1870 as the End of an Era in British History


I. Introduction

II. Beginnings of Mass Democracy
     A. The Role of Gladstone

          1. Personal History

          2. Political Background to 1860s

     B. Passing the 1867 Reform Act

          1. Liberal Attempt (failed)

          2. Conservative Attempt (successful)

          3. Consequences of Success

III. Changing International Landscape  

     A. Italian Unification

     B. German Unification

IV. End of the Head Start

     A. In Industrialism

          1. First vs. Second Industrial Revolution

          2. Chemicals, Electricity, and English Education

     B. In Imperialism

V. Signs of Anxiety

     A. Resignation of Sir Richard Mayne (1868)

     B. The Victorian Frame of Mind

VI. Conclusion




Key Terms

William Ewart Gladstone

Lord John Russell

Benjamin Disraeli

Lord Derby


Italian Unification

Second Industrial Revolution

Sir Richard Mayne






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