Towards a Working-Class Politics


I. Introduction: Politics after 1832 

II. Radical/Tory Cooperation

     A. The 1833 Factory Act

     B. Resisting the New Poor Law

     C. Limits to Radical/Tory Cooperation

III. Early Trade Unions

     A. Failure of ‘Utopian Socialist’ Programs

     B. Success in Organizing Skilled Sectors

IV. Chartism

     A. Economic Basis

     B. The People’s Charter

          - 6 Points

     C. Two Wings of Chartism

          1. ‘Moral Force’ Wing

               a. Petitions

               b. Other Tactics around Elections

          2. ‘Physical Force’ Wing

     D. 1848 and the Decline of Chartism

V. Conclusion




Key Terms

1833 Factory Act


Robert Owen

Grand National Consolidate Trade Union (GNCTU)

Miners’ Association of Great Britain


Francis Place

Revolutions of 1848

Anti-Corn Law League




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