842 9 17 5 NA G TX 0 L, R 1842 9 22 6 NA F FL 0 L, B 1842 10 4 7 Yes F FL 3 L, H, B, S, R, D+M 1842 10 26 8 NA O FL 0 L, S 1843 9 13 1 Yes F FL 3-4 L, B, D+M, WX 1844 6 12 1 NA G LA 0 R 1844 8 4 2 Yes G TX 3 L, R 1844 9 8 3 No F FL 1 L, H, B, S 1844 10 3 4 No O EC 2 L, B, D+M 1846 9 8 1 Yes O NC 3-4 L, B 1846 10 11 2 Yes F FL 4-5 L, H, B, S, D+M 1848 8 18 1 NA G LA 0 L 1848 9 25 2 Yes F FL 4-5 L, H, B, D+M, S 1848 10 11 3 Yes F FL 3 L, B, D+M, S 1848 10 17 4 No G TX 1-2 R 1849 9 13 1 No G TX 1 L 1849 10 6 2 No E MA 1 L 1850 7 18 1 No E NC 1-2 L, R 1850 8 23/25 2 Maybe F FL, NY/CT 2-3, 1 L, B, D+M, R 1850 9 8 3 No O MATL/NE 1 L Year: Year of storm occurrence. Month: Month storm observed in the record. Day: Day of Storm Landfall or Impact. "NA" indicates no data available. HHIT Storm Number: Storm number used in the HHIT. Storms are listed chronologically. Reached Major Hurricane Intensity: Estimate of whether there was evidence that the storm reached major hurricane intensity (100 kt). "Maybe" indicates not enough evidence either way. "NA" indicates no evidence available. Estimated Region of Direct Impact: Region where a direct impact from the storm was likely felt. E: East coast, G: Gulf coast, F: Florida, O: Offshore, for storms with no direct impact on land. Estimated Location of Landfall or Closest Approach: State or region where the storm possibly made landfall. For storms remaining offshore, the region of closest approach is estimated. Two letter state abbreviations are used. MATL: Middle Atlantic states, NE: New England states, EC: East coast states, GC: Gulf coast states, SEC: Southeast coast. Multiple landfalls locations are separated with a comma. Estimated Storm Saffir-Simpson (SS) Category at Landfall or at Closest Approach: 0: Tropical storm, 1-5: categories one through five on the Saffir-Simpson hurricane scale. Multiple landfall locations are separated with a comma. The Saffir-Simpson (SS) hurricane scale is a 1-5 rating based on hurricane intensity. It is used to give an estimate of the potential property damage and flooding expected along the coast from a hurricane landfall. Wind speed is the determining factor in the scale, as storm surge values are dependent on the slope of the continental shelf in the landfall region. Wind estimates use a 1-minute average. Category One Hurricane: Winds 74-95 mph (64-82 kt or 119-153 km/hr). Category Two Hurricane: Winds 96-110 mph (83-95 kt or 154-177 km/hr). Category Three Hurricane: Winds 111-130 mph (96-113 kt or 178-209 km/hr). Category Four Hurricane: Winds 131-155 mph (114-135 kt or 210-249 km/hr). Category Five Hurricane: Winds greater than 155 mph (135 kt or 249 km/hr). Note: Hurricanes at categories three and above are considered major hurricanes. Sources: Reference sources for the storm information used in the HHIT. Storms appearing in more than one reference are indicated with multiple reference source codes separated by commas. The codes are: Source Code Table: Author(s) Code Color of callout box used in HHIT Ludlum L Light Yellow Roth (Roth and Cobb) R Light Blue Ho H Moss Green Barnes B Light Red Dunn and Miller D+M Light Purple Cotterly C Lime Green Prokop P Blue-Green 46th Weather Squadron WX Light Magenta Sandrik S Peach Editor’s Note Light Green Full Reference: Ludlum, D.M., 1963: Early American Hurricanes: 1492-1870. American Meteorological Society, 198 pp. Roth, D., 1998: Louisiana tropical cyclones. [Available online at]. Roth, D., 2000: Texas tropical cyclones. [Available online at]. Roth, D., and H. Cobb, 2001: Virginia tropical cyclones. [Available online at]. Ho, F.P., 1989: Extreme Hurricanes in the Nineteenth Century. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NWS HYDRO-43, Office of Hydrology, Silver Springs, Maryland, 134 pp. Barnes, J., 1998: Florida's Hurricane History. University of North Carolina Press, 330 pp. Barnes, J., 2001: North Carolina's Hurricane History. The University of North Carolina Press, 319 pp. Dunn, G.E., and B.I. Miller, 1960: Atlantic Hurricanes. Louisiana State University Press, 326 pp. Cotterly, W., 1999: Maine hurricane history. [Available online at]. Prokop, P., 2001: Savannah hurricane history. [Available online at]. 46th Weather Squadron, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, 1999: Western Florida panhandle hurricanes. [Available online at]. Sandrik, A., 1999: Chronological Listing of Tropical Cyclones affecting North Florida and Coastal Georgia 1565-1899. In review, 55 pp.