The French and Atlantic Revolutions - Part I


I. Introduction: Problems in France

II. King’s Reform to Revolution

     A. Budget Crisis and the King’s Taxation Plan

     B. The Aristocrats Plan to Gain Power

     C. Reach for Power of the “Third Estate”

     D. Intervention of the San Culottes (or “the Paris Mob”)

     E. Actions of the Peasants in the Countryside

III. The National Assembly and the Early Revolution

     A. Abolition of Feudal Dues

     B. Declaration of the Rights of Man

     C. New Constitution

IV. Reasons for Radicalization

     A. King’s Actions and Foreign Intervention

     B. Reaction within France

          1. “Levee en Masse” and Nationalism

          2. “Year One” and Radical Programs

VI. Conclusion: Napoleon’s Relationship to the Revolution




Key Terms

Third Estate

San culottes

Estates General

Abbé Sieyès, What is the Third Estate?

National Assembly


“Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”

"levee en masse"

Louis XVI

Olympe de Gouges

“Year One”

The Directory



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